Author Topic: Are the Albanians descendents of Roma/Gypsies?  (Read 83974 times)

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Offline ProudToBeSerb

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Re: Are the Albanians descendents of Roma/Gypsies?
« Reply #75 on: March 09, 2010, 05:09:48 PM »
Seriously ? I heard Albanians claim they're descended from the Illirians.

That is example of Albanian propaganda.
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Offline ProudToBeSerb

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Re: Are the Albanians descendents of Roma/Gypsies?
« Reply #76 on: March 09, 2010, 05:19:34 PM »
Considering "Al-bananians"...

Albanians came from Caucasus 1200 years ago.
In 8th century there was a group of people on eastern Caucasus (in area of today's Azerbaijan and Dagestan).They were doing hunting and cattle breeding and they called them selves "Scipetari"(alb."Shquiptari") which means "highlander(s)".That area was known in Middle Ages as "Albania".They were pagans and they worshiped a "goddess of Moon",spoken 26 different dialects.

Then they found them selves in a very bad position.From the north Hazars(of Moses' faith) pressed them with huge taxation and on south they found Arabs(of Muhammadan faith) who offered them benefits if they convert to Islam.And Scipetari("Albanians") just did that and became Arabs' allies(or servants).

In a mean while,Arabs conquered Sicily and part of south Italy,then they moved parts of Albanians from Caucasus to newly conquered areas(Sicily and south Italy) in order to establish its faith and ethnicity.Albanians were useful for that goals to Arabs since they've accepted Islam.But,it wasn't good for Albos...they found them selves,again,between 2 fires-Islam and Christianity.Those areas were conquered all the time from different parties-Christians or Muslims,so they had to change their faith very often in order to survive.

In 11th century those areas(south Italy and Sicily) were parts of Byzantium Empire.The Empire was attacking Serbian Czarhood ruled by young Czar Voyislav(1024-1065).Young Czar,while defending Serbia from Byzantium Empire,brutally and literally crushed Byzantium armies in two major battles.For that reason rebellion started in all over the Empire,because people were afraid and unease.Parts where Scipetaris lived(Sicily and south Italy) were under Byzantium ruler/regent called George(or Georgius) Maniac.He also rebelled against the Empire,prepared a rebellion army and took it on board on the ships toward Byzantium city of Drac(today Albania).
BUT,there wasn't only the rebelled army on the ships,there were also Scipetaris(Albos).Scipetaris moved with them with its complete families and some property.And in March 1043 they came to Adriatic coast and led by George Maniac fought against regular Byzantium army.The rebels have lost!George Maniac was killed in the battle and remaining parts of the rebels have surrendered.Byzantium took all the rebelled soldiers under its full control while they REJECTED Scipetaris.So,Scipetaris found them selves once again in the middle of two clashed civilizations-Serbian and Byzantium!

Young Serbian Czar Voyislav(srb."Voijslav") let them(Scipetaris) to live in Serbia in surroundings of Rabantown.They were breeding cattle and paying taxes to Serbian Czar.So,you can see they were vassals of Serbian Czar.And in the beginning they didn't have the right to posses any lands nor to mix with domestic Serbian population,just to breed cattle,pay taxes-to serve.
All the Albanian tribes that came to Serbia(Gegs,Tosks,Japs and Samids) called them selves as "Scipetari".Serbs called them "ARBANASES" or "RABANASES" by the place of RABAN where they were allowed to live!Some called them "Albanians" by the name of region where they came from in Caucasus,and Arabs called them "ARNAUTS" meaning "those who have not returned"!

Now,in southern from Raban where Scipetaris settled,there was a major Serbian city called BELIGRAD("beli"=white and "grad"=city).Albanians have multiplied like rabbits in that region and became a significant factor in the region.Famous Alexandrian geographer Claudius Ptolemy in his writings calls that city as "ALBANOPOLIS"("albus,albo"=white and "polis"=city),so the hole region was named by the city as "ALBANIA"!

Later,when Turks came,Scipetaris returned to Islam(from Christianity they got from Serbia and Byzantium) and as their servants started to terrorize enslaved Serbian population(like mass and organized public slaughterings) and to steal Serbian lands and properties.

That's how they came and became majority on Kosovo and Metohiya!
Kosovo is 101% Serbian land!

Closest "relatives" by ethnicity to Scipetaris are Chechens.

