Yeah, but they'd still be Muslims and most of the Muslims care more for their faith than nation, so, Arabs could continue to brainwash them.
Really... listen to him "Nothing here happens by accident, everything is in Allah's plan, it's no accident that right today and these days we are being visited by VP of a Superpower" (We know how much they "love" America), but, there is why they are so excited - "They've proven to the whole World that even Barack HUSSEIN Obama can be their president" (Oh, we've conquered USA, now our man is their president, oh, how we love them!!!) "His VP is coming here to us, to see how we live" (He "cares" for us so much, we are the most important part of his live!!!)
"We have no oil like our brothers Arabs" (but Arabs will always be our brothers!!!)
Arabs are their brothers and they LOVE America led by Hussein..... ehhhh... America..... you've fallen on low branches.... and so are we, when we allow this.