Paulette, I like the advice that several others have given. Here's some condensed advice.
1: Don't use the term "overthrow". Like I said, say something like "rise up" or "take the country back". The word "overthrow" can be very easily interpreted to mean a call to violence by our Bolshevik court system, and they will not ignore calls to revolution that are made by the right, regardless of how many times Muslim Nazis and Black Panthers get away with that. You are much too precious a sister and too important a part of our movement to go down over this. I care about you and don't want to see this happen to you.
By the way, I do
not want to see Obama overthrown. What do I mean? If human beings overthrew Obama, then it would be seen as the result of human action and not, at least directly, the hand of G-d. G-d can do with any leader whatever he wants, but in my opinion violence would not show his hand in the matter the most clearly. What I would really like to see is G-d striking Obama low with a fearful, woeful disease. If Obama were to suddenly develop congestive heart failure, gangrene, or bone cancer, people would know the L-rd did it whether or not they want to admit it. You can even call on the crowd to pray for G-d to "bless" him with one of these wonderful afflictions if you so wish.
2: Promote JTF. Promote JTF as much as you can during your speaking time. Say the names of both the English and Hebrew websites. Plug, plug, plug!
3: Don't forget the good ol' yimach schmo to Rick Whoren and kin!