Author Topic: Julia Gorin exposes the Genocide against the Serbian people in Croatia & Kosovo  (Read 69854 times)

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Offline 4International

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Conservative American columnist of Jewish heritage - Julia Gorin - exposes the Washington and Brussels [NATO/EU] backed GENOCIDE perpetrated against the Serbian people by the Thaci, Ceku, Haradinaj Albanian Islamist Nazi KLA [Kosovo Liberation Army] in Kosovo-Metohija as well as the genocide perpetrated by the Tudjman HDZ Ustasha Nazi Croats in Krajina/Croatia


Albanian KLA Islamist Nazi mass murderers pose for the cameras in Kosovo: Sadik Cuflaj, KLA member from the Decani area ( i.e., the murderer smiling in the middle - holding a human head, that of a Serb by the name of Bojan Cvetkovic,who was a sales clerk from Nis, in Serbia).

The smiling young man to the left of  Sadik Cuflaj is his son Valon Cuflaj, born in April 1981 in the village of Prilep, municipality of Decani. He has an UNMIK[United Nations Mission in Kosovo] identity card and is now (as of November 2003) a member of the so-called ”Kosovo Protection Corps” with the rank of lieutenant.

Above two photos: Bodies of victims killed by the Albanian Islamist Nazi KLA (UCK) - commanded by Ramush Haradinaj -and thrown into the Radonjic Lake canal in Glodjane, Kosovo in 1998.

Preceding four photos above: The Serbian victims of the Gracko Massacre:14 Serb farmers were killed by the Thaci, Ceku & Haradinaj-led Albanian Islamist Nazi KLA terrorists in July,1999, in the village of Gracko, Kosovo, while the Serb farmers were taking harvest in their field.

The Serbian relatives and families grieving for their loved ones at the Christian Orthodox funeral of the 14 Serbian farmers brutally murdered by Ramush Haradinaj’s Islamist Nazi KLA terrorists in the village of Gracko, Kosovo, July, 1999, after US/NATO troops took over the province.

Serbian Orthodox Christian Requiem for the 14 Serbian farmers murdererd by the Thaci, Ceku & Haradinaj-led Islamist Nazi KLA thugs in the village of Gracko, Kosovo, July, 1999

The crime these Serbs had committed was going to the Sunday mass. It happened in Granovec, Kosovo, before the Yugoslav Serbian security forces intervened. This Kosovo Serbian family, here in the picture, was hacked to death by the US/NATO sponsored Islamist Nazi KLA in the summer of 1998. The woman in the picture was five months pregnant; the Islamist Nazi Albanians (KLA-UCK) after raping her, literally cut the baby (fetus) out of her womb with a butcher-knife. The man in the right hand corner (her husband) had his legs chopped off with an axe at his knees, so before he died he was helplessly watching what the Albanian KLA Islamist Nazi savages were doing to his wife.

This young Serbian father and his little baby were brutally butchered by the Albanian Islamist Nazi KLA bandits, after the NATO Forces entered Kosovo. One of the KLA Islamist Nazi bandits grabbed the baby by his tiny legs and smashed his head against a brick wall. His father was first shot, then beaten to death with an iron pipe.

This beautiful young Serbian girl was raped and tortured (her breasts were cut off) - then she was beaten to death with a steel rod by the Albanian Islamist Nazi bandits in Kosovo. Her genitalia were mutilated beyond recognition.This happened after NATO Forces entered Kosovo.

After NATO forces entered Kosovo, this entire Serbian family was butchered, men were shot and decapitated. Women and children were raped and tortured. This ten-year-old girl (in the center) was raped by 20 Albanian Islamist Nazi KLA animals, her genitalia were mutilated with a wooden pole, then she was killed with an axe blow to the head.

As Croatian forces withdrew from Vukovar on 15 and 16 November 1991, they dragged Serbian civilians from the cellars where they were hiding, and massacred them. These Serbs were axed to death in a courtyard, after being dragged from the cellar at 74 Nikola Demonja Street in Borovo-naselje, near Vukovar [Names, courtesy of the 4international blog: Radosav Pavic and Velimir Trajkovic (both wearing red); Zorica Pavlovic, her brother Zoran, mother Nada and Milojka Pavlovic.]

