Author Topic: Why we Serbs should support Russia  (Read 26329 times)

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Offline MarZutra

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #25 on: August 28, 2008, 09:21:37 AM »
Oj Ameriko sta bi tijela vise, Oj Ameriko sta bi tijela vise ?

Da ti Putin latinicom pise ?
LOL  I only wish I could read that... LOL  Good day ;)
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #26 on: August 28, 2008, 02:09:29 PM »

Do only communists use the word “comrad” ?
I use that word because we people from the Eastern block are use to it.
I do not think that only communists call each other “comrad”.
If I call you comrade that is because of respect and not because of communist intentions.
But if you do not want to be associated with that word than I will respect your wish.

Your last post contents a huge size of text so that my last posts are almost not visible.
Was that done on purpose?
Biological exterminations and genocide are serious crimes and they can not be justified!
Trying to justify those criminal activities is uncivilized and absurd.
Reading the content of your post I am getting the impression that you are trying to defend the colonial activities of the Europe’s and overseas colonialpowers.
So, the people from the third world countries, who had faced/ experienced the fatal consequences and the brutality of colonialism, must be thankful to their occupiers?
Are you serious? You think that Europe has civilized those nations with their colonial politics? 

Let me remind you about the fact that the foundation of the Western civilization was based on the principles of colonialism and exploitations of other nations.
After exploiting others, including Slav-nations, the Western civilization was established.   
In the beginning of the New age you had in Europe one major civilization which was called the Byzantic Empire. The official church of this Empire was the Eastern Church which is today called the Orthodox and Apostolic Church. The centre of this Empire was “carigrad” today’s Istanbul. The Byzantic Empire occupied Greece, parts of today’s Turkey and the Balkans. In the 10th century Serbia, under the rule of Njemanic, was on of the most influential countries of Europe. In our army we Serbs had even Germans, who were working in our military units. This testifies the fact that Serbia was once one of the most powerful countries of Europe. In those days the nations of the Byzantic Empire had their own powerful civilization. At the same time, the people from the West lived as barbarians. You do not have the oldest civilization, like you pretent to have!

How can you compare the crimes of the colonial powers with communism?
You are not informed about the roots of communism and about the parties who stand behind this evil, regressive and undemocratic politic/ system. There was once a member active on this forum, he was probably Jewish, who had explained the relation between the Vatican, communism and the enemies of the Vatican. Secondly, the communist leaders and founders were not Russians or Serbs or Orthodox! Give me one name of a important communist person who was Orthodox? The leading position of the communist movement existed out of non-Orthodox individuals. This explains the fact why so many Orthodox people had suffered because of communism. Communism brought the Serbs and the Russians to the brink of biological survival.

You do not have a realistic or strong argument against Russia.
You tried to put the communist crimes over the Russians and the Serbs (they mostly were committed against those two nations) on the direct responsibility of the Russians.
I must disappoint you there were also other parties involved in the launch of communism on Russia and later on Serbia. I do not see you attacking or accusing the third party which was direct responsible for the establishment of the communist rule in Russia.
Lets be honest. There is no historical argument against Russia, which can be compared with the crimes of the world’s colonization powers. Attacking Russia is absurd.
Ignoring the fact that the Georgians, who are controlled by the US, provoked Russia by shooting against Russian peace keepers is also absurd. This provocation resulted in a military conflict between Russia and the pro EU government of Georgia. 
Historicaly Russia had only defended its people and borders, it never invaded other countries, colonized or exploited other nations or had imperialistic intentions towards anybody.

If Russia did not exist.
I believe that the enemies of Israel would already have invaded Israel. The party which wants to destroy Israel can not accomplish its goal because of the presence of a powerful state like Russia. Russia will not tolerate a nuclear attack against anybody, also not against Israel. 

If Russia did not exist.
The US would have destroyed and exploited all the 2d and 3rd countries on a much higher level. Also would the US dropped nuclear bombs to rebels countries like Serbia, Iraq, Cuba, North Korea, Libya  and  Venezuela, if there was no Russia.   
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 02:32:00 PM by DALMACIJA »

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #27 on: August 29, 2008, 01:25:32 AM »

Do only communists use the word “comrad” ? In today's age, I'd say yes:
I use that word because we people from the Eastern block are use to it. Ok, that is acceptable but here in the West when one uses that word it is overwhelmingly related to the Communist and their movement.  ;)
I do not think that only communists call each other “comrad”. Ok. Understood. My apologies....
If I call you comrade that is because of respect and not because of communist intentions. Yofi... perfect
But if you do not want to be associated with that word than I will respect your wish. No worries, I was simply associating it with a sarcastic insult or possible intention that you'd be thinking I'm a Communist.  Heck, I had been called a Nazi by some stupid leftist trash that came here... :D

