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Orthodox Serbs saving Jews during WW2
« on: August 20, 2008, 11:06:38 AM »
Historical and Investigative Research - rev. 14 March 2006
by Francisco Gil-White

[19a] At the height of World War II, in 1943, Ruth Mitchell wrote a book entitled The Serbs Chose War to document and celebrate the valiant fight of the Serbs against German Nazism, and against Nazi allies within Yugoslavia. In her book she reproduces in full a letter

"...written by a Jewish physician, a professor in the Department of Medicine in the University of Belgrade, to a friend in London on his escape from Yugoslavia in 1942. As the writer is a Jew, for the sake of relatives who remain in Yugoslavia his name cannot be used."

This letter tells a remarkable tale of Serbian moral bravery. Here it is:

[Text Of The Letter Begins Here]

“In Yugoslavia there were 85,000 Jews, including Jewish émigrés from Germany, Austria, Poland and Czechoslovakia. Thanks to the Serbs, the Yugoslav Jews had succeeded in saving and rescuing many of their compatriots from Germany and German-occupied countries. Service rendered and assistance given to Jews by Yugoslav consular officials in Austria and Czechoslovakia has specially to be recognized. Of the total number of Jews in Yugoslavia about 7,500 were refugees.

“After the [Nazi invasion in 1941]...the Jews came under the rule of various regimes, including Pavelich's 'Independent Croatian State'.

“The 'solution' of the Jewish question in the Independent Croatia devolved upon the Croatian Ustashis. [This was the clerical-fascist regime set up in Croatia with Nazi approval.] In Serbia, however, the Jewish problem was not dealt with by the Serbs themselves. This the Germans reserved for themselves. There are special reasons for this. When they occupied Serbia, the Germans did not find any anti-Semitic feeling in the country. They could not persuade either the local population or the local authorities to take any anti-Semitic measures.

“The fact that Nedich [the Serbian quisling government, installed after the Nazi invasion] twice demanded from the German commanding officer in Serbia and the Banat that he and his government should be given the right to settle the Jewish problem, against whom no drastic measures should and could be taken in Serbia, shows the feeling of the Serbian people toward the Jews. The following reasons were given by Nedich to the Germans for this demand. If the Germans wanted the Serbs to calm down, it would be of first importance to stop the terrible persecution of the Serbian Jews. The Serbian people could not and would not accept such treatment 'of their compatriots of the Jewish religion.' The Serbs consider Jews as their brothers, only of a different religion. The answer which Nedich received from the Germans regarding this demand was 'that the Serbs have not attained a culture to the degree necessary to enable them to deal with the Jews. We ourselves shall settle the Jewish question in Serbia.'

“With regard to anti-Semitism, Yugoslavia can be divided into two parts, i.e., districts where this feeling was latent, and Serbia, where, it can be said without any exaggeration, anti-Semitic feeling has never had any root.

“During Yugoslavia's twenty-three years of existence, Serbia has always professed the free democratic tradition existing in the former Kingdom of Serbia. There in the nineteenth century, and later in the twentieth, the Jews always had full civic rights and complete equality with their Serbian compatriots. This equality was not only granted in various constitutions of the Kingdom of Serbia and later of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, but it was also a true expression of the relationship between the Orthodox Serbs and the Jews in their everyday contact. This friendly and amicable relationship also existed in the economic, financial, and political life in Serbia. The small group of Jews living in Serbia gave their contribution towards the cultural and political life in Serbia's struggle for the formation of a state of South Slavs. The Jews had in Serbia members of Parliament. In Serbia's struggle for liberation, the Jews gave their contribution. Several were awarded the Karadgeorge Star for bravery in the battlefield - equivalent to the British V.C.

“About a year before Yugoslavia was attacked by Germany, by pressure from the Reich and in their attempt to suit their policy to the dictators, the Tsvetkovich-Machek Government passed the first anti-Semitic measure in Yugoslavia. The Government was not unanimous on this point. Dr. Koroshets, leader of the Slovenes, upheld the measure as Minister of Education. Serbian cabinet ministers, however, including the Minister of War, refused to apply the act. The application of it was confined to the Ministry of Education, under the Slovene, Dr. Koroshets, and the Ministry of Trade and Industry, under the Croat[ian], Dr. Andres.

“In all the schools and universities, numerous restrictions were applied by circular, but in Serbia, Serb teachers and professors succeeded in avoiding or sabotaging the regulations.

