Author Topic: Understanding Israel means Understanding Serbia: The Parallels of Jews & Serbs  (Read 7959 times)

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“The well-orchestrated and well-engineered demonization of the Serbs is a warning to all Jews who want Israel to continue to exist. Israel can become a target.”

“Those deliberately promoting radical Islam in Europe will promote radicalism and Islam everywhere.”

Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics
Yohanan Ramati

A Comparative Case Study of The Yugoslav
and Middle East Crises
Volume 9, Bulletin No. 4
December, 1996.

excerpts below:

Statesmen, politicians and journalists have lied deliberately throughout human history. Indeed, human history, usually written by unprincipled victors, contains so many falsehoods that the search for truth often becomes an impossible task. Even the currently accepted axioms are false. the lies of democratic statesmen are often as monumental as the lies of the most tyrannical dictators. In both cases, the motives are love of power and greed.

The age of rapid air transportation, television and computers has created a world in which cheating all the people all the time is easier than at any time in history, while cheating most people most of the time is the normative political phenomenon.

So truth has become what Washington wants it to be. When it does not correspond to the facts, the facts are buried beneath a barrage of television, radio and press propaganda kowtowing to Big Brother.

In principle, there is little to distinguish today’s US propaganda about the Yugoslav crisis or West European propaganda about the Middle East crisis (with which the US is often in tacit sympathy) from the propaganda of Goebbels, Stalin or, for that matter, the Ayatollah Khomeini and Saddam Hussein. The lies are equally outrageous, the half-truths are equally misleading and the goals are fundamentally the same - more power and more money for those who dictate policy.

US policy-makers and power brokers protect themselves by a smoke screen of lies disseminated in the press and media.

This comparative case study is necessary not only because the parallels between the history of Serbia and the history of the Jews in the land of King David and King Solomon are too many to be ignored, but also since the attitude of the Western powers - and in particular the US - to both the Yugoslav and the Middle Eastern crisis is largely determined by the pro-Muslim bias of their policy-makers and power brokers.

Whether or not the Albanians in Kosovo claim to have been there before the Serbs - in fancy dress or otherwise - the facts remain that the cradle of Serb nationalism is in Kosovo, while the cradle of Jewish nationalism is in Judea and Samaria - in Hebron, Jerusalem, Jericho and Shiloh. Kosovo was ethnically cleansed of most of its Serbs. Judea and Samaria were ethnically cleansed of most of their Jews. But this cannot wipe out history and the respective Serb and Jewish claims to these regions.

More recent parallels are even more telling. Both Serbs and Jews fought the Nazis during the Second World War and both Serbs and Jews were the victims of persecution and murder by Hitler and his allies - the Croat “Ustashis” and the Bosnian Muslims. Moreover, the Arabs of the Middle East openly supported Hitler whenever an opportunity arose. Yet both Serbia and Israel were and are being pressed by the Western powers to make territorial concessions to their old-new enemies. 

This pressure, which Israel has experienced since its birth in 1948 and Yugoslavia since its dismemberment by American-German fair, has been exerted with the assistance of lying propaganda in the Western media, which utilize the ability technological progress has given them to brainwash ever-increasing masses of the world’s population.

This organized anti-Serb and pro-Muslim propaganda should cause anyone believing in democracy and free speech serious concern. It recalls Hitler’s propaganda against Allies in World War II. Facts are twisted and, when convenient, disregarded. The selectivity in reporting and comment is far too blatant to be accidental.

The well-orchestrated and well-engineered demonization of the Serbs is a warning to all Jews who want Israel to continue to exist. Israel can become a target.

Why are Muslim states (unless attacked by other Muslim states) usually portrayed as innocent victims of aggression?  Why are the outrages they commit ignored or condoned? Is it because media editors, reporters and commentators in democratic states are afraid to risk the wrath of financiers and oil interests sponsoring them? Is democratic public opinion controlled by the few for their own profit?

For Israelis (and some other people usually at the receiving end of similar machinations and hate propaganda, like the Maronite Christians of Lebanon or the whites and the Zulus of South Africa) the answer to this question - i.e. the nature and motives of the perpetrators - could be a matter of life and death.

Those deliberately promoting radical Islam in Europe will promote radicalism and Islam everywhere. And the Western partners in this venture believe in the power of money far too much to realize that they are creating a menace that will eventually eliminate them too.

The role of the media in general, and the American media in particular, while these events were occurring was to justify US policy.

