Saakaschwili did it shurly not on purpose, but he is crazy to bomb the whole town to the stoneage.
How could the Georgians elect this freak? Georgia will need years to recover from this war.
Not only Ossetia. 
Mr. Saakashvili killed Ossetians like Polish killed German border guards in 1939 to provoke an invasion of Poland - in a very similar fashion. Didn't you know about 300,000 Georgians expelled from Ossetia by Russians in 1992, by unlawful grant of Russian citizenship to Ossetian - citizens of Georgia, by every day provocation and artillery fire on Georgia from Ossetia?
And, btw, where are all those 2,000 murdered Ossetians we've heard about from the Russians? No pictures no videos - similar to the propaganda of mass murders, hundreds of thousands no less!, perpetrated by Serbs - we all heard about it but no one have seen mass albanians/bosnians graves.
Look Pheasant, I am really surprised by you - you choose to favor KGB expansionist over the Harvard educated lawyer, fluent in 5 languages, democratically elected, most pro-Western president of the little country which is very friendly with Israel and USA!? 
Manch, I don't support Russia but I have symphaties for the Georgians, and just because of Sakaschwili is a Harvard educated lawyer, fluent in 5 languages and western orientated he is actually more guilty.
He has lost his sense for reality and acted the last years blindfolded.
And remember my words - No western gouvernment will pressure Russia seriously. The Russian bear will do with the Georgians now what he wants and they will suffer hard.
Thiswas absolutly not necessary. S. should have used the salami technique. He should have made Georgia simply more attractive then Russia. Cultural and Economical. So the Ossetians and Abchasians have themselve orientated to Georgia instead of Russia.
During this process and later too, he should have made compromises with Russia, put himself a little bit down. In order to not provoke the bear.
But now all is lost. Thanks to Saakaschwili.

Russia has changed. It is back and their administration intelligence services and military work again very well, like you can see. They have plans for world power again, but they are acting not irrational, even a lot of deeds of them are very evil.