“In this regard Serbia completely differed from Croatia under Dr. Machek and the district governor or Ban, Shubashich. In Croatia anti-Semitism was inherited from Austria-Hungary. Anti-Semitic centers had always existed. Dr. Shubashitch's Croatia had even prepared elaborate laws and regulations just before the war broke out in Yugoslavia in 1941. A large part of the industries in Jewish hands in Croatia was to be confiscated and nationalized. Anti-Semitism was particularly stressed in Croatia by the right wing of Dr. Machek's Croatian Peasant Party.

“This report could be divided into two parts - the first beginning with the entry of German troops into Belgrade in April 1941 to the beginning of August 1941; the second from the middle of August 1941 until the closing down of the office of the 'Jewish section' late in 1942. The section was closed because there were no longer any Jews in occupied Serbia. During the first stage the Jews were tortured, persecuted, maltreated, taken for forced labor. Well-known Jews and Serbs were taken to German concentration camps. Women of the intelligentsia class were forced to clean latrines in the German barracks, to clean floors and sweep streets under the supervision of the S.S. troops. They were made to clean the windows of high houses from the outside, and several of them lost their lives through falling down. Jewish girls were violated and taken to 'Militar-Medi'. Already during the first stage the Jews were deprived of all their property and most of them were evicted from their homes.

“In the second period male Jews were sent to concentration camps. But quite a number of men and young Jews succeeded in escaping to the villages, where they lived with Serbian peasant families. A number later joined the guerrillas. A considerable number of youths from the Jewish Zionist organization, which co-operated with the Serbian organizations for the preparation of resistance, actively helped the guerrilla fighters. Many collected hospital material for the guerrillas or posted anti-German posters in Belgrade streets. The name of Almozmo, a schoolboy of ten, the son of a well-known Belgrade dispensing chemist in Peter Street, should be mentioned. He threw bombs at two armored German cars and a tank in Grobljanska Street in Belgrade and blew them up. His elder brother, a medical student, is still fighting in Bosnia, in spite of the order that the mayor and members of the rural councils would be shot if such cases were discovered in their villages.

“Some forty of my relatives were shot in Belgrade by the Germans. I am, however, very proud to say that today two small relatives of mine, one of five and one of seven years of age, whose parents were shot by the Gestapo, are being hidden by two Serbian mothers.

“No German measures in Belgrade were able to upset the friendly relations between the Serbs and Jews. During the forced-labor period Serbs talked to their Jewish friends in the streets even in front of the German soldiers and police. During the period well over 300,000 Serbs were massacred by the Croat Ustashi in Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Lika and some 60,000 shot by the Germans in Serbia, during the period when Serbian students and peasants were hung in the main square in Belgrade, the Serbs of the capital had sufficient courage to protest publicly their indignation at the treatment of the Jews.

“When Jewish women were transported in lorries to the concentration camps, Serb shopkeepers in the streets through which these processions passed closed their shops and their houses, thus expressing not only their protest, but also emphasizing the fact that the entire population of Serbia, yesterday and today, does not and cannot participate in the extermination of their Jewish neighbors.

“The example of the Serbian people with regard to the Jews is unique in Europe, particularly in the southern part of the continent. In spite of intensive German propaganda in writing and through the wireless, the Serbs remained unaffected. When we consider what happened to the Jews in neighboring countries, in the "Independent State of Croatia," Hungary, Rumania, and Bulgaria, the Serbian example shines out.

“Today there are no more Jews left in Serbia, except some children hidden by the Serbs and those fighting along with the Serbs in the forests. I saved my own life thanks to my Serbian friends. I was saved from certain death. Serbian peasants and my other friends also saved from death my only son, who was on several occasions sought by the Gestapo in Belgrade.

“It is my desire as a Jew and as a Serb that in free democratic countries where Jews are still enjoying full freedom and equality they should show gratitude to the Serbian people, pointing out their noble acts, their humane feelings, and their high civic consciousness and culture....

“I cannot conclude this report without mentioning how the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Patriarch Gavrilo, and his clergy tried to save Serbian Jews and Gypsies. Up to the present day the Germans have massacred I70,000 Gypsies, men, women, and children, in Serbia and the Banat. Serbian Orthodox priests and the Serbian peasantry risked their lives not only to save ordinary Jews and their children but also to save those Gypsies and their children. Today the chief rabbi of Yugoslav Jews lives in America. He was saved from the Gestapo, being smuggled out from Serbia from monastery to monastery by the Serbian clergy. He was handed over by one Serbian church to another, by one Serbian priest to another until he was passed on to Bulgarian territory. There, with the assistance of the Orthodox Bulgarian clergy, some of whom were his personal friends, he arrived at the Turkish frontier.”

