Author Topic: To those of you who displayed indifference between the presidential candidates  (Read 5879 times)

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Offline RationalThought110

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Your attitudes were very disappointing recently.  All of you should pay more attention to MasterWolf1 and have an attitude similar to his.  Despite the fact that your top choice of candidate may not be a nominee, none of you should be showing any sign of indifference. 

We are facing a candidate who is probably the worst in US history. 

Offline RationalThought110

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This is a serious topic. 

Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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I have to say, I haven't seen much indifference.  I think most JTFers understand quite well the danger of an Obama presidency.  I for one, want to see Obama defeated.

Offline Manch

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I'll do my best to have Obama defeated, but I think Obama is going to be a necessary punishment
Hayot Araviot Masrihot

Offline Scriabin

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B.O. is merely a reflection of our pitifully retched society.

That is rational thought.

Offline AsheDina

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  I agree.
 I DONT have a problem with John McCain.
 Matter of FACT, I CANT STAND all of the disrespecting of a C.I.C. while troops are a at WAR!!!!!!!!!!  I address this on my next audio, b/c I AM SICK AND TIRED OF IT. Bush did not intentionally BURY himself, you all took in a part of a HUGE effort CREATED by the LEFT.
 McCain has a Navy Cross--- Obama is a shuck N jive BI SEXUAL crack head who NEVER got dist. 13 in the south side of Chicago under control, let alone fix DC OR ANYPLACE, so keep dissing McCain, keep up with your BRATTY BS- meanwhile when the muZlim gets in office- DONT CRY HERE ON THIS FORUM. You will get what you DESERVE. I will take McCain ANYDAY of the week over a M U Z L I M  as a C.I.C.  And think about this-- IT IS ABOUT DAMN TIME that the (R) party DOES have a person that NOBODY will try to make a 'king' b/c that is EXACTLY what people did to Bush.

  If we DID have a "wonderful" candidate- you WOULD LOOK for something crappy on him too. Spoiled BRATS.
BTW: McCain CAN be persuaded, Obama CANT. EVER.  REMEMBER: it IS WE THE PEOPLE.
McCain has a TRACK RECORD of 'negotiation' obama does NOT EVEN VOTE ON MAJOR ISSUES.
Bottom line:
1. McCain
2. Obama

Or sit out...that will tell ME, you dont give a blip about USA, and ZERO about Israel- when you place PERSONAL convictions over Country.
שמע ישראל
I endorse NO Presidential Candidates

Offline Scriabin

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  I agree.
 I DONT have a problem with John McCain.
 Matter of FACT, I CANT STAND all of the disrespecting of a C.I.C. while troops are a at WAR!!!!!!!!!!  I address this on my next audio, b/c I AM SICK AND TIRED OF IT. Bush did not intentionally BURY himself, you all took in a part of a HUGE effort CREATED by the LEFT.
 McCain has a Navy Cross--- Obama is a shuck N jive BI SEXUAL crack head who NEVER got dist. 13 in the south side of Chicago under control, let alone fix DC OR ANYPLACE, so keep dissing McCain, keep up with your BRATTY BS- meanwhile when the muZlim gets in office- DONT CRY HERE ON THIS FORUM. You will get what you DESERVE. I will take McCain ANYDAY of the week over a M U Z L I M  as a C.I.C.  And think about this-- IT IS ABOUT DAMN TIME that the (R) party DOES have a person that NOBODY will try to make a 'king' b/c that is EXACTLY what people did to Bush.

  If we DID have a "wonderful" candidate- you WOULD LOOK for something crappy on him too. Spoiled BRATS.
BTW: McCain CAN be persuaded, Obama CANT. EVER.  REMEMBER: it IS WE THE PEOPLE.
McCain has a TRACK RECORD of 'negotiation' obama does NOT EVEN VOTE ON MAJOR ISSUES.
Bottom line:
1. McCain
2. Obama

Or sit out...that will tell ME, you dont give a blip about USA, and ZERO about Israel- when you place PERSONAL convictions over Country.

The sooner we face a catastrophe, the better.

Men need to become Men with a capital 'M', and fast.

Delaying the inevitable only makes things WORSE.

I'm in favor of making Osama Bin Laden the President if it will hasten the demise of Feminism!

Offline Dan

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Obama must be defeated! and defeated badly!
  ... this affirmative action, elitist wannabe, closet homosexual, that fancies himself as the Next Ayatollah of the Great Satan must not prevail or an Obamination awaits us all, G-d forbid!