Your last post contents a huge size of text so that my last posts are almost not visible.
Was that done on purpose? No. my apologies. I wanted to post a news article about Georgia from Worldnetdaily...
Biological exterminations and genocide are serious crimes and they can not be justified!I make no attempt to justify any of them.  The term "ethnic cleansing" is most often used today, like "racism", totally out of context...
Trying to justify those criminal activities is uncivilized and absurd.I totally agree.
Reading the content of your post I am getting the impression that you are trying to defend the colonial activities of the Europe’s and overseas colonialpowers.In many cases the presentation of these colonial actities are molested and full of fiction over fact.  There has always been colonialism, expansionism and empire building from every Empire be it the Egyptians, Hittites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, Persians, Macedonians/Romans, Carthaginians, Mohammadans, Mongols or the Visigoths.  All committing attrocities of warfare, slavery, murder, rape etc.  Perhaps the worst of all in space and scope were mass attrocities under the Communist regimes of the 20th century followed closely by the Mohammadan expansion since 632.  To, perhaps, unjustly focus on Ol-Whitey: Christian Colonist might be questionable especially when directly comparing the outcome pre-and post colonial period.
So, the people from the third world countries, who had faced/ experienced the fatal consequences and the brutality of colonialism, must be thankful to their occupiers? Not like it was anything new. All of these places have been under some form of invasion force and occupier for millenia. To solely focus on ol-whitey while directly comparing the pre-post (again) there had been many benefits to each and every society from the culture and faith of the Christian West.  Your own history dictates this...   Had it not been for the Christian West or even the Brits, more peoples would have fallen beneath dar al Islam...
Are you serious? You think that Europe has civilized those nations with their colonial politics?  Absolutely.  No question.  If one researches what these nations were like prior to ol-whitey they'd all look more like sub human toilets had it not been for the evil Christian ol-Whitey...

Let me remind you about the fact that the foundation of the Western civilization was based on the principles of colonialism and exploitations of other nations. As were many nations, cultures and people in prior colonial above.  Again, could you imagine if tomorrow morning Africa or any other of these turd world toilet nations were discovered?  What do you think you'd find?
After exploiting others, including Slav-nations, the Western civilization was established. The Slav nations?  You better learn your history my friend.  The Romans invaded and after them the Mohammadans....  Would you rather peoples like Charles Martel have stayed home?  You'd have your little prayer rug out 5 time a day and making the Haj my friend...
In the beginning of the New age you had in Europe one major civilization which was called the Byzantic Empire. The official church of this Empire was the Eastern Church which is today called the Orthodox and Apostolic Church. The centre of this Empire was “carigrad” today’s Istanbul. The Byzantic Empire occupied Greece, parts of today’s Turkey and the Balkans. In the 10th century Serbia, under the rule of Njemanic, was on of the most influential countries of Europe.  O0 In our army we Serbs had even Germans, who were working in our military units. Right and you are identifying another aspect of expansionism, colonialism and empire building.This testifies the fact that Serbia was once one of the most powerful countries of Europe. I'm not saying it wasn't.  I agree with you...  In those days the nations of the Byzantic Empire had their own powerful civilization. Exactly, like former times the power did it later re: under Britian, France, Belguim, Holland, Russia, China and America.At the same time, the people from the West lived as barbarians. You do not have the oldest civilization, like you pretent to have!Whose pretending? I've never said we did.  I'd argue that it was Sumeria if this were the subject. ;)

How can you compare the crimes of the colonial powers with communism?Very easy, but not to the same vile means nor ends....  The Communists were the worst murderers this Earth has ever seen followed by the Nazis and then the Mohammadans imo.
You are not informed about the roots of communism and about the parties who stand behind this evil, regressive and undemocratic politic/ system. Brother, I'm very well knowledged on this subject.  There was once a member active on this forum, he was probably Jewish, who had explained the relation between the Vatican, communism and the enemies of the Vatican. Nik.  Yes I've discussed this with him and MassuhD many a time...Secondly, the communist leaders and founders were not Russians or Serbs or Orthodox! Vladimir Lenin was born in Simbirsk on the Volga River.  I'd say that is part of Russia.Give me one name of a important communist person who was Orthodox?Joseph Stalin was a Georgian who was educated at Gori Church School later the Georgian Orthodox Seminary of Tiflis, which he had been awarded a scholarship but was later expelled.  He abandoned his Orthodoxy and quest for Priesthood after reading Hugo, Marx and Lenin.  I know my stuff brother and we are on the same side... The leading position of the communist movement existed out of non-Orthodox individuals. Of course. One of the main tenets of Communism is the vanquishment of religion/G-d, culture etc.This explains the fact why so many Orthodox people had suffered because of communism. Very true... Jews as well...Communism brought the Serbs and the Russians to the brink of biological survival. Agreed. Especially in the Ukrane with the organized starvations...

You do not have a realistic or strong argument against Russia.I most certainly do.
You tried to put the communist crimes over the Russians and the Serbs No, I never said the Serbs.  The Russians yes but not the Serbs. (they mostly were committed against those two nations) on the direct responsibility of the Russians.
I must disappoint you there were also other parties involved in the launch of communism on Russia and later on Serbia.I know this all too well my friend.  All too well.  The internal and international aids to the Communist movements/revolutions.  I do not see you attacking or accusing the third party which was direct responsible for the establishment of the communist rule in Russia. There was many more than 3 my friend.  America, Canada, England, Germany...  Hell Lenin was staying just down the road from me prior to being released from Jail and smuggled through the battle fields of WW1 in a covered train car to perform his revolution against Alexander Kerensky's Social Revolutionary Party if I'm not mistaken as Tzar Nicholas II was already out of power.  The Communists didn't "revolt" against the Tzar but against Kerensky..
Lets be honest. There is no historical argument against Russia, which can be compared with the crimes of the world’s colonization powers. That is insanity.  Russia exterminated more people than the entire West combined.  How many millions died in the Ukrane alone?  How many more died in the Gulag system?  Further, How many more died under their dreadful ideology in China under Mao?  Pal Pot? Khmer Rouge in Cambodia? Attacking Russia is absurd.
Ignoring the fact that the Georgians, who are controlled by the US, provoked Russia by shooting against Russian peace keepers is also absurd. Never did I do this.  Please review what I've stated.  It has also been stated that Georgia fired first as a preemptive strike because Russia was preparing to invade, similarly to the Arabs agaisnt Israel in the six day war.  Is this true?  I don't know, but that is what I've read.  Which is probably a lie but as I said above...I honestly don't know..but gave two different views/opinions.This provocation resulted in a military conflict between Russia and the pro EU government of Georgia. Sure. that is predictable....
Historicaly Russia had only defended its people and borders, it never invaded other countries, colonized or exploited other nations or had imperialistic intentions towards anybody. Are you for real?  Russia had one of the most expansionist empires on Earth specifically between 1851-1905.  I will not even bother speaking about the expansionism and colonial activities of the Soviets during 1961-1986. Heck they had one of the largest naval bases on Earth in Africa...