The above two photos are that of a three-year old Serbian boy whom was shot dead while hiding in the cellar at 72 Nikola Demonja Street. His mother and father, Sladana and Miroslav Cecavac, were also killed [From 4international: “This 3 year old Serbian child was labelled a ‘Serbian aggressor’ by [wartime Croatian president] Tudjman’s…government and the Western corporate-controlled media. In order to stop his so-called ‘aggression’, the so-called ‘brave’ Croatian neo-Ustashe soldiers put a bullet in the back of his head, which exited from the front of his skull. In the war in Croatia and Bosnia, by mid-1994, 7,000 Serbian children were killed: twice as many as Croatian and Muslim children combined…(From: The Suppressed Serbian Voice And The Free Press In America By William Dorich, 1994 - p 30)]

Between 16 and 18 October 1991, 24 Serbian civilians from Gospic in Croatia were slaughtered. Croatian forces killed the 15 men and nine women with guns, knives and sledgehammers, doused the bodies with petrol and set them on fire. From October 1991 to February 1992, more than 500 Serbian civilians from the Gospic area disappeared without a trace

Mira Kalanj, a Serbian civilian from Gospic in Croatia, was killed and burned by Croatian forces between 16 and 18 October 1991. Her husband, Duro, was machine-gunned in the back and then burned (Inset caption: A family photograph of Mira and Duro Kalanj with the eldest of their two sons)

A Serbian girl, suffocated to death in PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) and stuffed in a mechanic’s pit, Borovo-naselje, November 1991

Zoran Pavlovic and his sister Zorica were killed along with their entire family on November 19, 1991, by retreating Croatian forces. A view of Zorica reveals how really brutally she was murdered. Her skull was also crushed. (Photos by Goran Mikic, Reuters)

This photograph shows a Serbian victim of Franjo Tudjman’s neo-Ustashe Nazi troops.  The victim’s name was Zoran Pavlovic and he was axed to death by modern-day Croatian “skull crushers”, killed on November 19, 1991, at 74 Nikole Demonje Street, Vukovar, Croatia. He was positively identified by surviving relatives. These revisited Holocaust crimes against the Serbs were discounted by the Western corporate controlled media as “Serb paranoia”, however these photographs clearly reveal the demonic nature of such Croatian Ustashe Nazi war crimes.

Here is an excerpt from the 4International article that Julia Gorin mentions in her posts above and which she links to on her blog:


Compiled by Nathan Pearlstein & Peter Robert North

Ex-Clinton administration “peace envoy” Richard Holbrooke - beneficiary of  the Albanian KLA Islamist Nazi Narco-Terrorist Child Sex Slavery Mafia - gets the president of the US/NATO owned and controlled Hague ICTY Kangaroo Court to free the ex-Kosovo “Prime Minister” and KLA Islamist Nazi war criminal - Ramush Haradinaj - IN ADVANCE of his totally phony ”surrender” and ”trial” at the Hague ICTY:

“a deal would be struck to ensure that he did not serve prison time for the charges he faced.”   

[start quote here]

US Policy in the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean: Time to Stop Choosing Sides, and to Start Choosing Strategic Interests

By Gregory R. Copley,

President, the International Strategic Studies Association.[1]

Presented at the Capitol Hill Conference on

FYROM: The Need for Reassessment of US Policy in the Balkans.

Longworth House of Representatives Office Building,

Washington, DC: April 14, 2005

“The fact that the KLA leader and, until March 8, 2005, Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush (Hilmi) Haradinaj, was indicted for war crimes and taken to The Hague for trial still has not penetrated the consciousness of what is transpiring.

Moreover, in order to somewhat ease the embarrassment of having backed the wrong side — the side of al-Qaida, the narco-traffickers, the true genocidal xenophobists, and the criminal gangs — in Kosovo, the US is in some ways actively working to let Mr Haradinaj out of prison, so that he can “fight his legal battle from a position of freedom” [Preceding quote in italics by a US State Department spokesman].

“This is a man charged with having directly and personally killed many innocent people, not a politician who allegedly allowed things to happen by default.