Offline Jasmina

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Re: Orthodox Serbs saving Jews during WW2
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2008, 12:41:38 PM »
  I come from Banat which is a teritorry in 3 countries : Romania, Serbia and Hungary! The most beautiful part of my city have Jewish and Serbian buildings, and I guess this is also a sign that Serbs and Jews were always friends! They lived together without fights and wars! :)
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Orthodox Serbs saving Jews during WW2
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2008, 01:50:57 PM »
The Serbs risked their lives and fought the Nazis rather than offer up their Jewish friends to be murdered.   The Croatians jumped at the chance to murder as many Jews as they could to help the Nazis and with formation of their own nazi regime.    Any Jew who forgets or ignores this important lesson is a traitor to our people.   That includes anyone who supported Clinton's war crimes or the Islamic crimes occuring in Kosovo, "Bosnia" and elsewhere...

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Re: Orthodox Serbs saving Jews during WW2
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2008, 12:11:18 AM »
USAF Attache in Belgrade, Lt. Col. John Cappello, honors the Halyard Mission and Mihailovich!

 report by Dnevne Novine Press(Serbia) by Ravnagora - august 28,2008 - Haylard  English Translation from Serbian

The American Air Attaché to the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade, Lt Col John Cappello, USAF, speaks about the Halyard Mission that was led by General Draza Mihailovich in WWII and presents the little known story about the achievements of the Pranjani villagers in Serbia.

At the beginning of May 2008 at the American Corner in Kragujevac a very specific exhibition of photographs was opened. Its title was the “Air Bridge”. The citizens of Serbia had an opportunity for the first time to be introduced to events of the WWII that cast a new light on the relationship between Serbia and the U.S. The photographs are an authentic testimony to the greatest rescue mission of Americans from behind enemy lines in the history of warfare, the selfless sacrifice of the Serbs, and the military skill of General Draza Mihailovic. The Halyard (meaning the “lifter”) Mission entered the textbooks of the history of the air force, along with the heroic achievement of the citizens of the small Serbian village of Pranjani at the foothold of Ravna Gora.

The initiative for the organization of the exhibition was given by the American Ambassador, Cameron Munter, and his idea was implemented by the Air Force Attaché to the U.S. Embassy to Belgrade Lt. Col. John Cappello and the Euro Atlantic Initiative NGO.

A Human Story

Lt Col John Cappello said that he is professionally fascinated with the Halyard action and the human story about the people who selflessly sacrificed themselves for the American people.

“When I arrived in Belgrade one year ago I was already familiar with the Halyard Mission. My research was professional. I am a pilot and I like to study historic events, especially those pertaining to the air force. When I arrived in Belgrade I started to look for testimonies about events from WWII. It is known that many aircraft flew above Serbia and that a large number of them fell over Central Serbia. The largest number of American airmen that were shot down by the Nazis was rescued, thanks to Draza Mihailovic and his soldiers,” Lt Col Cappello started the story.

One of the first things Attaché Cappello did was to organize a visit to the village of Pranjani in Serbia. The meeting with participants in the mission and the surviving witnesses fascinated him.

“When I was among the people who directly participated in these rescues during WWII," he said, "and when I heard them talk about them, I became aware that these were not only mere historical facts. I realized that this was a touching story about sacrifice and a tight friendship between the two nations. However, soon I understood that this important story, is little known to the people of Serbia.”

The fact that the events led by Gen Draza Mihailovic are not mentioned in the official history of WWII in Serbia motivated him to organize the exhibition. The starting point for the research was the book about the participants to the Halyard Mission written by Miodrag Pesic titled “Air Bridge Operation”. However, following the opening of the exhibition, people started to call and bring new photographs in.

“We had selected 20 out of the total of 50 photographs that we had at our disposal," said Cappello. "I was surprised when following the opening of the exhibition people started to call and offer new photographs. In Pranjani there is almost no house in which someone did not participate in the rescue of the airmen.

Lt. Col. Cappello stated that history has recorded that in the course of a single day more than 350 airmen were rescued from Pranjani and during the whole action over the course of several months, a total of 660 allied airmen, [among them over 500 Americans] were rescued. So far, that is the largest rescue action of American airmen from hostile territory recorded in modern history.