If Russia did not exist. Are you kidding me? Russia arms ALL of Israel's enemies.  As a matter of fact in both of Israel's wars '67 and '73 Russia was not only arming Egypt, Syria and others they actively faught on the side of the Arabs with their Cuban Commie friends.  My friend shot down a number of Soviet piolets that were flying with/for Syria.  My friend Larry, during the Yom Kippur War captured Russian soldiers fighting/commanding the Egyptian forces in the Sinai.  I don't know where you've learned your facts brother but whoever provided you with these is simply obtuse.
I believe that the enemies of Israel would already have invaded Israel. I'll agree to disagree.  Russia only voted for partition in 1947 because Ben Gurion promised to turn Israel into a Communist Satilite hole like Cuba.  Thank G-d he didn't keep his word...  well at least in full. The party which wants to destroy Israel can not accomplish its goal because of the presence of a powerful state like Russia. Russia will not tolerate a nuclear attack against anybody, also not against Israel.  I disagree.  After both conflicts '67 and '73 Israel almost had direct confrontations with Russia.  Russia supplied billions on credit to Egypt, Syria and others in '67 to which masses of their assets were distroyed in a matter of hours which cramped the Arab ability to repay these which Russia attempted to enter against Israel.  Again in '73 with Russia supplying arms, technology and manpower to the ARabs/Mohammadans..

If Russia did not exist.
The US would have destroyed and exploited all the 2d and 3rd countries on a much higher level. Rubbish.  Simply Rubbish.Also would the US dropped nuclear bombs to rebels countries like Serbia, Iraq, Cuba, North Korea, Libya  and  Venezuela, if there was no Russia.   That is insanity... sorry but give your head a shake.  America has not used a nuke since Japan.  I wish they had of dropped on on Tokyo and the other on Moscow.  That would have saved countless of lives.  Think how many nations would not have suffered under communism had Russia been knocked out entirely in 1945....

Sorry but we'll have to agree to disagree.  I wholely support Serbia against the Mohammadan and too the Communist but I must disagree with your views re: part but NOT anymeans...not all..

"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline george_jtf

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #28 on: August 29, 2008, 03:44:31 AM »
Of all the Serbs in this forum, you are definitely one of the most educated people without any doubt.

What annoys me about some of these people who are constantly attacking countries such as Russia, Serbia and Israel are trying to teach us Serbs, Russians and Jews about how we need to get along with those who hate (not dislike) us because of our proud heritage.
One of the things that someone mentioned in this was how it was thanx to countries like Britain, US, France, Dutch (worst of all) are trying to teach others about civilization.
1. Eradicating Native Americans through diseases and forcing them to relocate to reservations, which in many instances were the worse piece of land so that the WASP can eradicate them in all ways possible. And now I am supposed to learn from these Americans about democracy and learning to live and respect others? Can this treatment of Native Americans be called ethnic cleansing (300 years before the war in ex-Yu). Helllllooooooooooooo?
2. Britain, in its prime, had most of the world under their control.....again, it sounds more like abuse of those colonies whom they controled untill the end of WWII and taking all their natural resources. Britain did not go there to spread civilization, but to get resources. Let's be realistic.
3. Holland is the location of the War Crimes Tribunal, yet they were the ones who started the slavery...and now I am supposed to learn from the Dutch about justice?
4. I do not see that russians or serbs had any colonies across the oceans, but take a look at how many colonies countries like England, France, US (to a lesser extent), Holland, Spain and Portugal. In other words, Serbs and Russians did not go around the world to have colonies. You might say that Russia had colonies during Cold War through satellite countries. How different is that from US controlling most of the world's small countries, especially in Europe and Asia. Oh, and by the way, Soviet Union is not the same as Russia. Read the history.

I will never ever say that I hate someone, but rather that I dislike and disrespect them.....hate is a word from Islam, not from Judeo-Christian beliefs.

America is a great country, but those leading it are horrible. It is wrong for anyone to say that all americans are bad, because it ain't the truth. Typical american is a good person, but is unfortunatelly not very well educated to know the world outside the US.

The big reason why Serbs should support Russia is because, compared to so called allies US, France and UK, they did not stab us in the back after the great sacrifices that Serbs suffered in both World Wars for their own freedom and those whom she considered allies.

Croatia, in 1991 started using the same slogans, flag, anthem, currency and racism as they did during their animal behaviour in WWII. That's why Serbs resisted against them in 1990s. It would be the same if tomorrow, Nazis were brought back to power in Europe and Jews throughout the world should just go along with it and not resist it? That is called suicide, not democracy.



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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #29 on: August 29, 2008, 05:07:14 AM »
With all the respect for you.
I think that you are a little bit misinformed.
But I do understand you, I know how powerful the Western media is!

I will quote one of your statements just to convince you how ridicules your accusations against Russia sound! 

“That is insanity.  Russia exterminated more people than the entire West combined.  How many millions died in the Ukrane alone?  How many more died in the Gulag system?  Further, How many more died under their dreadful ideology in China under Mao?  Pal Pot? Khmer Rouge in Cambodia?”

