Author Topic: Why we Serbs should support Russia  (Read 26327 times)

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #75 on: September 16, 2008, 03:36:03 AM »
Thanks you guys be very well.  I just posted a very good ebook which I think you'll enjoy very much.  It is the "Jewish" groups (who've there is no Jewishness within them) that seek, and work towards the establishment of a new world order.  They work hand in hand with the Gentile that seeks to eliminate Christianity and establish the same end.  Do a search on here for "To Eliminate the Opiate".

The above post of mine was one angle of the Papal See/Vatican/Jesuits vs. Orthodox and Protestant Christians and one group/theory within the aforementioned Gentile anti-Christian movements.  The book by E.J. Phelps is also available in E-format for your desire.

Thanks for the comps and it is nice to see that people here are open minded and have actually practiced the teachings of Mark Twain "Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned."

The NWO Jews have nothing in common with the the real Jews who we know and who live for centuries long in peace with the Serbs in Serbia. Serbian Jews were called Serbs with the religion of Moses.

Can you give me the direct link where you expose the NWO Jews?

Offline AryehYehudah

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #76 on: September 21, 2008, 08:13:46 AM »

You do not have a realistic or strong argument against Russia.
You tried to put the communist crimes over the Russians and the Serbs (they mostly were committed against those two nations) on the direct responsibility of the Russians.
I must disappoint you there were also other parties involved in the launch of communism on Russia and later on Serbia. I do not see you attacking or accusing the third party which was direct responsible for the establishment of the communist rule in Russia.
Lets be honest. There is no historical argument against Russia, which can be compared with the crimes of the world’s colonization powers. Attacking Russia is absurd.
Ignoring the fact that the Georgians, who are controlled by the US, provoked Russia by shooting against Russian peace keepers is also absurd. This provocation resulted in a military conflict between Russia and the pro EU government of Georgia. 
Historicaly Russia had only defended its people and borders, it never invaded other countries, colonized or exploited other nations or had imperialistic intentions towards anybody.

If Russia did not exist.
I believe that the enemies of Israel would already have invaded Israel. The party which wants to destroy Israel can not accomplish its goal because of the presence of a powerful state like Russia. Russia will not tolerate a nuclear attack against anybody, also not against Israel. 

If Russia did not exist.
The US would have destroyed and exploited all the 2d and 3rd countries on a much higher level. Also would the US dropped nuclear bombs to rebels countries like Serbia, Iraq, Cuba, North Korea, Libya  and  Venezuela, if there was no Russia.   

This is the biggest bunch of hogwash I am yet to read on this pro-Jewish website.  This guy states , that Russia is the reason why Israel is kept alive?  Was it not the red commy/Jew Hating whore country that help supply all our enemies with weapons to wipe us off the earth , for rejecting their communist, bolshevik ways.  Yes , true many Jews came from the Eastern bloc and had that poison infused within them; yet we were smart enough to know that the Russian way is a cold, lonesome dictatorship, were you get half-rotten potatoes for lunch and dinner and forget breakfast.  As for your stupid theory of Russia has prevented Israel's enemies from invading, your are dead wrong.  Israel's miliatry prowess and help from the USA is the reason why Israel stomped her enemies and is not invaded.  And the only reason Russia has not invaded Israel , like it did Georgia, is that Israel has enough nukes to obliterated all of Russia's cities and most likely will have full USA support if a nuclear battle ensues.     The message of Dalmacija sounds entirely different from what i Heard from the Chaim Ben Pesach guy.  WHos running this site??  How did we get a whole thread supporting commy , anti-semite Russia.  I cannot stand this garbage.

Offline AryehYehudah

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #77 on: September 21, 2008, 08:34:23 AM »
Did I say that I hate White Christians? Now you are putting words in my mounth.
I have only exposed the basic principles on which their civilisation was found.

Protestant America and the Vatican are colonizing Serbian lands. Krajina, parts of Bosnia and Hercegovina and Kosovo are cleansed of Serbs and annexed to other states. This was organized and prepared by the colonial powers.

