A warm welcome from Germany to Yugoslavia.
SERBIA! Yugoslavia doesn't exist anymore.... 
Oh sorry! My fault. Istill consider everything as being Serbian, tht's why I say Yugoslavia. It pisses Bosnians here in Germany off when you deny the existence of their country!
You mean Bosniaks, a.k.a. Bosnian MUSLIMS.
Their country doesn't exist anyway.
Every country requires flag, coat of arms, anthem, president/monarch/sovereign, own court system, territorial and strategic independence.
Their flag and coat of arms are something alike to EU, not much country-like.
Their anthem is something quickly made in urgent moment, not a product of any patriotic feeling and is called simply "anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina" (they could have been at least a little bit more original).
They are a "republic" without own president, while they have "high representative" who is a foreigner, usually from some EU state, right now Austrian (surprise, surprise).
Their supreme court is also run by foreigners.
They have territorial independence, but their territory is disputed.
They are practically NATO protectorate. NATO is there to stay, well-settled there.
This way, they are more dependency than a real country.
Also, the Muslims try to show this as their nation-state and insist to be called "Bosnians" by foreigners, while they are only something over 40% of the country and don't have the right to call themselves a majority, take for themselves only the common name or claim it a "nation-state". That is discrimination.
They also didn't have the right to proclaim any "Bosnian language".
They aren't even a nation, the only thing defining them as a so-called "nation" is being Muslim.
That is why Bosnia and Herzegovina will never be a country in a full sense of being so.