Author Topic: Hello Serbian Friends  (Read 42579 times)

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #25 on: November 12, 2009, 05:59:55 AM »
Thank you for the welcome..  I know some basic Serbian phrases, but I am using a translator for the conversations.  However, the translation tools help me learn a bit.  I am planning on learnign Russian soon , as many Jews still speak Russian.  I hope that can help aid me in learning Serbian, proficiently.  WOw, I am happy to meet a Serbian who speaks fluent Hebrew.  My Ivrit is not the greatest.  I am ashamed. 

Welcome brother. If you have some questions on Russian, ask me. Russian is my mother tongue :)

But you are right, Jews should speak Hebrew. I hope the all the Jews who are still in exile will come to Israel soon! 
Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #26 on: November 12, 2009, 06:00:10 AM »
Thank you for the welcome..  I know some basic Serbian phrases, but I am using a translator for the conversations.  However, the translation tools help me learn a bit.  I am planning on learning Russian soon , as many Jews still speak Russian.  I hope that can help aid me in learning Serbian, proficiently.  WOw, I am happy to meet a Serbian who speaks fluent Hebrew.  My Ivrit is not the greatest.  I am ashamed, but I will become more proficient in Hebrew soon.  I have to relearn the Hebrew alphabet, it has been so long since i studied it.
LOL, my mistake
Did you say you learn Serbian, or is someone translating for you? I'm learning Hebrew:)
I'm not fluent, but improving.

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #27 on: November 12, 2009, 06:05:40 AM »
Thank you for the welcome..  I know some basic Serbian phrases, but I am using a translator for the conversations.  However, the translation tools help me learn a bit.  I am planning on learning Russian soon , as many Jews still speak Russian.  I hope that can help aid me in learning Serbian, proficiently.  WOw, I am happy to meet a Serbian who speaks fluent Hebrew.  My Ivrit is not the greatest.  I am ashamed, but I will become more proficient in Hebrew soon.  I have to relearn the Hebrew alphabet, it has been so long since i studied it.
LOL, my mistake
Did you say you learn Serbian, or is someone translating for you? I'm learning Hebrew:)
I'm not fluent, but improving.

נעים לשמוע שמשהו לומד עברית בסרביה :) זה ממש נס ששפה שלא דיברו בה 2000 שנה קמה לתחייה

Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #28 on: November 12, 2009, 06:17:16 AM »
Thank you for the welcome..  I know some basic Serbian phrases, but I am using a translator for the conversations.  However, the translation tools help me learn a bit.  I am planning on learning Russian soon , as many Jews still speak Russian.  I hope that can help aid me in learning Serbian, proficiently.  WOw, I am happy to meet a Serbian who speaks fluent Hebrew.  My Ivrit is not the greatest.  I am ashamed, but I will become more proficient in Hebrew soon.  I have to relearn the Hebrew alphabet, it has been so long since i studied it.
LOL, my mistake
Did you say you learn Serbian, or is someone translating for you? I'm learning Hebrew:)
I'm not fluent, but improving.

נעים לשמוע שמשהו לומד עברית בסרביה :) זה ממש נס ששפה שלא דיברו בה 2000 שנה קמה לתחייה

It really is a miracle. That alone is the proof that God exists.

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #29 on: November 12, 2009, 06:27:12 AM »
Thank you for the welcome..  I know some basic Serbian phrases, but I am using a translator for the conversations.  However, the translation tools help me learn a bit.  I am planning on learning Russian soon , as many Jews still speak Russian.  I hope that can help aid me in learning Serbian, proficiently.  WOw, I am happy to meet a Serbian who speaks fluent Hebrew.  My Ivrit is not the greatest.  I am ashamed, but I will become more proficient in Hebrew soon.  I have to relearn the Hebrew alphabet, it has been so long since i studied it.
LOL, my mistake
Did you say you learn Serbian, or is someone translating for you? I'm learning Hebrew:)
I'm not fluent, but improving.

נעים לשמוע שמשהו לומד עברית בסרביה :) זה ממש נס ששפה שלא דיברו בה 2000 שנה קמה לתחייה

It really is a miracle. That alone is the proof that G-d exists.

