Author Topic: Is there an Antiserb Croatia-Bulgaria connection?  (Read 6477 times)

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Is there an Antiserb Croatia-Bulgaria connection?
« on: February 16, 2009, 01:49:03 PM »
I sometimes see that Croatian and Bulgarian nationalists on zootube side against Serbia.

Is there a historical basis for that or it's just a childish game?
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Offline alonmizrahi

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Re: Is there an Antiserb Croatia-Bulgaria connection?
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2009, 02:36:51 PM »
wll i have a bulgarian girlfriend and she supports serbian people and she hates croatians and muslims especially turks but maybe it could be bulgarians nazis that support the croats or croats tryin' to be nazis well i said what she said to me and even she hates her goverment 'cause they recognized kosovo betraying the orthodox cause that what she said  :)
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Re: Is there an Antiserb Croatia-Bulgaria connection?
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2009, 03:16:10 PM »
Ah, ok. Zootube is full of retards that sometimes say things that have nothing in common with reality.
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Offline Beograd

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Re: Is there an Antiserb Croatia-Bulgaria connection?
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2009, 04:32:45 PM »
There is historical  connection because Bulgaria was enemy of Serbia in every war in last 130 years except in last war.Exspecially they made crimes on civilians in southeastern Serbia.

Offline Srdjan97

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Re: Is there an Antiserb Croatia-Bulgaria connection?
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2009, 04:34:05 PM »
Who ever knows history, can't trust Bulgarians. That is if u are a Serb, don't know about others. I'm sorry this girl of yours has to read this stuff cause there must be a lot of people in your country that are decent and honorable. Anyway, here are some facts ... which are coming from my poor knowledge in history but those are all facts and truth...
1. 1913 Second Balkan war - Bulgarians against Serbs, Greeks and Monenegrians. Becuase of that orthodox people lost the only chanse to take one half of Constatinopol.

2. 1914 First World war - Under the influence of Austrougarska monarchy, Bulgarian invaded south Serbia and Macedonia. Because of that Serbian army and a part of the alliance went through Albania with a lot of loss in men. This is the worst thing they've done to Serbia!

3. 1941 Second World war - Bulgarians are joining the pact with Musolini and Hitler in order to attack Serbia and after German ocupation, they go in to Serbia and kill a huge amount of civilians. However, after war is finished, Bulgarians seek for new patron and they soon find one in comunist block.
4. 1948 Bulgarians make diversions on Serbian borders from 1948 untill early 60's under dictation from Moscow.

Newer history is well known... they have recognized Slovenia, Croatia, BiH, Macedonia and Kosovo among first.
In many cases it can easily be recognized that Bulgarian political elite is making political acts on the contrary of Bulgarian regular people, which includes your girlfriend :o)

Offline alonmizrahi

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Re: Is there an Antiserb Croatia-Bulgaria connection?
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2009, 04:58:57 PM »
well maybe 'cause she is nationalistic and she hates communism her parents are refugees from communist bulgaria and she believes in the orthodox cause against muslims maybe is for that 
Muslims are like a cancer and what a doctor have to do to save a patient with cancer extirpate the tumour, if the world want to live in peace we have to get rid of the Muslim cancer, we are the doctors

Offline Kerber

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Re: Is there an Antiserb Croatia-Bulgaria connection?
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2009, 07:44:08 PM »
I sometimes see that Croatian and Bulgarian nationalists on zootube side against Serbia.

Is there a historical basis for that or it's just a childish game?
Srdjan97 gave good hints from closer history.And it is the truth that WWI stabbing in the back is something that we won't forget!Also,it wasn't just a "stabbing".When they entered in Serbia,they slaughtered and butchered thousands of civilians(and especially women and kids,because almost all men between 15 and 55 were in the army).

There is no historical direct connection,but there was always a bridge connecting them.It was Austro-Hungarian Empire in WWI and today it's European (unholy)Union.When Serbia gave its full resist to the Empire's aggression(and German) and made the first ally victory against the Empire's army on the Cer mountain,Bulgaria stabbed us in the back.And because of that our army had to retreat trough Albania where they've lost a lot of men(250 000).This is known as "Albanian golgota" in our history.That was one of the biggest exoduses of Serbian people in its history.A hole army (and a lot of people with them) went through Albanian mountains toward Greece,under inhuman conditions-illness,very cold weather and certain attacks from Albanians.

Franch marshal Joseph Joffre told about it that the circumstances in Serbian retreat through Albania made it to be the most terrible thing of all the horrifying events ever known till that day.
“General, Please Ask the Serbs to Slow Down…”

90 years ago, on September 13, 1918, at dawn, the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces in the Balkans, French General Franchet d’Espérey, ordered the final offensive for the breakthrough of the Thessaloniki front. Serbian Army which led the offensive on the ground played the key role in a counter-offensive breakthrough studied even today at countless military academies throughout the world, as a shining example of a glorious victory.

