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UK schools drop Holocaust from curriculum to avoid offending Muslims
Din Rodef:
--- Quote from: TruthTyper on April 02, 2007, 06:04:55 PM ---The jewish holocaust wasn't that bad and very exaggerated by Americans, british, and Soviets. The worse tragedy of the 20th century was Stalin rising to power and killing 30 million people.
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lets not forget Mao ;D I think he's in the club too
I remember being in school and learning over and over and over again about the holocaust...the evil nazis...the concentration camps.
But, I swear to Hashem, that my world history class textbook only devoted 2 paragraphs to WWII... THEY ONLY DEVOTED 2 PARAGRAPHS in an American textbook to WWII. This should not be overlooked...WWII was the moment our modern world was created. All of the current borders were decided by the outcome of that war. The Atomic Age began from that war.
Both of my grandfathers were shot fighting the Nazis in Europe...Not discussed.
The reason for this historical censorship is clear. The Socialists in academia were in collusion with the Soviet Communists (so they couldn't talk about Stalin's or Mao's atrocities)...yet they were enemies of Hitler so they played up the Holocaust to slur Nazism. But they couldn't tell of the valor of Allied soldiers or else they would glorify America. The end result...World War 2 became a story about the Jewish Holocaust and little else.
If the Socialists had taught the ENTIRE truth about World War 2 they would have undermined socialism and they also would have glorified the Christian Western Allies. This was not they taught that World War 2 was just about killing Jews and creating an pure Aryan race.
The end result of this one-sided academic instruction is that all white people are stereotyped as Nazis for defending themselves...That is what teaching the Holocaust (devoid of any context) has really done for the world.
....and in the end...everybody still hates the Jews anyway
Din Rodef:
--- Quote from: TruthTyper on April 02, 2007, 04:58:21 PM ---I agree with din. The holocaust we are taught in school tries to send the message that all races are equal. Its not true at all. they teach the jews are not part of the white race, in tons of videos I've seen in school, they are depicted as very dark skinned arabs.
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Thats an excellent point
It's also true of the teaching of the Black Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s.
By singling out blacks to be "equal"...the academics really taught that blacks are separate from the rest of America.
I think that this is very troubling.
Re: "...the whole war only about the Jews..."
Hate to tell you jokers this, but the fact of the matter, is that WWII was indeed about the Jews only.
"How can MassuhD say something like that?"'re undoubtedly asking yourself...."especially when so many other nationalities and ethnic groups suffered?"
My statement is correct and 100% truth. I have read Mein Kampf cover to cover, both sections I and sections II. Repeatedly.
It is clear from your misguided opinions, that none of you have ever done so.
If any of you had, you would realize that the very reason for the existence of the Nazi Party was to commit genocide against the Jews. Period.
You would also long ago have realized that Hitler blamed the Jews for quite literally everything.
He claimed the Jews invented capitalism, then invented Communism, also invented FreeMasonry, invented each and every injustice in the world....he even shouted out at one Nazi rally that "...Every murder ever committed in all of Germany, was committed by THE JEW!...".
Hitler believed and claimed, as did The Thule Society, and Nazi Party founder Dietrich Eckhardt, that MOSES was the first Bolshevik.
Der Fuhrer claimed "THE JEWS" were responsible for starting EVERY WAR IN HISTORY....claimed that "THE JEW" started WWI, and that "THE JEW" was driving Germany to the grave through the Treaty of Versailles.
Chancellor Hitler promised that "...If THE JEW starts another war against Germany, IT WILL MEAN THE COMPLETE ANNIHILATION OF THE JEW!!!"
The fact that 20 million Soviets, thousands of Brits & Americans, Poles, Hungarians, Czechs, Serbs, etc. etc. perished during WWII,
and that Gypsies, Socialists, Communists, homosexuals, Christians, teachers, professors, politicians, etc. were herded into slave labor camps and/or executed, along with Jews, do not negate the historical fact that WWII was only about Jews.
If it is difficult for non-Jews to understand that a world leader and an entire political party could be completely psychotic and insane, then do yourselves a big favor and read Mein Kampf, and the English edition collection of every speech Hitler ever made, entitled My New Order.
Re: "...The fact that they are trying to ERASE HISTORY is very odd, especially since a man recently went to prison for 10years for condemning the holocaust, when he was a nutter..."
Actually, they are not trying to "erase" history; but rather to re-write history.
This is a classic characteristic of TOTALITARIANISM; be it of the left or of the right.
The law is re-written to suit the ruling party, and then the law is used to prosecute those whom the party decides to prosecute, whenever they deem it fitting to advance a political agenda. The "thought crime" is an invention of a totalitarian political party; its tool for gaining and maintaining complete power over a citizenry.
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