Ти си у праву. G-d certainly exists. May G-d help us keep our countries according to our traditions and not to give in to aggressive foreign influence.
Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)

Offline Kerber

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #30 on: November 12, 2009, 11:29:37 AM »

Thank you for your support,You are welcomed in Serbia,and I fully agree that Israel is the ally of Serbia and it is going to be the case in the future probably even more,but both countries must be liberated first.Serbia needs to clean its self from deadly poison of pro EU,liberal,pagan,anti God/anti life politics and Israel have to stop leading the politics of "let's be friends with our hidden enemies and close our eyes in order to be the friend of the (demonized)World".Those who are friends of the (satan led)World can't be in "good relations" with our Creator and His laws.Those are main problems of Israel and Serbia,probably much more of Serbia since religious Jews invest much more in big, strong and moral families than today's Serbs who  are declaring as being Orthodox but allowing its kids to be demonized through harlotry,alcohol,smoking,unhealthy food and other aspects of  "modern" World(although those kinds of drugs are not "modern",they are revived from destroyed Babylon).


Everyone should know that Serbian Radical Party in Serbia(not member of the forum,but the political party) is a patriot party.But,they are far away from being perfect.They are fooled and diseased with the belief that the "zionists are ruling the World" and those "zionists" would be Soros,Madeleine Albright,Rockefellers and others who contributed to the occupation of Serbia.
This is a common,general, world wide spread belief and unfortunately it had hit the Radical Party in Serbia.That is one of the reasons why they support independent "Palestine" and they believe that this land really belongs to Arabs and that Jews are the occupiers in that region.
In the beginning of the `90s the leader of that party thought that American and EU(in those times EC-European Community) economical and law systems are the models for Serbia in order to remove anti-Serbian(anti religious) communist/socialist order.
Today,that isn't the fact any more.The leader of the party have changed its views and as he said in the Hague Tribunal he is against EU and Serbian integrations to it.Also,today he thinks that USA is the biggest enemy to Serbia and to the World as well.

If Seselj as a leader of Radical Party had changed its views(which are partially correct,since he doesn't know the background of representing the criminals of Jewish ethnicity as "Zionists",nor he does understand who controls USA),it's possible to change views toward "Palestine" and the falls belief that the "Jews are ruling the World",but the needed information can't come just like that.It's not easy,our media are in full control of the enemy(of Serbia and Israel,too),our Church is led by ecumenists and there is no one to rise the voice.

Knowing those facts considering Radical Party ,it is understandable why member SRP presents certain views.

Offline Serbian_Radical_Party

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #31 on: November 12, 2009, 11:46:10 AM »
Thank you for warning me..  Sad that trolls have to penetrate the JTF site, but that is the nature of the chaotic world we live.  I guess due to the vague response from Serb Radical Party, I will have to raise my eyebrows to this fellow.

It seems that I do not have to explain anything.
You already pulled your conclusions regarding me.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2009, 11:58:12 AM by Serbian_Radical_Party »

Offline Serbian_Radical_Party

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #32 on: November 12, 2009, 11:52:12 AM »
At the same time, he seemed to have time to accuse me of  "being anti-Russian", "lying", etc. He is just afraid to say what he really thinks.

Don't think that all Serbs think so about our State of Israel.

I never said to you that I do not recognize Israel. You are again proving that you do not know what your are saying.

I saw some of your comments regarding Russia which sound very, very Russia-phobic. You accused Russia for attacking a pro-NATO regime which intended to cleanse people. Everybody knows that Russia was obligated to protect people in Georgia, so that sounds pretty Russia-phobic to me.

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #33 on: November 12, 2009, 11:56:36 AM »
Everyone should know that Serbian Radical Party in Serbia(not member of the forum,but the political party) is a patriot party.But,they are far away from being perfect.They are fooled and diseased with the belief that the "zionists are ruling the World" and those "zionists" would be Soros,Madeleine Albright,Rockefellers and others who contributed to the occupation of Serbia.
This is a common,general, world wide spread belief and unfortunately it had hit the Radical Party in Serbia.That is one of the reasons why they support independent "Palestine" and they believe that this land really belongs to Arabs and that Jews are the occupiers in that region.

Serbian Radical Party is nutreal in this case.

If you claim that Serbian Radical Party supports the establishment of an Islamic state in the Holy land, than you need to shake your head  :o

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #34 on: November 12, 2009, 12:02:27 PM »
Everyone should know that Serbian Radical Party in Serbia(not member of the forum,but the political party) is a patriot party.But,they are far away from being perfect.They are fooled and diseased with the belief that the "zionists are ruling the World" and those "zionists" would be Soros,Madeleine Albright,Rockefellers and others who contributed to the occupation of Serbia.
This is a common,general, world wide spread belief and unfortunately it had hit the Radical Party in Serbia.That is one of the reasons why they support independent "Palestine" and they believe that this land really belongs to Arabs and that Jews are the occupiers in that region.

Serbian Radical Party is nutreal in this case.

