He is a liar! The magnetic compass was invented by the Chinese, algebra existed already BEFORE the Islam, peaceful Indonesia?
Laughable! This Christian girl was beheaded on her way to school in Indonesia:

The so praised Al-Azhar University has just recently decided that all swine has to be slaughtered in Egypt because the were Jews!
And they did not even consider the 11% of Copts who are Christian and eat swine and many of them live from selling swine meat.But there won't be any recompensation for it!
Egypt's advancement? Egypt is among the poorest countries in the world with 80% of the population of Cairo living in slums and slum-like housing:

Very advanced xountry. I really "envy them"

The liar mentiones Jerusalem? Okay. He has a good example: The equal rights for people in Muslim ruled Jerusalem as follows:
Christians may on some days visit the Temple Mountain - but they mustn't pray there!
Jews are not even allowed to put foot onto the Temple Mountain! This is islamic perception of tolerance and respect!?
Yes he wants to leave Iraq to the Iraqis - I really agree - but: He is deluded if he thinks is may become a united peaceful country! Shiites vs Sunnis, Kurds vs Arabs etc etc.
And the first country to invade Iraq was Muslim turkey just to massacre Kurdish families in Northern Iraq!
Many parts of the speech are simply stolen, copied and sound too much PR than his opinion! This is ridiculous and he bowed down so deeply to the Muslims that it hurts. If I was an American I would feel betrayed, fooled and completely humiliated by Obama!