Is this your strongest argument against Russia?
In Serbia and in normal countries nobody will believe this!
You can not come with something more serious than with communism?
Please learn this: till Orthodox Russians were killed by the communists during the period 1917-1989. If somebody was victimized by the communists weren’t it the domestic nations of Russia and Serbia? They same party, who was instructing the communists to kill Orthodox Russians, was also applying for the murder of others, like Orthodox Ukraines. You are not serious anymore if you say that Orthodox Russians, who were victimized by the communists, are direct responsible for the crimes against their Orthodox relatives. If you knew where the roots of communism came from than you would be able to understand the real context of the communist-effects in the areas which were occupied by communism. Orthodox Russians did not caused civil/ brother wars in Russian or in other countries of the Eastern Block. The party who had launched communism on Russian soil was direct responsible for those crimes. For example:
Russians against Russians and Serbs(Cetniks) against Serbs(Partians). That were communist methods against us.

If you discover the real identity of Vladimir – Iljic – Lenin and the party which had  organized him, than we can have a serious debate in regard to communism.
I avoid to participate in a debate about the wrong context of communism. In which the Russians are marked as the inventors of communism and the responsible party for the launce of communism in Russia, Serbia, China and in other countries. Russians are guilty for communist crimes in China? That is not serious anymore.

Russia as a colonialpower?

This is a typical colonial fraud – which is used, by the Vatican, in order to separate Orthodox and Slavic nations from Russia! 

Russians were always in Russia  AUCHTOTONES!
You can not compare them with the whites in America, who are not the natives of that continent! Conclusion: Russia was not found on the principles of colonization and exploitation!

“That is insanity.  Russia exterminated more people than the entire West combined.”

Typical colonial fraud and wrong interpretation of historical facts use by the colonial powers! Russia protected its historical and national borders and Europe from invaders from outside!
The natives of Siberia still exist and they have the same rights as the native Russians! Russia was of course some times in history imperialistic just like Serbia, but that is not the same as colonialism. In order to achieve our goals we Serbs and Russians do not have to use, in contradiction to colonial associations, ethnic cleansing or genocide.
Serbs are falsely accused for ethnic cleansing and genocidal activities, by the world’s colonial powers, and the Serbs are also victims of colonialism.
Tell me which nations had faced the same catastrophic destiny, in Russia, as the natives of North-Middle and South America, Africa, New Sealand and Australia?   

"That is insanity... sorry but give your head a shake.  America has not used a nuke since Japan.  I wish they had of dropped on on Tokyo and the other on Moscow. "

Why did not they use it because of the presence of Russia!

"That would have saved countless of lives.  Think how many nations would not have suffered under communism had Russia been knocked out entirely in 1945...."

You are again totaly wrong!
You mean the Vatican should had received an Atomic bomb, in order to stop the launch of communism towards the enemies of the Vatican?  Why should Moscow? You see how wrong you think. I do not think you can solve any problems with genocide. If you think that a nuclear war could solve the worlds problems, than you are totaly misguided!
« Last Edit: August 29, 2008, 05:50:01 AM by DALMACIJA »


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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #30 on: August 29, 2008, 05:16:49 AM »
Sorry but we'll have to agree to disagree.  I wholely support Serbia against the Mohammadan and too the Communist but I must disagree with your views re: part but NOT anymeans...not all..

Serbs are not in war with the whole Islamic world.
Serbs have only problems with some local Muslim communities - who are prepared and instructed by the world's colonization forces to participate in the genocide against the Serbian Orthodox civilizations at the Balkans.

You are misinformed by the Western media if you think that the Serbs are dealing with standard local conflicts between them and their neighboring nations. That is the false interpretation of the happenings in former Yugoslavia.

The neighboring nations of Serbia (Catholic Serbs, Croats, Serbian Muslims, Bosnians and Albanians) are prepared and instructed by the Vatican, European and oversea colonizationpowers (who are responsible for the biological extermination of the natives of America, Africa, New Sealand and Australia) to participate in the biological extermination of the Orthodox Serb communities.   


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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #31 on: August 29, 2008, 05:27:19 AM »
The Slav nations?  You better learn your history my friend.  The Romans invaded and after them the Mohammadans....  Would you rather peoples like Charles Martel have stayed home?  You'd have your little prayer rug out 5 time a day and making the Haj my friend...

The Vatican prosecuted us for 1000 years long. I know my history very well do not worry. The Vatican attacked the Slav nations by dividing them with religion. That resulted in hate and caused wars between Slav nation!
Religion is not divinding Germans, as it is Slav nations. Think about that.

We Serbs were for 500 years long occupied by the Muslim colonial force the Ottoman Empire. In the days of the Ottoman occupation we Serbs gained cultural and religieus athonomy. We were not all forced to accpet Islam. Neither had the Turks tried to convert all the Serbs in Muslims. Only the rebel Serbs were prosecuted by the Ottomans, not civilians. Orthodox were considered as second class citizens but they did not faced masscrimes against their communities.
We only had faced the dangers of biological exterminations in periodes when we were occupied by the "cultured" Germans and Catholic Croats and others..  Turks had no extermination camps for Serb civilians.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2008, 05:51:52 AM by DALMACIJA »


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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #32 on: August 29, 2008, 06:00:52 AM »
. Britain did not go there to spread civilization, but to get resources. Let's be realistic.

George_JTF  O0

Good observation!

