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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #50 on: October 02, 2008, 03:26:53 PM »
I never said the Catholics supported Israel or Jews.  I said there is people who are Catholic faith who do support Israel.  I am not blind to oppression commited by Catholics against Jews.  However, the mentality of Old Catholicism has left for a revised version of Catholicism which is more opened to teaching of Jews as being a Chosen People and Israel as Land Of Jewish.  However, I know there is many Old-School Catholics who hate the "Christ Killers".  However, the Catholics were more accepting to converts than Orthodox.  Even one of the would-be popes, highest ranking cardinal is half Jewish (on mother side, legally Jewish).  You will not find any Jewish converts who could ever make it to such high rank in most Orthodox churches.  As a matter of fact, Russians regurlarly screen their leaders and officials to make sure they dont have any alien, Jewish blood, like which they accused of Medvedev.

I do not agree with you in general but I appreciate your openness.

Thanks for proving my point.

The Catholics are willing to compromise, that means that they are not strong in their religion. Today have you many Catholic missionaries who are willing to compromise with Protestants and Orthodox Christians. We strongly disagree with this, because we are simply not the same religion. If we were we would not have so many differences.
But because the Roman church had left the Apostolic Church, by bringing changes into their teachings – they have nothing in common anymore with that old  religion of their forefather (before the year of 1054).  If you do not believe me do some research. Before the Roman Church left the Apostolic Church (before the year of 1054) they, who called them today Roman Catholics, had exactly the same teachings which are today only offered by the Orthodox Church. Western priests were before 1054 Orthodox Christians and their teaching was in accordance with the teachings of the Churchfathers and the apostles. The Western priests were wearing bears, praying with icons and were getting married – before 1054.  After 1054 (Church break) they had brought changes into their religion. Sins that moment they had lost the purity of the Christian religion.

I must say this, the Western Church had changed a long time before the year of 1054 their teachings. The had officially separated their selves from us in 1054.
In 1054 the volcano finally exploded with consequence the well know Church separation.
But before 1054 the same volcano could had exploded any moment because it was constantly boiling. 

They, the Catholics, were demanding from us the Eastern Christians, who kept the teachings of the Churchfathers, to also accept the Pope and his new view of modern Christianity. We had refused that and since then they never stopped with the prosecution against us.

The Vatican will never rest until whole Europe is catholized or at least Orthodox free.
They want to destroy everything that reminds them about their old faith about Orthodox pure Christianity. In order to destroy Orthodox Christianity they, the Vatican, supported the Muslims destruction against the Orthodox Byzantic Empire.
They have cooperated with anybody in order to destroy Orthodoxy.

- In the 14 and 15 century – the Vatican helped the Turkish Empire to destroy the Orthodox Byzantic Empire.

- In the beginning of the 20th century the Vatican in cooperation with the international freemasons had launched the criminal ideology of communism in Serbia and Russia.
This regressive system hafizes the Russian population. The Communist crimes against the Serbs and Russians are well know.   

The Pope had said many times after USSR’s collapse that communism, as intended, had succeeded in the political, economical and spiritual destruction of Russia and Serbia and that this process shall continue.

   Once again, I don't know about Serbian Orthodox.

It is the same as Russian Orthodoxy.

However, your past heroism does not make up for negligence you are doing today, by supporting a rising evil regime that has been our enemy for over 1000 of years, perhaps.  It was also the Orthodox Church who supported pogroms and blood libels against Jews and help label Jews as enemies of G-d and Christ killers. 

The Russian Orthodox Church did not support that.

Come the Church does not propagate hatered towards Jews.
If some Jews had been prosecuted in a large country like Russia, you can not blame the Russian Orthodox Church collectively. The Russian Orthodox did not support the collective blaming of the Jews for what happened 2000 years ago.
There is a difference between individual crimes and crime organized by authorities like the Church (Vatican for example against the Jews) and the government (for example Nazi Germany’s government). The Russians had never tried to biological exterminate the Jews or others. The individual crimes who are committed against the Jews I of course condemn - that is possible in a large country like Russia - but you can not blame the Russian nation or Church.
I also do not blame the whole Jewish nation for crimes against Serbs committed by Jewish politicians. 

Futher many Jews lived in Russia and live today.
They have even their own autonomous area in Russia!
« Last Edit: October 03, 2008, 02:58:55 AM by DALMACIJA »

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #51 on: October 02, 2008, 03:45:31 PM »
I never said the Catholics supported Israel or Jews.  I said there is people who are Catholic faith who do support Israel.  I am not blind to oppression commited by Catholics against Jews.  However, the mentality of Old Catholicism has left for a revised version of Catholicism which is more opened to teaching of Jews as being a Chosen People and Israel as Land Of Jewish.  However, I know there is many Old-School Catholics who hate the "Christ Killers".  However, the Catholics were more accepting to converts than Orthodox.  Even one of the would-be popes, highest ranking cardinal is half Jewish (on mother side, legally Jewish).  You will not find any Jewish converts who could ever make it to such high rank in most Orthodox churches.  As a matter of fact, Russians regurlarly screen their leaders and officials to make sure they dont have any alien, Jewish blood, like which they accused of Medvedev.

