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Offline jaime

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new poll Rasmussen terrible!!!!!!!
« on: September 28, 2008, 05:40:00 PM »
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday-including the first day of post-debate polling-is unchanged. Barack Obama once again attracts 50% of the vote while John McCain earns 44%. This six-point advantage matches Obama's biggest lead yet and marks the first time he has held such a lead for two-days running.

Fifty-one percent (51%) of Americans think politicians are more interested in gaining additional power than in fixing the economy with the proposed $700-billion taxpayer-backed financial rescue plan.

Thirty percent (30%) say they’re more interested in righting the troubled economy, according to a new Rasmussen reports national telephone survey taken Thursday and Friday nights. Nineteen percent (19%) aren’t sure.

But then one-third of adults (33%) believe U.S. political leaders are trying to scare Americans into supporting the bailout proposal by making the economy seem worse than it really is. Only slightly more (39%) disagree, and 27% are undecided.

Offline SavetheWest

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Re: new poll Rasmussen terrible!!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2008, 06:12:55 PM »
This is bad news.  If Obama wins it will be near impossible to win a future election as he will open up the borders even more and make America a third world nation. 

He wants America to look like the people standing behind him at his campaign rallies, not what it looks like now. 

Offline jaime

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Re: new poll Rasmussen terrible!!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2008, 06:18:46 PM »
you are so right.  why are his numbers going up?  he plays dirty.  so many low blows and all his supporters on the web are out to destroy McCain-Palin.  I fell asleep w/Huckabee's new show lol and woke up to some shvatza screeching, "McCain is doing nothing! He's hanging out.  He's at 4 star restaurants."  At least he's in Washington.  He's got to eat.  Where's Obama today?  Back in Florida?!  This is horrible.  Let me go check Zogby.

map of electoral votes in above link

234 Obama .........keeps going up >:(

179 McCain

125 too close to call

Zogby Poll: Obama Narrowly Won First Debate, But Race Remains Too Close to Call

Likely voters give the Democrat a slight nod on his debate performance and in his overall handling of the current financial crisis

Utica, New York – Likely voters nationwide who watched Friday’s debate in Mississippi between Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain gave Obama the win by the slightest of margins, a new Zogby Interactive survey shows.

The poll shows that 44% believed Obama won the debate, while 41% said McCain did. Another 16% said they watched the debate but were unsure who came out on top.

The Horserace
Other/Not sure
Data from this poll is available here

Women gave Obama the nod, while men said they felt McCain won the first face-off. But some partisans had doubts. Just 78% of Democrats felt Obama won the debate, and just 80% of Republicans felt McCain won. Independents, by a four-point margin, said Obama  won the debate.

By a 47% to 34% margin, debate-watchers said they felt Obama was better prepared for the event than was McCain. Nearly two-thirds of respondents said that both candidates performed better than expected.

A Zogby Interactive survey before the debate showed that, by a 4-3 ratio, likely voters believed Obama would win this first presidential debate.

The online poll included 2,102 likely voters nationwide and carries a margin of error of +/- 2.2 percentage points.

Pollster John Zogby: “Some observations from our latest polling - Obama leads by 11 points among likely voters who hold at least a college degree. McCain is ahead by five among those without a degree.

“Obama scores big with a 30-point advantage among moderates, and edges into a five-point lead among independents, including a five-point lead among independent women. McCain, meanwhile, has strong possession of recent Republican stalwarts like frequent Wal-Mart shoppers (leading by 25 points) NASCAR fans (leading by 40 points), and the self-described investor class (leading by 15 points). We’ve got a lot of campaigning to go here yet.”

The survey, which went into the field almost immediately after the conclusion of the debate and came out Saturday late afternoon, also showed Obama with a statistically insignificant 47.1% to 45.9% lead overall in a head-to-head “horserace” question. Voters nationwide also said they felt, again by a narrow margin, that Obama has handled himself better than McCain in dealing with the current financial crisis.

Obama’s tiny edge comes from independent voters, who favor him over McCain by a small 44% to 39% margin, while Obama wins 89% support from Democratic Party voters, the same level of support he has won in the last several Zogby surveys.

The survey shows that McCain helped himself a little among his base Republican voters since the last Zogby Interactive survey taken just a few days ago. He now wins 92% support among Republicans, up three points from mid-week last week.

