You're correct that Reagan certainly made his share of mistakes.
I don't think it's entirely innacurate or unfair to think that Reagan's popularity is due in large part to the fact that it's easy to like almost anyone after enduring Jimmy Carter.
Still, I don't think we should be ysv'ng President Reagan or calling him a sewer rat.
Call me a sentimental sap, but I liked Reagan during his presidency and I still like him today.
Something about the man was very endearing to me. He just didn't have that stench of evil and ineptitude that his predecessor and the current occupant of the White House exude. No, I don't think RR was evil.
I liked his debating style. Some very good moments there. Heck, I even liked the way he began every sentence with 'well...'. Even if the perception wasn't truth, Reagan seemed down to earth and genuine.
Of course, if you lived through the Iran hostage years, you'll remember vividly the malaise America was experiencing. Hostages languishing for over a year, a disastrous failed rescue mission, and Khomeini making the USA appear to be a weak paper tiger worthy of disdain and ridicule. That changed immediately when Reagan took office. Historians will rightfully state that the behind the scenes dealings of the Iran-contra affair tarnish this accomplishment, but the uplift America felt when Reagan took office and the hostages were released is undeniable.
Then we have to remember how screwed up the economy was when RR took office. Unbelievably high interest rates and unemployment. RR was ridiculed for his 'trickle down' economics, but under his administration the economy recovered and the market boomed.
One other great thing about Reagan was how he drove the liberals and Demonrats absolutely crazy. How could you not like that ?
Some other factors to keep in mind vis a vis Reagan and Israel:
Unlike his predecessor Carter's pressuring of Begin into a 'peace' deal, and his successor Clinton's Rose Garden moment with Rabin and Arafat, there wasn't quite as much pressure on Israel to commit suicide under Reagan. However, one must admit his handling of Beirut, Arafat, and the Marine bombing was horrendous.
One other incident gives us insight into the Reagan presidency and Israel. That would be his reaction to the fantastically executed and successful Israeli raid on the reactor at Osirak and the destruction of Saddam's nuclear ambitions.
When RR was informed of the Israeli action, his response was 'They did what ?'. After being told again exactly what had occurred and that it was done with U.S. made F-16's, Reagan thought it over for a moment, and just said, 'Well, boys will be boys'. Of course his cabinet of James Baker and George Bush Sr. and the State Department went absolutely nuts and demanded the harshest imaginable retributions against Israel. Thankfully, Reagan didn't listen to those morons and instead agreed with Alexander Haig, who was the lone member of his cabinet that told the President, 'before this is over we'll be on our knees thanking G-d Israel took this action'. Israel was scolded, but no punitive actions were taken against her.
I don't know if Reagan was a great President, but I don't think he was a bad one. There's little doubt he was the best of the recent ones. He doesn't deserve to be ysv'd or called a sewer rat.