You are an educted person. Your last post was very good!
« Last Edit: August 29, 2008, 06:03:16 AM by DALMACIJA »

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #33 on: August 29, 2008, 08:24:57 AM »
Every empire did that.  What is your sole reasoning to focus on hating specifically the White Christians?  I can understand your hatred for the Anglo-American Establisment for their abandoning Serbia to the Mohammadans especially when the righteous Serbs fought on our side during WW2. 

You cannot be so one sided and bias.  Sure they exploited the resources of their conquered lands but they also left them with many good points and progress: paved roads, civil infrastructure, schools, hospitals, written langauges, in most cases crushed the ethnic/tribal warfare. 

Hell with your reasoning why are you not with all the other vile Jew hating leftists and slammmng the "Zionists" colonialists for "stealing" the lands from the Arabs as Israel never existed....

Yes you are right about the Vatican...which is why I said Rome......  A nevermind. This is pointless.  Agree to disagree. 
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #34 on: August 29, 2008, 08:41:04 AM »
Every empire did that.  What is your sole reasoning to focus on hating specifically the White Christians?  I can understand your hatred for the Anglo-American Establisment for their abandoning Serbia to the Mohammadans especially when the righteous Serbs fought on our side during WW2. 

Did I say that I hate White Christians? Now you are putting words in my mounth.
I have only exposed the basic principles on which their civilisation was found.

Protestant America and the Vatican are colonizing Serbian lands. Krajina, parts of Bosnia and Hercegovina and Kosovo are cleansed of Serbs and annexed to other states. This was organized and prepared by the colonial powers.

Hell with your reasoning why are you not with all the other vile Jew hating leftists and slammmng the "Zionists" colonialists for "stealing" the lands from the Arabs as Israel never existed....

If I condemn colonialism and the colonial potilic of the West against Serbia, am I  automatically a leftist? You do not understand Serbian politic!
I am more anti-communist than you.
Those same leftists are attacking Serbia and saying that Serbia is responsible for the civil war which took place in former Yugoslavia. 

Who says that Israel never existed?
The Jews had their own state on the territories of today's Israel in the time of the Roman Empire. The bilble is the living prove for that.
Jews can not colonize Israel, just like Serbs can not colozine Krajina or Kosovo.
Jews are the autochtones of Israel so, there is no case of colonialism. 

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #35 on: August 29, 2008, 08:43:05 AM »
Of all the Serbs in this forum, you are definitely one of the most educated people without any doubt.

What annoys me about some of these people who are constantly attacking countries such as Russia, Serbia and Israel are trying to teach us Serbs, Russians and Jews about how we need to get along with those who hate (not dislike) us because of our proud heritage.
One of the things that someone mentioned in this was how it was thanx to countries like Britain, US, France, Dutch (worst of all) are trying to teach others about civilization.
1. Eradicating Native Americans through diseases and forcing them to relocate to reservations, which in many instances were the worse piece of land so that the WASP can eradicate them in all ways possible. Now this is a highly distorted piece of rubbish.  What usually happens via conquest?  Say in Britian?  The Islamic World?  Under the Communists?And now I am supposed to learn from these Americans about democracy and learning to live and respect others? You are comparing apples to oranges here brother.  Why not compare the WASPS to the Romans or some other empire building power of the day.  All were comparable in some respects but to solely focus on Ol Whitey, Christian misguided.Can this treatment of Native Americans be called ethnic cleansing (300 years before the war in ex-Yu). Helllllooooooooooooo? This is insanity. Learn about the Matis Indians.  The only example of true "ethnic cleansing" was in Newfoundland of the Beothuk Indians.  
2. Britain, in its prime, had most of the world under their control.....absolutely.  It was another example of an empire...again, it sounds more like abuse of those colonies whom they controled untill the end of WWII and taking all their natural resources. Britain did not go there to spread civilization, but to get resources. Let's be realistic.Neither did any other empire so why solely focus on Ol-Whitey?  Many more empires were far more devastating than the brits.  The Islamic Caliphate for example...
3. Holland is the location of the War Crimes Tribunal, yet they were the ones who started the slavery...and now I am supposed to learn from the Dutch about justice?Everyone makes mistakes.  The Dutch were one of the only countries that actively aided the Jews during the Holocaust.  You are speaking of a people here and not about an elitist guided NWO agenda.  Those are the ones who abandoned/bombed Serbia for the Mohammadan, not the Brit or American but the evil bastards like Clinton, Blair and that idiot in Germany...all under the green light and media lockdown of Russia I might add...
4. I do not see that russians or serbs had any colonies across the oceans, The Russians most certainly did. Africa went from a Colonialized entity to a Marxist revolutionary mass murdering collection of "Peoples Repubics".  Who do you think was behind all of these Marxist revolutions?but take a look at how many colonies countries like England, France, US (to a lesser extent), Holland, Spain and Portugal. You are correct.  Stepping back and around the same time the Vatican was too spreading its control via the Society of Jesus.In other words, Serbs and Russians did not go around the world to have colonies. The Soviets did and attempted to.  That is Communism a globalist ideology...You might say that Russia had colonies during Cold War through satellite countries. Colonies are now not colonialism.  Hell I'd not want to have lived in Romania, Hungary or the Ukraine during Communist control...How different is that from US controlling most of the world's small countries, especially in Europe and Asia. Oh, and by the way, Soviet Union is not the same as Russia. Read the history.I know my history.  Russia today is different from Tzarist Russia which was different from the Soviet Union, however the majority of the peoples and land was still "Mother Russia"....

I will never ever say that I hate someone, but rather that I dislike and disrespect them.....hate is a word from Islam, not from Judeo-Christian beliefs.Hate is a Jewish concept.  One is obligated to hate evil and obliterate if from the planet.  Is it not proper to hate a murderer or a rapist?  

