First and foremost, remember the phrase "NEVER AGAIN", history repeats it's self if you let it, remember the warsaw ghetto uprising
I made this post on another section of the forum but more people should see this. Understand if Obama gets into office, we are going to have a real problem on our hands, yes crime will increase, so will black thugs coming into our homes, but the real problem is when nazis and muslims use this as a opportunity to wage a race war on Jews. Remember the Jews in the warsaw ghetto who kept the Nazis at bay for months despite the limited resources they had, this is a good opportunity for members to invest in some rifles, they are cheaper than a lot of people think you can get a quality bolt action rifle for as low as 60 dollars or a semi automatic rifle for about 225 dollars (sometimes less if you get lucky). I have included some links, where to buy rifles, ammo you need, and videos how to operate these firearms.
7.62 x 39 is really cheap right now and much better than that dinky NATO round 5.56 x 45 which is going up to 350 dollars per box of 500 rounds (what a rip off!) I paid 139 dollars for 700 rounds of 7.62 x 39 and at least I know whoevers unlucky to be on the receiving end isn't going to get back up.
5.56 x 45 is what our military uses for the m16's and what most modern rifles are now being chambered in, this round is inefficient to get the job done, it's more of a wounding round. Stay away from it!
This is why you should not use a 5.56 x 45 or an AR15 (m16/m4)
I recommend if you can, everyone should have at least a handgun, but you should have a rifle as well if you need to flee to the country. You can get a Yugoslavian SKS for 225 dollars! Their legal practically everywhere in the US, their milled receiver so their built very well, and good for accuracy. You don't even need magazines, load up a stripper clip 10 rounds and that's it. I even have videos that show how to field strip them.

You can buy it here deal on Romanian ammo 7.62 x 39 for 129 dollars how to field strip a SKS and clean it
Part 1:
Part 2:
I know a number of marines including a Jew who I talk to on paltalk who has nothing but good things to say about the SKS.
If you don't want a semi-auto and you want something even cheaper, you can get a Mosin Nagant bolt action rifle in .308, same rifle used in the Soviet Union against the Nazis, it's still a accurate firearm and you can get one as low as
$60!!!You cannot use 7.62 x 39 ammo in it, it uses a larger round known as .308, i'll post links where to buy one.$69.95
Buy the ammo here
German .308 500 rounds for 209 dollars can view fieldstripping video for a mosin-nagant here
If you have the money, and live in a area where you can have it, buy an AK-47. Get a G Spec or a Romanian WASR10, you can get them for about 400 dollars, prices are going up a lot. Magazines are really cheap right now.
I don't care what you've heard about the AK47, I don't care that terrorists use it, I don't care it was a communist invention, this rifle will save your life. US troops have gone against orders in Iraq on many occasions to use AK47's. It fires the 7.62 x 39 round, perfectly suitable, it's reliable as hell, very little to nothing can go wrong with it, very few parts, you can bury this thing in sand, mud, water, rust the hell out of it and it will still fire. You want something with little fuss and a lot of power, get the AK47 if you are able to.

you can buy this rifle at centerfiresystems (CANNOT BE SHIPPED TO CALIFORNIA)
here are additional magazines.
4 mags (30 rounders) for 39.99 dollars is 7.62 x 39 which you can buy here
Special deal on Romanian ammo 7.62 x 39 for 129 dollars on how to fieldstrip a AK47, it's one of the easiest
Guys, G-d forbid we end up in another situation like the holocaust, yeah that handgun will be useful for a few shots taking out thugs coming in your home, but if we end up in another situation like the warsaw ghetto, your going to need a precision type of firearm. These were the rifles used to kick out donkey in vietnam, a firearm has no loyalty, use what works.