Protesant America helped Jews reclaim their country, Orthodox Eastern Europe kept Jews imprisone, burned their villages, raped their women, robbed them of their wealth.  Orthodox/Catholic Eastern Europe made the Zeus Christ killing Jews pay and pay again for their crimes.  If you want to whine and cry for the native americans, who themselves commited many atrocities, why not whine and cry about all the horrific, non-Christian, acts your orthodox russian, catholic poles, orthodox greek brethren commited against our people.  You just go on a rampage saying how bad Russia was when it was communist, but when  it was orthodox, it became a better place.  In reality, for us Jews, russia became a better place when it was communist then under the rule of the savage Czar and the russian orthodoxy.  In villages, the locals, who were  devoted church-goers, would have a field day tormenting our people.  Have you ever watched Fiddler on the Roof?  Its a hollywood fluff-ball version of reality, but shows a good synopsis of to prove you wrong on your argument, fantasizing of the glorious and holy orthodox Russia.  Anyone who has seen this movie, will remember the scene when the Czar was kicking all Jews out of the Annatevka village.  The captain told Tevya, that well, "we know your daughter converted to Christianity and married an Orthodox man, so I thought you can stay.  But they still say you must go, because you are a Jew.  I really thought because of your daughter converting you could stay."   You see, you say none of this had to do with religion and that orthodox russia were peace loving and defended her people.  QUite the contrary, all those who outsiders suffered some of the greatest hardships.  My great grandfather would chew you out in Yiddish for some of the moronic crap you are spewing on this site.  Let him tell you how bad Protesant America treated him compared to your loving Orthodox brothers.  He was lucky to escape Ukraine with my grandmother. 

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #78 on: September 21, 2008, 08:49:38 AM »
You're right, DALMACIJA's post is absolute garbage.

Get a load of this crap:
" Historicaly Russia had only defended its people and borders, it never invaded other countries, colonized or exploited other nations or had imperialistic intentions towards anybody."

This is pure nonsense. Unadulterated crap.

At the onset of WWII, the Russians invaded Finland and Poland. After WWII, the Russians imposed an 'Iron Curtain' over all of eastern Europe. During the cold war, the Russians armed and used their Arab proxies to wage war against Israel. The Russians used their Cuban proxies to destabilize the American western hemisphere and almost caused a nuclear conflagration by supplying Castro with missiles. They also have invaded Afghanistan, and today they're still up to their old crap by helping Iran in it's quest to develop nuclear weapons.

I support the Serbs, but I'm getting a little tired of their support for Russia.

Screw Russia.

Offline cjd

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #79 on: September 21, 2008, 08:51:00 AM »
Quote from: DALMACIJA on August 28, 2008, 02:09:29 PM

You do not have a realistic or strong argument against Russia.
You tried to put the communist crimes over the Russians and the Serbs (they mostly were committed against those two nations) on the direct responsibility of the Russians.
I must disappoint you there were also other parties involved in the launch of communism on Russia and later on Serbia. I do not see you attacking or accusing the third party which was direct responsible for the establishment of the communist rule in Russia.
Lets be honest. There is no historical argument against Russia, which can be compared with the crimes of the world’s colonization powers. Attacking Russia is absurd.
Ignoring the fact that the Georgians, who are controlled by the US, provoked Russia by shooting against Russian peace keepers is also absurd. This provocation resulted in a military conflict between Russia and the pro EU government of Georgia.
Historicaly Russia had only defended its people and borders, it never invaded other countries, colonized or exploited other nations or had imperialistic intentions towards anybody.

If Russia did not exist.
I believe that the enemies of Israel would already have invaded Israel. The party which wants to destroy Israel can not accomplish its goal because of the presence of a powerful state like Russia. Russia will not tolerate a nuclear attack against anybody, also not against Israel.

If Russia did not exist.
The US would have destroyed and exploited all the 2d and 3rd countries on a much higher level. Also would the US dropped nuclear bombs to rebels countries like Serbia, Iraq, Cuba, North Korea, Libya  and  Venezuela, if there was no Russia.   