I do not agree with you in general but I appreciate your openness.

Thanks for proving my point.

The Catholics are willing to compromise, that means that they are not strong in their religion. Today have you many Catholic missionaries who are willing to compromise with Protestants and Orthodox Christians. We strongly disagree with this, because we are simply not the same religion. If we were we would not have so many differences.
But because the Roman church had left the Apostolic Church, by bringing changes into their teachings – they have nothing in common anymore with that old  religion of their forefather (before the year of 1054).  If you do not believe me do some research. Before the Roman Church left the Apostolic Church (before the year of 1054) they, who called them today Roman Catholics, had exactly the same teachings which are today only offered by the Orthodox Church. Western priests were before 1054 Orthodox Christians and their teaching was in accordance with the teachings of the Churchfathers and the apostles. The Western priests were wearing bears, praying with icons and were getting married – before 1054.  After 1054 (Church break) they had brought changes into their religion. Sins that moment they had lost the purity of the Christian religion.

I must say this, the Western Church had changed a long time before the year of 1054 their teachings. The had officially separated their selves from us in 1054.
In 1054 the volcano finally exploded with consequence the well know Church separation.
But before 1054 the same volcano could had exploded any moment because it was constantly boiling. 

They, the Catholics, were demanding from us the Eastern Christians, who kept the teachings of the fore fathers, to also accept the Pope and his new view of modern Christianity. We had refused that and since then they never stopped with the prosecution against us.

The Vatican will never rest until whole Europe is catholized or at least Orthodox free.
They want to destroy everything that reminds them about their old faith about Orthodox pure Christianity. In order to destroy Orthodox Christianity they, the Vatican, supported the Muslims destruction against the Orthodox Byzantic Empire.
They have cooperated with anybody in order to destroy Orthodoxy.

- In the 14 and 15 century – the Vatican helped the Turkish Empire to destroy the Orthodox Byzantic Empire.

- In the beginning of the 20th century the Vatican in cooperation with the international freemasons had launched the criminal ideology of communism in Serbia and Russia.
This regressive system hafizes the Russian population. The Communist crimes against the Serbs and Russians are well know.   

The Pope had said many times after USSR’s collapse that communism, as intended, had succeeded in the political, economical and spiritual destruction of Russia and Serbia and that this process shall continue.

   Once again, I don't know about Serbian Orthodox.

It is the same as Russian Orthodoxy.

However, your past heroism does not make up for negligence you are doing today, by supporting a rising evil regime that has been our enemy for over 1000 of years, perhaps.  It was also the Orthodox Church who supported pogroms and blood libels against Jews and help label Jews as enemies of G-d and Christ killers. 

The Russian Orthodox Church did not support that.

Come the Church does not propagate hatered towards Jews.
If some Jews had been prosecuted in a large country like Russia, you can not blame the Russian Orthodox Church collectively. The Russian Orthodox did not support the collective blaming of the Jews for what happened 2000 years ago.
There is a difference between individual crimes and crime organized by authorities like the Church (Vatican for example against the Jews) and the government (for example Nazi Germany’s government). The Russians had never tried to biological exterminate the Jews or others. The individual crimes who are committed against the Jews I of course condemn - that is possible in a large country like Russia - but you can not blame the Russian nation or Church.
I also do not blame the whole Jewish nation for crimes against Serbs committed by Jewish politicians. 

Futher many Jews lived in Russia and live today.
They have even their own autonomous area in Russia!

The Russian people seem to have no objection to their commandships actions. Also you can practice what you preach. You can not go after croatia ( a country that persecuted jews ) when you support a country that is infamous for their persecution of the Jews. I dont need to remind you of what the Soviets did. I dont need to remind you of what the Russians are currently doing with Iran. And respond to me in ENGLISH!!!!
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2


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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #52 on: October 02, 2008, 03:58:14 PM »
The Russian people seem to have no objection to their commandships actions. Also you can practice what you preach. You can not go after croatia ( a country that persecuted jews ) when you support a country that is infamous for their persecution of the Jews. I dont need to remind you of what the Soviets did. I dont need to remind you of what the Russians are currently doing with Iran. And respond to me in ENGLISH!!!!

Was the USSR state pro Russian? Friend did not the communists killed about 55.000.000 Russians?. The majority of the Soviet government was not Orthodox.

[quote author=ProJewChristian link=topic=26787.msg285726#msg285726 And respond to me in ENGLISH!!!!

What do you mean? ? ? ?
You want to say that my English languages is bad?
Well, I have written my last post very fast and I did not pay much attention to grammar or spelling.

If I make mistakes than correct me because English is not my first language.
Do not say that I can not speak English, that is very rude...
« Last Edit: October 02, 2008, 04:47:51 PM by DALMACIJA »

Offline MarZutra

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #53 on: October 02, 2008, 05:00:40 PM »
Dalmacija, I think the crux of the problem here is that we here support the Christian Serbs agaisnt both the Communists and the Moslem Hord, as both in ideology and in deed are an affront to Judaism and everything it stands for: Jews, Israel and of course G-d.