Offline Scriabin

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Obama must be defeated! and defeated badly!
  ... this affirmative action, elitist wannabe, closet homosexual, that fancies himself as the Next Ayatollah of the Great Satan must not prevail or an Obamination awaits us all, G-d forbid!

1) An catastrophe is the only thing that will save us.  We need a Great Depression followed by WWIII!

2) When you said 'Obamination' did you mean 'Obama-nation'?  If not, that was one heck of a Freudian slip!

Offline Dan

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Obama must be defeated! and defeated badly!
  ... this affirmative action, elitist wannabe, closet homosexual, that fancies himself as the Next Ayatollah of the Great Satan must not prevail or an Obamination awaits us all, G-d forbid!

1) An catastrophe is the only thing that will save us.  We need a Great Depression followed by WWIII!

2) When you said 'Obamination' did you mean 'Obama-nation'?  If not, that was one heck of a Freudian slip!
     JTF definition:             Obamination=Abomination,     btw Freud is a sick F**K !

Offline briann

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  I agree.
 I DONT have a problem with John McCain.
 Matter of FACT, I CANT STAND all of the disrespecting of a C.I.C. while troops are a at WAR!!!!!!!!!!  I address this on my next audio, b/c I AM SICK AND TIRED OF IT. Bush did not intentionally BURY himself, you all took in a part of a HUGE effort CREATED by the LEFT.
 McCain has a Navy Cross--- Obama is a shuck N jive BI SEXUAL crack head who NEVER got dist. 13 in the south side of Chicago under control, let alone fix DC OR ANYPLACE, so keep dissing McCain, keep up with your BRATTY BS- meanwhile when the muZlim gets in office- DONT CRY HERE ON THIS FORUM. You will get what you DESERVE. I will take McCain ANYDAY of the week over a M U Z L I M  as a C.I.C.  And think about this-- IT IS ABOUT DAMN TIME that the (R) party DOES have a person that NOBODY will try to make a 'king' b/c that is EXACTLY what people did to Bush.

  If we DID have a "wonderful" candidate- you WOULD LOOK for something crappy on him too. Spoiled BRATS.
BTW: McCain CAN be persuaded, Obama CANT. EVER.  REMEMBER: it IS WE THE PEOPLE.
McCain has a TRACK RECORD of 'negotiation' obama does NOT EVEN VOTE ON MAJOR ISSUES.
Bottom line:
1. McCain
2. Obama

Or sit out...that will tell ME, you dont give a blip about USA, and ZERO about Israel- when you place PERSONAL convictions over Country.

Yeahhh... I have the utmost respect for what Mccain's sacrifices.... but I will still be holding my nose when I vote for him.   :(

Offline Scriabin

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  I agree.
 I DONT have a problem with John McCain.
 Matter of FACT, I CANT STAND all of the disrespecting of a C.I.C. while troops are a at WAR!!!!!!!!!!  I address this on my next audio, b/c I AM SICK AND TIRED OF IT. Bush did not intentionally BURY himself, you all took in a part of a HUGE effort CREATED by the LEFT.
 McCain has a Navy Cross--- Obama is a shuck N jive BI SEXUAL crack head who NEVER got dist. 13 in the south side of Chicago under control, let alone fix DC OR ANYPLACE, so keep dissing McCain, keep up with your BRATTY BS- meanwhile when the muZlim gets in office- DONT CRY HERE ON THIS FORUM. You will get what you DESERVE. I will take McCain ANYDAY of the week over a M U Z L I M  as a C.I.C.  And think about this-- IT IS ABOUT DAMN TIME that the (R) party DOES have a person that NOBODY will try to make a 'king' b/c that is EXACTLY what people did to Bush.

  If we DID have a "wonderful" candidate- you WOULD LOOK for something crappy on him too. Spoiled BRATS.
BTW: McCain CAN be persuaded, Obama CANT. EVER.  REMEMBER: it IS WE THE PEOPLE.
McCain has a TRACK RECORD of 'negotiation' obama does NOT EVEN VOTE ON MAJOR ISSUES.
Bottom line:
1. McCain
2. Obama

Or sit out...that will tell ME, you dont give a blip about USA, and ZERO about Israel- when you place PERSONAL convictions over Country.

The sooner we face a catastrophe, the better.

Men need to become Men with a capital 'M', and fast.

Delaying the inevitable only makes things WORSE.

I'm in favor of making Osama Bin Laden President if it will hasten the demise of Feminism!