At 5:30 a.m. the Serbian troops began an unstoppable surge from the Greek border back in to Serbia, to free their motherland, pushing the Austrians, Germans and Bulgarians out of their country. In 12 days they advanced 800 miles on foot, forcing the French general to telegraph his counterpart in the Serbian Army, General Stepanovic: “General, please ask the Serbian infantry to slow down, the French cavalry cannot keep up the pace!”

The command issued by General Zivojin Misic to the Serbian Army at the dawn of the battle was brief and clear:

“Boldly press forward, without rest, to the utter limits of the human and horse strength. To death, just don’t stop! With the unwavering faith and hope: Heroes, forward! to the fatherland!”

“General, please ask the Serbian infantry to slow down, the French cavalry cannot keep up the pace!”
« Last Edit: February 16, 2009, 07:50:22 PM by Kerber »

Offline Sirbata

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Re: Is there an Antiserb Croatia-Bulgaria connection?
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2009, 12:31:17 AM »
Yes...   there are poems and songs about all this.....

WW1  poem "Plava grobnica"  Also good reading is the Serbian trilogy.   Music....  lemme go find  " Ko to kaze , ko to laze"  ( Who is saying, who is lying Serbia is small"

Offline Spectator

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Re: Is there an Antiserb Croatia-Bulgaria connection?
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2009, 04:10:01 AM »
When Serbia gave its full resist to the Empire's aggression(and German) and made the first ally victory against the Empire's army on the Cer mountain,Bulgaria stabbed us in the back.And because of that our army had to retreat trough Albania where they've lost a lot of men(250 000).This is known as "Albanian golgota" in our history.That was one of the biggest exoduses of Serbian people in its history.A hole army (and a lot of people with them) went through Albanian mountains toward Greece,under inhuman conditions-illness,very cold weather and certain attacks from Albanians.

Does this poem say about this:

Tamo daleko, daleko od mora,

Tamo je selo moje, tamo je Srbija.
Tamo je selo moje, tamo je Srbija.

Tamo daleko, gde cveta limun žut,
Tamo je srpskoj vojsci jedini bio put.
Tamo je srpskoj vojsci jedini bio put.

Tamo daleko gde cveta beli krin,
Tamo su živote dali zajedno otac i sin.
Tamo su živote dali zajedno otac i sin.

Tamo gde tiha putuje Morava,
Tamo mi ikona osta, i moja krsna slava.
Tamo mi ikona osta, i moja krsna slava.

Tamo gde Timok, pozdravlja Veljkov grad,
Tamo mi spališe crkvu, u kojoj venčah se mlad.
Tamo mi spališe crkvu, u kojoj venčah se mlad.

Bez otadžbine, na Krfu živeh ja,
ali sam ponosno klic'o, živela Srbija!
ali sam ponosno klic'o, ŽIVELA SRBIJA!
There, far away, far away from the sea,

There is my village, there is Serbia.
There is my village, there is Serbia.

There, far away, where the yellow lemon blooms,
There for the Serbian Army lay the only way.
There for the Serbian Army lay the only way.

There, far away, where the white lily blooms,
There gave their lives father and son together.
There gave their lives father and son together.

There, where the quiet Morava flows,
There I left behind my icon and saint bread.
There I left behind my icon and saint bread.

There, where Timok greets Veljkov Grad,
There they burned the church where I married young.
There they burned the church where I married young.

I lived in Korfu without my fatherland,
But I proudly shouted "Long live Serbia!".
But I proudly shouted "Long live Serbia!".

Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)

Offline Kerber

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Re: Is there an Antiserb Croatia-Bulgaria connection?
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2009, 04:32:38 AM »
When Serbia gave its full resist to the Empire's aggression(and German) and made the first ally victory against the Empire's army on the Cer mountain,Bulgaria stabbed us in the back.And because of that our army had to retreat trough Albania where they've lost a lot of men(250 000).This is known as "Albanian golgota" in our history.That was one of the biggest exoduses of Serbian people in its history.A hole army (and a lot of people with them) went through Albanian mountains toward Greece,under inhuman conditions-illness,very cold weather and certain attacks from Albanians.

Does this poem say about this:

Tamo daleko, daleko od mora,

Tamo je selo moje, tamo je Srbija.
Tamo je selo moje, tamo je Srbija.

Tamo daleko, gde cveta limun �ut,
Tamo je srpskoj vojsci jedini bio put.
Tamo je srpskoj vojsci jedini bio put.