America is a great country, but those leading it are horrible. EXACTLY....THAT IS MY MAIN CONTENTION... O0It is wrong for anyone to say that all americans are bad, because it ain't the truth.  ;)Typical american is a good person, but is unfortunatelly not very well educated to know the world outside the US.

The big reason why Serbs should support Russia is because, compared to so called allies US, France and UK, they did not stab us in the back after the great sacrifices that Serbs suffered in both World Wars for their own freedom and those whom she considered allies.This is another one of my points.  It is not America but the Establisment that screwed serbia however, I'd not hold much faith in the bear either as their tract record is simply horribile...

Croatia, in 1991 started using the same slogans, flag, anthem, currency and racism as they did during their animal behaviour in WWII. That's why Serbs resisted against them in 1990s. It would be the same if tomorrow, Nazis were brought back to power in Europe and Jews throughout the world should just go along with it and not resist it? That is called suicide, not democracy. I support the Serbs 100% against the Mohammadans, the Communists and the Elitist NWO Establisment....  100%

"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #36 on: August 29, 2008, 08:52:07 AM »

Yes you are right about the Vatican...which is why I said Rome......  A nevermind. This is pointless.  Agree to disagree. 

You support the encircling of Russia which is conducted by NATO and supported by the Vatican.

You know good who had prosecuted the Jews for 2000 years long.
Now you want to cooperate with that party? That’s is not understandable.

You do not want to recognize that after the destruction of the Byzantic Empire, the Turks were able to little by little conquer the Balkans. The collapse of the Byzantic Empire was supported by their rival number one the Vatican. The Vatican thought that Orthodoxism would dissapear during the Turkish occupation of the Orthodox nations at the Balkans. They were wrong. The Orthodox church survived the Turkish colonial period by giving blood, saving its teachings and people and trough that the Orthodox church became the symbol of true Christian martyrdom.

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #37 on: August 29, 2008, 08:52:47 AM »
Every empire did that.  What is your sole reasoning to focus on hating specifically the White Christians?  I can understand your hatred for the Anglo-American Establisment for their abandoning Serbia to the Mohammadans especially when the righteous Serbs fought on our side during WW2. 

Did I say that I hate White Christians? Now you are putting words in my mounth.Not at are focusing your hate or contempt on one super power, actaully two being Britian, who were not only colonizing but also sending Christian missionaries...
I have only exposed the basic principles on which their civilisation was found. I think you will enjoy Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West".

Protestant America and the Vatican are colonizing Serbian lands. They are?  I thought it was the Mohammadans?Krajina, parts of Bosnia and Hercegovina and Kosovo are cleansed of Serbs and annexed to other states. This was organized and prepared by the colonial powers. I'll cede this point as I honestly do not know.

Hell with your reasoning why are you not with all the other vile Jew hating leftists and slammmng the "Zionists" colonialists for "stealing" the lands from the Arabs as Israel never existed....

If I condemn colonialism and the colonial potilic of the West against Serbia, am I  automatically a leftist? You do not understand Serbian politic! You are using the same logic and the same scapegoat that the Leftists use agaisnt Israel/Jews
I am more anti-communist than you. But you support the Bear which is headed by a staunch Communist and once head of the KGB?
Those same leftists are attacking Serbia and saying that Serbia is responsible for the civil war which took place in former Yugoslavia.  I'll cede this as I don't know...

Who says that Israel never existed? Those evil leftist scum that back the "Palestinians"
The Jews had their own state on the territories of today's Israel in the time of the Roman Empire. The bilble is the living prove for that. Agreed.  But also if one reads the Bible one can use the same arguement that the Jew colonized and distroyed the Caananite....  factual but a bit distorted... ;)
Jews can not colonize Israel, just like Serbs can not colozine Krajina or Kosovo.Agreed O0
Jews are the autochtones of Israel so, there is no case of colonialism.  I'd say the same but the leftist and mohammadan scum would argue.

I think we are splitting hairs here brother.  I support Serbia and I think those that fed you and your righteous nation to the wolves should be executed....not in today's fashion but in that of the Inquisition....

I hate Islam and therefore Mohammadans.  I hate Communists and Leftist scum.  But mostly I hate is the Elitist Establisment and their vile International Socialist World Order schema which Serbia, Georgia and soon to be Israel will suffer...

"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #38 on: August 29, 2008, 09:02:35 AM »
thought it was the Mohammadans

Mohammadans colonizing Serbia?

Read my above written posts. I have explained this above!

Your media is making a picture regarding Yugoslavia, that we are dealing with local conclicts between local nations at the Balkans. You are wrong!
You are wrong! There are no Muslims armies on Serbian soil!
The local Muslims in Yugoslavia are used and organized by the colonization powers to participate in the extermination (the thirty work) of the Orthodox Serbs. Muslims in the Ballkans are instruments of the colonial organization whose politic and intentions I have exposed.

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #39 on: August 29, 2008, 11:24:16 AM »
The Mohammadans were on the war path long before the British/European colonialists.  Today, I'd say that the Establishment is using the Mohammadans to forward their agenda but I don't think then because this undermining by the Utopian Socialist really began, in modern times, under Adam Weishaupt in 1776.  The Mohammadan was on the warpath of Jihad for 1134 years already. 

Every Empire had colonies to which are listed above.  Your argument, like ours, is against the Anglo-American Establishment including their cohorts.  Don't think for one moment that the bombing and partitioning of Serbia under NATO via the Clinton, Blair and Solana did not include a Russian "green light".  Most of the media presentation and censorship was that of Russian.  That is the contention given by pro Serb author/reporter who was there on the ground: "Media Cleansing, Dirty Reporting: Journalism and Tragedy in Yugoslavia" by Peter Brock:

I'd much rather have lived under a Judeo-Christian Culture and World Language via the British Empire than Russian, Chinese or Arabic....  my opinion solely...

