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How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« on: October 15, 2009, 07:11:19 PM »
Here is an interesting article that I'd like to pass along.  I happen to believe it. 

Thirty-Six Years Ago Today, Richard Nixon Saved Israel—but Got No Credit
by Jason Maoz

"Precise details of what transpired in Washington during the first week of the Yom Kippur War, launched by Egypt and Syria on October 6, 1973, are hard to come by, in no small measure owing to conflicting accounts given by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger regarding their respective roles.

What is clear, from the preponderance of information provided by those directly involved in the unfolding events, is that President Richard Nixon — overriding inter-administration objections and bureaucratic inertia — implemented a breathtaking transfer of arms, code-named Operation Nickel Grass, that over a four-week period involved hundreds of jumbo U.S. military aircraft delivering more than 22,000 tons of armaments.

This was accomplished, noted Walter J. Boyne in an article in the December 1998 issue of Air Force Magazine, while “Washington was in the throes of not only post-Vietnam moralizing on Capitol Hill but also the agony of Watergate. . . . Four days into the war, Washington was blindsided again by another political disaster -- the forced resignation of Vice President Spiro Agnew.”

“Both Kissinger and Nixon wanted to do [the airlift],” said former CIA deputy director Vernon Walters, "but Nixon gave it the greater sense of urgency. He said, ‘You get the stuff to Israel. Now. Now.’”

Boyne, in his book The Two O’Clock War, described a high-level White House meeting on October 9:

As preoccupied as he was with Watergate, Nixon came straight to the point, announcing that Israel must not lose the war. He ordered that the deliveries of supplies, including aircraft, be sped up and that Israel be told that it could freely expend all of its consumables -- ammunition, spare parts, fuel, and so forth -- in the certain knowledge that these would be completely replenished by the United States without any delay.

White House Chief of Staff Alexander Haig concurred:

As soon as the scope and pattern of Israeli battle losses emerged, Nixon ordered that all destroyed equipment be made up out of U.S. stockpiles, using the very best weapons America possessed. . . . Whatever it takes, he told Kissinger . . . save Israel.

“It was Nixon who did it,” recalled Nixon’s acting special counsel, Leonard Garment. “I was there. As [bureaucratic bickering between the State and Defense departments] was going back and forth, Nixon said, this is insane. . . . He just ordered Kissinger, “Get your ass out of here and tell those people to move.”

When Schlesinger initially wanted to send just three transports to Israel because he feared anything more would alarm the Arabs and the Soviets, Nixon snapped: “We are going to get blamed just as much for three as for 300. . . . Get them in the air, now.”

Haig, in his memoir Inner Circles, wrote that Nixon, frustrated with the initial delays in implementing the airlift and aware that the Soviets had begun airlifting supplies to Egypt and Syria, summoned Kissinger and Schlesinger to the Oval Office on October 12 and “banished all excuses.”

The president asked Kissinger for a precise accounting of Israel’s military needs, and Kissinger proceeded to read aloud from an itemized list.

“Double it,” Nixon ordered. “Now get the hell out of here and get the job done.”

Later, informed of yet another delay — this one because of disagreements in the Pentagon over the type of planes to be used for the airlift — an incensed Nixon shouted at Kissinger, “[Expletive] it, use every one we have. Tell them to send everything that can fly.”

Nixon acted despite threats of reprisal by Arab oil producers — indeed, the day after Nixon asked Congress for an emergency appropriation of $2.2 billion for Israel, Saudi Arabia’s King Faisal announced an embargo of oil to the U.S. — not to mention Europe's overwhelming opposition to aiding Israel. 

Some revisionists have taken to claiming Nixon's actions on behalf of Israel were prompted by Golda Meir, who supposedly threatened to go public with all manner of juicy political and personal information she had on the president. Another commonly cited blackmail scenario, popularized by the play Golda's Balcony, has Meir putting the squeeze on Nixon by threatening to use nuclear weapons.

But Mordechai Gazit, who at the time of the Yom Kippur War was director general of the Israeli Foreign Ministry and the Prime Minister's Office, told authors Gerald Strober and Deborah Hart Strober in Nixon: An Oral History of His Presidency: “The airlift was decided not because we asked for it. Our relations with the United States were not at a point where we could have asked for an airlift; this was beyond our imagination.”           

As for Meir herself, to the end of her life she referred to Nixon as "my president" and told a group of Jewish leaders in Washington shortly after the war: “For generations to come, all will be told of the miracle of the immense planes from the United States bringing in the materiel that meant life to our people.”           

Wrote Nixon biographer Stephen E. Ambrose:

Those were momentous events in world history. Had Nixon not acted so decisively, who can say what would have happened? The Arabs probably would have recovered at least some of the territory they had lost in 1967, perhaps all of it. They might have even destroyed Israel. But whatever the might-have-beens, there is no doubt that Nixon . . . made it possible for Israel to win, at some risk to his own reputation and at great risk to the American economy.

He knew that his enemies . . . would never give him credit for saving Israel. He did it anyway."



Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2009, 07:17:29 PM »
That anti-Semitic twerb and his loyal Zhid Henry Kiss-My-Donkey were the ones who started this war behind the scenes along with the Egyptians. Not to mention that this man start "helping" Israel only when we were threating their dear oil resources and the "peace and quiet" in the Mid East by nukes.

