I am getting 2 teeth pulled tomorrow, the 1st time ever. They are pulling them so that my orthodontist can fix my over bite. They are double rooted teeth not quite all the way in the back. A Few Questions
Does the actual procedure Hurt?
Should I get the numbing or be put out? (I want to do the numbing)
How long is the procedure (Approximately)?
How long does it hurt afterwards?
Any advice?
I had a tooth pulled a few years ago.
Other than the numbing shots (sometimes I need half a dozen shots)..IT WON'T HURT (until later)...
No, the actual procedure doesn't hurt at all. They were done pulling it and I didn't realize it.

I thought they were getting ready to pull it and then they said "done" and I was like "you are kidding" and they were like "no"...

Only takes a few minutes once they get started.
Yes, it will hurt later, as the medicine wears off.
Be sure to use ice for the first day, to help keep the swelling down and more later if needed. Then heat on it will help (the next day, not the day it gets pulled, ok?)...the blood vessels need to heal up.
Take aspirin or stronger if they give you a prescription, that is good, too.
Also, rinse your mouth out with saltwater several times a day, this will help with pain, swelling and will make it heal up faster. (salt does this)..
be sure to ask your dentist for any advice, too.
Get lots of ice to use, later.
In a week or so you should be good as new.