The scandal of this particular case has yet to break, but suffice it to say that Albanian mafia linked to the KLA have worked through former US Assistant Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke — a close associate of the KLA and a beneficiary of its support — to approach the US President of the International Criminal Tribunal on the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), Theodore Meron, to see Haradinaj released.[4]

There are reports from within the ICTY that the State Department would approve the release of Haradinaj, and had, in fact, agreed with Haradinaj in advance of his surrender to the ICTY, that a deal would be struck to ensure that he did not serve prison time for the charges he faced.”

4] Meron, a professor of law at New York University, was a member of the US official delegation to the Rome talks in 1998, at which the establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC) was discussed. At that conference, he reflected the US line, which was in complete opposition to the foundation of the ICC, but subsequently accepted to be President of the ICC’s subsidiary court, the ICTY.

[end quote here]
« Last Edit: January 22, 2017, 04:02:59 PM by Lisa »


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Thank you 4International and to your Jewish and other friends who are exposing the truth - how the genocide is committed against the Serbian people.

Europe and America must see the genocide over the Serbs.

Also in the 20th century the Serbs were again exposed to extremely genocidal regimes - which regretally haven been supported by many traitor governments.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 02:24:57 PM by DALMACIJA »

Offline Jasmina

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  Julia Gorin, why doesn't she come to JTF forum? I guess she would have a lot of interesting ideas to post!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

Offline ~Hanna~

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You might want to post a warning about those pictures, some of us are really sensitive and have been through some stuff in our lives and that is like opening up wounds.... :o
שמע ישראל

Offline 4International

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  Julia Gorin, why doesn't she come to JTF forum? I guess she would have a lot of interesting ideas to post!

Shalom sister Jasmina,

since you are an Administrator here and are Serbian, why don't you write to our dear friend Julia Gorin and invite her to join us by going to her website: and clicking on "contact" at the following link:

Offline 4International

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You might want to post a warning about those pictures, some of us are really sensitive and have been through some stuff in our lives and that is like opening up wounds.... :o

Shalom sister Hanna,

My sincerest apologies for upsetting you. I did post a warning already, it was at the top of the page but it obviously was not clear enough so I have changed the color to bright RED instead of blue and moved it so that it is much more visible now.

I believe Julia has done a marvellous job for publishing this on her blog so our fellow Americans can see where our tax dollars went in funding and arming these Nazi animals.Once again, my deepest apologies for any emotional pain caused to you by the photos.



Offline syyuge

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Curse to Occupied Kosovo and Albania who are hell on the earth.
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline ~Hanna~

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You might want to post a warning about those pictures, some of us are really sensitive and have been through some stuff in our lives and that is like opening up wounds.... :o

Shalom sister Hanna,

My sincerest apologies for upsetting you. I did post a warning already, it was at the top of the page but it obviously was not clear enough so I have changed the color to bright RED instead of blue and moved it so that it is much more visible now.

I believe Julia has done a marvellous job for publishing this on her blog so our fellow Americans can see where our tax dollars went in funding and arming these Nazi animals.Once again, my deepest apologies for any emotional pain caused to you by the photos.



Thankyou..... ;D

Its ok, I will survive, it was still morning here..... :laugh:
שמע ישראל

Offline Serbian Canadian

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Those are just about the most gruesome looking photographs I've ever seen.

I don't mean to bring up a thread almost a year old but I find it interesting that almost everytime I view "Who's Online", a guest is viewing this thread. It doesn't matter the day or time, this thread is constantly being viewed by anonymous visitors. I just find it interesting. I wonder who and seems it's always the same person. Must be why it's been viewed nearly 3000 times.


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Those are just about the most gruesome looking photographs I've ever seen.

I don't mean to bring up a thread almost a year old but I find it interesting that almost everytime I view "Who's Online", a guest is viewing this thread. It doesn't matter the day or time, this thread is constantly being viewed by anonymous visitors. I just find it interesting. I wonder who and seems it's always the same person. Must be why it's been viewed nearly 3000 times.

You're right. Right now, it is being viewed by three guests. Sometimes, there are about ten guests viewing this thread.