Posted by: AryehYehudah        Posted on: Today at 08:13:46 AM
This is the biggest bunch of hogwash I am yet to read on this pro-Jewish website.  This guy states , that Russia is the reason why Israel is kept alive?  Was it not the red commy/Jew Hating whore country that help supply all our enemies with weapons to wipe us off the earth , for rejecting their communist, bolshevik ways.  Yes , true many Jews came from the Eastern bloc and had that poison infused within them; yet we were smart enough to know that the Russian way is a cold, lonesome dictatorship, were you get half-rotten potatoes for lunch and dinner and forget breakfast.  As for your stupid theory of Russia has prevented Israel's enemies from invading, your are dead wrong.  Israel's miliatry prowess and help from the USA is the reason why Israel stomped her enemies and is not invaded.  And the only reason Russia has not invaded Israel , like it did Georgia, is that Israel has enough nukes to obliterated all of Russia's cities and most likely will have full USA support if a nuclear battle ensues.     The message of Dalmacija sounds entirely different from what i Heard from the Chaim Ben Pesach guy.  WHos running this site??  How did we get a whole thread supporting commy , anti-semite Russia.  I cannot stand this garbage.
This is the biggest bunch of hogwash I am yet to read on this pro-Jewish website.

I have to agree. I don't think this forum is a place that should be talking up Russia by any means.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #80 on: September 21, 2008, 08:51:11 AM »
Quote from: MarZutra on August 29, 2008, 01:22:36 PM
I hope that the Serbian people again revolt, massacre or expell every Mohammadan and Communist animal within their border.

Now you have ruined everything. with this kind of speech.

You are talking like our enemies, like the fascists.
We are not in war with the Muslim people. We do not fight against civilians. Our fight is against terrorism, international communism and fascism and colonialism.
We will not tolerate ethnic cleansing against any citizen of the Republic of Serbia.
The Muslims citizens in Serbia have our respect.

No, HE IS MAKING GOOD SENSE!.  It is you who is ruining everything by supporting the Jew hating Commy Leftist Russian Beast.  He is making good sense and in case you didn't realize this website does not seem to support muslims as a people.   Islam is most evil and nazi like religion on the earth and the fact that you will defend Islam and Russia, makes me really scratch my head about you and your intentions for Eretz Yisroel.    Why do you Serbians give respect to Islamonazi citizens?  The same people who wish to eradicate us from the earth?

If you want to conduct  massacre or ethnic cleansing against people only because of their ethnicity or religious background than you are not different as our enemies, the Nazis. In G-d's eyes we are all equal and we can not set our selves above others.

You can not say that all Catholics are evil or all Muslims are evil. That is satanic and Nazism. If you are able to kill a civilian only because his religion is Muslim, than you will kill me also tomorrow because of my religion. I do not trust genocidal people!

As far as  I am concerned all Muslims are evil, because they follow a religion that calls for the eradication of all non-Muslims.  Catholicism also calls for the eradication for all non-Catholics, but at least Catholics these days are not enforcing their religion like Muslims are.  If you think this gentleman MarZutra is fascist and nazi, even as a newcomer here, I think you are on the wrong website pal.  Better go and make your post on ol Davie Duke's website.  I don't think any true Jew will support such a savagae barbaric religion.  Yes, if the Islamonazis do not want to leave our land, they should be eradicated with force.  Remember, they are colonizing EUrope now because most Europeans are so stupid and liberal, that they think it is for their ow ngood that poor, backward, uneducated and violent people come and teach them for all their past crimes.  Your mentality and speech is no different than any leftist nazi that I hear, why is you and yoru Save Serbia board so special to us Jewish people?

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #81 on: September 21, 2008, 08:56:11 AM »
You're right, DALMACIJA's post is absolute garbage.

Get a load of this crap:
" Historicaly Russia had only defended its people and borders, it never invaded other countries, colonized or exploited other nations or had imperialistic intentions towards anybody."

This is pure nonsense. Unadulterated crap.

At the onset of WWII, the Russians invaded Finland and Poland. After WWII, the Russians imposed an 'Iron Curtain' over all of eastern Europe. During the cold war, the Russians armed and used their Arab proxies to wage war against Israel. The Russians used their Cuban proxies to destabilize the American western hemisphere and almost caused a nuclear conflagration by supplying Castro with missiles. They also have invaded Afghanistan, and today they're still up to their old crap by helping Iran in it's quest to develop nuclear weapons.

