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Offline GoIsraelGo!

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Caroline endorsed the Obamanation, hope her turn is not far off.

                            Shalom - Dox

Offline ~Hanna~

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I agree......


Ya know, I have no doubt that there is joyous exultation for some at this news. And I agree, in the natural, I considered him a great enemy to this country.

HOWEVER, as a follower of THE G-D of GREAT MERCY, I do NOT wish HELL on ANYONE. Not EVEN my worst enemies. Hashem has enough LOVE, in fact, He IS LOVE, to forgive ANYONE who repents, even Ted Kennedy.

WE, the followers of THE G-D of GREAT MERCY and LOVE, should be GRACIOUS to A-L-L, even our enemies!!! THAT is what separates US from the Muslim faith.

I feel sad when I think anyone has gone to hell too. It's hard to feel happy when someone has chosen to squander their life in evil and ended up that way.

Yes Ruby, again, I totally agree. What a waste. The New Testament scripture Luke 12:48 “For of those to whom very much is given, very much is required” keeps coming to my mind. His deeds will be judged to a much higher standard of accountability because of the position he held.
שמע ישראל

Offline Moijea

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Moijea: It's nice that you are so forgiving; it shows something about your character. However, this animal, for goodness sake, should have died much, much sooner. I'm a Christian yet don't put much stock into the whole bedside asking for forgiveness after a life of murder, perversion, and evil that has never been addressed and forgiveness has never been asked before. How is he even in his right mind? He is not on account on of his brain tumor. EVEN NOT IN HIS RIGHT MIND he was trying to get a law HE WROTE ABOLISHED JUST A FEW DAYS AGO so another leftist can get appointed!!! This animal has the blood of so many babies on his hands and played a real role in America's third-world affirmative action state we're in right now. He is to blame for huge parts of the 60's civil rights nonsense.

In my opinion, he deserved the chair.

You are right. In the Natural scheme of things, he was one of the worst of the worst. HOWEVER, we are NOT to judge the sin of others, we are to let G-d be the Judge of each man, because only He and He alone has the capacity to forgive such things, and the Holiness to justify it. Remember, we are ALL sinners, and Mr. Kennedy's sin against the unborn is no worse than our gossiping, IF we do that. THAT is why we must let G-d be the Judge, and not us. And I have NO doubt that HE is up to the challenge.

For instance, President Nixon did some pretty awful things in his lifetime, BUT one thing he DID do right, was send Golda Meir the help Israel needed when they needed it. For THIS, I believe the scales of G-d's Justice will balance in Nixon's favor.  But very, VERY few folks see it that way here on earth.
The Price of Freedom, . . . . courage.

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The banding together by the nations of the world against Israel is the guarantee that their time of destruction is near and the final redemption of the Jew at hand.
Rabbi Meir Kahane

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Moijea: It's nice that you are so forgiving; it shows something about your character. However, this animal, for goodness sake, should have died much, much sooner. I'm a Christian yet don't put much stock into the whole bedside asking for forgiveness after a life of murder, perversion, and evil that has never been addressed and forgiveness has never been asked before. How is he even in his right mind? He is not on account on of his brain tumor. EVEN NOT IN HIS RIGHT MIND he was trying to get a law HE WROTE ABOLISHED JUST A FEW DAYS AGO so another leftist can get appointed!!! This animal has the blood of so many babies on his hands and played a real role in America's third-world affirmative action state we're in right now. He is to blame for huge parts of the 60's civil rights nonsense.

In my opinion, he deserved the chair.

You are right. In the Natural scheme of things, he was one of the worst of the worst. HOWEVER, we are NOT to judge the sin of others, we are to let G-d be the Judge of each man, because only He and He alone has the capacity to forgive such things, and the Holiness to justify it. Remember, we are ALL sinners, and Mr. Kennedy's sin against the unborn is no worse than our gossiping, IF we do that. THAT is why we must let G-d be the Judge, and not us. And I have NO doubt that HE is up to the challenge.

For instance, President Nixon did some pretty awful things in his lifetime, BUT one thing he DID do right, was send Golda Meir the help Israel needed when they needed it. For THIS, I believe the scales of G-d's Justice will balance in Nixon's favor.  But very, VERY few folks see it that way here on earth.


I mostly agree with you but basically people are judged based on their deeds, and public deeds are judged more severely than private misdeeds, and great people are judged more severely than simple people.

I have no problem judging people who openly and flagrantly violate the laws of G-d. There is a command to rebuke a sinner, and if they do not change their ways that we must cut him off. Ted Kennedy was an open and flagrant violator of the laws of G-d and he was not changed by any rebuke he received.

Jewish belief about repentence is a bit more based in deeds than in thoughts. A true penetant will not continue to sin after he has admitted that it was wrong to do it.

We just entered the month of Elul. This is a propitious time for Jews to ask for forgiveness for sins they have done. They should ask for forgiveness for the sins they committed against a fellow, and for sins committed against the L-rd himself. The 10 days between Rosh Hashanna and Yom Kippur culminate the Teshuva period and we all confess the sins we committed personally and communally.

In poor Teds case he was playing the role of Satan, the holy prosecutor, and now he will be serving him in Gehinnom.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline TruthSpreader

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You've got your late birthday present, Wolf.

Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

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Baruch Hashem. Lets have a L'Chiam to live.  :fireworks: :jump:
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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You've got your late birthday present, Wolf.

And I got mine early
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

Offline Dan

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This Is Great News!!!
        :celebrate: :fireworks:

Offline Gimatria

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Does anybody think good 'ol ted will be needing central heating this winter? I think not!!