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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2009, 07:22:14 PM »
I agree, Nixon was scum incarnate.


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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2009, 07:37:19 PM »
 Richard Nixon saved Israel? ??? ??? ???

Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2009, 07:49:37 PM »

1. Israel did not strike first in the 1973 Yom Kippur War even though she knew that the Egyptians and Syrians were planning to attack. In the 1967 Six Day War, Israel struck first preemptively and won a breathtaking miraculous victory on all fronts. But in 1973, Israel did not strike first. So Israel had to absorb the terrible blow of the combined Egyptian-Syrian attack. Why? Because the Jew-hater Richard Nixon and his self-hating Jewish Secretary of State Henry Kissinger pressured Israel not to strike first. Kissinger told Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, "If you strike first, there won't be a dogcatcher who will support you".

2. In 1967, Israel's air force destroyed huge portions of the Egyptian and Syrian military. In 1973, it was difficult for Israel's air force to attack effectively because of the extremely dense cluster of Soviet SAM anti-aircraft missiles that fired at Israeli jets. Many Israeli jets and their pilots were lost because of the Soviet missiles. Why were there Soviet missiles in Egypt? Because the Jew-hater Nixon pressured Israel in 1970 to accept a one-sided ceasefire in the "War of Attrition" which enabled the Soviets to place missiles in Egypt.

3. Nixon and Kissinger refused to send arms to Israel during the first 10 days of the Yom Kippur War when Israel desperately needed them. Only after Israel miraculously turned the tide in the war and starting winning despite the shortage of arms did the Nixon-Kissinger administration start shipping weapons to the Jewish state. And that was only because of massive Congressional pressure on Nixon to arm Israel - in those days, Israel was extremely popular in the Congress. But in the first 10 days of the war when Israel desperately needed the weapons, Nixon and Kissinger refused to send them.

4. At the end, Israel was on the verge of winning an even more miraculous victory in 1973 than the victory of the 1967 Six Day War. The Israeli army surrounded a huge segment of the Egyptian army and could have destroyed or captured tens of thousands of Egyptian soldiers and could have also destroyed or captured most of Egypt's advanced weaponry. But just as Israel was about to win the greatest triumph in her history, Nixon and Kissinger demanded an immediate ceasefire to save the invading Egyptian soldiers from destruction or humiliating capture. Israel again stupidly gave in to the Nixon-Kissinger pressure, and what could have been the most spectacular military victory in thousands of years turned into a nightmare as the Egyptians were rescued and allowed to claim victory.

All of Israel's current troubles started thanks to Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, yimach shmam vezichram shem reshayim yirkav ימח שמם וזכרם שם רשעים ירקב.


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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2009, 07:58:25 PM »
Great post, Chaim.

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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2009, 08:00:49 PM »
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2009, 08:34:32 PM »
Nixon's feelings about Jews are well-known and even preserved on tape. He was an anti-Semitic piece of excrement.

- “The government is full of Jews,” Nixon said. “Second, most Jews are disloyal. You know what I mean?

- "The Jews are irreligious, atheistic, immoral bunch of bastards."

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2009, 08:44:33 PM »

1. Israel did not strike first in the 1973 Yom Kippur War even though she knew that the Egyptians and Syrians were planning to attack. In the 1967 Six Day War, Israel struck first preemptively and won a breathtaking miraculous victory on all fronts. But in 1973, Israel did not strike first. So Israel had to absorb the terrible blow of the combined Egyptian-Syrian attack. Why? Because the Jew-hater Richard Nixon and his self-hating Jewish Secretary of State Henry Kissinger pressured Israel not to strike first. Kissinger told Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, "If you strike first, there won't be a dogcatcher who will support you".

2. In 1967, Israel's air force destroyed huge portions of the Egyptian and Syrian military. In 1973, it was difficult for Israel's air force to attack effectively because of the extremely dense cluster of Soviet SAM anti-aircraft missiles that fired at Israeli jets. Many Israeli jets and their pilots were lost because of the Soviet missiles. Why were there Soviet missiles in Egypt? Because the Jew-hater Nixon pressured Israel in 1970 to accept a one-sided ceasefire in the "War of Attrition" which enabled the Soviets to place missiles in Egypt.

3. Nixon and Kissinger refused to send arms to Israel during the first 10 days of the Yom Kippur War when Israel desperately needed them. Only after Israel miraculously turned the tide in the war and starting winning despite the shortage of arms did the Nixon-Kissinger administration start shipping weapons to the Jewish state. And that was only because of massive Congressional pressure on Nixon to arm Israel - in those days, Israel was extremely popular in the Congress. But in the first 10 days of the war when Israel desperately needed the weapons, Nixon and Kissinger refused to send them.

4. At the end, Israel was on the verge of winning an even more miraculous victory in 1973 than the victory of the 1967 Six Day War. The Israeli army surrounded a huge segment of the Egyptian army and could have destroyed or captured tens of thousands of Egyptian soldiers and could have also destroyed or captured most of Egypt's advanced weaponry. But just as Israel was about to win the greatest triumph in her history, Nixon and Kissinger demanded an immediate ceasefire to save the invading Egyptian soldiers from destruction or humiliating capture. Israel again stupidly gave in to the Nixon-Kissinger pressure, and what could have been the most spectacular military victory in thousands of years turned into a nightmare as the Egyptians were rescued and allowed to claim victory.

