Guys, I know many of you don't see the relevance of threads about celebrities to our movement, but please hear me out on this one and consider the case I present here. The way I see it, JTF has an anointed calling from G-d to be a lamp unto the world and to offer a sensible, rational position on every great controversy or issue of our day, regardless of how seemingly significant it is. The fact is that the personal business of airhead celebrities is, unfortunately, of paramount importance to millions of braindead, couch-potato Americans, and that we should use their ridiculous quarrels and spats to present a light of truth to them, using a medium that they understand.
This particular case (Aniston vs. Jolie) is on the tip of everyone's tongues right now owing to the infamous incident at the Oscars, where a very visibly rattled and unglued Aniston made a presentation speech in front of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie (actors with whom she has had considerable personal history), who were sitting directly in front of her in the front row. People cannot stop talking about this. Is this irrelevant to us directly? Yes (at first--see below), but it is very much relevant to the world, and, like in almost all crises, there is a clear right and wrong side (or, at the very least, a wrong and a less wrong side). In a Western world that is committing a slow suicide, using moral relativism as the weapon, this is very significant to note and to exploit.
So, without further ado, I will come out and say that JTF should officially support Jennifer Aniston in her ongoing feud with her ex-husband Brad Pitt and that sleazy kurva he is currently shacking up with, Devilina Hoelie yimach schma vezichra (oops, sorry, meant to type Angelina Jolie). The reason is not that Aniston is particularly righteous or noble in any real sense--I will quickly admit that she is a Hollyweird leftist who is known for being pro-homosexual. But her romantic and acting rival--Angelina Jolie y"s--is so much worse that there can be no real debate about who we should back.
1: For all her faults, she was a faithful wife to ex-husband Brad Pitt, and since their horrific breakup (perpetrated by Hoelie yimach schma), she has made every serious effort to enter another long-term relationship, settle down, and get married. While her morality may not be at Biblical levels, it is clearly above average for Hollywood.
2: She at least has not brought children into this world to use, abuse, and manipulate. She has not subjected innocent little beings to a life of Hollywood whoredom. We have to give her credit for being responsible in this area.
3: I actually think she is more attractive than Hoelie (ys"vz). Rachel from
Friends at one time was a cute little number. She would look better today if she did not drink, smoke, and lay out on Mexican beaches, but I don't think her appearance is that bad. By contrast, Jolie was, at best, somewhat hot in her prime, and now that she has crapped out three or four kids (I lost count) and filled her lips up with industrial-strength vulcanized rubber, she is positively hideous IMO. I might be the only male on the planet who never "got anything" from Jolie, but so be it. She is disgustingly overrated.
4: Despite being pro-fag like virtually all celebrities, she has avoided, for the most part, direct involvement in other hideous, evil causes. You don't see her bashing Israel or demanding surrender in Iraq or speaking out for the "choice" to chop babies up and suck their brains out with vacuum cleaners.
1: The Bolshevik media has completely sided with her in the feud between her and Aniston. Whenever there is some kind of controversy, it goes without saying that the Establishment will always go with the evil (or more evil) side. The Bolshevik Nazi press always lavishes praise on Jolie (she is their favorite actress, or the female equivalent of Bono in their eyes), while constantly ridiculing Aniston and making her out to be some kind of loser or flake. They love to tease and mock her for still being upset about the destruction of her marriage four years ago. Gee whiz, I wonder how these whore reporters would react if a "hot" celebrity came and seduced their husband/wife away from them. In this regard (
note--I am in no way whatsoever comparing the gravity of these two events--just let me make that perfectly clear) these soulless media beasts are exactly like those who tease and mock Jews for "still being upset over that Holocaust sixty years ago".
2: Hoelie is the female Jerry Seinfeld (yimach schmo vezichro--may G-d give that Jewish Amalekite a case of Lou Gehrig's very soon). She actually broke up TWO marriages. She seduced Brad Pitt and convinced him to divorce Aniston for her. She is no different from Seinfeld (ys"vz), who brazenly and proudly seduced a married woman who had only been married to her then-husband for a week! Prior to this, Hoelie divorced her husband, actor-director Billy Bob Thornton, because he was not keen on her egotistical plan to "save the world" by adopting a pack of kids (and having illegal alien nannies raise them).
3: Hoelie leads a lifestyle of immorality, sickness, and perversion. This whore refuses to even marry the man she stole (Brad Pitt), despite spawning four illegitimate kids with him. Prior to that, this sick shiksa boasted about being bisexual, and ten years ago shocked the world by making-out with her brother onstage. She once wore a vial of ex-husband Billy Bob Thornton's blood around her neck, proving beyond any doubt that she is not only evil, but insane. Brad Pitt is pretty stupid if he thinks that his so-called "relationship" with Jolie will last. Heck, she might dump him tomorrow for Roseanne Barr or Bar Refaeli (who are both of her exact ilk, needless to say).
4: Hoelie abuses innocent children to promote her sick cult of personality. She adopted two Cambodian kids, but is actually involved in about 1% of their raising. Nannies do the rest. She just likes to drag them around in front of the camera as props to prove how "humanitarian" and "selfless" she is. To make matters worse, she has brought four equally innocent children into this world via that nauseating stinkbag she calls a uterus, who are certain to be raised to become every bit the Hollyweird whores that she herself is.
5: She is an evil New World Order Nazi, plain and simple. As an ambassador for the United Nazis' High Commission for (Muslim Nazi) "Refugees" (UNHCR), she does everything in her power to promote this abominably evil quasi world-government and its Antichrist-like (for those here who follow the Book of Revelation in the New Testament) ways. The United Nazis' own website brags about her great work in drawing attention to the plight of heroin-growing Afghan Nazi pigs ( ; look at the pretty little dhimmi in her hajib) and Israeli Arab Nazi websites display her support of "Palestine" just as proudly ( In fact, both her and her common-law "husband", Brad Pitt, are infamous for their devotion to Israeli Arab Nazis ( The following pics speak for themselves:
Devilina Hoelie (yimach schma vezichra) Hobnobbing With Afghan Nazis in 2008

Hoelie (yimach schma vezichra) Hanging Out With the Children of Hamas Members in 2003

6: The evil slut Hoelie (ys"vz) has cruelly disowned her righteous Gentile father, actor Jon Voight. Because her father had the courage to publicly criticize the mentally-ill ways of his beloved daughter (back when conceivably there was still some hope for her), this satanic kurva refuses to have anything to do with him. In actuality though, Angelina probably just hates the fact that he rejects leftism and is a proud Zionist and patriot. For the past twenty years, the saintly Voight has raised money with Chabad on national television, and he uncompromisingly defends Israel whenever the modern-day Protocols authors of the world start spewing their demonic lies about her. Don't forget that Voight went on tour to promote Sarah Palin at her rallies last fall, too.
In conclusion, we see here that events that seem irrelevant to JTF not only are important in the sense that we can use them to teach the world the difference between right and wrong, but because the people involved in them often are enemies of the Jewish people (and righteous Gentiles) who must be exposed and denounced. May G-d show mercy to the long-abused Aniston and may He strike the serpent Hoelie (yimach schma vezichra--may she burn in hell forever) with a thousand maggots to eat out her malignant, rotten ovaries very shortly.