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**Hick** I'll **hick** drink to that **hick**

Offline Angry Panther

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Good! Now plant him!  :dance: :dance: :dance:

Offline cjd

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The animal was a cold blooded killer. I remember seeing pictures of the car on the news and in the papers under just a few feet of water. Kennedy spent all his life around water and water sports he  could have with little problem got to the car and saved this poor girls life. I have always had a suspicion that the girl was pregnant and he drove off that bridge on purpose. He must of made sure she had enough to drink that night that would almost make it impossible to save herself. The media back then painted him as a clean cut rich kid who never did a thing wrong in his life. Daddies money and Kennedy influence swept everything under the rug. G-d's hand is always on the job.....It was the week of the moon shot and papers were selling like hotcakes The moon story was on the front cover and Kennedy's 67 Olds being dragged out of the water was on the back page. Collectors every where saved that paper. I think I even have one up in my attic. Anyone looking up old newspapers archives on  the day of the July 69 moon shot will also see the Kennedy headlines. This will keep the story of Mary Jo Kopechne's murder alive forever.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline MarZutra

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He was a sick animal when he was alive.  Total traitor.  A globalist to the core without one shred of love for his culture or country. He, according to Sen. Berry Goldwater met with Ronald Regan, prior to him running for the National Republican Ticket for Presidency, relaying the message from his CFR/Wall St. crony friends that in order for Regan to even be allowed to run on the Republican Ticket (Presidency) he must change and play by their rules/goals.   - "With No Apologies" - Sen Berry Goldwater

May Kennedy be united with his friends Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Rockefeller, Armandhammer and Marx...bastard.
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline dreidelhead

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Although Hashem will probably show more mercy to him than he ever showed to all the unborn he helped to slaughter, and all the people kept ignorant and in poverty, I doubt he'll escape his just deserves. I hope that Mary Jo Kopechne is given the honor of kicking his fat arse down to hell.

Offline cjd

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Moijea: It's nice that you are so forgiving; it shows something about your character. However, this animal, for goodness sake, should have died much, much sooner. I'm a Christian yet don't put much stock into the whole bedside asking for forgiveness after a life of murder, perversion, and evil that has never been addressed and forgiveness has never been asked before. How is he even in his right mind? He is not on account on of his brain tumor. EVEN NOT IN HIS RIGHT MIND he was trying to get a law HE WROTE ABOLISHED JUST A FEW DAYS AGO so another leftist can get appointed!!! This animal has the blood of so many babies on his hands and played a real role in America's third-world affirmative action state we're in right now. He is to blame for huge parts of the 60's civil rights nonsense.

In my opinion, he deserved the chair.

You are right. In the Natural scheme of things, he was one of the worst of the worst. HOWEVER, we are NOT to judge the sin of others, we are to let G-d be the Judge of each man, because only He and He alone has the capacity to forgive such things, and the Holiness to justify it. Remember, we are ALL sinners, and Mr. Kennedy's sin against the unborn is no worse than our gossiping, IF we do that. THAT is why we must let G-d be the Judge, and not us. And I have NO doubt that HE is up to the challenge.

For instance, President Nixon did some pretty awful things in his lifetime, BUT one thing he DID do right, was send Golda Meir the help Israel needed when they needed it. For THIS, I believe the scales of G-d's Justice will balance in Nixon's favor.  But very, VERY few folks see it that way here on earth.
Nixon was actually not a bad president during his first term. What Nixon did would not even raise an eyebrow today. Nixon had personality problems that caused him to make stupid moves under pressure. Under democrat pressure during the Watergate investigation is when he really dug a hole to deep for himself to climb out of. If he would have come clean with the American people in the very start it may well have blown over. The man spent his life on the defensive against personal attacks real and imagined. If he had a better staff around him he would never have ended up as he did. If he didn't have John Mitchell and his big mouth wife Martha Beall Mitchell ( The Mouth of the South ) in his administration it would have been clear sailing.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline tron77

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i read that bibi and others stated that Kennedy was a friend to Israel? I would really love to hear from some more knowledgeable members who can tell me exactly what Kennedy did and said about Israel etc. Thanks

Offline mord

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i read that bibi and others stated that Kennedy was a friend to Israel? I would really love to hear from some more knowledgeable members who can tell me exactly what Kennedy did and said about Israel etc. Thanks
I heard that too but i really don't much about it.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline CorrieDeservedIt

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The only sad thing about this is he died at 77

he should have died 20 or 30 years ago

Offline mord

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i read that bibi and others stated that Kennedy was a friend to Israel? I would really love to hear from some more knowledgeable members who can tell me exactly what Kennedy did and said about Israel etc. Thanks
I heard that too but i really don't much about it.
I found an article,7340,L-3767548,00.html
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline cjd

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i read that bibi and others stated that Kennedy was a friend to Israel? I would really love to hear from some more knowledgeable members who can tell me exactly what Kennedy did and said about Israel etc. Thanks
In my opinion Kennedy was a friend to the Liberal Jewish voting block and what they could do for him in the way of support. I can't ever recall him intervening directly on Israels behalf. I would be interested in in hearing some view points on this one myself. I think bibi was just trying to say something nice.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline MasterWolf1

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Hope Teddy didn't forget to pack the sun block 5000 to where he is going  :P

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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A true penetant will not continue to sin after he has admitted that it was wrong to do it.
I agree completely

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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You've got your late birthday present, Wolf.
Now if only Hoeseph "Pruneface", Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Bill "Beelzebubba" Amaleklinton, and Nellie the Weasel (yimach schmam vezichram) would join this filthy animal in the terminal unit of the oncology ward.