Meh i used to go through it all the time on the buss when i was younger, but that was before all this drek got worse.
I am really surprised that they didnt rape and murder her.
I think they probably raped her but she doesn't remember it. Of course it's not like she has morals that need protection, rape to a prostitute is more theft of services than anything else, if she was raped her beef would be that they didn't pay her.
That is almost as bad as saying just because someone is easy then its ok to rape her. Everyone else has had a turn why me even if she said no? Rape is rape end of story. To say it is theft may be true in someways but it doesnt make it in any way shape or form less wrong.
And she would probably know she was raped even if she was drunk unless she blows it off to not remembering doing it.
Basically I think New Yorker is right here.
A prostitute sells her body for a certain ammount of money. So if some sick man without self-respect (could be a quranimal in this case) rapes her, he is imo more a robber than a rapist.
Well first of all it said she was a stripper. That she wasnt a prostitute as well, but it doesnt mean she was ether.
Puhleez, lets be real!
Stripper = drug using whore.
Not necessarily. Most likely but not for sure. Ether way my point was that rape is just as wrong ether way whether she sells her body or not. But your a guy so it wouldnt be as strong a "duh" to you then to women.
Nooooo, she's not a whore, she's just a "medical student" making money on the side.

Look here's what I figure, you're not doing these people any favors by being tolerant of what they do, what they are doing is disgusting and destructive, both to themselves and their "clients". You are doing them a favor by being honest, they need to be made ASHAMED of what they are doing, and if society shunned them and shamed them, then you are actually helping them, if society didn't tolerate that drek then there'd be a hell of a lot less women doing it. Sadly society tolerates this, even celebrates it.
Being a stripper/prostitute can only lead to an early death. What do you think, they're happy? After doing such disgusting things, they are miserable, they have to do drugs and alcohol just so that they can live with themselves and face the next day, they can never have a normal relationship with a man, no hope for a husband or family, their friends are drug addicts and the sleaziest of people, their future is bleak. It is very tragic. Honestly, don't make excuses for them, honesty is the best, they're in denial, shouldn't reinforce their destructive self delusion.
And yes, 99.9% of strippers are PROSTITUTES, that is the reality, not to be too graphic, but that's what the "VIP" rooms at the clubs are for. And just so there's no misunderstanding, no I don't know all this from personal experience; So where did I get all this insight? I have a friend that used to be a bouncer at a strip club, he was in that world, he dated strippers, and he told me all about his experiences, the drugs and debauchery, how freaking incredibly messed up those girls are. He's since regected that whole world and became a religious Christian, no BS, the real deal, 180 degree turnaround. I guess at some point the horror of it all overloaded a circuit in his head and he made an about face and hasn't looked back. And he's a much better person and friend now for it.