“If we see WWII as the greatest armed conflict in modern history and the Halyard action as the greatest rescue mission of American airmen, then we can say that Draza Mihailovic has rescued the largest number of U.S. airmen in history. It is known that the largest number of airmen were shot down over occupied Serbia, and it is very interesting to see how Draza Mihailovich managed to protect them from the Nazi armed forces and return them to the allied bases in northern Italy,” Attache Cappello explained.

Objectively with no emotions

The Air Attaché believes that it is strange that such an important event is not mentioned in our history.

“When I realized that your history does not mention these events, I wanted to objectively study them with no emotion and to publish the truth about them. Behind the military rescue operation, there is a much deeper story about friendship and understanding, not only between the direct participants in the events, but between our two nations. We must not forget that Serbs and Americans were allies in both world wars. That friendship exists even now; it is only that it is not discussed much."

The President of the Euro Atlantic Initiative NGO, Daniel Sunter, said that his NGO helped the realization of the U.S. Embassy project.

“The exhibition is one of the many actions that were launched with the objective of presenting a truly incredible air force mission. The “Halyard Mission” is not only interesting from the point of air force history; it is also an important event in the history of relations between the two countries. The Mission had been hidden from the public due to political circumstances. The situation was such that it was not allowed to glorify the successes of Draza Mihailovich. However, this is not about the political or any other connotation of this event, but about its meaning and greatness,” Sunter explained.

Ordinary villagers, the locals of Pranjani, selflessly helped the airmen. They were hiding them in their houses, feeding them, and providing them with medical treatment. This created numerous tight friendships that have lasted to the present. The photographs that were taken in that period are important testimony not only about little known events of WWII but also to the way of living in that period of time. The Halyard Mission is proudly mentioned among the Serbian Diaspora in America, and among the rescued officers and their descendants. The attache believes that the mission is proof of the friendship between the two nations, and perhaps the starting point for successful future cooperation.

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Sorry I can't agree
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2008, 08:20:46 AM »
Well I really can't agree for the most part it is untrue! The real people working for the protection of Jews and combined Jews in their forces was the Partisans including of course the famous Moshe Pyade Tito's right hand man. Croatia's disgusting policy on following Hitler and the Utashe movement, and Serbian Cetniks same Bartering of Nazi favors and interests at certain times made Belgrade the first European city to be classified as Judenfrei.....In conclusion Cetniks can not be seen as the good guys only perhaps a lesser evil than the Ustase still suffering from blind nationalism and selfish ethnic interests of course each side has their isolated cases of integrity amongst the ranks of evildoers those that joined sides for goals other than those we realise to be totally unacceptable. Please note Jakov Sedlar a jewish man from Split who devoted time amongst his career of high level film production to outline the fallacy of Serbian protection and support of the jews...I know that this article will come across unpopular but please enlighten me if you feel it is incorrect.

Meytav  Haichulim!

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Re: Sorry I can't agree
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2008, 09:08:13 AM »
Well I really can't agree for the most part it is untrue! The real people working for the protection of Jews and combined Jews in their forces was the Partisans including of course the famous Moshe Pyade Tito's right hand man. Croatia's disgusting policy on following Hitler and the Utashe movement, and Serbian Cetniks same Bartering of Nazi favors and interests at certain times made Belgrade the first European city to be classified as Judenfrei.....In conclusion Cetniks can not be seen as the good guys only perhaps a lesser evil than the Ustase still suffering from blind nationalism and selfish ethnic interests of course each side has their isolated cases of integrity amongst the ranks of evildoers those that joined sides for goals other than those we realise to be totally unacceptable. Please note Jakov Sedlar a jewish man from Split who devoted time amongst his career of high level film production to outline the fallacy of Serbian protection and support of the jews...I know that this article will come across unpopular but please enlighten me if you feel it is incorrect.

Meytav  Haichulim!
Jewish Croat?You got to be kidding me right?!If you were Jew you would know what they have done to your people and how spilled blood together in Jasenovac and Kosovo.Judenfrei?O my g..!It's not the Serbs who have ordered killings and it's not the Serbs who have done killings it's the Germans!Don't you know basic history things?
The truth,justice and Serbian way

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Re: Orthodox Serbs saving Jews during WW2
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2008, 01:55:53 PM »
   How many Jews live in Croatia today?
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

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Re: Orthodox Serbs saving Jews during WW2
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2008, 02:00:41 PM »
  You can't trust movies more then history, I hope you have enought intelligence to realize that!
  Enligten us about Jasenovac camp please!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

