The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Bin Laden Allowed To Stay Unbothered in Pakistan

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Thinking about it, wihout mecca, Islam couldn't hold together, I think that the quran states that mecca will stand forever...

Now, would the arabs cut off the oil out of spite? I don't think so... the rich arab elite class want to stay rich. A lot of them have even been irritated with islam and have wondered how to control it. This would make islam fall apart and the rich elite could care less about islam... they care more about themselves. Just a thought...

Also, would it be good to televise the count down? Like 24 hours in advance? It would be mecca from satelite with a big cross-hair over it. Or would that cause more saber rattling and possibly cause problems? Anyone have an opinion?

El Cabong!:

--- Quote from: jeffguy on September 10, 2006, 10:30:34 PM ---

Also, would it be good to televise the count down? Like 24 hours in advance? It would be mecca from satelite with a big cross-hair over it. Or would that cause more saber rattling and possibly cause problems? Anyone have an opinion?

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No warning. Wait until they do that pilgrimige to mecca when about 1 million of them are walking around that stupid rock dressed in rags. Then fly a few jets into them filled with fuel and watch them burn so they know the end of islam is coming. Then drop the big one on them.

Unnecessary death is simply that, unnecessary, and evil too.

We should drop troops to force all the people out of mecca, then we should blow it up.

El Cabong!:

--- Quote from: Rhuan on September 11, 2006, 02:34:27 PM ---Unnecessary death is simply that, unnecessary, and evil too.

We should drop troops to force [ball[/b] the people out of mecca, then we should blow it up.

--- End quote ---

Doing what you said and sending in our troops IS unecessary killing. Choose your side, don't sit on the fence.


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