Author Topic: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin  (Read 4433 times)

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"Jews have designs on Palin"

In the Opinion page of today's Orange County Register (September 16, 2008, Local 9) is a Goebbelsian smut piece against Governor Palin (and, of course, Jews) written by the world-renowned Hitler apologist, Fag Buchanus, ys"vz. I wonder if the "impartial journalists" of the OCR would print an op-ed piece by Chaim Ben Pesach in support of Palin. Nah, I think they'd print an excerpt of Mein Kampf first--which is exactly what they did right now.

So, get ready to puke. The most disgusting thing is that Buchanus actually has the nerve to pretend to praise Palin at the end of this sick hatchet job. Once again, yimach schmo vezichro to this bloated, McDonald's addicted walrus. (All italics, edits, and in-text notes added by Chaimfan in order to offer commentary and show what Buchanus really typed before his proofreaders edited it for him.)

Quote from: Fag Buchanus
Neocons Jews have designs on Palin

     Will the neocons Jews who tutored George W. Bush in the ideology he pursued to the ruin of his presidency do the same for Sarah Palin?

     Should they succeed, they will destroy her. Yet, they are moving even now to capture this princess of the Right (Chaimfan's note: Don't you just love the respectful tone Buchanus addresses this lady with?) and hope of the party.

     At the GOP convention in St. Paul, Palin was told to cancel a meeting with Phyllis Schlafly and pro-life conservatives. McCain's operatives said Palin had to rest for her convention speech.

     Yet, the day before the address, Palin was behind closed doors with Joe Lieberman and officials of the Israeli lobby AIPAC. There, according to The Washington Post, Palin took and passed her oral exams. (What a sick, perverse, filthy animal--making a sick sexual innuendo about this pure and chaste Christian wife and mother. Words cannot describe this disgusting beast.)

     "Palin assured the group of her strong support for Israel, of her desire to see the United States move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and of her opposition to Iran's aspirations to become a nuclear power, according to sources familiar with the meeting."

     AIPAC went away happy. Spokesman Josh Block said, "We were pleased that Gov. Palin expressed her deep personal commitment to the safety and well-being of Israel."

     Heading home to Alaska to prepare for her interview with ABC's Charlie Gibson, Palin was escorted by Randy Scheunemann, McCain's foreign policy guru and, until March, a hired agent of the regime in Georgia.

     Scheunemann's lobbying assignment: Bring Georgia into NATO, so U.S. troops, like 19-year old Track Palin, (Is he wishing Track would be killed in action? Sounds like it to me.) will be required to fight Russia to defend a Saakashvili regime that has paid Scheunemann and his partner $730,000.

     Reportedly, a phone conversation was held between Saakashvili and Palin, in which Palin committed herself to the territorial integrity of Georgia, though South Ossetia and Abkhazia have declared independence and been recognized by Moscow, which now has troops in both enclaves.

     Also on Palin's plane was Steve Biegun, formerly of President Bush's National Security Council, and Scheunemann's choice to tutor her. Of Biegun, Steven Clemens of the New American Foundation says, "He will turn her into an advocate of Cheneyism and Cheney's view of national security issues."

     During her interview with Gibson, Palin often took a neocon Jewish line. Three times she said that, should Israel decide to attack Iran, the United States should not "second guess Israel's decision or interfere.

     This contradicts U.S. policy. Adm. Michael Mullen, chariman of the Joint Chiefs, has warned Israel not to attack Iran, as the United States does not want a "third front". (He'd prefer that the "third front" take place in New York City, after his lover Ahmadinejad detonates a nuclear bomb there.)

     Palin also volunteered that the Russian invasion was "unprovoked," though Georgia attacked South Ossetia first. She followed up by saying that Georgia and Ukraine should be brought into NATO. (Ri-ight. And Poland attacked Nazi Germany too, Pat.)

     Would that mean America would have to go to war with Russia on behalf of any new conflict, Gibson asked. ([sic] Surely this seventy-year-old Nazi would have learned some basic sentence structure by now. This is terrible.)

     "Perhaps so," said Palin.

     Scheunemann should get a fat severance check from Saakashvili for that one. (We all know Pat keeps harping on this Scheunemann character because he thinks it's a Jewish-sounding name.)

     One ex-White House aide at American Enterprise institute, asked by Tim Shipman of the Daily Telegraph if AEI sees Palin as a "project," replied: "Your word, not mine, ... But I wouldn't disagree with the sentiment. ... She's bright, and she's a blank page. She's going places, and it's worth going there with her."

     In fairness to Palin, on issues like NATO membership for Ukraine and Georgia, her answers reflect the views of the man who chose her. She has no option at present but to follow the McCain line laid down by Scheunemann. the Jew.