Considering the support of the independent voters, Obama’s five point advantage is one of the largest he has won in head-to-head contests against McCain since June, when he led by 21 points. Since June, independent voters have largely been up for grabs. Because both candidates are now winning very high percentages of their own political bases, the independents become a key group in the election.

Among women, Obama leads by 10 points, but among men, McCain leads by nine points. Obama leads among voters under age 30, while McCain leads by a slightly smaller margin among voters age 65 and older. Among those voters age 30 to 64, the two are essentially tied.

Barr Wins 4% in National Horserace Including Minor Candidates

The 5-Way Horserace
Other/Not sure
Data from this poll is available here

In a five-way horserace including Obama, McCain, Libertarian candidate Bob Barr, a former Republican congressman from Georgia, Green Party Cynthia McKinney, and independent Ralph Nader, Barr wins nearly four percent support.

Zogby International was the most accurate pollster in every one of the last three presidential election cycles, and continues to perfect its telephone and interactive methodologies using its own live operator, in-house call center in Upstate New York, and its own secure servers for its online polling projects.

In the 2004 presidential election, not only was Zogby's telephone polling right on the money, its interactive polling also nailed the election as well. In 2006, the Zogby Interactive online polling was on the money in 17 of 18 U.S. Senate races (the 18th was within the margin of error)  a record of accuracy that is unmatched in the industry - as no other leading firm even attempts to poll statewide political races using an interactive methodology for public consumption.

For a complete methodological statement on this survey, please visit:


« Last Edit: September 28, 2008, 06:26:47 PM by jaime »

Offline TheCoon

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Re: new poll Rasmussen terrible!!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2008, 11:22:36 PM »
Evil young voters will put Obama over the top and inherit a dying nation. God will punish them for their stupidity with new wars and bloodshed.
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!

Offline jaime

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Re: new poll Rasmussen terrible!!!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2008, 12:47:32 AM »
it is common knowledge that a lot of these young voters flake and don't vote at the last minute.  however, McCain has a formidable opponent this time.  he's got so much money behind him, they'll send transportation to pick up any registered voters, or even go after the ones that aren't registered, get them registered, and force them to vote for Obama.  no one seems to care that his top advisors are thieves, caused the Fannie Mae and Ginnie Mae crisis and I have this great info to post as an alternative to using taxpayer money which deserves it's own thread:

Published in the The New York Post on September 28, 2008

During Friday's debate, John McCain assiduously and inexplicably avoided using the issue that might have won him the debate and the presidency: opposition to a taxpayer-funded bailout of the financial crisis.

Congress is about to pass - and the president is about to sign - a bill that the American people detest by 2:1 margins. When Americans realize that there is, indeed, an alternative to handing over $700 billion to financial institutions as a reward for their failure, opposition to the idea will swell even further.

The bailout ideas proposed by the House Republicans and trumpeted by former Speaker Newt Gingrich make eminent sense. Indeed, they make so much sense that it is as if the roles of the parties have been reversed. It is the Republicans who are demanding that the banks and financial institutions pay for their own bailout, granting them only a mixture of loans and premium-paid insurance, while the Democrats want to pass the hat among the taxpayers to buy their dirty paper.

In an unusual act of political foresight and skill, the normally dead-headed House Republican leadership has crafted a platform that can carry the party to victory in November. All that remains is for the Party's candidate - and perhaps even its president and Treasury Secretary - to get on board. McCain can recover at the negotiating table the economy issue he lost in Friday's debate. He needs to have the courage of his convictions and insist on a bailout without requiring taxpayer-funded purchase of defunct mortgages from failing institutions.

The difference in the bailout plans is, of course, largely cosmetic. Dead paper is dead paper whether it is on the books of the government, purchased from banks, or on the books of the banks, insured by the government. The game is the same: Through loans or grants fund the deficient debt service on the defaulted mortgages until homes can recover their value in the cyclical real estate market.

But it makes all the difference in the world politically if this task is accomplished by buying bad debt or by lending the bankers the money to cover their current losses while they keep their bad debts on their books and by insuring them against future losses.

Loans are politically viable. Purchase of bad debt with tax money is not.

The Democrats and our politically-challenged president have failed to appreciate the difference between spending and lending. Treasury Secretary Paulson can be excused for not realizing it. Politics is not his thing.

But John McCain must realize the crucial distinction and must use his leverage to stop a taxpayer-funded bailout, insisting instead on loans and insurance.