When it comes to Russia, you must accept that Russia pre- and post Communist/Soviet Rule has never been an ally of the Jewish people, an enemy.  Lenin was akin to a Henry Kissenger, Ehud Olmert or a Shimon Perez a G0dless individual of "Jewish" origin but truly one which hates everything that encompasses their entire being.

Under the Czar, Russia persecuted the Jews, as you know.  Under the Soviets/Communists, the Great Synagogue was a center for KGB infiltration to send Jews to the Gulag.  No tell in how many Jews and rightoues non-Communists died in the Gulag system.  Since the early 1960's - 80's (actually to this day) Russia, either openly or via their proxies; Cuba, China, North Korea, the Turd World or their Mohammedan teet sucklers, has come to the assistance of every Pan-Arab and Mohammedan Terrorist entity, be it a group or a dictatorial regime: Syria, Egypt, Libya etc. against Israel. 

Today, Russia sides with Israel's enemies, but sadly America and Europe, who sometimes openly make base claims of support for Israel, make backroom deals to arm, fund and aid Israel's enemies.  Even more sadly, is the fact that Israel arms its enemies itself.

I hope I've clearified the main Jewish position against Russia and all of its allies...  But also the Elitist Establisment of America, Europe and Israel..
« Last Edit: October 02, 2008, 06:22:22 PM by Jasmina »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #54 on: October 02, 2008, 06:35:10 PM »
   Unfortunatelly the ones who suffer the most because of political decissions are we, normal people! My country was 50 years under Communism, but yet, we don't blame Russian people for that!
  You all speak about political issues over centuries, and who was against whom, and why are we Serbs here on this forum if we are Russians allies?! Let me say this to you all: WE ARE NOT YOUR ENEMIES!!!! STOP QUESTIONING THAT! WE are here to try to make the things better for this world! We never questioned your "anti-Serb-itism", if I can say that, when US bombed Serbia!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #55 on: October 02, 2008, 06:57:12 PM »
Jasmina, I don't think anyone here is anti-Serb.  Russia, as aforementioned, has a horrible history against Jews and now Israel.  The adage "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" will not work here for the sole purpose that if one supports Jews and/or Israel, one cannot logically support its enemy. 

I'm disgusted at what the Elitists, with Russian assistance so I've read, had done via NATO under Bill Clinton and Javier Solona.  Those elitist NWO bastards, and all of their cohorts, should be tried for crimes against humanity and publicly hung. 

I am MarZutra and I approve this message... ;D
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #56 on: October 03, 2008, 12:07:07 AM »
In Russia, I will always be a "zhid"!

Thats their shame not yours...

At least they were not puting you in death camps like good brave Catholic Croats..

Oh they had/have their plans, believe me.. Right before Stalin died, he was planning an even bigger Holocaust than Hitler, for us Jews.   Who knows what they are planning for us now.  Russia would have gladly given their Jews to Hitler, had Hitler not attacked them.
This is idiotism.
First,Stalin wasn't Russian,he was Georgian and he was a communist-an atheist,anti religious man.Communists in Russia massacred about 20 million Russians in gulags.(and most of them were Orthodox who were against communism as anti religious base for Soviet society).

Second,are you going to explain how Orthodox Russian people had its plans to exterminate all the Jews in Russia while being under communist regime that were brought from the outside of Orthodox lands?Let us all know for that "plan".Enlight me.

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #57 on: October 03, 2008, 12:14:51 AM »
To all non-informed,ignorant,and others>

We,patriotic and religious Serbs will ALWAYS stand with Russian Orthodox people,whether you like it or not.We have a common satanic enemy who tries to destroy us(biologically or to destroy our soul by much more evil way as the "euroatlantic integration politics").We will always be against the new Babylon cretaed in Euro-Atlanstic zone under the regime of Catholic Jesuits.

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #58 on: October 03, 2008, 01:47:27 AM »
  OK, we need to calm down! Let's not forget why are we here!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!


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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #59 on: October 03, 2008, 02:53:01 AM »
To all non-informed,ignorant,and others>

We,patriotic and religious Serbs will ALWAYS stand with Russian Orthodox people,whether you like it or not.We have a common satanic enemy who tries to destroy us(biologically or to destroy our soul by much more evil way as the "euroatlantic integration politics").We will always be against the new Babylon cretaed in Euro-Atlanstic zone under the regime of Catholic Jesuits.

I agree..

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #60 on: October 03, 2008, 06:29:58 AM »
To all non-informed,ignorant,and others>

We,patriotic and religious Serbs will ALWAYS stand with Russian Orthodox people,whether you like it or not.We have a common satanic enemy who tries to destroy us(biologically or to destroy our soul by much more evil way as the "euroatlantic integration politics").We will always be against the new Babylon cretaed in Euro-Atlanstic zone under the regime of Catholic Jesuits.
I will always condemn the evil Russian regime that is sanctioning global terrorism and radical Jihad. So, we're different on that.
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

Offline MarZutra

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #61 on: October 03, 2008, 07:56:17 AM »
To all non-informed,ignorant,and others>

We,patriotic and religious Serbs will ALWAYS stand with Russian Orthodox people,whether you like it or not.We have a common satanic enemy who tries to destroy us(biologically or to destroy our soul by much more evil way as the "euroatlantic integration politics").We will always be against the new Babylon cretaed in Euro-Atlanstic zone under the regime of Catholic Jesuits.

