I was watching a lot of fantastic JTF videos posted by members and one thing had puzzled me. Do only JTF member appreciate and enjoy the great videos put out by JTF? No one else is interested? I mean I've seen JTF videos by various members that should have gotten at least a couple of thousand hits, but the view counters show 100, 50 25, etc. It either means one of two things. One, the views of JTF are not shared by an overwhelming majority of people to the point where practically no one but JTF members share JTF views. Two, the videos really aren't that good and are not catching the attention of others. Three, and most likely the reason; ZooTube is manipulating the view counter to make thousands of view counts register as less than a hundred. Now reason one above doesn't make any sense because I have seen videos put out by Nazis and KKK members whose beliefs are not shared by most people, and they have gotten hundreds of thousands of views. My point being, if someone did not agree with JTF on most issues, they would still view the videos out of curiosity. Two doesn't make sense because the videos made by JTF members are of higher quality than most other videos. I mean there is this one video on Zootube of two people making crank phone calls. There is no special effects and the video isn't funny, but over 250K people viewed this video. Your telling me an overwhelming majority of people find a video of two idiots making a stupid prank phone call more interesting than the JTF videos that touch on some really important and interesting topics like Iran, Israel, the economy, Obama, and much more. To be continued......