Offline Lisa

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I met Julia Gorin a few times.  She really knows her stuff. 

Offline Lisa

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And she is Jewish.

Offline Nik_Srb

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how can a "human" being do something like...this....

i honestly feel very sorry for those "people" who could do something like this(not as much as the victims ofc),i mean,i can't imagine what kind of an existance it is
when you are able to do something like this........

Offline SW

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Oh Jesus Christ. What disgusting pictures. I am really shocked about it.   :o

Offline Serbian Canadian

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Oh Jesus Christ. What disgusting pictures. I am really shocked about it.   :o

And Serbs are the "war criminals" and "monsters".  :crazy:

Offline 4International

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Oh Jesus Christ. What disgusting pictures. I am really shocked about it.   :o

Shalom brother Steven,

I felt the same way when I first saw these photos.

Most Westerners have absolutely no idea what happened to the Serbs during the Holocaust in Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia from 1941 to 1945.

During the 1980's and 1990's after Josip Broz Tito's death,the children and grandchildren of the Croats, Albanians and Bosnian Muslims who hated the Serbs were constantly bragging in their own newspapers and TV broadcasts that they regarded the Serbs as "Untermenschen" and if war broke out "would finish the job this time that Hitler and Pavelic failed to complete in World War 2".

They weren't joking.

Offline SW

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Oh Jesus Christ. What disgusting pictures. I am really shocked about it.   :o

Shalom brother Steven,

I felt the same way when I first saw these photos.

Most Westerners have absolutely no idea what happened to the Serbs during the Holocaust in Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia from 1941 to 1945.

During the 1980's and 1990's after Josip Broz Tito's death,the children and grandchildren of the Croats, Albanians and Bosnian Muslims who hated the Serbs were constantly bragging in their own newspapers and TV broadcasts that they regarded the Serbs as "Untermenschen" and if war broke out "would finish the job this time that Hitler and Pavelic failed to complete in World War 2".

They weren't joking.

It's really terrible. Fu** Nazis

Offline 4International

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Oh Jesus Christ. What disgusting pictures. I am really shocked about it.   :o

And Serbs are the "war criminals" and "monsters".  :crazy:

SC, just reply to those Leftist ignoramuses who claim the above:

"So, when did you stop beating your wife"? Surely you don't deny that you still beat her? I mean it's common knowledge all over town that you still do!"

 :laugh: ;D

Offline Sinisa

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Excellent post, just to add for photo#1, next to Sadik Cuflaj is his son, Valon, who is member of Kosovo Police Force (redressed KLA that is) TODAY.

Offline ProudToBeSerb

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These pictures realy pumped adrenalin up  >:(  I'm glad that at least some people knew about this and everything else what happend in Serbia. It is nice feeling knowing that we are not alone, thanks : )
Daj Boze da se Srbi sloze !!!

Offline ProudToBeSerb

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how can a "human" being do something like...this....

i honestly feel very sorry for those "people" who could do something like this(not as much as the victims ofc),i mean,i can't imagine what kind of an existance it is
when you are able to do something like this........

They are not human being,they are disease... Some day when UN get everything what they need on Kosovo they will go away and than something similar is gonna happens to them...We have no compasion for them because they are much much worse than animals.
Daj Boze da se Srbi sloze !!!

Offline leavemealone

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I think I'm going to throw up.   :yuck:

Offline serbarkan

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the pictures are graphic but at the same time they should be posted so the world can be witness  what kind of animals the croatian and muslim nazis have done and are still doing to this parents witnessed these events during world war 2

Offline crnitrn

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They are not human being,they are disease... Some day when UN get everything what they need on Kosovo they will go away and than something similar is gonna happens to them...We have no compasion for them because they are much much worse than animals.
Don't say this thing ,otherwise you are no better than them! In Serbia, all nations (about 40) and religion, have today, and throughout history  had the same rights as Serbs. No one was prosecuted and convicted if he respected the law!Bad things that the media are talking about Serbia and Serbs have never occurred, there were and there are some small groups of extreme, but it has in all nations, and in Serbia and perhaps the least!

Offline Hajduk

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The deaths of these people will be avenged.