I support the Serbs, but I'm getting a little tired of their support for Russia.

Screw Russia.
I support the Serbs, but I'm getting a little tired of their support for Russia.

Exactly!!  Well said!!  :clap:
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline AryehYehudah

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #82 on: September 21, 2008, 09:00:16 AM »
Serbs did not massacre or expell Muslims on the territory of the Republic of Serbia!
Also were not Serbian authorities organizing crimes against Muslim or Croat populations in Croatia or Bosnia and Hercegovina. The Muslim civilians who died in Bosnia and Hercegovina were victims of a civil war and not of Serbian externination!
We have a Muslim population in Serbia which lives together with Orthodox Serbs and Jews for centuries long in peace! Will not allowed anybody to harm the Muslims who live in Serbia!

You're living in a fantasy world.. One day us Jews may be the ones to have to help save your people from your own negligence.  You wonder why you lost Kosovo, well soon you may find you will lose Belgrade too.  Your pro-Russian, Islam loving mindset will rape your country of its heritage.  I personally, don't know the depths of Serbian history, but I can see if you represent the average Serb, I don't want to be yoru ally.  And if your Russian buddies and SErbian muslims start spewing the anti-Israeli garbage and start influencing your people to hate us, like they have done in other countries, be sure that you will become an arch-enemy of Israel and the true Jewish people, just like your muslim and russian friends are.  I am amazed that a person who's country was terrorized by islamonazis would defend the same people .

Orthodox Christianity and Islam.. two religions with a bad track record of treatment to Jewish people.  People may deny it as they wish, but history speaks for itself.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2008, 09:09:21 AM by AryehYehudah »


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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #83 on: September 21, 2008, 09:01:40 AM »
   The message of Dalmacija sounds entirely different from what i Heard from the Chaim Ben Pesach guy.  WHos running this site??  How did we get a whole thread supporting commy , anti-semite Russia.  I cannot stand this garbage.

Congratulations to AryehYehudah

You have discovered !!!!!!!

You have discovered us and everything that stands behind this all.
I am surprised that we are exposed buy a non-Russian! If somebody was qualified enough to expose us and our hidden work, it would have been at least (one of our own) a Russian! I am surprised that a non-Russian, like you AryehYehudah, was able to discover the real intent of the organization.

You have maybe recognized us but you can not succeed, neither are you able to stop us.
We are a pro Russian organization which is fighting for greater Russia. By the year of 2012 the continent of Europe will be annexed to the reestablished Tsarist Russia. 

You are right “Chaim Ben Pesach” is not ruing this site! How have you discover that?
Chaim Ben Pesach’s real name is Vladimir Alexei Stojadinovic.
He is also a Russian spy who is working for our organization to reconstruct the Russian Empire.

You must work with us. You are very, very intelligent individual!
How did you figure out that Chaim Ben Pesach is not ruing this organization?
That was top secret!

Because you are so smart I want you to cooperate with us!
You will have money and everything what you wish. Just become one of us.

JTF  (Just To serve FederationRussia)

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #84 on: September 21, 2008, 09:18:51 AM »
Thats why we are also anti-West.
The West looks down on 3d world countries. They are materialistic and selfish.

You have confirmed to me your Western hatred towards Slavic people, third world people (which were colonized and exploited by the West) and towards other people who do not share your ethnicity!

You are protecting the West and blaming others for the crimes committed by the West!
You do not even want to admit the Western crimes!