All of Israel's current troubles started thanks to Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, yimach shmam vezichram shem reshayim yirkav ימח שמם וזכרם שם רשעים ירקב.

You are absolutely right, Chaim, but you also have to place some blame (since then) on an Israeli public that is afraid to offend the goyim.


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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2009, 10:02:05 PM »
"Those were momentous events in world history. Had Nixon not acted so decisively, who can say what would have happened?"

there would be no eygpt , no iraq , no syria ,no arab world and propbably  no ussr... they would all have becomed craters/chimical hit warzones by a all out nuclear/chimical war

thats what would have happened . and thats why he sent us weapons ... to save the arabs and prevent a nuclear war with ussr, which would focus their weapons on usa soil as well probably if they were to be attacked by such means (which is beyond shadow of a doubt, israel would have resort to "whatever is necessery" )

The truth is , No single american fougth for the servival of israel in that war
We were saved by g-d ,  and its through the secrifise and bravery of the jewish forces , That we won that war conventionally 

with all due respact to americans here  , Russian arms ,back in those days, was way better then american arms ... the only reason we 'managed' to defeat them with those weapons, was because of harsh ,ultra violent ,storming at the enemy type of tactics , and the will to live on and defeat those pigs


the egyptians and syrians had usually(back in those days, now of course we are much more advanced than they are) better equipment (maybe besides planes because of the precise israeli missiles  )! it was like fighting the red army ... not some arab peasants like some people think...  the egyptians and syrians recieved tons of weapons , before and during the war , from the whole arab world , the ussr , north korea , and others

THE ONLY REASON , there was not enough arms , WAS BECAUSE ISRAELI GOVERMENT LISTENED TO THE U.S GOVERMENT IN THE FIRST PLACE , about not to attack first , and the outcome of this was , That we were attacked by far more equipped and combined armies, with much more soldirs , much more tanks , much more planes ,and much more money .

If we would attacked first , it would probably be over in few days in decisive israeli victory... because we didn't ,the army throwed everything it had   in order to try and stop their advance into our territories

and due to this , israel had only two acceptable options  , To resort to our wmd's weapons , and kill all the enemies and anyone who supported them which could be hit , Or to re-arm with conventional weapons quickly , and try to manage with that in a dangarous war against bigger (and again , with all due respact to the americans on the forums) and with more advanced top notch soviet arms and who controlled top positions

in many of those battle's  the odds were insanly against us ... and no american "magic weapons" would have done any diffrence ,  Only bravery did .

and when we did eventually defeated them ,  what did nikson and that kissinger did ? THEY SAY WE "OWED" THEM BECAUSE OF THOSE WEAPONS  NOT TO FINNISH WITH THEM , NOT TO HUMILATE THOSE ARABS...

Golda should have told him that they "owed" us big time , for telling them how to decode russian communications (which we did , not the west ) , for giving them TONS of soviet equipment we took from the arabs in wars and operations to learn how to deal with it like we did ,for teaching them how to deal with migs ... and for the tousands of jewish spy's in the ussr who's information went to the usa as well , for free.

It is true that this weapons were needed to continue the war conventionally ,  it is true that the bombs they sent in the morning was thrown on the arabs on the evning ... Its also true that if we would attacked first, we wouldn't have needed to "waste" all our ammunation in an attempt to block/stop their advancement ( rivers of arab blood were formed in those days !) , and it is probably more so true that if we would NOT LISTEN to the american goverment in the first place , The arabs would suffer the same humilating defeat they recived in june 67 to their count ....

more then all of this , It is true that there was an alternative to continue the war , not conventionally , and still WIN ...

G-d have saved us

« Last Edit: October 15, 2009, 10:08:33 PM by HEBREWHONOR »

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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2009, 10:19:24 PM »

1. Israel did not strike first in the 1973 Yom Kippur War even though she knew that the Egyptians and Syrians were planning to attack. In the 1967 Six Day War, Israel struck first preemptively and won a breathtaking miraculous victory on all fronts. But in 1973, Israel did not strike first. So Israel had to absorb the terrible blow of the combined Egyptian-Syrian attack. Why? Because the Jew-hater Richard Nixon and his self-hating Jewish Secretary of State Henry Kissinger pressured Israel not to strike first. Kissinger told Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, "If you strike first, there won't be a dogcatcher who will support you".

2. In 1967, Israel's air force destroyed huge portions of the Egyptian and Syrian military. In 1973, it was difficult for Israel's air force to attack effectively because of the extremely dense cluster of Soviet SAM anti-aircraft missiles that fired at Israeli jets. Many Israeli jets and their pilots were lost because of the Soviet missiles. Why were there Soviet missiles in Egypt? Because the Jew-hater Nixon pressured Israel in 1970 to accept a one-sided ceasefire in the "War of Attrition" which enabled the Soviets to place missiles in Egypt.