Amazingly informative post there brother Kerber!!

This is why I love the JTF Save Serbia sub-forum so much! Where did you get all these facts from?
Those are known facts to our historians as a part of Serbian history(because Albos had an impact in our history so it is very known to us)...Unfortunately,this is not compatible with "Western school" of history because of importance for ruling "elites" to create their goals and orders.

Jesuits from Austro-Hungarian Empire was the first to invent rubbish like Albanians are descendants from Illyrians.That's pure imagination with no proves at all.Illyrians were destroyed or assimilated centuries before Scipetaris came here.That was a part of the Empire's politics to weaken Serbia and Orthodox Christianity by insisting on a lie which could be useful to occupy part of Serbia under the mask of "freedom for Albanians as Balkans' Indians(natives)".
Implications of that politics you can see even today.Today it is the same story and the same mask of "ethnic Albanians being terrorized by Serbs" and NATO was here to "liberate them".

Pogledaj na youtube-u profesora Jovana Deretica, kucaj - zabranjena istorija Srba, covek je istrazivao i nasao neke veoma zanimljive podatke i objasnio par stvari...
Daj Boze da se Srbi sloze !!!

Offline Kerber

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Re: Are the Albanians descendents of Roma/Gypsies?
« Reply #77 on: March 09, 2010, 08:15:30 PM »

Znam za Jovana Deretića.
On je, verovatno,jedan od naših najboljih srpskih istoričara, ako ne i najbolji.

Inače, ovaj video materijal treba titlovati na engleski jezik.Ako je neko u stanju to da odradi i ima vremena i volje,bilo bi fantastično.
Translation for others:
I know for Jovan Deretic.
He is probably one of our best Serbian historians, if not the best.

Anyway, this video should be subtitled in English language.If someone is able to do it and has time and will, it would be fantastic.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 08:28:38 PM by Kerber »

Offline Slobodan

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Re: Are the Albanians descendents of Roma/Gypsies?
« Reply #79 on: September 06, 2010, 12:53:45 AM »
Jovan Deretic is frivolous! He has some good stuff but most part is frivolous and false!

А ти си 30 година проучавао српску историју па знаш?
Doctor Jovan I Deretic has concrete evidence for everything he  published.
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Offline Slobodan

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Re: Are the Albanians descendents of Roma/Gypsies?
« Reply #81 on: September 06, 2010, 07:04:24 AM »
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Offline Slobodan

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Re: Are the Albanians descendents of Roma/Gypsies?
« Reply #83 on: September 06, 2010, 11:00:32 AM »
Јован И Деретић је постао члан руске академије наука, и то на њихов захтев. Да он нема конкретне доказе о својим тврдњама ово сигурно не би био случај.
Jovan I Deretic became a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and at their request. That he has no concrete evidence of his claims this would not have been the case. (google translator)
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Are the Albanians descendents of Roma/Gypsies?
« Reply #84 on: September 07, 2010, 03:14:27 AM »
Yes is true that serbs are not came in balkan in 7th century and we was not Barbarians. Serbs are older then that, and probably term Slav is the same as term Serb.
He claims that Achilles was serb only on the basis of one picture from vase,which is found who knows where?

Its true that Albanians are came later on balkan like is described up here , more-less! etc.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Are the Albanians descendents of Roma/Gypsies?
« Reply #87 on: January 13, 2011, 01:51:30 PM »

Now that I think of it, I think Albanians come from modern day Dagestan/Azerbaijan/Georgia, the people look very similar!

compare to Albanians

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Are the Albanians descendents of Roma/Gypsies?
« Reply #88 on: January 13, 2011, 02:07:43 PM »


Offline crnitrn

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Re: Are the Albanians descendents of Roma/Gypsies?
« Reply #89 on: January 13, 2011, 03:25:39 PM »
There is no data about Albanians,about they existence on Balkan, before 12. century ! There is so many old maps with Albania land on Caucasus. There is some other evidence! But Albanians keep saying that they are Illyrians, so that they can have right for Kosovo.

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Are the Albanians descendents of Roma/Gypsies?
« Reply #90 on: January 16, 2011, 08:24:59 PM »
I bee thinking , should I  post this or not, because,the last time I was attacked very hard. So I decide to write this anyway!These are the facts!
It is the fact that some tribes from nation Shqip(ë)tars( "Šćipetari" - as they called themselves) arrived  on Balkan with Turkish invasion!!! Of these tribes were created today's Albanians, although much of today's Albanians are assimilated Serbs and Greeks! Archaeological researches in the territory of Albania shows that there used to be represented exclusively Orthodox churches and monasteries, and many customs of the Albanians celebrated in Gregorian calendar, on the same day when Serbs celebrate that in Julian calendar.
Albanian national hero Skanderbeg Djuradj Kastriot was a Serb and his father and mother, and grandparents and crones. Reposh his brother was a monk in a monastery Hilandar and is buried there.
Kastriot family had the Coat of arms with two-headed eagle on it! At that times only the Serbs, Byzantines (Greeks), Russia and Austria had that kind a Heraldry! Austrian two-headed eagle is connected to German eagle(Austrian two-headed eagle is almost identical to German eagle but has two heads) and Austria is to far and dont have connection to Albania. Serbia and Russia have inherited the eagle from Byzantium!So you make your on conclusion!
Coat of arms of the Kastriot family:

The Albanian language in the historical sources mentioned very late for the first time in 1285 as a "lingua albanesesca" in one of Dubrovnik manuscript.
This is Summed story !

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Are the Albanians descendents of Roma/Gypsies?
« Reply #92 on: January 17, 2011, 10:00:53 AM »
If there were Serbs who assimilated into the Albanian nation then they were traitors and their destiny is now one and the same as the Albanian nation they joined.

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Are the Albanians descendents of Roma/Gypsies?
« Reply #93 on: January 17, 2011, 11:23:27 AM »
If there were Serbs who assimilated into the Albanian nation then they were traitors and their destiny is now one and the same as the Albanian nation they joined.
It can be said on that way,but that is not quite simple! There is a good people in Albania. Many Albanians in Kosovo did not supported a KLA (UCK) and died because of that.!
In Albania in this days lives only in Shkodra(Skadar - old serbian town, even more capital city) 30 000 serbs. They are preserved Serbian customs and holidays, but they have a Albanians names and surnames! In the time of Ahmet Muhtar Zogolli(Zogu) and Enver Halil Hoxha they must to have Albanians names and surnames or to leave the Albania(many did that). In this days they can change a name or surname but not both, this process is very very slow!
I just saying that almost all territory of Albania(especially the northern half) is Serbian land! So you can see whose is kosovo. They took northern Albania on same way as they took a Kosovo , with help and politics of Strong Western allies (Austro-hungary, GB...)!
This is the land  liberated from the Turks by the Serbs 1912:
This is the land  liberated from the Bulgarians by the Serbs 1913
But serbia did not kept this territories because Great Powers did want strong serbia and they made a Albania, London 1913! Most bothered them was the Serbian(and montenegro- one people) had  great length out of the sea!
Serbia in rhe map of year 814:

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Are the Albanians descendents of Roma/Gypsies?
« Reply #94 on: January 17, 2011, 01:10:39 PM »
If there were Serbs who assimilated into the Albanian nation then they were traitors and their destiny is now one and the same as the Albanian nation they joined.
That would be logical and sane conclusion, but not everyone is capable of reaching it.

Offline Kerber

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Re: Are the Albanians descendents of Roma/Gypsies?
« Reply #97 on: January 24, 2011, 09:24:57 PM »
Serbia in the map of Europe of year 814:
There is Albania on the Caucasus area. The map only confirms that Albanians came from Caucasus.

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Are the Albanians descendents of Roma/Gypsies?
« Reply #98 on: January 25, 2011, 07:08:13 AM »
There is Albania on the Caucasus area. The map only confirms that Albanians came from Caucasus.
I said that!But also we can see that serbia had territory on todays Albania!

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Re: Are the Albanians descendents of Roma/Gypsies?
« Reply #99 on: January 25, 2011, 07:44:44 AM »
Albanians are the criminals Gypsies are just a little different.Many people in the U.S. don't care for Gypsies because like my Mother used to tell me if i was bad gypsies would kidnap me and turn me into a Gypsy. Many Americans do not like Albanians either because they tend to be thieves. The only Americans who like Albanians are Americans in Govt. Although i have to say my brother had a few Albanian friends but they lost  their Albanian traits they escaped to Sicily many generations ago so they're not really Albanian anymore they just remember they were once Albanians.They identify themselves more as Sicilians
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