     But make no mistake. Sarah Palin is no neocon. a Gentile. She is a traditionalist whose values are those of family, faith, community and country, not some utopian ideology. (Of course, the Nazi Fag Buchanus thinks all of those are the antithesis of Judaism.)

     Interviewed by Alaska Business Monthly in March 2007 on the surge, Palin said, "I heard on the news about the new deployments, and while I support our president, I want to know that we have an exit plan in place."

     That is not the language of empire or "benevolent global hegemony." (Pat obviously can barely restrain his fat Nazi fingers from typing "ZOG new world order", and it's killing him.)

     Palin may disappoint many conservatives in the next seven weeks by having to parrot the McCain-neocon line on NATO expansion, NAFTA and a "path to citizenship" for illegal immigrants. (Yes, like all of those are strictly Jewish positions.) But the battle for Sarah Palin's soul is not over. (Translation: He still thinks he can convert her to anti-Semitism.

Let all of the good members of JTF daven day and night that Buchanus (ys"vz) would develop a terminal case of rectal cancer in the course of this election season!


« Last Edit: September 16, 2008, 10:12:57 PM by C.F. »

Offline Americanhero1

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2008, 09:04:42 PM »

Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2008, 09:28:54 PM »
I was expecting this.  Anything he has to say is centred around his Jew-hating ideology.  However, I don't think this will hurt us.  Americans have far more appreciation for the Jews than they do for this worm.  So let him draw lines in the sand.  I want people to know that Palin will listen to the concerns of the Jewish community.

By the way, Chaimfan, I hope you don't mind my telling you this, but I think it is important, as you will have many more opportunities to editorialize people's essays.  But when you insert your own text into someone else's writings, you should use square bracket parenthesis rather than the regular kind.  [  ]  instead of (  ).
It may seem nitpicky, but to the reader it is a clear sign that the text is yours and not the author of the original piece.

Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2008, 09:30:37 PM »
Excellent analysis, CF.

I guarantee that the Nazi Pat Buchanan will vote for Barack Hussein Obama (no matter what Buchanan says publicly) and will continue trying to undermine the McCain-Palin ticket.

Because for the Hitler-loving Pat Buchanan, the main issue has always been destroying Israel and the Jewish people. Buchanan sees troubling signs that Palin might actually be a pro-Israel evangelical Christian (oh no!).

BTW, David Duke and the Nazi and Klan organizations also support Barack Hussein Obama in part because of Obama's anti-Semitic and anti-Israel positions. Just like Buchanan, Duke and the Nazi-Klan groups are obsessed with destroying Israel and the Jewish people. This is truly their number one priority.

Offline Lisa

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2008, 09:34:58 PM »
I was expecting this.  Anything he has to say is centred around his Jew-hating ideology.  However, I don't think this will hurt us.  Americans have far more appreciation for the Jews than they do for this worm.  So let him draw lines in the sand.  I want people to know that Palin will listen to the concerns of the Jewish community.

How can you be so sure, Zachor.  Buchanan seems to be everywhere. 

And Chaimfan, you're a great writer.  You should seriously consider blogging again. 

Offline Roadwarrior

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2008, 09:36:44 PM »
a horrendous article

unfortunately neocon has become a codeword ...(as you have accurately portrayed, CF)
even though its obvious connotation by Buchanan is historically innacurate ....

Jeane Kirkpatrick was, and Bill Bennet is a  neocon
it just so happened a Jew coined the term

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2008, 09:36:59 PM »
This piece from Buchanan should prove once and for all that Palin is NOT a Buchananite. I think you did a great job with the editing, etc. C.F. You really seemed to read Buchanan's mind.  :clap:

Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2008, 09:38:56 PM »
How can you be so sure, Zachor.  Buchanan seems to be everywhere. 

And Chaimfan, you're a great writer.  You should seriously consider blogging again. 

He does seem to be everywhere, but he is despised everywhere.  Even the left wing media hates him.

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2008, 09:39:37 PM »
Evil sick pig.  By the way don't you all find it mildly ironic that these klansmen who are a joke, who all claim they for white pride, and white this and white that and then they support Hussein Bongo.  This shows the evil sickness lurking they all want to destroy this once great land. DO NOT LET THEM

Offline Lisa

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2008, 09:43:26 PM »
I guarantee that the Nazi Pat Buchanan will vote for Barack Hussein Obama (no matter what Buchanan says publicly) and will continue trying to undermine the McCain-Palin ticket.

Because for the Hitler-loving Pat Buchanan, the main issue has always been destroying Israel and the Jewish people. Buchanan sees troubling signs that Palin might actually be a pro-Israel evangelical Christian (oh no!).

BTW, David Duke and the Nazi and Klan organizations also support Barack Hussein Obama in part because of Obama's anti-Semitic and anti-Israel positions. Just like Buchanan, Duke and the Nazi-Klan groups are obsessed with destroying Israel and the Jewish people. This is truly their number one priority.