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Re: Orthodox Serbs saving Jews during WW2
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2009, 03:49:14 PM »
yep,Dado is totally wrong!
as i know serbs never did bad things to jews!
and i didn't hear from any serb,from serbia,montenegro or republika srpska or anywhere else said something bad for the jews.
chetniks were fighting in ww2 against nazis,and communism,for our king and land!
croats ustashas were fighting with other nazis against serbs,jews,russians(not fighting,the ustashas were cowards,they killed innocent unarmed people).
my good friend grandma escaped ustashas nazi camp Jasenovac,she was a child,all her family were killed there,mother,father,sister,brothers :o.
she said brother help her to escape,but he was killed than.
here where i live,old people said that if here haven't been chetniks in ww2,croats ustashas will rule this lands,of course killing everthing that is ortodox.
what i got to say more??!!! >:(

beautifull gulf of Boka Kotorska,where mountains meet the sea

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Re: Orthodox Serbs saving Jews during WW2
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2009, 04:27:11 PM »
Dado is wrong, that's for sure but I can't believe he said that? Don't you think our freinds are aware of their history? I guess you just come here, toss something stuped and just go out. There is only one thing you should do to become worth our patience and understanding. That is to read, to educate yourself and ofc to ask!

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Re: Sorry I can't agree
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2009, 07:22:00 PM »
Well I really can't agree for the most part it is untrue! The real people working for the protection of Jews and combined Jews in their forces was the Partisans including of course the famous Moshe Pyade Tito's right hand man. Croatia's disgusting policy on following Hitler and the Utashe movement, and Serbian Cetniks same Bartering of Nazi favors and interests at certain times made Belgrade the first European city to be classified as Judenfrei.....In conclusion Cetniks can not be seen as the good guys only perhaps a lesser evil than the Ustase still suffering from blind nationalism and selfish ethnic interests of course each side has their isolated cases of integrity amongst the ranks of evildoers those that joined sides for goals other than those we realise to be totally unacceptable. Please note Jakov Sedlar a jewish man from Split who devoted time amongst his career of high level film production to outline the fallacy of Serbian protection and support of the jews...I know that this article will come across unpopular but please enlighten me if you feel it is incorrect.

Meytav  Haichulim!

"I know that this article will come across unpopular but please enlighten me if you feel it is incorrect."

AND AGAIN "please enlighten me if you feel it is incorrect"


Are you here calling Serbs LIERS, PROPAGANDISTS?
Are you here to spit upon Serbian victims?
How aren't you ashamed?
How aren't you ashamed to speak like that if you have NO CLUE?
Are you conscious through what kind of horrors Serbs had to go through?
Have you read any non-biased literature, did some research, thought by yourself what's right and what is wrong, made conclusions, studied history deeply so you give yourself the right to post such comment here?

What are your arguments and proofs, except some CROATIAN movie-making industry?
Croatian movie is your argument?
What kind of a person are you?

If you can't back your statements, why are you posting them at all?

And the last, but the most important question:
How can, a Serbian NATIONALIST be pro-German?
What kind of a paradox is that?

And respond once for all!

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Re: Orthodox Serbs saving Jews during WW2
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2009, 07:24:51 PM »
Why is everyone attacking dado? He simply stated fact that serbs during ww2 made a postage stamp commemerating beograd as the first city in Europe to be "Judeinfrei". And also there are many pictures of cetniks posing with german soldiers. You cant just brush these off. (check out number 5)

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Re: Orthodox Serbs saving Jews during WW2
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2009, 02:29:00 PM »
Why is everyone attacking dado? He simply stated fact that serbs during ww2 made a postage stamp commemerating beograd as the first city in Europe to be "Judeinfrei". And also there are many pictures of cetniks posing with german soldiers. You cant just brush these off. (check out number 5)

  Mario what is your reason for joining this forum?
« Last Edit: March 26, 2009, 04:08:55 PM by Jasmina »
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

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Re: Orthodox Serbs saving Jews during WW2
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2009, 03:54:34 PM »
Yes Mario, what is your reason for joining this forum. 

Personally, I will take the word of blogger Julia Gorin who is Jewish and an expert on Serbian history over some Wikipedia articles. 

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Re: Orthodox Serbs saving Jews during WW2
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2009, 04:12:13 PM »
Everybody knows, that the Nazis ruled Serbia. Of cause they printed propaganda like this.

But it is clear, that the wast majority of Serbs resisted and don't joined the enemy.

Mario, your proofs proof only, that there were anti-semite stamps printed by the Nazi controlled gouvernment. Nothing more.

