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Beautiful performance of Chopin's Fantasy impromptu in C# minor

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--- Quote from: Scriabin on September 12, 2006, 05:03:37 PM ---There are few real ladies anymore.

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Amen.  :(

The way things are make me depressed every day.  But I refuse to take their drugs.

Listen to the Horowitz performance of the Rachmaninoff Concerto no.3 (third movement) on might cheer you up. 

Music is the only 'drug' I'm interested in.


--- Quote from: Scriabin on September 12, 2006, 05:14:15 PM ---
--- Quote from: davkakach on September 12, 2006, 03:15:11 PM ---Just to provide some objectivity and balance to this entire thread...

Crank up the volume and enjoy the performance.

--- End quote ---
I just noticed the title of this post!!!  This is right up my alley.

I only wish that there was a video of Horowitz, or of Rubinstein (I or II), or some other giant of the keyboard playing this piece.

There are thousands of people who can play the piece better than this (myself included, and I DON'T mean to brag!)

It is fine that this young black man is playing is however overpedaled, too fast for his technique to manage (he drops a great deal of notes), and I wish that he would take off his hat...he's playing someone else's music after all.

I urge everyone to look on youtube at the performances of Vladimir Horowitz, especially the Rachmaninoff Concerto no.3, third movement.


--- End quote ---

I wanted to repost

My personal favorite is Artur Rubinstein.  I find it difficult
to listen to Chopin performed by someone other than

I recently discovered a pianist, Valentina Lisitsa, who also
performs Chopin and Rachmaninoff very well.  The website
has quite a few recorded performances.  She plays Bach
also very well.



--- Quote from: davkakach on September 12, 2006, 07:21:01 PM ---My personal favorite is Artur Rubinstein.  I find it difficult
to listen to Chopin performed by someone other than

I recently discovered a pianist, Valentina Lisitsa, who also
performs Chopin and Rachmaninoff very well.  The website
has quite a few recorded performances.  She plays Bach
also very well.


--- End quote ---
Vladimir Feltsman plays Bach impeccably.  I just so happens that he was one of the Russian Jews liberated by Rabbi Kahane, Chaim and the JDL.  He teaches at SUNY New Paltz and I've had lessons with him.  He's a GENIUS.


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