Of course, there are differences between the ongoing betrayals of the Israeli Jews, the Lebanese Christians and the Serbs by the West. But viewed against the background of historical trends, these differences are minor. In each case, the basic reasons are the greed of “globalist” business interests involved and allied with Muslim rulers for their personal and institutional profit, and the control exercised by these interests over US and many West European politicians.

The “One World” their propaganda is trying to sell us is a world in which they can decide which states exist and which are destroyed.

In the US, where the general public still does not really like Hitler’s World War II allies and dislikes foreign interventions on behalf of authoritarian states with no pro-American record, this required an organized campaign promoting hatred of Serbs by every technological means and propaganda trick available, whitewashing Croats and depicting the Bosnian Muslims as peace loving and US-loving democrats whose women and children were being killed by Serb war criminals. The technique of the Goebbelsian “Big Lie” was applied shamelessly, ruthlessly and effectively.

Full article available here:

Offline SerbChicago

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Good post.
The truth,justice and Serbian way

Offline 4International

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Good post.

Shalom brother SerbChicago,

Thanks again for your compliments!!

 ;D  ^-^

Offline syyuge

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Good post.

Shalom brother SerbChicago,

Thanks again for your compliments!!

 ;D  ^-^

Excellent...  :clap:
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline Jasmina

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  I am very upset because Dalmacija was banned! The one who deserves to be banned is AryehYehudit, not Dalmacija!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

Offline Americanhero1

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  I am very upset because Dalmacija was banned! The one who deserves to be banned is AryehYehudit, not Dalmacija!

I agree with you Jasmina

Offline Jasmina

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  I am very upset because Dalmacija was banned! The one who deserves to be banned is AryehYehudit, not Dalmacija!

I agree with you Jasmina

  Thank you Americanhero!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

Offline Jasmina

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  Look even Americanhero who had issues with Dalmacija in the beginning and those two said pretty bad words to eachother, and yet AmericanHero agrees with me that the one who deserves to be banned is ARYEH Yehudat and NOT our great Dalmacija who has orinal posts, came from this AFFECTED SERB AREA, and does NOT do SEARCHINGS on GOOGLE to find out bad things about Serbs like YEHUDIT did from his start on this forum!
« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 03:53:22 PM by Jasmina »
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

Offline AryehYehudah

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  I am very upset because Dalmacija was banned! The one who deserves to be banned is AryehYehudat, not Dalmacija!

I agree with you Jasmina

Why do I deserved to be banned?  So you can insult me and say an Eastern European Jew, whos family escaped suffering from Tsar and Nazis deserved to be banned on this "Jewish" site..  Did any of you explain why I should be banned?  ALl you can do is slander me like your friend Dalmacija and say he deserves to be banned.  He said some very insulting things and yet, because he is Serb, you support him.  I feel like you give preferential treatment of your own people regardless of what they say.  Do either of you care he said the Jews were responsible for the death of 65,000,000 Russians?  Do either you Jasmina or AmericanHero believe it?  If so, you are an enemy of the Jewish people. 

No offense, but I believe both of you should be banned.  If anyone wants to ban, AryehYehudah.. they will have banned a Jewish man who lives his people and country, Israel.  I am ready to fight and will stand up against anti-semitism.   I apologized to you many times for my ignorant comments when I first came here.  However, the amount of things that Dalmacija said against my people are far worst.  I never claimed Serbians murdered 65,000,000 Jews.   Since you support Dalmacija, I say you are in the same boat as him.   Really, what is JTF about, that you can come to this site and deny the history and suffering of Jews.  If Jews denied the history and suffering of Serbs, I think you would have been very furious, demanding that person be banned.  If JTF bans Jewish Zionists, like myself, in favor of Tsar and Pogrom denying Eastern Europeans, then JTF will just be going down the same slippery slope JDL, Kadmina, Likud and other "Once Upon a Time" Zionist movements/political parties have gone.  If a noble Jew like Menachem Begin would befriend a tyrant like Sadat, well I guess there is not much hope for JTF either.  Well, I hope I am wrong.   

Please, next time you start a witch hunt for me, rather than crying out, that I should be banned; explain from our conversation, why I should be banned.  What did I do that goest against JTF ethics?  Please, I apologized early on for my comments when I first joined.  Please don't attack me for what I apologized for long ago.  This confrontation had nothing to do with Serbia, it was between Dalmacija, myself and other Jews who were emotional about the issue of his denial of Jewish suffering in Russia.  He then extended to blame all the suffering of Russians on the Jewish people.

Shalom v'Ahavah (Peace and Love)
« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 03:53:43 PM by Jasmina »

Offline Jasmina

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  Now you come here and cry like a little baby! You know what, I'm not gonna speak to you, you don't deserve 1 synapse of my Neurons!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

Offline q_q_

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  Look even Americanhero who had issues with Dalmacija in the beginning and those two said pretty bad words to eachother, and yet AmericanHero agrees with me that the one who deserves to be banned is ARYEH Yehudit and NOT our great Dalmacija who has orinal posts, came from this AFFECTED SERB AREA, and does NOT do SEARCHINGS on GOOGLE to find out bad things about Serbs like YEHUDIT did from his start on this forum!

I totally understand you calling him yehudit..

but know that we did have a fantastic member called yehudit.. so better not to call him that, so as to avoid confusion!!

Offline Jasmina

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  Please forgive me!  I didn't do it intentionally! I am bad with names! I will correct my mistake rightaway!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

Offline Spectator

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Brothers, what's happening here?

No one should be banned.

No one should be insulted.

Bring my friend Dalmacija back!

Remember we are brothers in arms.

The only issue we have different looks at is the issue of Russia/Russians/Russian Jews. This issue sparked the infight. A a Russian-speaking Jew, I ask you again: please do not discuss it here.

Long live Jewish-Serbian brotherhood!
Zivelo srpsko-jevrejsko bratstvo!
Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)

Offline Jasmina

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  Zivjelo!!! But not with this kind of behavioural! I need Dalmacijas email address! Could somebody give it to me in pm? Please! Thank you!
  I want to apologize to him! This was a big mistake!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

Offline knindza87

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Brothers, what's happening here?

No one should be banned.

No one should be insulted.

Bring my friend Dalmacija back!

Remember we are brothers in arms.

The only issue we have different looks at is the issue of Russia/Russians/Russian Jews. This issue sparked the infight. A a Russian-speaking Jew, I ask you again: please do not discuss it here.

Long live Jewish-Serbian brotherhood!
Zivelo srpsko-jevrejsko bratstvo!


Offline AryehYehudah

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Fine go and make your childish insults against me..  It seems JTF has sold-out to Jew haters.  I am glad you have QQ to defend you.  He always loves to side with the aggressor.   The comments Dalmacija has made are sick...  Shame on JTF for allowing such garbage on its boards..  I respect he was a Serbian nationalist, but he had not much care for the Jewish nationalist and blatantly denied our history.  QQ, you seem to insult and belittle every one you speak to..  You are a great insult to the Jewish people, I am ashamed of you and how you try to make everyone seem inferior to you and make degrading insults to all people on JTF.    

Once again, does anyone here care that Dalmacija said that the Jews murdered 65,000,000 Russians and that they killed the Tsar in cold blood?    Jasmina, perhaps the Blood and Honor website would be more befitting for you, there you and Dalmacija can make posts like these and not face any opposition.

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  Here is how AryehYehudat begin his postings in SAVE SERBIA SECTION! PAy attention to what Dalmacija replied! "This will be very interesting!" ended with Dalmacijas BANNING!!!!!!!! I have NO WORDS ANYMORE!,26440.0.html
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

Offline 4International

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Shalom sister Jasmina,

Please do not be so angry at brother AryehYehudah as if he was the Serbs' enemy. Brother AryehYehudah has apologized for his mistakes and feels deeply sorry for them. You may be quite amazed to hear this, but even brother Dalmacija himself - just a very short time before he was banned  today - wrote to me in private telling me that he thinks that brother AryehYehudah is NOT a bad person at all!! So he totally reversed his previous opinion of brother AryehYehudah himself!!

The problem with brother Dalmacija is that he has a very short fused temper. I can understand why he is that way considering the unspeakable horrors he and his family have been through after the Croat Ustasha Nazi "Operation Storm" in Krajina which Clinton made possible by supporting Tudjman and his HDZ neo-Ustasha Nazis.

You may perhaps recall brother Nikola1389's similar loss of temper when he was provoked by someone here on JTF and then he was subsequently banned for making a rather crude antisemitic joke in response to this individual's provocations. This joke by brother Nikola1389 - even if it was made in anger - was totally unacceptable and he was quite rightly banned. Brother Dalmacija applauded this decision by the JTF moderator to ban Nikola1389 as he quite rightfully said that such antisemitic jokes are unacceptable on a Jewish site. So According to brother Dalmacija's own very strict standards, logically it follows that he would consider that the decision to ban him today was fair for making similar antisemitic remarks.

I warned brother Dalmacija several times both in private and public here on the forum to PLEASE keep calm and cool and not to lose his temper - to stop wearing his heart on his sleeve when he feels that he is being provoked - whether he was provoked first or not.Whether it is unfair or not. He did not - or could not - do what I repeatedly asked of him. That is very unfortunate and sad.

