most conspiracy theorist are anti-semitic, and alex jones holds their material, it doesn't mean he accepts all their conclusions.
I have heard him defend jews a number of times from charges made by conspiracy theorists. He has had chamish on, and prob rabbi antelman too. He once criticised the israeli govt but said jews are victims too - citing the Sefaradi jewish children they blasted with radiation(ringworm thing).
there are clips on youtube where alex jones responds to these vlaims.
and while at it, I saw a vid on google video about the sephari children-radiation-ringworm story. it is well known..
I listen to Infowars almost every night on 5070, and I'm not an antisemite.
I don't agree with him on everything either, though.
Is Rabbi Antelman still alive??? I haven't heard anything about him since the 1970s!
I listen to him too, and yes i dont agree with everything he says, but bringing the troops home will make america safer!
And then we dont have to buy oil

I dont now if he is a Jew hater, its sad if he is, because he have alot of points in his show!
Stop the fed, and socalism!
Alex jones hates Obama very much!

But still, we need to wake america up, because arabs are controlling the US governement!