3. Nixon and Kissinger refused to send arms to Israel during the first 10 days of the Yom Kippur War when Israel desperately needed them. Only after Israel miraculously turned the tide in the war and starting winning despite the shortage of arms did the Nixon-Kissinger administration start shipping weapons to the Jewish state. And that was only because of massive Congressional pressure on Nixon to arm Israel - in those days, Israel was extremely popular in the Congress. But in the first 10 days of the war when Israel desperately needed the weapons, Nixon and Kissinger refused to send them.

4. At the end, Israel was on the verge of winning an even more miraculous victory in 1973 than the victory of the 1967 Six Day War. The Israeli army surrounded a huge segment of the Egyptian army and could have destroyed or captured tens of thousands of Egyptian soldiers and could have also destroyed or captured most of Egypt's advanced weaponry. But just as Israel was about to win the greatest triumph in her history, Nixon and Kissinger demanded an immediate ceasefire to save the invading Egyptian soldiers from destruction or humiliating capture. Israel again stupidly gave in to the Nixon-Kissinger pressure, and what could have been the most spectacular military victory in thousands of years turned into a nightmare as the Egyptians were rescued and allowed to claim victory.

All of Israel's current troubles started thanks to Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, yimach shmam vezichram shem reshayim yirkav ימח שמם וזכרם שם רשעים ירקב.
America has NEVER been a 'friend' to Israel, G-ds land, NOW, we WILL pay a HUGE price. That SLIME GW FORCING our people- OVER 10,000 to leave their homes, and just give it to the Moslem murdering butchers. 
There has NOT EVER been a 'pro-G-D, pro-ISRAEL US President, and we WILL pay the price, and for myself not seeing how evil we've been, I am ready to accept the rebuke.
שמע ישראל
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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2009, 10:44:35 PM »
That SLIME GW FORCING our people- OVER 10,000 to leave their homes, and just give it to the Moslem murdering butchers. <

Actually Sharon came up with that gem of an idea.  Supposedly Bush's first reaction to the plan was negative.  Not that Bush was some kind of hero but I think he had trouble seeing how this was to anyone's benefit.
We all need to pray for Barack Obama, may the Lord provide him a safe move back to Chicago in January 2,013.

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2009, 11:19:12 PM »
I don't believe Nixon was a foaming at the mouth, rabid anti-Semite.

I'm quite sure he didn't like Jews as a whole, but I think alot of that was due to the fact that Jews as a whole were regarded (and still are) as leftists and irrevocable supporters of the Democrat party. In all honesty, it's hard to say he was unjustified in feeling that way. After all, groups like JTF are an exception to the rule, and dwarfed in magnitude by the multitude of leftist, self-hating Jewish organizations.

As far as the YK war goes:

If Nixon did indeed pressure Golda Meir not to launch a pre-emptive strike on the Egyptian islamonazis, that does NOT in any way absolve Meir's failure to have Israeli forces at the Suez Canal and the BarLev line on high alert and prepared to repel any Egyptian attempt to cross the canal.

Israeli intelligence was also caught off guard. Although Meir was warned of Egyptian mobilization and the impending attack, the warning came late and the scope of the attack was underestimated.

Additionally, the IDF underestimated the capabilities of the Egyptian army to cross the canal and sustain an attack. The huge sand dunes constructed on the eastern side of the canal, which buffered the BarLev line, were thought to be impregnable. The Egyptian use of high pressure water cannons fed from the waters of the canal to dissolve the sand barriers came as a tactical surprise. One of the few examples of Muslims actually having brains.

Once Egyptian forces had successfully crossed the canal, the IDF and IAF were once again caught off guard by the effectiveness of the Egyptian attack. The Egyptian attack was better disciplined and more coordinated than one would have anticipated based on thier past performance. Most importantly, the protective 'umbrella' that the SAM batteries and TOW anti-tank munitions provided - against Israeli aerial and armored counter attacks - came as a HUGE surprise. Israeli armored and aerial counter-assaults to stem the tide and rescue the beseiged forces of the BarLev were thoroughly squashed.

The IDF was somewhat slow to adjust to these new battlefield innovations and developments. It was only after the Egyptians (at the behest of Assad and Syria) overextended their attack and left their protective SAM 'umbrella', that Israel was able to reverse the tide of battle. By that time many Israeli tanks and planes had been destroyed and Jewish soldiers lost.

The US airlift was crucial to replenish exhausted supplies and sustain Israel's fighting ability. It's importance should not be diminished, and Jews should be thankful it arrived.

The airlift came quickly and it was huge. Nixon undoubtably played a large role in making that happen.

No, Nixon didn't help save Israel out of a love for the Jewish State or the Jewish people. Rather, he did so because he viewed the Egyptians as a proxy of the USSR and was fearful of the negative geo-political ramifications an Israeli defeat would have for America in the Mideast and worldwide.

The YK war ended with the Egyptian 3rd army surrounded, on the brink of annihilation. The Soviets were threatening unilateral intervention if Israel didn't stop and Nixon responded by putting US forces worldwide on the highest possible alert. Too bad Israel didn't finish the job anyway.

So although Nixon can never be regarded as a great friend of the Jews, or even if he was an anti-Semite, he did wind up playing an important role in assisting Israel - whatever his motives might have been. Strange how history can work that way.

Or maybe it isn't strange. Maybe it's the hand of HaShem at work.