Chaim is absolutely right. 

The other week, Buchanan was covering the Democratic National Convention, and the man who ooing and ahing over Obama's speech.  He went on and on about how great it was.  So I think it's safe to say Buchanan is in the tank for Obama. 

It's also true about the Nazi and Klan people supporting Obama because of his anti-Israel positions.  I've had lots of white nationalist trolls on the Jews Against Obama blog, and they've said flat out that they'll support Obama because they know he'll be bad for Israel. 

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2008, 09:47:40 PM »
Chaim is absolutely right. 

The other week, Buchanan was covering the Democratic National Convention, and the man who ooing and ahing over Obama's speech.  He went on and on about how great it was.  So I think it's safe to say Buchanan is in the tank for Obama. 

It's also true about the Nazi and Klan people supporting Obama because of his anti-Israel positions.  I've had lots of white nationalist trolls on the Jews Against Obama blog, and they've said flat out that they'll support Obama because they know he'll be bad for Israel. 

They are not White nationalists, they are willing to sacrafice this country's safety by voting for this black muslim nazi that will also put Israel and the rest of the world in danger.  A true proud white person like my self thats the example of white honor,  the Klan, David Duke these idiots who have hardly half a brain don't care about whites surviving if they are promoting this animal.

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2008, 09:55:34 PM »
He does seem to be everywhere, but he is despised everywhere.  Even the left wing media hates him.

Do you have an example of him being despised everywhere?  I see that his columns regularly appear on, and  And he's been on Hannity and Colmes more than a few times.  

On another note, yesterday, I visited the American Conservative blog.  American Conservative is a Buchananite outfit as is Taki's blog.  Anyway, in one of the recent posts, a writer there wrote about how he was having a hard time liking Sarah Palin, as she parrots many of McCain's positions, and because she's in favor of letting Israel defend herself.

So once again, Chaim is right about Buchanan trying to undermine the McCain/Palin ticket.

Offline schrodinger's cat

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2008, 10:04:55 PM »
Excellent analysis, CF.

I guarantee that the Nazi Pat Buchanan will vote for Barack Hussein Obama (no matter what Buchanan says publicly) and will continue trying to undermine the McCain-Palin ticket.

Because for the Hitler-loving Pat Buchanan, the main issue has always been destroying Israel and the Jewish people. Buchanan sees troubling signs that Palin might actually be a pro-Israel evangelical Christian (oh no!).

BTW, David Duke and the Nazi and Klan organizations also support Barack Hussein Obama in part because of Obama's anti-Semitic and anti-Israel positions. Just like Buchanan, Duke and the Nazi-Klan groups are obsessed with destroying Israel and the Jewish people. This is truly their number one priority.

Dear Mr. Chiam,

I heard that David Duke is supporting Ralph Nader because he is an Arab who hates Jews and Israel.  However, I read many articles saying that many Nazis are supporting Obama also.
Democrats stand for schmutz 98 percent of the time.-Rabbi Yehuda Levin

<img src="" alt="description of the photo"></img>

Offline schrodinger's cat

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2008, 10:07:57 PM »
"Jews have designs on Palin"

In the Opinion page of today's Orange County Register (September 16, 2008, Local 9) is a Goebbelsian smut piece against Governor Palin (and, of course, Jews) written by the world-renowned Hitler apologist, Fag Buchanus, ys"vz. I wonder if the "impartial journalists" of the OCR would print an op-ed piece by Chaim Ben Pesach in support of Palin. Nah, I think they'd print an excerpt of Mein Kampf first--which is exactly what they did right now.

So, get ready to puke. The most disgusting thing is that Buchanus actually has the nerve to pretend to praise Palin at the end of this sick hatchet job. Once again, yimach schmo vezichro to this bloated, McDonald's addicted walrus. (All italics, edits, and in-text notes added by Chaimfan in order to offer commentary and show what Buchanus really typed before his proofreaders edited it for him.)

Let all of the good members of JTF daven day and night that Buchanus (ys"vz) would develop a terminal case of rectal cancer in the course of this election season!


Dear CF,

I think you editorializing is very funny.  I laugh every time I read "fag buchanus."
Democrats stand for schmutz 98 percent of the time.-Rabbi Yehuda Levin

<img src="" alt="description of the photo"></img>

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2008, 10:12:08 PM »
BTW, David Duke and the Nazi and Klan organizations also support Barack Hussein Obama in part because of Obama's anti-Semitic and anti-Israel positions. Just like Buchanan, Duke and the Nazi-Klan groups are obsessed with destroying Israel and the Jewish people. This is truly their number one priority.

