The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Bin Laden Allowed To Stay Unbothered in Pakistan
Regarding Lebanon, I think Israel should have never pulled out.
Rhuan wrote: but I would never arrange the death of muslims in a situation when there is a different available course of action that doesn't involve death on our side.
There is no different available course. Look into the future if you can - and you can by extending current trends. Muslims are overrunning Western civilization (Europe) and America's next. They are being radicalized in their mosques to jihadist intent. They are beating the west demographically (birthrate). The west is suicidally politically correct, they are anything but. The west doesn't have the will (to live) to use all its might in this war. Muslims will use anything they can get their filthy hands on. They are driven by religious fervor. The west has no fervor except for sex and sports. It doesn't even have the muscle to get bin Laden (for symbolic reasons if not tactical).
Given the above who do you think is going to win?
I don't care how religious you are. If a horde of Islamaniacs were coming for you and your family tell me you wouldn't grab a machine gun and blast away til the last clip? I know I would!
--- Quote from: Rhuan on September 11, 2006, 05:54:00 PM ---Regarding Lebanon, I think Israel should have never pulled out.
--- End quote ---
yey! :)
Dude, you seem to hold some logically wrong ideas (like your infamous phrase hehe), some logically wrong opinions about how not avoiding getting murdered by these muslim killers.
luckily for me, when it comes to practical questions you seem to agree with me on all we've talked anout until now.
i'm sure there's some kind of collision and non-adaptability between the theories "they" tought you and the correct things YOU believe in.
about lebanon- you are right again, i believe. every leader who loves his people and seeks afrer his people's security and defense, would have first finnished hizballah off, and then pull out, if ever.
--- Quote from: yephora on September 11, 2006, 06:02:12 PM ---Rhuan wrote: but I would never arrange the death of muslims in a situation when there is a different available course of action that doesn't involve death on our side.
There is no different available course. Look into the future if you can - and you can by extending current trends. Muslims are overrunning Western civilization (Europe) and America's next. They are being radicalized in their mosques to jihadist intent. They are beating the west demographically (birthrate). The west is suicidally politically correct, they are anything but. The west doesn't have the will (to live) to use all its might in this war. They are driven by religious fervor. The west has no fervor except for sex and sports. It doesn't even have the muscle to get bin Laden (for symbolic reasons if not tactical).
Given the above who do you think is going to win?
I don't care how religious you are. If a horde of Islamaniacs were coming for you and your family tell me you wouldn't grab a machine gun and blast away til the last clip? I know I wouldn't have to think twice!!
--- End quote ---
Yephora, you got some good ways of putting things together. well said.
however, i must note that Rhuan would have also agreed with your last sentence, as he mentioned in his theory of "direct" situations above.
Thanks for agreeing with me on some points, NeverMore, it's nice when that happens.
I personally think that Israel should have destroyed hezbollah, and then should have maintained a presence in Lebanon until a totally peaceful (read non-muslim) government was established.
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