If you claim that Serbian Radical Party supports the establishment of an Islamic state in the Holy land, than you need to shake your head  :o
SRP, don't force me to humiliate you here and show the statement of your party during the Gaza war.

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #35 on: November 12, 2009, 12:03:44 PM »
I did not see any statement of SRS regarding Gaza?

Offline Kerber

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #36 on: November 12, 2009, 12:05:28 PM »
Everyone should know that Serbian Radical Party in Serbia(not member of the forum,but the political party) is a patriot party.But,they are far away from being perfect.They are fooled and diseased with the belief that the "zionists are ruling the World" and those "zionists" would be Soros,Madeleine Albright,Rockefellers and others who contributed to the occupation of Serbia.
This is a common,general, world wide spread belief and unfortunately it had hit the Radical Party in Serbia.That is one of the reasons why they support independent "Palestine" and they believe that this land really belongs to Arabs and that Jews are the occupiers in that region.

Serbian Radical Party is nutreal in this case.

If you claim that Serbian Radical Party supports the establishment of an Islamic state in the Holy land, than you need to shake your head  :o
It seems that you don't know the official public views of the party whose name you are using.
Serbian Radical Party officially supports independence of "Palestine" and if you watch our our parliament ,than you could heard numerous times that the members of Radical Party stated those views in our parliament.
That's not nonsense,that's the truth.

During the military action of Israeli Army in Gaza,they claimed that the Jewish state is making a crime in that area and that they are the occupiers.That's the truth.

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #37 on: November 12, 2009, 12:07:31 PM »
Srpska radikalna stranka (SRS) najoštrije je osudila izraelsku kopnenu ofanzivu na pojas Gaze u kojoj je stradao velik broj palestinskih civila.

"SRS ukazuje na licemerje Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, koje su u Savetu bezbednosti UN sprečile usvajanje rezolucije o prekidu vatre i zaustavljanju agresije u kojoj Izrael ubija civile i uništava infrastrukturu, bombarduje bolnice, čak i sveta mesta", navodi se u saopštenju.

Ta stranka osuđuje stav Evropske unije, koja smatra da je ta agresija odbrambenog karaktera navodeći da Povelja Ujedinjenih nacija nedvosmisleno dozvoljava svaku vrstu otpora okupaciji, uključujući i vojni otpor koji pruža palestinski narod. SRS u saopštenju naglašava da se trajan i pravedan mir na Bliskom istoku ne može rešiti silom i da bi jedino rešenje za to da Izrael okonča svoju okupaciju Palestine i ostale arapske teritorije bilo uspostavljanje nezavisne palestinske države.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2009, 12:16:26 PM by voo-yo »

Offline Serbian_Radical_Party

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #38 on: November 12, 2009, 12:14:22 PM »
Look Israel is allowed to use military force in order to protect its territories.
The US and the EU will not prosecute Israel if the Israeli army starts a military offensive. On the other hand, Serbia has been bombed, occupied and its leaders are prosecuted. This all because Serbian leaders tried to protect the Serbian territories.

Maybe some members of SRS are jealous on Israel, because Israel is allowed to have millitary operations and is not prosecuted like Serbia. This does not mean that all the members of the Serbian Radical Party think like that.

Within the Serbian Radical Party you have also people who support Israel.
Ok, some members support Palestine, but that's because of frustration and anti-Americanism. You have also a third category within the Serbian Radical Party which is nutreal. The opinions are divided within the party.

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #39 on: November 12, 2009, 12:18:01 PM »
Look Israel is allowed to use military force in order to protect its territories.
The US and the EU will not prosecute Israel if the Israeli army starts a military offensive. On the other hand, Serbia has been bombed, occupied and its leaders are prosecuted. This all because Serbian leaders tried to protect the Serbian territories.

Maybe some members of SRS are jealous on Israel, because Israel is not prosecuted like Serbia. This does not mean that all the members of the Serbian Radical Party think like that.

Within the Serbian Radical Party you have also people who support Israel.
Ok, some members support Palestine, but that's because of frustration and anti-Americanism. You have also a third category within the Serbian Radical Party which is nutreal. The opinions are divided within the party.
Opinions can be divided, but we know the official position of your party.

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #40 on: November 12, 2009, 12:22:23 PM »
Serbian Radical Party is the only anti-globalist party of Serbia and the only party that is promoting the idea of Greater-Serbia. If you support Israel, than you can enter the Serbian Radical Party.

I guess that you Voojoo do not see the other positive aspects of this party.
Nobody is forcing you to support Palestine. You can support Israel and be a member of Serbian Radical Party. Nobody will expel you from the party if you support Israel.
I guess that subject is not even important within the party. 