I think the individual above was speaking about the scheme which surrounded the so-called "Dr.s plot." However I could be mistaken. 

Secondly, we understand your passion and connection with Russian Orthodox people, however you must also know that the Russian Orthodox people were never friends of their Jewish neighbor.  Yes, there were a few who were, like the Catholics in Europe pre/post holocaust, but the majority was still infected with this "Protocol" antisemitism. 

You are also well informed about the Gulags to which many Jews were also sent to die.

A very good piece of history, and further questioning is the 1945 sell out at the Malta Conference by FDR and Churchill, mostly FDR, to Stalin and the G-dless Communists.  Shortly after Malta the majority of lands in Europe with Othodox population quickly fell behind the Iron Curtain to suffer the fait of Communism.  Georgia became a "Russian" province or was annexed by the Red Army in 1922 I believe, probably because of Stalin's influance, but gained its independance in 1991 but failed to meet the qualifications to enter NATO due to continual it being a dictatorship with continual civil unrest and "human rights" violations or some such issues....  Obviously I've the basics but Georgia, specifically is not one of my areas of knowledge or interest...

Phelps, in his book, touted by Nik; "Vatican Assassins" places forward the theory that the Vatican via the Jesuit Order was behind the negotiations with the intentions of making the Orthodox pay for their ongoing revolution against the Catholic/Vatican which started with the 1517 Reformation which supposedly ended with "Peace of Westphalia" in 1648.  Many believe this to be untrue...  Many see the wars stemming from the Reformation were strongly influanced bye the Reformation itself...  Certainly possible but the literature on this angle of history remains largely unpublished..

My take on the situation is that the territories that wanted to leave and become independent or become a part of Russia after the so-called "Fall of Communism" in 1988-9 could basically do so.  Many were/are still puppet States of, or cohorts with, Russia with limited "democratic" parliamentary processes from my understanding. 

Georgia, like many others, was/is propped up by America as a puppet "democracy" (dictatorship). To keep control of regions in dispute and protect oil pipeline that runs through Georgia.  The areas in question are basically Russian population, if I'm not mistaken and also well into the sphere of Russian influance.  What Russia had done is what America should have done re: Cuba.  The fact that Cuba remains a Communist State a few miles off  the coast of "Capitalist" America, certainly shows corruption or collusion between those that are "in the knows" as Cuban Communism should have been crushed as it is, and has been, a bone of contention ever since.

Russia finally went in and defended what it considers its people and spherical interests to which America should have done re: Cuba. And I'm sure the oil pipeline and resources played a part.

Either way Russia, although I neither agree with their history nor their policies, as I do neither agree with what the elitists have done to England, Europe, America and Israel, was right on this matter.  They were far more justified in their march on Georgia than we in the USA were with Iraq or Afghanistan, especially Canada who has no interests in either aside from curbing the numbers of potential Canadian Mohammedan Terrorist immigrants.... 

In my opinion, America should not have gone into Iraq or Afghanistan but Saudi Arabia itself. 

There is a fabulous article I published on here about the PetroDollar and the power struggle to keep this oil based currency from shifting to the "Petro-Euro".
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #62 on: October 03, 2008, 02:24:51 PM »
Here in America you get all sides of the story the lies the truth and a mixture of both. We have had an open society that allows all view points to be published unlike what existed and may still exist in Russia where only government approved positions are allowed to exist

You mean that in America you mostly get lies and half truths.
On every world’s issue America was wrong.
They were wrong regarding Yugoslavia in the beginning of the 90s and they were also wrong in regard to Saddam Hussein. Only strange people will assume that USA’s actions against Iraq were necessary and that those American accusations towards the Iraqi people are based on the truth.
If you think that the US media provides facts and truths next to their fabricated lies and half truths, than I must unfortunately disappoint you. The USA's media reportations about the world problems are based on lies.

I know that you, friend, support Serbia and that you know that the USA was 100% wrong about Serbia. They are also wrong about Russia. It is a fact that Russia’s peace keepers were attacked by Georgians. You can look this up. Why would you believe only USA media? If you only believe USA media than you will also have hostile intentions towards us Serbs!

My Interests are American and by extension for Americas allies which Israel is one.

Oke but we Serbs do not have American interests.
We are against USA's worlds domination.

America has done some evil things in her history however it has never stooped to the levels that Russia has when dealing with people they think don't fit into the picture.

You can not compare the USA with a great, traditionally, old and real country like Russia.

The American and the European colonization plan included also the biological extermination of the native population of Africa, North-Middle and South America, Australia and New Zealand. How can you compare such a country, whose Masonic founders had almost exterminated half of the earth, with Russia?

A famous German philosopher Karlheinz Deshner exposed these crimes in his book, entitled: ”The Politics of the Roman Popes during the 20 Century”.