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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2009, 11:32:20 PM »
My father has always been a hard core Republican... I remember in my childhood my father defending Nixon during many heated exchanges with my parents friends. In my 20s my father continued to be proud supporter of Nixon. I think it is an odd fact because I come from a mixed family.... My mother was a democrat liberal and my father a hardcore right-winger.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2009, 02:59:24 AM »

1. Israel did not strike first in the 1973 Yom Kippur War even though she knew that the Egyptians and Syrians were planning to attack. In the 1967 Six Day War, Israel struck first preemptively and won a breathtaking miraculous victory on all fronts. But in 1973, Israel did not strike first. So Israel had to absorb the terrible blow of the combined Egyptian-Syrian attack. Why? Because the Jew-hater Richard Nixon and his self-hating Jewish Secretary of State Henry Kissinger pressured Israel not to strike first. Kissinger told Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, "If you strike first, there won't be a dogcatcher who will support you".

2. In 1967, Israel's air force destroyed huge portions of the Egyptian and Syrian military. In 1973, it was difficult for Israel's air force to attack effectively because of the extremely dense cluster of Soviet SAM anti-aircraft missiles that fired at Israeli jets. Many Israeli jets and their pilots were lost because of the Soviet missiles. Why were there Soviet missiles in Egypt? Because the Jew-hater Nixon pressured Israel in 1970 to accept a one-sided ceasefire in the "War of Attrition" which enabled the Soviets to place missiles in Egypt.

3. Nixon and Kissinger refused to send arms to Israel during the first 10 days of the Yom Kippur War when Israel desperately needed them. Only after Israel miraculously turned the tide in the war and starting winning despite the shortage of arms did the Nixon-Kissinger administration start shipping weapons to the Jewish state. And that was only because of massive Congressional pressure on Nixon to arm Israel - in those days, Israel was extremely popular in the Congress. But in the first 10 days of the war when Israel desperately needed the weapons, Nixon and Kissinger refused to send them.

4. At the end, Israel was on the verge of winning an even more miraculous victory in 1973 than the victory of the 1967 Six Day War. The Israeli army surrounded a huge segment of the Egyptian army and could have destroyed or captured tens of thousands of Egyptian soldiers and could have also destroyed or captured most of Egypt's advanced weaponry. But just as Israel was about to win the greatest triumph in her history, Nixon and Kissinger demanded an immediate ceasefire to save the invading Egyptian soldiers from destruction or humiliating capture. Israel again stupidly gave in to the Nixon-Kissinger pressure, and what could have been the most spectacular military victory in thousands of years turned into a nightmare as the Egyptians were rescued and allowed to claim victory.

All of Israel's current troubles started thanks to Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, yimach shmam vezichram shem reshayim yirkav ימח שמם וזכרם שם רשעים ירקב.

This is my first post. Glad to be here. I agree but someone told me that JTF, JDL, or some other group tied to them actually prefer to not receive foreign aid from America. I don't know if this is true or if you changed your mind since I heard this but on point three you are angry about Nixon not giving arms so I'm confused.

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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2009, 03:08:37 AM »
Nixon's feelings about Jews are well-known and even preserved on tape. He was an anti-Semitic piece of excrement.

- “The government is full of Jews,” Nixon said. “Second, most Jews are disloyal. You know what I mean?

- "The Jews are irreligious, atheistic, immoral bunch of bastards."

Yes, this is true. The government is currently 90% non-Jewish so that is an anti-Semitic remark. The Jews are loyal to America and have played a big role in this nation becoming a technological superpower. 

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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #16 on: October 16, 2009, 03:37:29 AM »
I don't believe Nixon was a foaming at the mouth, rabid anti-Semite.


So although Nixon can never be regarded as a great friend of the Jews, or even if he was an anti-Semite, he did wind up playing an important role in assisting Israel - whatever his motives might have been. Strange how history can work that way.

Or maybe it isn't strange. Maybe it's the hand of HaShem at work.
Muck, great post, I completely agree with you - history is not as simple. Israeli bolsheviks, not Nikson, are to blame for the initial loses simply because they let themselves be pressured. One statement I loved from Nixon, and which applies to anything Israel did, does or will do: "We are going to get blamed just as much for three as for 300." Until Jews get this simple truth, we are going to loose our brothers and sisters, loose information war, loose in courts.
Hayot Araviot Masrihot


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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2009, 08:07:41 AM »
"I don't believe Nixon was a foaming at the mouth, rabid anti-Semite.

I'm quite sure he didn't like Jews as a whole, but I think alot of that was due to the fact that Jews as a whole were regarded (and still are) as leftists and irrevocable supporters of the Democrat party. In all honesty, it's hard to say he was unjustified in feeling that way. After all, groups like JTF are an exception to the rule, and dwarfed in magnitude by the multitude of leftist, self-hating Jewish organizations."

how the hell the fact that many jews in the usa vote for the democrats over him is a good reason not to like em just as any other people living in america?

after all , the jewish vote dont really turn the tide of votes in the usa, its one of the smallest miniorities in the usa ,if not the smallest

and why should the jews need to vote for him , if a democrat canidate was more proisrael then he was?  jews in usa should first do aliyah but if they choose to stay then at least they should vote for what is good for jews, just like an italian should vote for whats good for italians etc.  