Of course colonialism and empire building is wrong but the fact is that it wasn't started by the Brits no the Establishment in America/Britain but practiced since around 0-3000 BC by the aforementioned peoples-nations-cultures...

I feel your pain and anguish against the Utopian power hungry Anglo-American...or World Establishment but I think, culturally, religiously and linguistically speaking, The English are much preferred to the Mohammandan or Communist... ;)
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #40 on: August 29, 2008, 12:27:36 PM »
The Mohammadans were on the war path long before the British/European colonialists.  Today, I'd say that the Establishment is using the Mohammadans to forward their agenda but I don't think then because this undermining by the Utopian Socialist really began, in modern times, under Adam Weishaupt in 1776.  The Mohammadan was on the warpath of Jihad for 1134 years already. 

You missed the point of the subject. We are saying that the problem is not who started it, but rather that those who are colonialists are trying to teach us how colonialism is evil eventhough they are continuing to do that through democracy. Simply said, first look at your self and then talk to others.

Every Empire had colonies to which are listed above.  Your argument, like ours, is against the Anglo-American Establishment including their cohorts.  Don't think for one moment that the bombing and partitioning of Serbia under NATO via the Clinton, Blair and Solana did not include a Russian "green light".  Most of the media presentation and censorship was that of Russian.  That is the contention given by pro Serb author/reporter who was there on the ground: "Media Cleansing, Dirty Reporting: Journalism and Tragedy in Yugoslavia" by Peter Brock:

Serbia never had colonies outside it's territory. In addition, you cannot compare Russia in the 90's and today. I guarantee you that if the Nato attack was planned today, it wouldn't happen, too risky both in military and economic reasons. For example, you really think that NATO would not have gotten involved in Georgia if this was the 90's? I am pretty sure that they would have. It is easy to attack when someone is weak.
I'd much rather have lived under a Judeo-Christian Culture and World Language via the British Empire than Russian, Chinese or Arabic....  my opinion solely...

Of course colonialism and empire building is wrong but the fact is that it wasn't started by the Brits no the Establishment in America/Britain but practiced since around 0-3000 B.C.E. by the aforementioned peoples-nations-cultures...

Finally, me and you agree on something (besides the distrust of Muslims). Just like you, I agree that colonialism is wrong. It is in human nature that you keep killing and conquering untill someone finally stands up to you. It is unfortunate, but that is a fact.

I feel your pain and anguish against the Utopian power hungry Anglo-American...or World Establishment but I think, culturally, religiously and linguistically speaking, The English are much preferred to the Mohammandan or Communist... ;)

Again, it ain't the average Anglo-American that serbs are against, but rather the main establishment which under false statements are attacking their allies from two world wars. As far as the media goes, Serbs are not asking the media to be pro-serb, but rather non-biased. Media in the west is as guilty as the people who attacked Serbia. Today's media can turn any conflict into a circus of lies and propaganda by the mismanagement of facts. When I speak to some people on the net about the media being biased, and when I speak from the Serbian point of view, I am right away accused spreading pro-serbian propaganda and sometimes even banned from those websites. Serbs were, up to the 90's very pro-western (including those atheist communist Serbs), and no better proof of that then our alliance with Westerners in two world wars. I mean, how much more proof do you need than that?
Serbs were betrayed by the former allies not once but twice: during WWII and since the 90's.


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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #41 on: August 29, 2008, 01:11:26 PM »
Were the Americans Serbia's allies during WW2?

The US was using the Serbian Cetniks.
Every Serbs must know the fact that the allies had fooled the Serbs at the end of WW2.

They, the allies, provided military support to the Cetniks when they needed men who were prepared to die against the Germans. The Serbs were several times bombed during WW2, once by the Axis forces and others times by the US-UK airplanes. At the end of WW2, the allies had betrayed the Serbian Cetnik movement and started to support their rivals - the communists of Tito.
The allies, the former allies of the Cetniks, gave permission to the communist Partizans to arrest the top of the Serbian Cetnik movement including Draza Mihajlovic and a mass of Cetnik soldiers. This resulted into mass executions of Serbian Cetnik soldiers including their military and political leaders, who are from the beginning of the war, 1941, figthing alongside with the alles against the Nazi and communists. Did we Serbs had a real alliance with the West during WW2? Those are very important questions!

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #42 on: August 29, 2008, 01:22:36 PM »
I agree with both of you here 100%. The Elitist European-American-British Establishment, with their cohorts are the enemies of humanity.  I am 100% pro-Serb...  No question.  I hope that the Serbian people again revolt, massacre or expell every Mohammadan and Communist animal within their border.
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #43 on: August 29, 2008, 02:44:47 PM »
I agree with both of you here 100%. The Elitist European-American-British Establishment, with their cohorts are the enemies of humanity. 

I am glad that you understand that if a person condemns colonial politic he does not have to be a communist. I am also glad that you recognize that colonialism/fascism and communism are enemies of humanity. All kind of humans of the world were direct/ indirect victims of these three plagues! Some were more victimized by them some less and sometimes these plagues were operating in combination.

I hope that the Serbian people again revolt, massacre or expell every Mohammadan and Communist animal within their border.

Now you have ruined everything. with this kind of speech.