Are you sure? Duke called Obama a puppet of Zionists, said he has sworn his allegiance to Israel, and that he's a radical Black racist. Anyone can go to his website and see that he fiercely opposes Obama.

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2008, 10:26:00 PM »
Chaim and Lisa are both 100% correct. Fag Buchanus (ys"vz) is obviously a huge Obama fan, as is his boyfriend the pseudoconservative talk-show host Michael Maggot. Self-hating Jews like Michael Maggot are the only Jews Fag Buchanus likes, because they agree with him in wanting to destroy Israel. Buchanus wants to destroy Sarah Palin because he knows she will never be the anti-Israel force he was hoping for.

Every newspaper in the country--from small-town weekly posts to the most massive organs of the leftists' Ministry of Propaganda (i.e. the Los Angeles and New York Nazi Times) runs Fag Buchanus syndicated columns constantly. "Right-wing" outlets such as Hannity and Colmes, World Net Daily, Townhall, etc., as Lisa mentioned, still consider him a "prominent conservative" as well and run him all the time too. Every political program on mainstream television--Crossfire and all the abominations that have succeeded it, McLaughlin Group, and every MSNBC commentary program also bring him on ad-nauseum as the "conservative" voice in a debate. The media just can't get enough of this Hitler-worshipper.

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2008, 10:40:14 PM »

Theres the possibility that some Nazis might be supporting Obama because they want a race-war ....and think his election (G-d forbid) could hasten it ...
Just a theory

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #17 on: September 16, 2008, 10:50:15 PM »
None of them support Osama. Some say it would better benefit their cause if Osama won instead of Mccain because it can wake Whites up that they no longer control America whereas Mccains victory would not. None support him and I think a couple of Nazis even attempted to kill him.

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2008, 10:57:10 PM »
I think a couple of Nazis even attempted to kill him.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2008, 10:59:26 PM »

There were a couple of drunks with guns that the news media tried to hype up as EVIL NAZI ASSASSINS a while back. I wish I could remember more about the story.

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #20 on: September 16, 2008, 11:06:42 PM »
Theres the possibility that some Nazis might be supporting Obama because they want a race-war ....and think his election (G-d forbid) could hasten it ...
Just a theory

That's also possible.

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2008, 11:07:30 PM »

One of their names is Adolf.

Furthermore Duke said he'd be voting for Nader (go figure).

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #22 on: September 16, 2008, 11:09:50 PM »,0,4279510.story

One of their names is Adolf.

Furthermore Duke said he'd be voting for Nader (go figure).

Wait Nader is running for president again?
Why he wont win

Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #23 on: September 16, 2008, 11:17:18 PM »
Do you have an example of him being despised everywhere?  I see that his columns regularly appear on, and  And he's been on Hannity and Colmes more than a few times.  

On another note, yesterday, I visited the American Conservative blog.  American Conservative is a Buchananite outfit as is Taki's blog.  Anyway, in one of the recent posts, a writer there wrote about how he was having a hard time liking Sarah Palin, as she parrots many of McCain's positions, and because she's in favor of letting Israel defend herself.

So once again, Chaim is right about Buchanan trying to undermine the McCain/Palin ticket.

Here is a list of articles opposing Buchanan.  I got these from wikipedia:  Notice some of these articles are written by leftists:

Know Your Right-Wing Speakers: Pat Buchanan,
Pat Buchanan's Skeleton Closet,
Overview and critique of Buchanan's diesel engine assertion
Pat Buchanan on Jews and Israel, Anti-Defamation League, September, 1999.
Pat Buchanan in His Own Words, FAIR press release February 26, 1996
Buchanan's White Whale by Lawrence Auster, March 19, 2004
Will The Real Pat Buchanan Please Stand Up?, by Bill Barnwell, Lew, May 15, 2000.
The Truth About Trade in History, by Bruce Bartlett, Cato's Center for Trade Policy Studies, n.d.
The Buchanan Doctrine, by John Judis, New York Times, October 3, 1999.
Who's afraid of Pat Buchanan?, by Jake Tapper, Salon, September 4, 1999.
Buchanan and Market, by Jeffrey A. Tucker, Lew, March 23, 2002.
Glimpses of the Decline Photo essay featuring young Buchanan supporters, July/August 1996
Hawking Racism -- Pat Buchanan's latest book is a White Nationalist Screed, by Alexander Zaitchik, for Afro Articles, March 12, 2007.

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Re: Get Ready To Vomit: Fag Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro) Rips Sarah Palin
« Reply #24 on: September 16, 2008, 11:22:55 PM »
One of their names is Adolf.

Oh it's irrefutable now... they must be guilty!  :laugh: Um... no

"The law recognizes a difference between a true threat -- that's one that can be carried out -- and the reported racist rants of drug abusers," Eid said at a news conference.