G-d, I think I can hear Barack Hussein Obama and his stupid Jew hating pastor Jeremiah Wright saying the same crap.   >:(    You know what I think, Dalmacija, I think lot of third world countries are selfish and also materialistic.   Yeah, sure we got lot of rich , greedy buffoons who hide in their mansion and get a new $5000 armani suit each week.  But, this is not the majority.  Rather, many people in many countries are selfish, but some countries have been more successful.  The West has given lots of money to these begging nations who never learned how to survive in modern world.  Rather than embark on self-sufficiency they find it easier to steal from their own people and live on a life of handouts.  The Germans used to say how seflish and materialistic us Jews were because we succeeded very well in the country and had great favor with nobility and prominent in the affairs of the country.  This hatred and jealousy is what enabled the mostr atrocious holocaust in the modern (perhaps entire) history of the world.  Lets talk about Eastern crimes and all the people sent to Siberia to die a most horrible death?  Lets talk about Africans villagers pillaging other villagers and raping their women, killing their children.  Have you forgot about all the wars in Africa and Arabic countries.  I hate your manner of speech and the crap you say here, I wonder why you get to have a name of Master JTFer.. It boggles my mind.    You are typical, left-wing Anti-Western Soviet minded person.  Spewing your garbage on the "West".  Turning a blind eye on the abominable crimes commited by your allies.  War is war, you better thank those allies for fighting an agressive campaign, or you Slavic people would have been a corpse.  Those allies also saved Russia's behind and Russia would have been a Germanic nation today if it was not for the supplies and support givien by the Allies.    You have confirmed your hatred to western civilization.  I don't hear you ranting about your homegrown communist religion, of course which you lay all on Lenin, who you and David Duke both falsely claim is a Jew.  As I recall, Jews and many other minorities had lot more freedom once they touched American soil, then in xenophobic Orthodox Eastern Europe.  Those same minorities you speak about , don't even exist in Eastern Europe.  Go find a study about Neo-Nazism and tell me which country today has the largest number of Neo-Nazis.  None other than Russia , Poland and Ukraine.  Dunno about Serbia. 

Please don't use the term "Greater Russia and Slavic Nation" .  That makes my stomach turn a bit as I hear many lefties talk about how they will destroy USA and ISrael and form the Greater Russian, Iranain and Slavic empire..  Russia will never form any empire, its days are number by Hashem's Will!
« Last Edit: September 21, 2008, 09:28:32 AM by AryehYehudah »

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #85 on: September 21, 2008, 09:24:56 AM »
Russia is a pseudo-Communist State.  It most certainly is not a democracy.  Communism, my friend IS in fact a global ideology as per Marx/Engles Manifesto with ideological specificities stemming back to Plato and the Neo-Platonists. 

Probably more propaganda...

Russian units raid Georgian airfields for use in potential Israeli strike against Iran – US intelligence
DEBKAfile September 11, 2009

5 Sept.: The Russians raided two Georgian airfields, which Tbilisi had allowed Israel to use for a potential strike against Iran's nuclear facilities, after the Georgian offensive against South Ossetia on Aug. 7.

Under a secret agreement with Georgia, the airfields were earmarked for use by Israeli fighter-bombers taking off to strike Iran, in return for training and arms supplies for the Georgian army.

DEBKAfile's intelligence sources report that flying from S. Georgia over the Caspian Sea to Iran would sharply trim the flying time for Israeli fighter-bombers to 3.5 hours.

Northern Iran and the Tehran region, where most of the nuclear facilities are concentrated, would be within range, with no need to request US permission to pass through Iraq air space.

Russian Special Forces also raided other Israeli facilities in southern Georgia and captured Israeli spy drones and other military equipment. DEBKAfile adds: If the Russians got hold of an Israeli unmanned aerial vehicle complete with sophisticated electronic reconnaissance equipment, they will have secured some of the IDF's most secret devices for spying on Iran and Syria.

When this happened before, Russian military engineers quickly dismantled the equipment, studied it and passed the technology on to Tehran and Damascus.

Russia lines up with Syria, Iran against America and the West
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

September 12, 2008, 10:28 PM (GMT+02:00)

Russian Navy prepares for permanent Mediterranean base in Syria
Friday, Sept. 12, Moscow announced renovation had begun on the Syrian port of Tartus to provide Russia with its first long-term naval presence on the Mediterranean.

As the two naval chiefs talked in Moscow, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov met Iranian foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki in the Russian capital for talks on the completion of the Bushehr nuclear power plant by the end of the year.

DEBKAfile’s military sources report that the commander of the Russian, Navy Adm. Vladimir Vysotsky, and his Syrian counterpart, Gen. Taleb al Barri, spent all Friday working on details for the outfitting of Tartus port to accommodated increased Russian fleet Mediterranean missions not far from Israel’s shores.