I am not lying to you. You can do research about this.

With all the resources Russia has at its disposal it for all purposes is no better than a third world country. The sad fact of the matter is they impose that situation on themselves.

Materialism is not everything.

The Russian Empire, in the beginning of the 20 century, was a great threat and a serious competitor to the West. In order to crush Russia’s expansion, country and economy, the West had launched communism in Russia and Serbia. We have a good economy even being long occupied in the past by communism (Western production).       
« Last Edit: October 03, 2008, 04:33:50 PM by DALMACIJA »

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #63 on: October 03, 2008, 04:48:43 PM »
Here in America you get all sides of the story the lies the truth and a mixture of both. We have had an open society that allows all view points to be published unlike what existed and may still exist in Russia where only government approved positions are allowed to exist

You mean that in America you mostly get lies and half truths.
On every world’s issue America was wrong.
They were wrong regarding Yugoslavia in the beginning of the 90s and they were also wrong in regard to Saddam Hussein. Only strange people will assume that USA’s actions against Iraq were necessary and that those American accusations towards the Iraqi people are based on the truth.
If you think that the US media provides facts and truths next to their fabricated lies and half truths, than I must unfortunately disappoint you. The USA's media reportations about the world problems are based on lies.

I know that you, friend, support Serbia and that you know that the USA was 100% wrong about Serbia. They are also wrong about Russia. It is a fact that Russia’s peace keepers were attacked by Georgians. You can look this up. Why would you believe only USA media? If you only believe USA media than you will also have hostile intentions towards us Serbs!

My Interests are American and by extension for Americas allies which Israel is one.

Oke but we Serbs do not have American interests.
We are against USA's worlds domination.

America has done some evil things in her history however it has never stooped to the levels that Russia has when dealing with people they think don't fit into the picture.

You can not compare the USA with a great, traditionally, old and real country like Russia.

The American and the European colonization plan included also the biological extermination of the native population of Africa, North-Middle and South America, Australia and New Zealand. How can you compare such a country, whose Masonic founders had almost exterminated half of the earth, with Russia?

A famous German philosopher Karlheinz Deshner exposed these crimes in his book, entitled: ”The Politics of the Roman Popes during the 20 Century”.

I am not lying to you. You can do research about this.

With all the resources Russia has at its disposal it for all purposes is no better than a third world country. The sad fact of the matter is they impose that situation on themselves.

Materialism is not everything.

The Russian Empire, in the beginning of the 20 century, was a great threat and a serious competitor to the West. In order to crush Russia’s expansion, country and economy, the West had launched communism in Russia and Serbia. We have a good economy even being long occupied in the past by communism (Western production).       
Oooh are we not good enough Dal bc we dont live under communist law like puppets?
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #64 on: October 03, 2008, 05:29:43 PM »
Here in America you get all sides of the story the lies the truth and a mixture of both. We have had an open society that allows all view points to be published unlike what existed and may still exist in Russia where only government approved positions are allowed to exist

You mean that in America you mostly get lies and half truths.
On every world’s issue America was wrong.
They were wrong regarding Yugoslavia in the beginning of the 90s and they were also wrong in regard to Saddam Hussein. Only strange people will assume that USA’s actions against Iraq were necessary and that those American accusations towards the Iraqi people are based on the truth.
If you think that the US media provides facts and truths next to their fabricated lies and half truths, than I must unfortunately disappoint you. The USA's media reportations about the world problems are based on lies.

I know that you, friend, support Serbia and that you know that the USA was 100% wrong about Serbia. They are also wrong about Russia. It is a fact that Russia’s peace keepers were attacked by Georgians. You can look this up. Why would you believe only USA media? If you only believe USA media than you will also have hostile intentions towards us Serbs!

My Interests are American and by extension for Americas allies which Israel is one.

Oke but we Serbs do not have American interests.
We are against USA's worlds domination.

America has done some evil things in her history however it has never stooped to the levels that Russia has when dealing with people they think don't fit into the picture.

You can not compare the USA with a great, traditionally, old and real country like Russia.

The American and the European colonization plan included also the biological extermination of the native population of Africa, North-Middle and South America, Australia and New Zealand. How can you compare such a country, whose Masonic founders had almost exterminated half of the earth, with Russia?

A famous German philosopher Karlheinz Deshner exposed these crimes in his book, entitled: ”The Politics of the Roman Popes during the 20 Century”.

I am not lying to you. You can do research about this.

With all the resources Russia has at its disposal it for all purposes is no better than a third world country. The sad fact of the matter is they impose that situation on themselves.

Materialism is not everything.