If McCain stands firm, the Democrats will either have to pass the bailout package on their own, without Republican votes, and rely on Bush's signature on the bill to provide a fig leaf of bipartisanship - or they will have to cave in and pass the Republican package.

Either way, McCain comes out ahead.

If he gets his way, he gets credit for the bailout. If he doesn't, he can spend the campaign attacking Obama and the Democrats for spending $700 billion of taxpayer money.

If the Democrats don't adopt either course and play a game of chicken with the Republicans, their Congressional status as the majority party dooms them to taking the blame for any ensuing collapse.

Voters can count.

They know that Reid and Pelosi are Democrats and that they control Congress. With this power comes responsibility.

And if the Democrats do nothing - that is they fail to use their majorities to pass a bailout or to cooperate with the Republicans in adopting the GOP version of the package - it is they who will get the blame for the catastrophe which will follow.

The Democrats don't dare take that chance.

The cards are dealt for John McCain. All he has to do is have the guts to do what he didn't have the courage to do in the debate: Play the hand.

Offline SAMSON

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Re: new poll Rasmussen terrible!!!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2008, 01:50:03 AM »
It is not over until it is over. We still have a few more debates. In the time that is left before the election it could go back and forth many times. What McCain should be doing is hammering away at Obamas past. I was listening to a speech that Obama was giving and he is claiming he was the one responsible for getting this bill approved for the financial bailout! Was it not him who did not want to stop the debate and that he said he has a phone if he could be useful "call me". I hope McCain wakes up soon and points out all of Obamas shortcomings!!!

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: new poll Rasmussen terrible!!!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2008, 01:54:32 AM »
It isn't over keep fighting

Offline jaime

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Re: new poll Rasmussen terrible!!!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2008, 02:07:00 AM »
thanks guys.  why doesn't McCain wake up?  maybe he didn't want to appear too snippy .... i don't get it.  when McCain and Obama shook hands before the debate began, Obama gave him a very warm handshake [or is that just part of the narcissistic facade?] :'( see how scary they [narcissist] are?  now i'm totally confused.  although Sen. McCain said, "Sen. Obama doesn't understand the difference between strategy and tactic [was that the phrase :-[  i can't wait till it's over.  i am tired, not sleeping, worried.....and, Sen. McCain said the stupid things Obama wants to do militarily, are "dangerous," which EVERYONE knows, then why are his poll numbers going up, up, up,  >:(
« Last Edit: September 29, 2008, 03:03:47 AM by jaime »

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: new poll Rasmussen terrible!!!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2008, 02:41:08 AM »
It is not more McCain then it is the Media who is shunning any attempts.  McCain is a very seasoned man and can win this but the media is completely in Obama's corner.  And I want to know who they polled I never got one.

Offline George

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Re: new poll Rasmussen terrible!!!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2008, 02:55:38 AM »
So many things can happen from now until election day. There's no point in checking the polls so often at this stage. After the debates are over the polls can predict more accurately.

Offline jaime

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Re: new poll Rasmussen terrible!!!!!!!
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2008, 03:15:37 AM »
It is not more McCain then it is the Media who is shunning any attempts.  McCain is a very seasoned man and can win this but the media is completely in Obama's corner.  And I want to know who they polled I never got one.

i didn't get any poll either.  your post is correct.  if the American public would listen to this brilliant man and not the media, we'd have the right man for the job.  i listen to Sean Hannity and he's educated me and a lot of other people.  he's done a phenomenal job during this campaign.  i'm watching Hannity's America right now and he exposes how they stole our country away from us, i.e., didn't warn us of terrorism before 9/11, the corrupt dealings of Obama and his 2 closest advisors and how they ripped of Fannie Mae and Ginnie Mae, sweatheart deals and refinancing $1 Million in a loan for one of the advisors, and on and on! i will try to hang in there.  everyone is so supportive here :usa+israel:

Offline jaime

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Re: new poll Rasmussen terrible!!!!!!!
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2008, 03:21:57 AM »
So many things can happen from now until election day. There's no point in checking the polls so often at this stage. After the debates are over the polls can predict more accurately.

lol.....Ralph, my email box is filled every day with polls, and more polls, newletters, it's a mess.  even if i wanted to stop, i don't think i can :read: :-[ it's like trying to quit smoking :::D

"Voters nationwide also said they felt, again by a narrow margin, that Obama has handled himself better than McCain in dealing with the current financial crisis.

from Zogby poll.  i'm going to edit that quote:

"Voters nationwide also said they felt, again by a narrow margin, that Obama has handled himself better than McCain in dealing with the current financial crisis THAT OBAMA AND HIS CRONIES CREATED.  LIAR.