Mottaki’s unannounced visit to the Russian capital focused on the timetable for Atomstroiexport to finish work on the Bushehr reactor after five years of delays.

Moscow has sharpened its tone in comments aimed at the West and the US in particular. President Dmitiry Medvedev said Friday that Georgia’s attack on South Ossetia was the equivalent for Russia of the 9/11 attack on America. Even if Georgia had become a NATO member, he said, he would not have thought twice about ordering the Russian army to go in.

Prime minister Vladimir Putin, after putting Moscow’s case on Georgia to the Western media, warned the US that stationing a missile defense shield near Russia’s borders would start an arms race in Europe. There was no basis for a new Cold War, he said.

DEBKAfile’s sources interpret Friday’s events as indicating that Russia’s leaders have determined not to declare a Cold War in Europe but to open a second anti-Western front in the Middle East.

In the second half of August, DEBKA file and DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s analysts discussed this re-orientation at length (Russia’s Second Front: Iran-Syria), disclosing that Moscow had decided to use its ties with Tehran and Damascus to challenge the United State and the West in the Middle East as well as the Caucasian, the Black Sea and the Caspian region.

The traumatic impact of the Georgia conflict on Russia’s rulers came through in the remarks of an unnamed Kremlin official quoted by the Russian media this week: “Everything has changed since the war with Georgia. What seemed impossible before is more than possible now when our friends become our enemies and our enemies our friends. Russia will respond. A number of possibilities are being considered, including hitting America where it hurts most – Iran and Syria.”

In aligning with Tehran and Damascus, Moscow stands not only against America but also Israel. This volatile world region is undergoing cataclysmic changes at a time when Israel is virtually without a fully competent prime minister and key political and military decision-making by the rest of the government is at a standstill.

Defend Georgia, our ally against the Russian Hog, not Bear..  Damn.. You know Georgia would have been a great ally in an Iranian invasion and they were the only pro-Israeli country in Eastern Europe.  Russian bastards.

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #86 on: September 21, 2008, 09:29:03 AM »

Congratulations to AryehYehudah

You have discovered !!!!!!!

You have discovered us and everything that stands behind this all.
I am surprised that we are exposed buy a non-Russian! If somebody was qualified enough to expose us and our hidden work, it would have been at least (one of our own) a Russian! I am surprised that a non-Russian, like you AryehYehudah, was able to discover the real intent of the organization.

You have maybe recognized us but you can not succeed, neither are you able to stop us.
We are a pro Russian organization which is fighting for greater Russia. By the year of 2012 the continent of Europe will be annexed to the reestablished Tsarist Russia. 

You are right “Chaim Ben Pesach” is not ruing this site! How have you discover that?
Chaim Ben Pesach’s real name is Vladimir Alexei Stojadinovic.
He is also a Russian spy who is working for our organization to reconstruct the Russian Empire.

You must work with us. You are very, very intelligent individual!
How did you figure out that Chaim Ben Pesach is not ruing this organization?
That was top secret!

Because you are so smart I want you to cooperate with us!
You will have money and everything what you wish. Just become one of us.

JTF  (Just To serve FederationRussia)
I am sure China is going to just sit back and watch all that. Please don't joke about the JTF organization like that even as a joke it misrepresents what we stand for.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #87 on: September 21, 2008, 09:30:42 AM »

I posted this in another thread but it is also highly relevant to the discussion here so I am reposting it.

"I know the ALbanians also claim to have saved many Jews, yet so how can I verify the claims of Serbians saving Jews as any more valid?"

Shalom AryehYehudah,

See here for an answer to this Albanian claim by Serbian historian Carl Savich here:

Kosovo and the Holocaust: Falsifying History

and by 4International writer Max Rosenthal here:

Zero Jews in Kosovo Today

and by Prof. Francisco Gil-White here:

Should Jews support an independent Kosovo?

Regarding Georgia, while I can understand your contempt for everything Russian and the Russian Orthodox Church because of the terrible oppression that you and your family suffered in the former Soviet Union, you must not allow your judgement to be clouded on what really happened in Ossetia and what the Georgian government did BEFORE the Russians sent their troops in.

Did you know that in early August he ordered the attack on hundreds of sleeping civilians in the middle of the night with artillery and rockets and by doing so he wiped out the Jewish Qaurter - home of 20 Jewish families - in Tskhinvali, the Ossetian capital along with hundreds of other civilians of all nationalities?   (some reports estimate at least 2 thousand people killed in the initial Georgian artillery and rocket attack)

This happened several days BEFORE  the Russians sent their troops over the border.There are reports now coming out from the European OSCE which confirm all of the above as being true.Did you know that our leaders in Washington gave the go ahead to Saakashvili to launch this provocative attack against civilains in order to destabilize Russia and that we are trying to surround Russia with NATO strategic weaponry like the missiles we are basing in Poland which are ultimately targeted at Russia?

The aim of all of this activity by Washington is to weaken and ultimately break up Russia and take over the entire continent of Eurasia as envisaged by Zbigniew Brzezisnski in his 1997 book, The Grand Chessboard. READ THIS BOOK - IT WILL OPEN YOUR EYES AS TO WHAT WE ARE DOING IN FORMER SOVIET REPUBLICS ON RUSSIA's DOORSTEP IN ORDER TO BREAK RUSSIA APART. Did you know that Brzezinski is Obama's foreign policy advisor? Were you aware that Saakashvili  - the US/NATO installed leader of Georgia - is really a despicable fascist-like dictator and thug who crushes any and all opposition to his regime with terror tactics?  

While we may despise Russia for her support of Israel's enemies and her antsemitism during the era of the Tzar and to a lesser extent during the USSR era, trying to provoke Russia by launching attacks on her borders via our proxies is risking World War 3. Even Olmert's government was smart enough to withdraw Israeli military support of Saakashvili's regime several days before Washington gave the go ahead for his murderous attack which wiped out the entire Jewish Quarter in Tskhinvali. We Jews and Israelis need to steer well clear of supporting such murderous leaders as Saakashvili even if it means we upset Washington. If you recall , Ariel Sharon was totally against our support of the Albanian muslims, the drug dealing KLA and our 78 day bombing campaign against Serbian civilian targets which resulted in the deaths of several thousand Serbian men, women and young children. A terrible crime against humanity which Russia also never forgot nor forgave the traitorous leaders in Washington for perpetrating.

While we Jews on JTF are totally justified in attacking Russia and Putin for his reprehensible support of Iran, Syria and other Islamofascist despotic regimes in the Middle East who are enemies of Israel, we must also understand that our traitorous leaders in Washington have also been covertly supporting Iran and working in co-operation with the Islamofascist Iranian religious mullahs for decades, as for example in Iraq, Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan. We must also acknowledge that expanding NATO right up to Russia's borders, basing strategic missiles in Poland and supporting Saakashvili's attack on South Ossetia - which was really an attack on Russia by proxy - was and is a terrible mistake that could lead us - G-d forbid - into a catastrophic nuclear war with Russia.



Offline MarZutra

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Re: Why we Serbs should support Russia
« Reply #88 on: September 21, 2008, 09:41:51 AM »
Very good reply Aryeh Yehudah.  I'm also of Russian Heritage.  My great grandfather fled Russia during the tolerant Orthodox Czar's 1880 pogroms.  

Russia was a backwards despotic Turd world pseudo-monarchy before and after the Czar.  The only real difference is the replacement of Nicholas with Lenin.  

Russia would have totally collapsed if it weren't for American Traitors like Ferdinando Nicola Sacco, Bartolomeo Vanzetti, Armand Hammer, Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Klaus Fauchs, Col. E.M House, FDR, Alger Hiss, Harry Trueman, Owen Lattimore, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and all their supporting subhuman offal.  

The Russian people should be kissing the feet of the Americans for their treasonous aid.  Hell, they'd still be using manual labor Oxen to plow their fields....  

I support the Serbs but not Russia.  I'm sure there are many good and honorable Russian people but their ideology and their politics is just as deprave as the Elitists ruining the West and those despots in the Islamic/Turd World... two cents.

PS: I don't believe CbP supports Russia at all...  It would be more likely that his great grandparents lived through the same "open minded", accepting and tolerant rule of the Czar and the Russian "Priest" Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin...
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.