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Ask Lisa
Thank you, Lisa.
--- Quote from: Lisa on February 14, 2010, 08:56:56 AM ---Hi Mishmaat,
Great questions.
Halloween originated from the pagan Druid holiday (for lack of a better word) called Samhain. