The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

I have more faith in schvartzas than in Muslims

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Re:  "...I'd probably just shoot myself and get it over with because both are evil..."


And miss the chance to go up into the mountains in order to hide and wage guerilla warfare?

Why aim at yourself, when you can aim at others?

Don't tell me that Fidel is any smarter than Marzutra!

There's almost nothing that you need that can not be stolen, and a good computer hacker can go a long way!

Yes you are right.  Forgive me, I wasn't thinking.  I very high position with a Barret .50 and a nice scope would go along way as well....  I forgot, We here in UN loving Canada have been disarmed.  I guess I'll have to hide in the woods with a butter knife or an Axe before the Socialist/Globalists come and take those away as well...   

To be honest I really do not have faith on the Banana Brain Negros or the Muslims they are both demonic but with the few blacks that are human beings like the Alan Keys of the world but that is such a small amount compared to the population of blacks. I don't know how any would even think of faith with the Muslims on the other hand when they are vowed to kill anyone that does not believe in Sharia law.  With blacks many of them must still have a genetic cell that keeps them back in their instincts of the jungle.  It is like a domestic house cat it still can have a genetic instinct of its wild cat cousins of the jungle.

You can't change your skin color but you can stop acting savagely.

If you're a Muslim, then you can stop practicing Islam. Problem solved.

Marzutra writes:  "...I forgot, We here in UN loving Canada have been disarmed.  I guess I'll have to hide in the woods with a butter knife or an Axe before the Socialist/Globalists come and take those away as well..."

Marzutra, with all due respect, a country which has been disarmed; one in which the majority population so little values their freedom that they actually want their government to take their guns and gun rights away, is at once both incapable of resistance and also too feminized & pacifist to believe in fighting.

Think just how much easier such a population is overcome by force; as compared to one such as that presently in the U.S.A.

Guerillas get their weapons "the old-fashioned way"...

They stage commando raids on depots and steal them!

Not to mention the fact that in the 1950's, Puerto Rican hoodlums in New York City manufactured "Zip-guns" -- a broken off car antenna (barrel), wood stock carved handle, long red thick rubber band trigger released to send the nail (firing pin) slamming into a .22 cal. cartridge.

Long live Sal Mineo!


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