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The One and Only Mo:
It's time to bomb Iran


GW Bush WAS bad, Muman.
You cannot call someone had the gal to demand Israel to cease operation Defensive Shield while chasing Arab Hitler Yasser Arafat in Samaria, saying "enough is enough" a "not so bad pres".
You cannot call someone who had the gal to demand Sharon to agree and sign on the Road Map for Piss plan (=slow process of national suicide of Israel) a "not so bad pres".
You cannot call someone who had the gal to demand us to NOT strike Iran a "not so bad pres".
You cannot call someone who had the gal to demand us to expel Jews from Judea and Samaria and the Gaza strip a "not so bad pres".
You cannot call someone who attributed money to the Gazan Nazi Arabs (both "P"LO and Hamas from time to time) a "not so bad pres".
You cannot call someone who trained the Arab Nazi "P"LO murderers a "not so bad pres".

He's no different than Obama, only thing making Obama even worse is the timing.


--- Quote from: Ron Of Zion on January 20, 2010, 02:53:11 AM ---                                                    בס"ד

GW Bush WAS bad, Muman.
You cannot call someone had the gal to demand Israel to cease operation Defensive Shield while chasing Arab Hitler Yasser Arafat in Samaria, saying "enough is enough" a "not so bad pres".
You cannot call someone who had the gal to demand Sharon to agree and sign on the Road Map for Piss plan (=slow process of national suicide of Israel) a "not so bad pres".
You cannot call someone who had the gal to demand us to NOT strike Iran a "not so bad pres".
You cannot call someone who had the gal to demand us to expel Jews from Judea and Samaria and the Gaza strip a "not so bad pres".
You cannot call someone who attributed money to the Gazan Nazi Arabs (both "P"LO and Hamas from time to time) a "not so bad pres".
You cannot call someone who trained the Arab Nazi "P"LO murderers a "not so bad pres".

He's no different than Obama, only thing making Obama even worse is the timing.

--- End quote ---


You are talking from your perspective in Israel... From my perspective Bush was the only choice and in comparison to Obama Bush was 1000X better.... Bush was 100x better than Kerry... Do you think Kerry would have been better on Israel? I don't.

Here in America the most important thing is the economy, not Israel... Even for American Jews the topic of Israel is not always on the top of the list.

I did not vote for Bush but wish I had. For almost 20 years I was voting Democrat and I voted for Kerry... I am so glad that Bush won instead because Kerry was perceived as a big appeaser, one who wants a EU style system in America.

But I will say that Bush was not the cause of all of Americas problems. He has been blamed for everything while I think he did an overall good job for this country.

Sometimes we vote for the lesser of two evils...

Confederate Kahanist:

--- Quote from: Mo2388 on January 19, 2010, 06:31:38 PM ---It's time to bomb Iran

--- End quote ---

I don't think ms prissy pants netanyoyo wants to do which is the problem.   


--- Quote from: muman613 on January 20, 2010, 09:40:46 AM ---
--- Quote from: Ron Of Zion on January 20, 2010, 02:53:11 AM ---                                                    בס"ד

GW Bush WAS bad, Muman.
You cannot call someone had the gal to demand Israel to cease operation Defensive Shield while chasing Arab Hitler Yasser Arafat in Samaria, saying "enough is enough" a "not so bad pres".
You cannot call someone who had the gal to demand Sharon to agree and sign on the Road Map for Piss plan (=slow process of national suicide of Israel) a "not so bad pres".
You cannot call someone who had the gal to demand us to NOT strike Iran a "not so bad pres".
You cannot call someone who had the gal to demand us to expel Jews from Judea and Samaria and the Gaza strip a "not so bad pres".
You cannot call someone who attributed money to the Gazan Nazi Arabs (both "P"LO and Hamas from time to time) a "not so bad pres".
You cannot call someone who trained the Arab Nazi "P"LO murderers a "not so bad pres".

He's no different than Obama, only thing making Obama even worse is the timing.

--- End quote ---


You are talking from your perspective in Israel... From my perspective Bush was the only choice and in comparison to Obama Bush was 1000X better.... Bush was 100x better than Kerry... Do you think Kerry would have been better on Israel? I don't.

Here in America the most important thing is the economy, not Israel... Even for American Jews the topic of Israel is not always on the top of the list.

I did not vote for Bush but wish I had. For almost 20 years I was voting Democrat and I voted for Kerry... I am so glad that Bush won instead because Kerry was perceived as a big appeaser, one who wants a EU style system in America.

But I will say that Bush was not the cause of all of Americas problems. He has been blamed for everything while I think he did an overall good job for this country.

Sometimes we vote for the lesser of two evils...

--- End quote ---

As a Jew you shouldn't care about American issues. As a human being, not only a Jew, you should care about "Israeli issues". What is good for the Jews is good for the rest of humanity. so is the opposite: what is bad for the Jews would be, eventually, bad for everyone.

I think Kerry would be better. Cause unlike the Republicans, the Israelis wouldn't think of him as a friend to Israel just like most Israeli Jews don't consider Obama the Democrat to be our friend. But they think of Bush as a friend even though he's not really different from Obama.
The worse image the US Pres has to Israel, the better it is since we become more independent and realize we got no allies but HaShem.


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