all american many peoples do that , so why should he treated them any diffrence (with irrelvance to wheater they should have voted for the democrats or not)

"As far as the YK war goes:

If Nixon did indeed pressure Golda Meir not to launch a pre-emptive strike on the Egyptian islamonazis, "

come on ... of course he did , and they did it back in 67 as well , the only diffrence was , back then , israel didn't care what u.s goverment thougth was right to do  (or to be more precise , THE WHOLE IDF HIGH COMMAND TOLD P.M LEVI ESHKOL THAT HE SHOULD START THE WAR OR ACCEPT THEIR RESIGNATION, to eshkol's credit, it must be said though , that after accepting their ultimatum  and starting the war , he actually closed the phone to the white house begging to stop the war untill they punished syria and conquered the golan as well )

"that does NOT in any way absolve Meir's failure to have Israeli forces at the Suez Canal and the BarLev line on high alert and prepared to repel any Egyptian attempt to cross the canal."

there were some forces , unfurtunatly ,not as much as was needed .

"Israeli intelligence was also caught off guard. Although Meir was warned of Egyptian mobilization and the impending attack, the warning came late and the scope of the attack was underestimated."

in reality , all knew war was imminent ,it was the bad choice of listening to america and care for world opinion instead of common sense , on the part of israeli goverment

"Additionally, the IDF underestimated the capabilities of the Egyptian army to cross the canal and sustain an attack."

you can say their was a euphoria in the high command, but not understimate of the enemy , in fact , as you just mentioned , there was heavy fortifacations , and they even orgenised a plan to set the all canal on fire if the egyptians would try to cross it , which never came into action , unfurtunately

the army was well trained , the only problem was the absence of the majority of the forces from the war zones in the first critical hours

" The huge sand dunes constructed on the eastern side of the canal, which buffered the BarLev line, were thought to be impregnable. The Egyptian use of high pressure water cannons fed from the waters of the canal to dissolve the sand barriers came as a tactical surprise. One of the few examples of Muslims actually having brains."

one exemples of ONE muslim who uses his brains , more accuratley (it was an idea of young military student )

look , we didn't thought the arabs are incapable of thinking , or that they dont know how to fight ... that would be a lie ...  the arabs knew how to fight well

its like when in your own country, majority of the people actually belive that the iraqi's in operation desert storm didn't knew how to fight .... thats wrong , they had good equipment , vaterance , and they trained for years , in the few battles in which american forces actually fougth face to face with iraqi troops , it was a bitter war ... but most people think they were just moving targets because thats how the show was "directed" by the media, and didn't realised the iraqi's was so "weak" because of  electronic warfare screens and under the cover of those ,1000-1500 sorties per weak delivering tons upon tons of bombs over their heads .

we did not underestimate their capabilities , i often correct people who thougth the the arabs did not know how to fight , or thinks it was because they had lack of good equipment /knowlege on how to oparate it  (Which is not true , unlike today , back then , they had better equipment ,and they were heavily trained )

in reality , our g-d helped us , and we destroyed very strong armies , some of the biggest armies the world ever knew ...

"Once Egyptian forces had successfully crossed the canal, the IDF and IAF were once again caught off guard by the effectiveness of the Egyptian attack. The Egyptian attack was better disciplined and more coordinated than one would have anticipated based on thier past performance."

its indeed was a surprise they could carry over so many tanks and troops to the sinai side ... because they 1. deceptively entered more troops without noticing in all the pre-war days 2. used modern soviet crossing bridges that apparentley no one really knew they had (the soviets went out of their way in giving them their best equipment for this one )
(even with this , it should be known that israel had developed its own "crossing bridge"  which was supposed to , IF the actuall amount of forces was all their and
halting  the egyptian attack ,  To allow tanks to move the bridge to the war zones and enter massive forces unto eygpt heartland ... and they even tried to use it to counter attack , But the phase of the war was much quicker then the slow moving of that behemoth steel bridge which was meant to be used as one of the many means thougth of to quickly grant us victory , IF WE WOULD ATTACKED FIRST )

" Most importantly, the protective 'umbrella' that the SAM batteries and TOW anti-tank munitions provided - against Israeli aerial and armored counter attacks - came as a HUGE surprise."

because of american pressure to cease fire and not continue to attack the eygptian forces and their soviet helps , during the war of attrition , WHICH IN FACT , GAVE them the ability to move them all there ,without israeli war planes destroying them before being deployed !

" Israeli armored and aerial counter-assaults to stem the tide and rescue the beseiged forces of the BarLev were thoroughly squashed. "

like i said , it was indeed like fighting the red army itself, they used many top-notch technologies and in great numbers

"The IDF was somewhat slow to adjust to these new battlefield innovations and developments. It was only after the Egyptians (at the behest of Assad and Syria) overextended their attack and left their protective SAM 'umbrella', that Israel was able to reverse the tide of battle."