Offline Kerber

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #41 on: November 12, 2009, 12:32:08 PM »
Look Israel is allowed to use military force in order to protect its territories.
The US and the EU will not prosecute Israel if the Israeli army starts a military offensive. On the other hand, Serbia has been bombed, occupied and its leaders are prosecuted. This all because Serbian leaders tried to protect the Serbian territories.

Maybe some members of SRS are jealous on Israel, because Israel is not prosecuted like Serbia. This does not mean that all the members of the Serbian Radical Party think like that.

Within the Serbian Radical Party you have also people who support Israel.
Ok, some members support Palestine, but that's because of frustration and anti-Americanism. You have also a third category within the Serbian Radical Party which is nutreal. The opinions are divided within the party.
Well,the official opinion of the Party is against Israel in the case of Palestine ,aka pro Arab.That's the truth.

But,it's also the truth that the party is not antisemitic in general.I know it,because I know a lot of members from Radical Party,and it is the truth that opinions are divided.But,we must tell what's the official party view toward the "Palestinian case".The influence of the "Serbs of Muhammadan faith"(as the Muslim Serbs calls them selves in Radical Party) is big.Some of them are in the parliament and they do not fancy Israeli fight for its territory.

For example,Sulejman Spaho is islamized Serb ,a member of SRP and our parliament.I have nothing against him.But,you can imagine what he thinks of Israel as he is instructed in Islamic teachings toward the Jews.

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #42 on: November 12, 2009, 12:36:55 PM »
Ok Serbian Radical Party is not a Zionist organization, but you exaggerate many thinks. You recognize that the opinions are divided within the party, so stop with these stories and conspiracies.

Offline Kerber

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #43 on: November 12, 2009, 12:41:01 PM »
Ok Serbian Radical Party is not a Zionist organization, but you exaggerate many thinks. You recognize that the opinions are divided within the party, so stop with these stories and conspiracies.

But the dominant thought in top of the Party is on the side of Arabs.That's not "conspiracy".All SRP members in the national parliament support the independence of Palestine led by the belief that USA and EU supports Israel against Arabs.That's not conspiracy,and you've picked up some of the thoughts.

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #44 on: November 12, 2009, 12:41:14 PM »
But,we must tell what's the official party view toward the "Palestinian case".The influence of the "Serbs of Muhammadan faith"(as the Muslim Serbs calls them selves in Radical Party) is big.Some of them are in the parliament and they do not fancy Israeli fight for its territory.

Nonsence. What will be your next stap? Are you claiming Muslims control policy of SRS?  ;D

You have no idea my dear Kerber..
« Last Edit: November 12, 2009, 12:46:17 PM by Serbian_Radical_Party »

Offline Serbian_Radical_Party

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #45 on: November 12, 2009, 12:45:56 PM »
But the dominant thought in top of the Party is on the side of Arabs.That's not "conspiracy".

But they do not force you to support Palestine!
Btw, that not relevant to me. SRS is the only party which promotes the idea of Greater-Serbia, that is relevant.

Which party do you support? DS?

Offline Kerber

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #46 on: November 12, 2009, 12:46:08 PM »
But,we must tell what's the official party view toward the "Palestinian case".The influence of the "Serbs of Muhammadan faith"(as the Muslim Serbs calls them selves in Radical Party) is big.Some of them are in the parliament and they do not fancy Israeli fight for its territory.

Nonsence. What will be your next stap? Are you claiming Muslim control foreign policy of SRS?  ;D

You have no idea my dear Kerber..
Tell me,what's the nationality of the Muslim in our parliament who is not Serbian at all and he is a member of SRP?

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #47 on: November 12, 2009, 12:46:48 PM »
Why don't you give us reasons for SRS support of Arabs? Why was Seselj in Irak with Sadam?

Offline Kerber

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #48 on: November 12, 2009, 12:47:24 PM »
But the dominant thought in top of the Party is on the side of Arabs.That's not "conspiracy".

But they do not force you to support Palestine!
Btw, that not relevant to me. SRS is the only party which promotes the idea of Greater-Serbia, that is relevant.

Which party do you support? DS?
DS? No...I'm against EU regime(DS).I won't vote at all.Probably not.

Offline Serbian_Radical_Party

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Re: Hello Serbian Friends
« Reply #49 on: November 12, 2009, 12:48:51 PM »
Why don't you give us reasons for SRS support of Arabs? Why was Seselj in Irak with Sadam?

You guys really think that I support SRS because they support Palestine?
No! I support SRS because they are anti-globalistic and promote Greater-Serbia.