The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Bin Laden Allowed To Stay Unbothered in Pakistan
--- Quote from: Rhuan on September 11, 2006, 04:48:49 PM ---Think about it from all angles, the muslims are not our enemies, they are the enemy's slaves.
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i dont care, and no one should care about the proper definition.
you have people, who want to kill you. look at it in whatever angle you want. it shouldnt make any difference in the way you deal with them.
and by the way, i am also against killing "just like that", im against hurting ANY righteous man. a righteose man (or woman of course) will be defined as one who doesnd want to hurt anyone who doesnt want to hurt him, and living accordingly (like helping the other righteous people and so on..).
that "love the sinner hate the sin" approach you have, you will never be able to defend it logically when it comes to surviving the threat of being killed by these sinners you mention. or when these sinners fight you, for example. its purely WRONG logically, if your logics support YOUR own survival.
I would rather be killed than murder millions of inocent slaves.
--- Quote from: Rhuan on September 11, 2006, 05:18:33 PM ---I would rather be killed than murder millions of inocent slaves.
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so you say you better would prefer to see Jews die rather than taking potentially deadly action against the arabs?
because its direct logical continuation- better kill one Jew than million arabs=> better kill one Jew than 1000 arabs, because 1000000 and 1000 deads are both huge tragedies to them. you say actually that i, as a Jew, need to prefer dying rather than fighting them and killing if neccessary a big number of enemies who want to kill me, if i follow your way of thinking.
its so bad that you quantify and make equations of deads to be of the same value your life is.
if so, what is the number of enemies who want you dead are you allowing to die to save you?
these innocent slaves aint so inocent, and aint so slaves. they are grown up men, who can decide on their own between good and bad, and surely not innocent, because they want YOU dead and may have already killed Jews, for example.
i cant understand how can you seal yourself out from reality and remain locked on these suicidal ideas.
If it was a direct situation, i.e. A muslim is about to cut someone's throat, and I'm standing behind the muslim with a knife I would kill. If it was a kill or be killed situation, I would kill. If I was on an aeroplane and muslims tried to take control of it, I would fight them with whatever I had, but I would never arrange the death of muslims in a situation when there is a different available course of action that doesn't involve death on our side.
--- Quote from: Rhuan on September 11, 2006, 05:39:12 PM ---If it was a direct situation, i.e. A muslim is about to cut someone's throat, and I'm standing behind the muslim with a knife I would kill. If it was a kill or be killed situation, I would kill. If I was on an aeroplane and muslims tried to take control of it, I would fight them with whatever I had, but I would never arrange the death of muslims in a situation when there is a different available course of action that doesn't involve death on our side.
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i fully agree with you, Rhuan.
its only that in some cases you have to choose to go to war and do these inevitable killings, that every war has, even if there is no "direct" situation. Israel has no "direct" situation now with lebanon, so we sit and do talkings with killers and other similar business. later, and due to that, the "direct situation" arises, and then, to win it and avoid the killing of your whole people, Jewish lives are lost, just like happened in the last lebanon war.
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