The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

The 'Holy Father' does something right for a change

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I alternatively say that all muslims are innocent. I would say that it is Islam itself at fault, not the individuals.

Fukken Islam aint at fault but the fukken arabs are? THAT is what I havelearned to expect from you, rhuan,  You would say those nice Christian Boys that Highjacked 4 apriplanes on 91101 and hit 3 of their targets, and a bunch of moslems forced the fourth one to crash land in Pennsylvania. Which DOES BTW remind me of something I said once. I wish just one time an American, Jew, Christian, (or the like) would highjack a raghead airliner and slam it into a skyscraper in the middle of downtown tehran. (IF there are any there) . WOULDNT THATA BE GREAT? Or that a Judaeo Christian SUicide Bomber would blow himself up in a crowded raghead neighbor hood? THAT  would be great too.

You've got it totally backwards, Islam is evil I just think that the people themselves are not really at fault, they are brainwashed.


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