I can't believe that this piece of sub-human drek was awarded $1 and may get his job back. I would be happy if this lump of pig feed was pushing up daisys this very day. Ward Chumphill was the 'professor' who, after 9/11, called the victims in the WTC {including my poor brother} little eichmans. I would eviscerate this loser if he ever crossed my path.
Muman, I have just one favor to ask, please save a piece of this waste of oxygen for me. It would be appreciated. Even if it was just an organ or two, even the rats deserve better, maybe they can get a meal out of it.
It was already proven that this garbage has NO, repeat, NO, American Indian bloodline. Of course, according to him, this was an evil plot by the white man, even though it was an Indian tribe who exposed him.