As much as I love, admire and respect brother Dalmacija  - despite all the terribly nasty [admittedly hot-tempered] comments he made here today that were very insulting not only for brother AryehYehudah, but also for ALL Jewish people [at least those of us who are not self-hating] -  and even though I feel absolutely terrible today considering what has happened  and wish it could be undone, the fact is that brother Dalmacija did not heed my advice - or that of brother Shlomo - and only has himself to blame for being banned.



Offline q_q_

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Fine go and make your childish insults against me..  It seems JTF has sold-out to Jew haters.  I am glad you have QQ to defend you.  He always loves to side with the aggressor.   The comments Dalmacija has made are sick...  Shame on JTF for allowing such garbage on its boards..  I respect he was a Serbian nationalist, but he had not much care for the Jewish nationalist and blatantly denied our history.  QQ, you seem to insult and belittle every one you speak to..  You are a great insult to the Jewish people, I am ashamed of you and how you try to make everyone seem inferior to you and make degrading insults to all people on JTF.    

Once again, does anyone here care that Dalmacija said that the Jews murdered 65,000,000 Russians and that they killed the Tsar in cold blood?    Jasmina, perhaps the Blood and Honor website would be more befitting for you, there you and Dalmacija can make posts like these and not face any opposition.

You already failed to counter his claims..

You could have got him to be more specific regarding some claims, and give sources. And give conclusions, but you are not able to do that.  (e.g. if he had boiled it down to a few jews in power ordering something bad, you could have said then that's just a few jews)

You just provoke people by your insults and the lack of substance in all your posts.

Dalmacija is obviously way more intelligent than you, it's a shame he let you provoke him, and you got away with it, and he got banned.

The obvious inabilities that you have demonstrated disqualify you from intelligent discussion.

You are emotionally unstable and intellectually unable.  At least more people know the extent of that now.

A problem is that now you have actually caused some damage to the Serbian section.

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Now you are making me upset. Chaim was already very upset with you for coming in here and causing such division with and provoking the brave and wonderful Serbs without any good reason! For what? You may have actually caused a serious division with the Serbs and done damage that is not repairable.

Now, after you promised you would back down, you continue to pick fights and cause problems. I was very patient and kind to you. Instead of backing down and leaving it alone, you have CONTINUED to cause problems! What is wrong with you?

You have the nerve to say things like this?

It seems JTF has sold-out to Jew haters.

Jew haters? What nerve. Chaim has given EVERYTHING for the Jewish people.

I know Chaim receives your donations and will not criticize you, but you fail to realize he was thrown into an American prison full of black and nazi homosexuals for fighting against the Russian government.  Everything I have said, Chaim has also said in his videos.  Chaim also believed Russia should be destroyed and they are our enemy .  Maybe he will deny it now, but I have the video to prove it and everything he said was correct.

This is a terrible thing you have said and it's a complete lie. Then you wrote to TorahZionist that you felt we did nothing about the Serbs since they contributed money. We receive NO money from the Serbian members. Did you hear that? NOTHING. We have only asked them to join us because it is the RIGHT thing to do. They are a brave and heroic people who were attacked with incredible injustices and have every right to be upset... especially at this non-sense you are throwing at them! You have insulted them in almost every way imaginable.

Maybe i will be banned.. Self-hating Jews hate Jews who defend their race and identity.  There are other members who are considering starting another movement, where gentiles/self-hating Jews will not bully us on our own turf..

Then you want to talk about creating a new movement?? You know what... be my guest.

You are banned.
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Offline Jasmina

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  Thank you Shlomo and Chaim!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

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Please stop picking on AryehYehudah.  He is a great Jew, and he should never be banned.  I can understand where he is coming from.  It is a little odd to come to a Kahanist website and find a bunch of Serbs supporting Russia.  People here should support what's best for Jews first and foremost.

Yes, Dan Ben Noah.

There are few that have done as much for the cause as yourself. I have total respect for you and rightfully so. You have EARNED that respect and everyone here should look to you as an example.

People should support what's best for the Jews. And that means not threatening to leave and create a new splinter forum like certain others have attempted. This is unacceptable and hurts the Jewish people. What place on all the internet helps the righteous Jewish people more than JTF? I talked to Chaim in great detail before I made these bans.

I am in a very difficult position. Between hurting you or Jasmina, I am grieved at this. Today is a terrible day for me and I feel much pain from this. Not to mention the election numbers have made me very upset. These are the times that I do not like being an administrator.

I hope you can understand and I wish nothing less than everything your heart desires from Hashem.

My Deepest Respect,
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim