I remember Chaim said once that kike is the Yiddish word for self-hating Jew.
yes thats what i use it for
No, it is a derogatory term used to describe all Jews used by antisemites... I dont believe it is a yiddish word at all..
the only reference to yiddish, according to wiki page, is:
“Kike” could also stem from the word “keek”, a Yiddish term referring to individuals who were hired by tailors and clothing manufacturers to spy on the new designs in production by their competitors.
The Yiddish word for 'circle' is kikel (pronounced KY-kel), and for 'little circle,' kikeleh. Before long the immigration inspectors were calling anyone who signed with an 'O' instead of an 'X' a kikel or kikeleh or kikee or, finally and succinctly, kike.
It is an offensive word no matter who says it... I am strongly urging everyone to avoid using this word... It has offended several religious Jews who I have invited to read this site.
Although any of these explanations could be truthful, only Rosten's (theory "a") has the weight of strong oral history in its favor. All parties agree that the term was originally used by German Jews who had emigrated to the United States earlier in the 19th century to describe their later-arriving Ashkenazi counterparts. In its origins, kike was used by Jews to describe other Jews who they felt were vulgar, and from there it became appropriated as part of the American vocabulary of slang. Kike is still used to this day by Jews to describe other Jews who they feel are low in character. www.jtf.org/why.use.term.kike.htm
The following examples can only begin to tell the tale of one of the most widespread racial slurs of American origin. Kike is certainly the king of the pejorative terms for Jews, beating out yid, hymie, sheeny, and hebe hands down. Unlike yid, for instance, kike has never lost its bite, and is not considered funny by contemporary Jews. Although Jewish authors will use the term in their writing in order to accurately represent the hateful speech of others, they would not jokingly refer to themselves by that moniker. Kike has spread all over the English-speaking world, and can be heard in Great Britain and Australia.