the only reason for this was , that defeating the syrians was much more urgent Since they were at the gates of the heartland of israel ,while the eygptians were afraid to leave the protection of the sam batteries and were very far away from jewish cities and large pupulations . israel decided that it must concentrate efforts , and doing so , crushed the syrian attack(hence "reverse the tide of battle" , and only because of that the eygptian were so pressured to bring their own dustruction , because the eygptians was to be targeted soon after either way

in reality , it was the fact that israel actually entered through bloody battles and crossed the canal , when those sams were destroyed , Then when actually the eygptians really lost the war , cause from there on , they were sitting ducks for the iaf , and eventually , beseiged at their strongest point , And humilated by an advancing israeli army into their heartland (which caused the dismissal of their cheif of armed forces)

" By that time many Israeli tanks and planes had been destroyed and Jewish soldiers lost."

in the first day of the war , the egyptians only faced basically 436 soldirs ,56 tanks of the 14 hativa and 7 artilliery batteries (compared to their 5 infantry devisions and two field armies including 1700 tanks and 2000 artillery cannons , supported by many sams )  
the first days of the war were indeed hard , but it should be noted , that a "defence" line was achieved , the extent of the egyptian forces crossing the canal and the sams was not known , that is what caused those losses in the first days

"The US airlift was crucial to replenish exhausted supplies and sustain Israel's fighting ability. It's importance should not be diminished, and Jews should be thankful it arrived. "

No one is saying that this precioues ammu's wasn't needed , However , we did have an alternative ... the americans did not want to give it at first , and kissinger went out of his way to keep it that way . make no mistake , if this wasn't sent , either we would get some elsewhere (we're talking about ammunition mainly, usa refused to give israel tanks , and i am not sure if new war planes was given in that time, +israel managaed already to build many israeli planes called nesher besides the american planes we used) and do whatever possible with what we manufactured ourselvs back then , and if that wasn't enough , we would have used nuclear and chimical weapons

"The airlift came quickly"
not true at all , they stalled it (some say untill the point israel started arming nukes)

" and it was huge. "

indeed , when it finally came

"Nixon undoubtably played a large role in making that happen. "

nixon only played a large role in stoping the stall of kissinger when it was crystal clear to the americans they do wanne do this

the egyptians and syrians did not have that problem , because the russians and the entire arab world (and even n.korea) supported them with cash and arms in a huge airlift of their own !

"No, Nixon didn't help save Israel out of a love for the Jewish State or the Jewish people."

unless he went and fougth himself , i wouldn't call that saving ,like i said , in many of those battle's , no "magic weapons" would do any diffrence , only strong will to win, bravery , and secreifise ...
and like i said , we had other alternatives

and with all due respact i am not sure how aware most americans including you , to the how big was the extent of the israeli role in bringing the soviet union down eventually

we should have recieved those arms much sooner , soley by that fact ... we helped the americans much more then their leaders were willing to admit , and most of what they knew of soviet tech , came from us , most of what their (and the british ,french and other westren) intelligence knew of russian codes and communication , even blunt intilligence recived due to the many spys israel had in the ussr ... came from us

in a way , the american goverment and military owed us those arms , and failed to deliver them when it was most needed because of lack of intrest , EVEN THOUGH THIS  WAS IN THE FIRST PLACE THE PRODUCT THEIR REQUEST of the israeli goverment not to attack first !  and even then , when they took the right decsion ...they still stalled

AND AS FAR AS I UNDERSTAND , if it was up to nixon , he would never sent it , the only reason he did , was because of the pressure he recived from u.s politicians who tried to make him realize what is at stake , yet he failed to listen for days !

" Rather, he did so because he viewed the Egyptians as a proxy of the USSR and was fearful of the negative geo-political ramifications an Israeli defeat would have for America in the Mideast and worldwide. "

the fact he didn't mind the russians entering the region in the first place in the war of attrition , just shows you how much he was willing to go in neglecting american intrests

"The YK war ended with the Egyptian 3rd army surrounded, on the brink of annihilation. The Soviets were threatening unilateral intervention if Israel didn't stop and Nixon responded by putting US forces worldwide on the highest possible alert. Too bad Israel didn't finish the job anyway. "

that is true that the u.s forces would be thrown to a war against the ussr , if it would go down that way ,  But you should know that if ussr attacked israel , their big cities was all leveled by nukes and the rest was chimically exposed by ballistic missiles who could get there (and we did have missiles capable of getting there , mainly , for dealing with that type of treat )

and the only time the ussr dared fighting the israeli's and intervine back in the war of attrition , their humilation was great

"So although Nixon can never be regarded as a great friend of the Jews, or even if he was an anti-Semite, he did wind up playing an important role in assisting Israel "

us airlift was importent ,  i'm not sure if nixon deserve the credit for it. he was against it

" whatever his motives might have been. Strange how history can work that way."

his motives was to save the arab world from total destruction (it only takes about 50-60 nukes ....because of the way the arab pupilated area's are constructed )

"Or maybe it isn't strange. Maybe it's the hand of HaShem at work."

the hand of g-d was there either way

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2009, 02:48:54 PM »
No one "saves" Israel except for Hashem.   Nixon was the one who bullied Golda Meir into NOT pre-emptively attacking the Arabs first (like we had done in 67) when she knew they were going to make war (just didn't know when exactly).   This caused hundreds of deaths when the enemy instead took US by surprise and invaded on Yom Kippur.    Nixon had threatened to revoke US "support" of Israel if Meir attacked first.   Screw him.