The Russian Empire, in the beginning of the 20 century, was a great threat and a serious competitor to the West. In order to crush Russia’s expansion, country and economy, the West had launched communism in Russia and Serbia. We have a good economy even being long occupied in the past by communism (Western production).       
Listen my friend because you just don't seem to get it. I can not stand Russia when it was under the Soviets or as it is now. They are a backwards nation and people its just that simple. Patton was correct that at the close of WW2 America should have went right into Russia and finished the job. If your country is benefiting from it relationship with Russia all well and fine keep it to yourself. You are becoming annoying with your posts about the glories of Russia and the evils of America where we only get half the news. Your positions and statements on the Catholic church is a joke it reminds me of the old adage what comes first the chicken or the egg. Just to let you know I will be in touch with Chaim and Shlomo because simply put I have had enough of this issue and feel it is a distraction that does not fit into JTF's mission.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #65 on: October 03, 2008, 06:17:53 PM »
Dalmacija, please let's not make this another Roman Catholic Church bashing thread.  Nothing good will come out of it.  And we all need to work together.  People  like CJD and the other Catholics here are sympathetic to the Serb cause. 

Also, most of the global moderators and ALL the administrators are proud Americans.  So this is really not the place to go accusing America of committing genocide against indigenous peoples.  Save that for someplace else. 

Since I'll be taking the forum offline in a minute for Shabbat, I want everyone to calm down.

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #66 on: October 04, 2008, 07:54:26 PM »
 I am sure Dalmacija understood and will change his attitude!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!


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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #67 on: October 05, 2008, 04:47:33 AM »
I only made one mistake and that was with "ProJewChristian"...

Please do not use that to mark me as somebody who is anti- Catholic or who does not know to have a civilized debate.

I said always that the Vatican’s intentions towards Orthodoxy are not on the responsibility of the Catholic people. If I talk about the Vatican, than I always separate it from the normal and regular Catholic people. I know that JTF has really great Catholic people. I have no problem with regular Catholic people, neither with other religious backgrounds or ethnicities.     

I often have serious discussions with you all about all kinds of subjects like religion, politics and history. I always defend my opinions and statements with facts and information. It is not that I am making things up or sharing fantasy with you.

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #68 on: October 05, 2008, 09:14:29 AM »
I only made one mistake and that was with "ProJewChristian"...

Please do not use that to mark me as somebody who is anti- Catholic or who does not know to have a civilized debate.

I said always that the Vatican’s intentions towards Orthodoxy are not on the responsibility of the Catholic people. If I talk about the Vatican, than I always separate it from the normal and regular Catholic people. I know that JTF has really great Catholic people. I have no problem with regular Catholic people, neither with other religious backgrounds or ethnicities.     

I often have serious discussions with you all about all kinds of subjects like religion, politics and history. I always defend my opinions and statements with facts and information. It is not that I am making things up or sharing fantasy with you.
Very true.  The Vatican and to my knowledge, the Society of Jesus is not representative of the majority good Catholic peoples.  They seem to walk to their own tune which Dalmacija has often eluded to which stems from the 1517 Reformation and the period of Catholic revival from the pontificate of Pope Pius IV in 1560 called "The Counter-Reformation" to the close of the Thirty Years' War in 1648.

Oooh are we not good enough Dal B.C.E. we dont live under communist law like puppets?

Not yet but it is coming judging by the performance of Ghorge Bush on issues like America-Mexico Border, Illegal Aliens and pushing through the bailout when over 80% of the American people were/are against it, including all the aforementioned.  If I lived in the US, I'd find out which way my Congressman voted and if it was for on the bailout or against the deportation of illegals/closure of the borders, I'd punch him in the teeth.  If charged, on national television I'd say that it is time to take back our country from these corrupt elitists who are [censored] all over the constitution. 

Mark my words, you'd find many other Congressmen and Representatives getting their teeth punched in or lynched in the future. 
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #69 on: October 05, 2008, 09:16:53 AM »
Censorship is not a good thing and goes against 1st amendment rights, you don't like when youtube censors videos that show genocide against Serbs do you? Don't be a hypocrite.

You are being very, very disrespect full towards the Serbian nation!
A friend of the Serbs would never say something embarrassing like this.

You compare Americanized programs like “the Simpsons” with documentarians which educate about the genocide against the Serbs?

How can you do something like this?
If we do not want Westernized programs in Eastern Europe, what is wrong with that?
There are also no Eastern European influences in the West? Why should we than allow the opposite? Who is being hypocrite? 
Westernized programms and influences propagate femminism, homosexual rights and other activities which are totally wrong.

Everywhere, where you have "Western rights" you have tolerance towards homosexuals and others crimes which are in struggle with the holy Bible.
At least here in America our ggovt doen't have to think for us, and tell us what and what not to watch. Our people are not brainwashed by the likes of our govt. As much you would like it to be, our media is not brainwashing us into supporting America over Russia, but you media is spreadin pro Russian anti american propaganda. Actually, if you ever watched American news, our media loves to bash America evry chance it gets.
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #70 on: October 05, 2008, 09:25:40 AM »
I only made one mistake and that was with "ProJewChristian"...

Please do not use that to mark me as somebody who is anti- Catholic or who does not know to have a civilized debate.

I said always that the Vatican’s intentions towards Orthodoxy are not on the responsibility of the Catholic people. If I talk about the Vatican, than I always separate it from the normal and regular Catholic people. I know that JTF has really great Catholic people. I have no problem with regular Catholic people, neither with other religious backgrounds or ethnicities.     