Tamo daleko gde cveta beli krin,
Tamo su �ivote dali zajedno otac i sin.
Tamo su �ivote dali zajedno otac i sin.

Tamo gde tiha putuje Morava,
Tamo mi ikona osta, i moja krsna slava.
Tamo mi ikona osta, i moja krsna slava.

Tamo gde Timok, pozdravlja Veljkov grad,
Tamo mi spali�e crkvu, u kojoj venčah se mlad.
Tamo mi spali�e crkvu, u kojoj venčah se mlad.

Bez otad�bine, na Krfu �iveh ja,
ali sam ponosno klic'o, �ivela Srbija!
ali sam ponosno klic'o, �IVELA SRBIJA!
There, far away, far away from the sea,

There is my village, there is Serbia.
There is my village, there is Serbia.

There, far away, where the yellow lemon blooms,
There for the Serbian Army lay the only way.
There for the Serbian Army lay the only way.

There, far away, where the white lily blooms,
There gave their lives father and son together.
There gave their lives father and son together.

There, where the quiet Morava flows,
There I left behind my icon and saint bread.
There I left behind my icon and saint bread.

There, where Timok greets Veljkov Grad,
There they burned the church where I married young.
There they burned the church where I married young.

I lived in Korfu without my fatherland,
But I proudly shouted "Long live Serbia!".
But I proudly shouted "Long live Serbia!".

Yes,it does.
Did you translate the song?

There are a few versions.Here's one of them on YouTube:
And another one with footage:

Wikipedia about the song:

Offline Spectator

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Re: Is there an Antiserb Croatia-Bulgaria connection?
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2009, 04:36:47 AM »
No, I didn't. I took the translation from
Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)

Offline Kerber

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Re: Is there an Antiserb Croatia-Bulgaria connection?
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2009, 04:40:18 AM »
We have unique history in Europe with many sufferings and countless wars.For example WWI is legendary in our history,and we are all proud of those generations.
Too bad there is no interesting parties for making a movie in modern marketing style about Golgotha through Albania and return in Serbia.It would be a blockbuster...

Offline Kerber

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Re: Is there an Antiserb Croatia-Bulgaria connection?
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2009, 04:44:36 AM »
No, I didn't. I took the translation from

There is a small mistake in translation.
"Krsna slava" is not "saint bread".
Slava is something else,unique for Serbian Orthodoxy.It dates to pagan days,and it was brought into Christianity as a kind of celebration of some saints which should remind us of G-d and His Laws.

Offline george_jtf

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Re: Is there an Antiserb Croatia-Bulgaria connection?
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2009, 04:58:02 AM »
To be even more accurate, Slava (or Krsna Slava) is best translated as Patron Saint's Day. As you have said, the tradition goes back to paganism, but it was continued even after Serbs became Christians. The way it was chosen which saint it would be celebrated, it was based upon which saint was celebrated the day on which that Serbian family/tribe became Christian. That is why it is common for some Serbian villages to have the same Slava on the same day.
The idea of Patron's Day is to celebrate that Saint on that day to show gratitude for being a guardian of the family and to celebrate the day our ancestors became christians.
As you have said, Serbs and Jews are very unique and to some point stubborn (lol) when it comes to our pride in our ancestry and history.

As far as the Bulgarians are concerned, you are 100% right. It is the Bulgarian government (under heavy influence from $$$$$$ coming from EU & US) that allowed that unbelivable recognition of the so-called Kosova where heroin and prostitution trade is more common than a regular legal job that majority of the world does to earn an honorable buck.

Offline Nik_Srb

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Re: Is there an Antiserb Croatia-Bulgaria connection?
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2009, 04:50:18 PM »
To be even more accurate, Slava (or Krsna Slava) is best translated as Patron Saint's Day. As you have said, the tradition goes back to paganism, but it was continued even after Serbs became Christians. The way it was chosen which saint it would be celebrated, it was based upon which saint was celebrated the day on which that Serbian family/tribe became Christian. That is why it is common for some Serbian villages to have the same Slava on the same day.
The idea of Patron's Day is to celebrate that Saint on that day to show gratitude for being a guardian of the family and to celebrate the day our ancestors became christians.
As you have said, Serbs and Jews are very unique and to some point stubborn (lol) when it comes to our pride in our ancestry and history.

As far as the Bulgarians are concerned, you are 100% right. It is the Bulgarian government (under heavy influence from $$$$$$ coming from EU & US) that allowed that unbelivable recognition of the so-called Kosova where heroin and prostitution trade is more common than a regular legal job that majority of the world does to earn an honorable buck.

you are 100% right in that explanation.
Imho,tho i am not as big(as conservative) a belever,what albanians are doing on out sacred land in BLASPHEMY!!!