All cultures are equal

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Following Entry Posted 5/10/2009 08:14:00 AM
Pygmies Sodomized by Soldiers Seeking Supernatural Powers
(Dem. Rep. of Congo) The Human Rights League of the Great Lakes (LDGL) indicates that Congolese soldiers are seeking out pygmies to sodomize in the belief that supernatural powers are gained.
"Some soldiers from the 85th Brigade sodomised three male pygmies to gain supernatural powers and protection in Kisa village in Walikale territory," said the Human Rights League of the Great Lakes (LDGL).
"The village chief was stripped and (sodomised) in the presence of his wife, his children and daughter in-law," said the LDGL, which groups dozens of rights groups in Rwanda, Burundi and the DRC.
"The children in turn were stripped and raped in front of their father," said the group in a report.
This latest report adds to previous reporting of the violent subjugation of the pygmy population, estimated to be over a half-million living in the DR Congo's massive jungle. In fact, a 2004 report submitted to the International Criminal Court in The Hague alleged that pygmies were being systematically exterminated by mass killings and violently raped because the Congolese regard them as subhuman.
Ironically, the "subhuman" pygmy flesh is believed to confer magical powers. Evidence indicates that some Congolese even resort to cannibalism to acquire the putative supernatural power