I often have serious discussions with you all about all kinds of subjects like religion, politics and history. I always defend my opinions and statements with facts and information. It is not that I am making things up or sharing fantasy with you.
Very true.  The Vatican and to my knowledge, the Society of Jesus is not representative of the majority good Catholic peoples.  They seem to walk to their own tune which Dalmacija has often eluded to which stems from the 1517 Reformation and the period of Catholic revival from the pontificate of Pope Pius IV in 1560 called "The Counter-Reformation" to the close of the Thirty Years' War in 1648.

Oooh are we not good enough Dal B.C.E. we dont live under communist law like puppets?

Not yet but it is coming judging by the performance of Ghorge Bush on issues like America-Mexico Border, Illegal Aliens and pushing through the bailout when over 80% of the American people were/are against it, including all the aforementioned.  If I lived in the US, I'd find out which way my Congressman voted and if it was for on the bailout or against the deportation of illegals/closure of the borders, I'd punch him in the teeth.  If charged, on national television I'd say that it is time to take back our country from these corrupt elitists who are [censored] all over the constitution. 

Mark my words, you'd find many other Congressmen and Representatives getting their teeth punched in or lynched in the future. 
Marzurta that is ridiculous, our people in America are up in arms with a Democratic govt. Here in America we will never let Democracy slip into communism. Maybe you forget who fought for their freedom. We are not weak people. If we already have people who want to overthrow our govt now, than there is no way we will let a communist govt take control. Also to slip into Communism, a leader needs to take control of the military. Our troops are very free minded, they will not turn on their people for the govt. You can mark MY words.
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #71 on: October 05, 2008, 09:39:38 AM »
We shall see my friend.  You must know that America is not, and never was a "Democracy" but a Constitutional Republic to which its base was pissed on and undermined for the past 90 years, starting with Woodrow Wilson. 

George W. Bush even calls your Constitution "just a piece of paper" which indicates his, like all of his cohorts, disdain for such a mandate/doctrine. 

You've got Socialism creeping up your behind, and have done so for a very long time.  The question is whether the people will rise and take back their country from these Elitists or let the country decay like Rome...which seems to be the case....
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #72 on: October 05, 2008, 10:24:47 AM »
Our people are not brainwashed by the likes of our govt. As much you would like it to be, our media is not brainwashing us into supporting America over Russia, but you media is spreadin pro Russian anti american propaganda.

You claim that your people are not brainwashed? If they are not why are they still supporting the foreign policies of their governments?
That's why the majority of the USA understandes very well the real context of the conflicts which took place at the Balkans, for example?  Believe me over 70% of the Americans still think that Saddam Husseing had for example biological weapons?
That is pure brainwashed behavoir.

but you media is spreadin pro Russian anti american propaganda.

Now it is my media which is fabricating propaganda?
This reminds me to the US's media reportations during the 90s.
Even today we the Serbs are marked as anti-USA,
because we rather want to cooperate with our traditional brothers the Russians, who never carried out genocide against us, and do not wish to follow the Euro Atlantic intergrations.

Can you blame us for being pro Russian...?
We need Russia to survive..

As much you would like it to be, our media is not brainwashing us into supporting America over Russia, .

Of course I do not want it to be like it is.
I want that the USA ends with anti- Serbian propaganda.

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #73 on: October 05, 2008, 10:26:14 AM »
We shall see my friend.  You must know that America is not, and never was a "Democracy" but a Constitutional Republic to which its base was pissed on and undermined for the past 90 years, starting with Woodrow Wilson. 

George W. Bush even calls your Constitution "just a piece of paper" which indicates his, like all of his cohorts, disdain for such a mandate/doctrine. 

You've got Socialism creeping up your behind, and have done so for a very long time.  The question is whether the people will rise and take back their country from these Elitists or let the country decay like Rome...which seems to be the case....

Sorry, I have been real busy and not have had time to respond.  I agree with MarZutra in a lot of ways, disagree only on some minor points.  One point I must say is that I do advocate USA going into Iraq, Afghanistan.  To say Sadam Hussein was not a threat is like an example of being in a room with a rattlesnake wrapped around your foot and a cobra is on the other side of the room.  You would want to kill the Rattlesnake first, since it is the current threat, even though not as great of one.  I agree with you MarZutra that we should go into Saudi Arabia.  Since, that is not practical with our liberal nazi government, definately, we should go and wipe Sadam and OSama out.  Sadam Hussein has been a great threat to Israel and its safety and was very vigilant and more hostile in some ways then his Iranian or Saudi neighbors.  This man commited war crime after war crime, using poison gas on villages.  He comitted crimes that no western country, since the time of Nazi Germany, could have comitted.  Of course, Saudi is the skeleton in the closet, with a master plan to Islamacized the world with its oil revenue.  

What we were originally arguing about with the KGB agent, Dalmacija, was his false accusations that USA is murdering innocent Arab women and children in Iraq and Afhganistan.  His claims are totally bogus and typical leftist islamonazi/liberal Russian jargon that we all hear from Barack Hussein supporters.  I am certain that Dalmacija is a Barack Obama supporter by his speech and rhetoric, but he will never admit to it on this site, obviously.    MarZutra, I hope you know that America is doing what it can to establish a democracy and protect the ungrateful citizens of Iraq.  Of course, this is being done so we can have control over oil supplies and have another arab puppet to be attached to our strings.   Yes, this is doomed to fail , as arabs are belligerent, uncivilzed and lack skills in organized and fair governing sytem.  The major goal of most arab nations is dominance and to destroy all those who disagree with their religion and corrupt culture.