  Well, you are NOT going to get much of an argument from ME, Scriabin. You KNOW what I feel about feminism.
Look- we are going to face catastrophe REGARDLESS.
 Scriabin- Men are going to become men again, trust me, when I was talking about Martial Law- BELIEVE ME, Men WILL be men again.  Women will want NO part of what is coming. I believe a TERRIBLE time in the USA the WORST is upon us all, and HERE. SAD to say.

I don't want bad things to happen to the U.S.  Believe me.

Unfortunately, I believe that mass bloodshed is the only thing that can save us.

Offline RationalThought110

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     Clarify your position on the issue. 

Offline takebackourtemple

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As much as I hate McCain, Osama is several orders of magnitude worse so I have no choice but to vote for McCain. I just hope Osama doesn't run again in four years because if he wins the ticket then it will be even worse.
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

Offline Cyberella

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Go here
This is the most complete, accurate file on Obama, and it is updated daily.
This file contains Obama's history from his African ancestors to the present day, and it is backed up by his own books, speeches, news articles and matters of record.
Study this fraud, Barack Hussein Obama throughly.
Arm yourself with the ammunition supplied here.

Come November, every black church, every black organization, every mosque, every Muslim organization in every town and city across the country will be getting their people to the polls to put him into the White House. They'll even bus 'em in.
Everybody who stays home, votes third party or 'write in' or refuses to cast their vote for McCain will help put Barack Hussein Obama into the White House.
We MUST do everything we can to prevent this from happening for our country's sake- and for the sake of Israel.
Hit the forums. Hit the newpapers. Tell your contacts, friends and relatives. Stop this man before it is too late.


Offline Scriabin

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     Clarify your position on the issue. 

I thought that my position was clear enough.

The United States is headed for a catastrophe no matter who is elected president.  Not even George Washington himself could save us.

Americans need to wake up.  Putting off the inevitable only makes things worse.

Electing the lesser of two evils only delays armageddon for an extra couple of weeks. 

Offline Shiptar

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I agree with the topic starter completely. We need to chill a bit on the negative McCain tone, it will only dissuade ppl from joining us.

No McCain aint perfect, by any stretch. But on many issues, he's a night and day difference from B.O.

I really hope McCain chooses Huckabee for V.P. Theres a distinct possibility McCain might croak in office, and Huckabee would become pres. He's who i wanted from the start.

Offline Minuteman

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We really have to get moving.  Everyone should be posting on the blogs all over the place in every major newspaper and forum.  Use the JTF PRESS Release or make references to videos.  The best way not to be indifferent is to reach as many people as you can.

Offline P J C

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God Bless!
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

Offline Manch

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     Clarify your position on the issue. 

I thought that my position was clear enough.

The United States is headed for a catastrophe no matter who is elected president.  Not even George Washington himself could save us.

Americans need to wake up.  Putting off the inevitable only makes things worse.

Electing the lesser of two evils only delays armageddon for an extra couple of weeks. 
Agree with Skryabin, I will act as much as I can against Obama being elected but I would welcome his win. Let the rollercoaster roll. 
Hayot Araviot Masrihot

Offline AsheDina

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Nah, even if by chance a supernatural intervention were to occur, NOTHING would satisfy ANYBODY. NOTHING. Brats. Brats, and MORE brats.

the kid: I know I am a terrible rotten kid, gimme another candy bar!  ::)
the Mom: Kid I gave you a candy bar, then you asked for a whole chocolate cake. ;)


the kid @ 17: MOM, sorry I wrecked your car. :-[
the Mom: You didnt even ask to use it. >:(
שמע ישראל
I endorse NO Presidential Candidates

Offline RationalThought110

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      You should reconsider what you've said.  Part of what you said is troublesome. 

Offline Scriabin

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      You should reconsider what you've said.  Part of what you said is troublesome. 

What's troublesome is how people think that stopping Obama will save America.

We should have stopped Women's Suffrage.  That would have saved America.

We're far too late to save anything, unfortunately.

We've had it too good for too long. 

Offline RationalThought110

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What's troublesome is how people think that stopping Obama will save America.

We should have stopped Women's Suffrage.  That would have saved America.

We're far too late to save anything, unfortunately.

We've had it too good for too long. 

I've never stated the McCain is the best possible candidate but he is certainly better than Obama. 

Stop trying to change the topic of this thread. 

Offline Scriabin

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What's troublesome is how people think that stopping Obama will save America.

We should have stopped Women's Suffrage.  That would have saved America.

We're far too late to save anything, unfortunately.

We've had it too good for too long. 

I've never stated the McCain is the best possible candidate but he is certainly better than Obama. 

Stop trying to change the topic of this thread. 

I'm doing no such thing.