You are talking like our enemies, like the fascists.
We are not in war with the Muslim people. We do not fight against civilians. Our fight is against terrorism, international communism and fascism and colonialism.
We will not tolerate ethnic cleansing against any citizen of the Republic of Serbia.
The Muslims citizens in Serbia have our respect.

If you want to conduct  massacre or ethnic cleansing against people only because of their ethnicity or religious background than you are not different as our enemies, the Nazis. In G-d's eyes we are all equal and we can not set our selves above others.

You can not say that all Catholics are evil or all Muslims are evil. That is satanic and Nazism. If you are able to kill a civilian only because his religion is Muslim, than you will kill me also tomorrow because of my religion. I do not trust genocidal people!
« Last Edit: August 29, 2008, 02:49:14 PM by DALMACIJA »


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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #44 on: August 29, 2008, 02:56:22 PM »
I hope that the Serbian people again revolt, massacre or expell every Mohammadan and Communist animal within their border.

Serbs did not massacre or expell Muslims on the territory of the Republic of Serbia!
Also were not Serbian authorities organizing crimes against Muslim or Croat populations in Croatia or Bosnia and Hercegovina. The Muslim civilians who died in Bosnia and Hercegovina were victims of a civil war and not of Serbian externination!
We have a Muslim population in Serbia which lives together with Orthodox Serbs and Jews for centuries long in peace! Will not allowed anybody to harm the Muslims who live in Serbia!

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #45 on: August 29, 2008, 04:37:07 PM »
Communism, as per ideology itself seeks for the demise of the Serbs; as a nation, a people, a culture of any individual entity itself.  Islam seeks the same for all non Muslims. 

"Lebanon" learned what it was like to have an increasing Islamic population.  I think it might be wise for you to read up on Islam, Mohammad and Islamic history.  Islam did not spread by door to door "spreading the truth" but by the blade of the sword.  Communism comparably the same manner.  You might wish to rethink your position. 

Communism, Islam and these Elitists are the enemies of humanity....period. 
« Last Edit: August 29, 2008, 04:42:39 PM by MarZutra »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #46 on: September 12, 2008, 05:18:07 AM »
Why Serbs must support Russia!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me explain his to you!

See the Stalinist dance! Some kind of new Western mode?

Stalinist Sakasvili is a real cooperator of the West!
Look and see him dreast in pink and dancing! Pink shirt - Western mode style!
In Eastern Europe it is not normal that men wear pink!
Conclusion: Sakasvili  is a real Western man!

Real western behavior "men dreast in pink"  real hollywood freaks!

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #47 on: September 12, 2008, 08:33:34 AM »
Why Serbs must support Russia!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me explain his to you!

See the Stalinist dance! Some kind of new Western mode?

Stalinist Sakasvili is a real cooperator of the West!
Look and see him dreast in pink and dancing! Pink shirt - Western mode style!
In Eastern Europe it is not normal that men wear pink!
Conclusion: Sakasvili  is a real Western man!

Real western behavior "men dreast in pink"  real hollywood freaks!

This guy Shakkasilli should have been assassinated a long while ago...
just my 0,02 $
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #48 on: September 12, 2008, 08:45:53 AM »
Being pro-West is bad?  Hell every Serb on here doesn't live in Serbia but in some Westernized nation like America, England, Australia, Canada or perhaps even Israel.... 

Question for you, where the Serbs during the days when Russia was aligned with Hitler's Nazi Germany against the West or were they pro-West simply living under Communist occupation/rule?  Did the Serbs help the Allies because Communist Russia was on the side of the Allies after June 2, 1941 or were the Serbs only following the Communist dictators orders to fight against the Nazis?

I admit that I'm not a scholar on Serbia itself but I do know a fair amount about Russian, Communist and Islamic history and ideological specificities....  The West is collapsing like a deck of cards for a few main reasons. 

Since about 1913 America has taken to an "International" vision, obviously influenced by Britain. Since then, America (and its Anglicized cohorts) have built and rebuilt almost every enemy nation they've since confronted.  Obviously for a reason.  This isn't new but highly comparable to European history since the times of Giovanni di Bicci and his son Cosimo de'Medici, Jacob Fugger or Adam Weischaupt.

If you look at every anti-American nation or person, their reasons are not "American" whatsoever but the reactions to the actions of those few that actually influence the West and its internal/global/realpolitik.  I'm sure those who attend Europe's Bilderberg Conference are not gathered to kibbitz over tea and cookies or even play golf.  When the World's elite of elite meet, there must be a real reason be it economic, financial or political gain... 

my two cents....

« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 09:01:43 AM by MarZutra »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #49 on: September 12, 2008, 09:01:31 AM »
Being pro-West is bad?  Hell every Serb on here doesn't live in Serbia but in some Westernized nation like America, England, Australia, Canada or perhaps even Israel.... 

Question for you, where the Serbs during the days when Russia was aligned with Hitler's Nazi Germany against the West or were they pro-West simply living under Communist occupation/rule?  Did the Serbs help the Allies because Communist Russia was on the side of the Allies after June 2, 1941 or were the Serbs only following the Communist dictators orders to fight against the Nazis?

Being pro-West and pro-East (in terms of East-Europe&Russia) is good.
We want peace with eachother, and together secure our interests and freedom.

Some Serbs are living in Serbia, as does Dalmacija.

3) <<Question for you, where the Serbs during the days when Russia was aligned with Hitler's Nazi Germany against the West or were they pro-West simply living under Communist occupation/rule? >>

Well, in the 30ties, Serbia was an Orthodox Kingdom, not a Soviet ally.

And why are you always calling the Soviet Union "Russia".

Today Russia is not in a terrible good shape neither, but at least, it is better than under Gorbatchev, or Yeltsin.

Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.