ETA:  Ralph, I am going to listen to you.  I am encouraged from listening to the day before yesterday's Fox & Friends (I just started watching them...they come on at 3:00 A.M. PST,) and a few times has had a friend of Obama's from Harvard on the show, said, "polls don't mean a thing.  the ads don't mean anything either," so I will follow your advice.  The consensus among all on the panel is McCain won the debate.   They made some changes to the anchors so the show is much better. Gretchen Carlson is a riot and Steve Dusey is very funny.  The show is informative and I enjoy it.  What was not mentioned on this site because we were so busy talking about other things, but I'm sure everyone here noticed, is that Obama kept calling Sen. McCain [Fox & Friends said 8 times,] all the while, Sen. McCain never once called Obama anything except Sen. Obama.  The hosts of the show also pointed out to the viewers that Sen. McCain, never looked at Obama, while Obama always looked at Sen. McCain, whether he was addressing him directly, disagreeing with him, etc.  It is interesting to note that Sen. McCain didn't think Obama was even worth the effort to barely acknowledge him.  The Fox hosts said Sen. McCain repeatedly said, "Sen. Obama doesn't understand......" referring to not being able to differentiate between military stategies, tactics, etc. 

Earlier, I watched Geraldo and on the bottom, they have the stream of news and Obama is in Missouri egging on the blacks telling them, "McCain just stood there.  He had a Katrina-like reaction," and more terrible statements claiming McCain never mentioned the middle-class.  Sen. McCain refuted these statements and pretty much just scoffed at Obama.  He was effective!  My thoughts were that Obama reminded me of some college sophomore that memorized information.  He is opposing an American Hero and there is no one in this country that knows more about how to lead this country, about foreign affairs and thinks fast on his feet.  Obama just twists things and lies.  He's got that wife of his on the campaign trail spewing socialist rants.   Sean Hannity made a good point: once this stuff gets into your consciousness from it being repeated over and over, it becomes so familiar, you are liable to go along with it (not Sean's words exactly,) but it's 3:41 A.M. and I am tired.  Still watching the news though ???

They threw together a 106 pg. bill, and on the stream at the bottom of the program, it said, Sen. Obama, although he has not read the bill, is going to sign it.  Pres. Bush will be speaking in the morning about the bill and it sounds like they just slopped it together.  One pundit, said, Creature Pelosi is like a used car salesman.  Here sign this bill (no one has seen it.  there was one member of the House who said "No!" and he had just gotten a copy before the Geraldo show, getting back to the pundit who said Creature Pelosi wants 100 members of the House to just sign it, is like a used car salesman.  He said it was like going to a used car lot and someone shows you one car and you say you want to look at some others but they insist you buy the only car that is shown to you.  Also mentioned in the feed at the bottom of the screen is that Obama used the phone along with McCain to work on this sloppy bill. :o Across the pond, they are having problems also.  There is a collapse of a big bank there this morning and reports of the market at this hour are not encouraging, in Asia, and it's a few more hours before the market opens in Europe, then at 9:30 A.M. we will have word what is going on in this country and the Pres. will make his speech.  A pretty good panel was put together on Geraldo and if it takes a little more time, they can iron out this bailout plan.  As it stands now, it's sloppy, and sneaky Creature Pelosi, has some clauses in there that protect Congress, and NOT THE AMERICAN TAX PAYER!  Good night all.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2008, 06:48:49 AM by jaime »

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Re: new poll Rasmussen terrible!!!!!!!
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2008, 06:34:33 AM »
So many things can happen from now until election day. There's no point in checking the polls so often at this stage. After the debates are over the polls can predict more accurately.

lol.....Ralph, my email box is filled every day with polls, and more polls, newletters, it's a mess.  even if i wanted to stop, i don't think i can :read: :-[ it's like trying to quit smoking :::D

"Voters nationwide also said they felt, again by a narrow margin, that Obama has handled himself better than McCain in dealing with the current financial crisis.

from Zogby poll.  i'm going to edit that quote:

"Voters nationwide also said they felt, again by a narrow margin, that Obama has handled himself better than McCain in dealing with the current financial crisis THAT OBAMA AND HIS CRONIES CREATED.  LIAR.

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