Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Serbian music
--- Quote from: Spectator on November 15, 2009, 09:53:42 AM ---What do you think of this song? I liked it :)
It sounds like something from 1970-ies, so it is certainly a Yugoslav song. But as far as understand, it is just a nostalgic song that have nothing to do with praising "bratstvo i jedinstvo".
--- End quote ---
Yes...It's from the `80s as I recall.Zdravko Colic is one of the most famous and the most popular Serbian singers for almost 3 decades.
"Moonlight" ;D
;D ;D ;D
Kosovskii Bozuri-Djenerale
"Ђенерале, ђенерале нек' је твојој мајци хвала што јунака родила је да се српству врати слава"
"General, general, gratitude to your mother for giving birth to the hero who restored Serbian glory"
I wonder who are these "bande arnautske"? Albanians?
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