Of course, I advocate that we destroy all mosques int he world, wipe Islam off the earth and take control of all islamonazi countries, including Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Middle Beast countries, etc etc.   Let us restore Israel to the lands of the time of King Shlomo and kick the arabs out of the lands they stole.  This is what we must strive to do and pray to Hashem that will be done.  

America may be overrun my liberal scum, but they are bunch of cowards who still depend on the Conservative Right wing Americans for help in time of crisis.  Look at how the pathetic fools (except Barack Hussein) voted to bring the troops to Iraq.  Of course, like all other liberals, they are half hearted and once the war was engaged in depth, they all voted to get out.  I am sad to say this, regardless of your views of USA, it is still the last nation in the world protecting us against Russia and confronting their tyranny.  Yes, now with Barack Hussein coming to power, it seems America may be a red state.  At least, we have a congress who will fight him and not allow him to behave as  a totalarian dictator like Putztin in Russia.   It is true America is being overrun by illegal immigrants and left wing nazi and fascists.  We need to stand up, return our country to its dignified state in the times of Theodore Roosevelt, one of America's greatest modern heroes.   What I think is, America may fall apart, but the soldiers, military and police are generally right-wing.  Obama will never have support from the muscle of this country and the liberal pansies know if push comes to shove that the right-wing will take control.  Right wing Americans are some of the few people left in the world protecting us.  Unfortunately, Israel has been overtaken by an Arab nazi and liberal leftist government who have left it dormant.  My personal opinion is, when nuclear war strikes, the lefties are going to find themselves running back to the border and watching a restoration of a consertivate America, like none other.  It will take the loss of a few cities, to make it happen, but it will happen.  Just think, 100 years ago, USA and Europe was very conservative religious continents, now today, its a wild and g-dless places, being overrun by islamic nazis (and european nazis) and poor immigrants.    America is doomed for now, but I know some nukes on Chicago, New York will sober them up and kick the little girls out of the congress and put real men there.  I think once Tel Aviv goes up in flames, along with its gay pride parades, the right of Israel will solidify there hold.  

P.S. I think these Serbians I see here are typical brainwashed drones of the Russian empire.  Hate who Russia hates, love who Russia loves.   You can be sure if Russia went to war on Israel or even Iran went to war on Israel, what side the Serbs would be on today; forget WWII!

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #74 on: October 05, 2008, 10:29:42 AM »
You claim that your people are not brainwashed? If they are not why are they still supporting the foreign policies of their governments?
That's why the majority of the USA understandes very well the real context of the conflicts which took place at the Balkans, for example?  Believe me over 70% of the Americans still think that Saddam Husseing had for example biological weapons?
That is pure brainwashed behavoir.

WHo's brainwashed?  You!  Sadam Hussein was notorious for his use of chemical weapons and poison gas, which he used illegaly on civilians in Iranian cities and villages, not to mention the Kurds.  He also shot missles into Israel which he claimed had poison warheads on them and freaked many people out.  He also refused UN inspectors and did everything in his power to create turmoil and instill fear into people.  I don't give a crap if he didn't have any bio weapons at the time.  Many experts say he destroyed most of them before the invasion because he started to get scared, but by the time he destroyed his weapons, the plan was already initiated to invade Iraq and wipe him out.   Sorry, Dalmacija, USA nailed your  Russian Ally Sadam..  Your Russian pal, Ahmedinejab is next!  I think this one will be on Israel, if Zonah Livni can ever get out of power. 

Can you blame us for being pro Russian...?
We need Russia to survive..
I do blame you..  Many people became pro nazi because it was beneficial for their countries at the time.  Many of these countries may have also been alienated by the Western Allies.   I blame you less for running to Russia than the lies you are promoting of Russia's integrity.  How dare you go onto a Jewish site and tell us that Russian Orthodox empire was so kind to us Jews.  Its like me going into a Serbian Orthodox Church and saying how good the ALbanians were to your people.  You people in my opinion are running to a country who will sooner or later do much worse to you than what America has done.  You would be better off now pushing away Russia and going your own way.  But, I am sure if you did, Russia would then turn on you and help arm the ALbanians, who Russia has no animosity too.  Russia has no problem arming Islamonazis to over throw CHristian or Jewish governments.   Your country is dead as far as I am concern, because you put your hope on a Jew-hating, totalarian dictarorship that has only one goal, world dominatino.  Watch as Russian mobsters come to your country and buy up all your estates, businesses and devastate your economy like they are even doing in Montenegro now.  Russia knows what it is doing with its little pawn, name Serbia.  Sooner or later you will be secondclass citizens in your own country, you then probably even start crying for uSA to help you, but nobody will be around.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2008, 10:38:26 AM by AryehYehudah »