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Born Again Fraud Promises 13.5 Millions For Lebanon

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The Lebanese aren't all bad people, stop preaching so much hate.


--- Quote from: Rhuan on August 31, 2006, 01:33:39 PM ---The Lebanese aren't all bad people, stop preaching so much hate.
--- End quote ---

Have you ever seen the footage in Lebanon where the masses of millions scream "Death to Israel" and "Death to America"?? You should watch that "Obsession" movie. It will open your eyes.

Not every person in Lebanon is bad or wants our death... but the VAST MAJORITY of them want this (even most of the Arab Christians). I do NOT want my tax money to go to ANY muslims and I have every right and logical reason to feel this way.

Why is it that when we want to defend ourselves, we are the "preachers of hate" - but the muslim morons call for our death and they are always the victims? People who have never even been to Israel have no idea what's going on except for what the media tells them.

I know a lot about what is going on, but, I have said previously, I am a christian, "Love the sinner, hate the sin", I may hate what muslims do, I may hate Islam, but I can't hate the muslims themselves, in many cases it's not their fault, they are misguided, and indoctrinated with lies from a young age, in many ways the suicide bomber is as much a victim as the people they kill.

Yes, muslims are preachers of hate, but that does not justify you becoming such, by doing so you are sinking to their level, you will ultimately be no better than them.

Regarding arab chriatians, give me some facts from a relaible source to back up that statement, please.

Rhuan, if we all sit on the fence saying "no, dont hate arabs, hate what they do" we will all end up getting the islam in our faces.. just look at what Israel does. she says: "look, the arab cevilians are so good, the terrorists use them" and such other wrong sayings. and what happens- we lose wars, why? because we seperate the sinners from the sin. a dude who sins woulnt care that you love him, nor would he care you are a liberal. he will see you, say you are not muslim, ask you to convert, and when you will refuse youll end up dragged behind an arab's car just like they do in gaza to people who turned against them. if you dont want to end up killed, or have your dear Britain taken over by this evil islam, you Christians and we Jews must unite against our common enemy- islamic extremism and terror. you cant force blindness by seperating sinners from sin, and later expect to win the war against them.

Rhuan wrote: I have said previously, I am a christian, "Love the sinner, hate the sin"

Rhuan, as a sincere Christian, you must derive your beliefs from the Bible; specifically, the New Testament.
Can you cite the chapter and verse where this oft-repeated quote can be found - anywhere - in the Bible?


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