that is the most unattractive photo of Michelle I have seen. I guess the pickings are slim. they all look like that.
"Above: Michelle Obama, below: Painting "The Battle On San Domingo," a depiction of the Haitian Revolution, the most successful slave revolt in history."
so she lives, breathes, and devours these slave revolts. hope they are hanging in the master bedroom, living room, kitchen, for Barry to admire, otherwise he will get in trouble.
does anyone know if these are up for sale? we would love to have one of these staring us in the face in perhaps the master bedroom.
“Why are they attacking Michelle Obama, first lady Michelle Obama, and not really attacking, to that degree, her husband?” Steele asked. “Because he has no slave blood in him. He does not have any slave blood in him, but Michelle does.” Atlanta Journal Constitution."
btw, Laura Bush is the First Lady.what are they talking about? who is being attacked for a gruesome painting that the potential First Lady has painted. who knows about this magnificent hidden talent of hers and why should Obama be attacked because he doesn't have slave blood in him, like she does. these people are not playing with a full deck, are clinically paranoid, and anyone that votes for Obama, needs a psych evaluation ASAP.
ETA: You said look at the slave picture. i just saw the Obama faces EW is right.