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Re: Orthodox Serbs saving Jews during WW2
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2009, 04:15:27 PM »
Why is everyone attacking dado? He simply stated fact that serbs during ww2 made a postage stamp commemerating beograd as the first city in Europe to be "Judeinfrei". And also there are many pictures of cetniks posing with german soldiers. You cant just brush these off.

Serbia was occupied territory and they were Nazis who set the agenda.

If your country were occupied by German Nazis and they killed 100 people for one dead Nazi soldier, I'd like to see what postage stamps and pictures you would have produced!

The overwhelming majority of Serbian population did not accept Nazi antisemitic values. They helped the Jews as they could.

Do not distort history!  

Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)

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Re: Orthodox Serbs saving Jews during WW2
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2009, 04:15:59 PM »
Think what you want I think those pictures speak for themselves.

Im joining this forum because I want to talk about issues. Is that ok with you?

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Re: Orthodox Serbs saving Jews during WW2
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2009, 05:26:44 PM »
Think what you want I think those pictures speak for themselves.

Im joining this forum because I want to talk about issues. Is that ok with you?

What is your national background?
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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Re: Orthodox Serbs saving Jews during WW2
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2009, 06:00:05 PM »
Think what you want I think those pictures speak for themselves.

Im joining this forum because I want to talk about issues. Is that ok with you?

Sorry people, I can't find the link, but, please, who has it, please show this idiot the newspaper article which has "Germany has job for all" and "You'll disappear if Bolshevism wins" and than introduce him a little bit with Mein Kamf, to explain him what EXACTLY, IN REALITY that article was supposed to mean/
It was written by GERMANS, on Serbian language, by SERBIAN CYRILLIC alphabet.
He obviously doesn't know much about modern war tactics.
New ages call for new methods, my dear, Mario.

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Re: Orthodox Serbs saving Jews during WW2
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2009, 08:13:52 PM »
Think what you want I think those pictures speak for themselves.

Im joining this forum because I want to talk about issues. Is that ok with you?

Sorry people, I can't find the link, but, please, who has it, please show this idiot the newspaper article which has "Germany has job for all" and "You'll disappear if Bolshevism wins" and than introduce him a little bit with Mein Kamf, to explain him what EXACTLY, IN REALITY that article was supposed to mean/
It was written by GERMANS, on Serbian language, by SERBIAN CYRILLIC alphabet.
He obviously doesn't know much about modern war tactics.
New ages call for new methods, my dear, Mario.

What the hell does have to do with Serbian sodiers posing with Nazi soldiers????? What were they forced at gun point cmon, grow up

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Re: Orthodox Serbs saving Jews during WW2
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2009, 08:23:21 PM »
Where was this picture taken and under which circumstances?

To which units the "Serb" soldiers and the German soldiers belong?
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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Re: Orthodox Serbs saving Jews during WW2
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2009, 09:04:10 PM »
Why dont you go back and look at it and read the article with it. I thought it was evident who was who.

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Re: Orthodox Serbs saving Jews during WW2
« Reply #22 on: March 26, 2009, 09:06:05 PM »
Why dont you go back and look at it and read the article with it. I thought it was evident who was who.

Mario, you have not linked any article. You linked only pictures.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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Re: Orthodox Serbs saving Jews during WW2
« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2009, 09:19:15 PM »
Sorry here it is:

Im not calling all serbs nazis, im simply backing up Dados claim that some serbs were loyal to Nazis.

Offline sonja_yu

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Re: Orthodox Serbs saving Jews during WW2
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2009, 10:02:43 PM »
Think what you want I think those pictures speak for themselves.

Im joining this forum because I want to talk about issues. Is that ok with you?

Sorry people, I can't find the link, but, please, who has it, please show this idiot the newspaper article which has "Germany has job for all" and "You'll disappear if Bolshevism wins" and than introduce him a little bit with Mein Kamf, to explain him what EXACTLY, IN REALITY that article was supposed to mean/
It was written by GERMANS, on Serbian language, by SERBIAN CYRILLIC alphabet.
He obviously doesn't know much about modern war tactics.
New ages call for new methods, my dear, Mario.

What the hell does have to do with Serbian sodiers posing with Nazi soldiers????? What were they forced at gun point cmon, grow up

For EXAMPLE, it explains WHY someone would post something like that.

Ohoho, "grow up", eh?

And you LEARN HISTORY, to see why Serbs NEVER can be friends to Germans.

As for Nazism, you should BETTER SHUT UP!