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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2009, 02:56:27 PM »
That SLIME GW FORCING our people- OVER 10,000 to leave their homes, and just give it to the Moslem murdering butchers. <

Actually Sharon came up with that gem of an idea.  Supposedly Bush's first reaction to the plan was negative.  Not that Bush was some kind of hero but I think he had trouble seeing how this was to anyone's benefit.

Yes it was sharon's idiot idea, although it was promoted by other Israeli politicians before him (like his opponent in the PM election).   Once Israel decides what it wants to do with regards to the Fakestinians, the US then pressures them to do it and do it now.   Because the US public/media expects that of the US president.   I believe Israel could decide on a different course and the tune from the US would change.   At the same time, even if Bush didn't see it as a great idea, his cronies did.   And the president's cronies are always involved.

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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2009, 02:58:45 PM »

1. Israel did not strike first in the 1973 Yom Kippur War even though she knew that the Egyptians and Syrians were planning to attack. In the 1967 Six Day War, Israel struck first preemptively and won a breathtaking miraculous victory on all fronts. But in 1973, Israel did not strike first. So Israel had to absorb the terrible blow of the combined Egyptian-Syrian attack. Why? Because the Jew-hater Richard Nixon and his self-hating Jewish Secretary of State Henry Kissinger pressured Israel not to strike first. Kissinger told Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, "If you strike first, there won't be a dogcatcher who will support you".

2. In 1967, Israel's air force destroyed huge portions of the Egyptian and Syrian military. In 1973, it was difficult for Israel's air force to attack effectively because of the extremely dense cluster of Soviet SAM anti-aircraft missiles that fired at Israeli jets. Many Israeli jets and their pilots were lost because of the Soviet missiles. Why were there Soviet missiles in Egypt? Because the Jew-hater Nixon pressured Israel in 1970 to accept a one-sided ceasefire in the "War of Attrition" which enabled the Soviets to place missiles in Egypt.

3. Nixon and Kissinger refused to send arms to Israel during the first 10 days of the Yom Kippur War when Israel desperately needed them. Only after Israel miraculously turned the tide in the war and starting winning despite the shortage of arms did the Nixon-Kissinger administration start shipping weapons to the Jewish state. And that was only because of massive Congressional pressure on Nixon to arm Israel - in those days, Israel was extremely popular in the Congress. But in the first 10 days of the war when Israel desperately needed the weapons, Nixon and Kissinger refused to send them.

4. At the end, Israel was on the verge of winning an even more miraculous victory in 1973 than the victory of the 1967 Six Day War. The Israeli army surrounded a huge segment of the Egyptian army and could have destroyed or captured tens of thousands of Egyptian soldiers and could have also destroyed or captured most of Egypt's advanced weaponry. But just as Israel was about to win the greatest triumph in her history, Nixon and Kissinger demanded an immediate ceasefire to save the invading Egyptian soldiers from destruction or humiliating capture. Israel again stupidly gave in to the Nixon-Kissinger pressure, and what could have been the most spectacular military victory in thousands of years turned into a nightmare as the Egyptians were rescued and allowed to claim victory.

All of Israel's current troubles started thanks to Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, yimach shmam vezichram shem reshayim yirkav ימח שמם וזכרם שם רשעים ירקב.

This is my first post. Glad to be here. I agree but someone told me that JTF, JDL, or some other group tied to them actually prefer to not receive foreign aid from America. I don't know if this is true or if you changed your mind since I heard this but on point three you are angry about Nixon not giving arms so I'm confused.

There is a difference between a yearly "stipend" of stifling military contracts and indebtedness (Israel "indebted" to US) vs. when an all-out war breaks out from a surprise invasion and a hurting army needs some supplies for help to fend off the enemy.

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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2009, 03:01:39 PM »
"I don't believe Nixon was a foaming at the mouth, rabid anti-Semite.

I'm quite sure he didn't like Jews as a whole, but I think alot of that was due to the fact that Jews as a whole were regarded (and still are) as leftists and irrevocable supporters of the Democrat party. In all honesty, it's hard to say he was unjustified in feeling that way. After all, groups like JTF are an exception to the rule, and dwarfed in magnitude by the multitude of leftist, self-hating Jewish organizations."

how the hell the fact that many jews in the usa vote for the democrats over him is a good reason not to like em just as any other people living in america?

Yes you summed it up exactly.   There is reason for some Jews to dislike the fact that other Jews are liberals and selfhating, etc.   But there is NOT reason for a president to hate Jews on the basis that they "vote Democrat."   Half the country votes democrat.  These people are making excuses for someone they like (or want to like) because he's Republican.

At the same time, the blame really lies with Golda Meir, but that does not excuse the US for what they did.

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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2009, 03:13:09 PM »
Nixon svaed Israel? Oh please. We haven't had a pro-Israel president since Israel's creation!!!
Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2009, 06:32:54 PM »
Nixon svaed Israel? Oh please. We haven't had a pro-Israel president since Israel's creation!!!

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Re: How Richard Nixon Saved Israel But Got No Credit
« Reply #24 on: October 18, 2009, 08:05:06 AM »
Nixon svaed Israel? Oh please. We haven't had a pro-Israel president since Israel's creation!!!

EXACTLY! All of these Presidents have brought G-ds WRATH on OUR nation, by NOT supporting Israel.
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