While I think King shouldn't be glorified with his own holiday... King wasn't evil... he was just ignorant and undeserving... .King was NOT a black supremacist like malcolm X or Jackson, Sharpton or Wright.
I still fully support Keyes, and am glad that there is at least one righteous black out there.
King was a communist and he hired prostitutes.
I am completely aware of his communist roots... which is why I say he is ignorant and undeserving of a holiday or any glorification... but Keyes admiration of him DOES NOT invalidate Keyes righteousness.
If Keyes admired malcom X, then yes.... thats dispicable... since Malcom was an adamant black supremicist.
By the way... there are PLENTY of people I admire who have hired prostitutes.... Who CARES?

?? Its not something I would do... but lots of people I know have done it in Nevada, and assuming it isn't out of wedlock... I really don't care.... and I can think of plenty of things that are FAR worse.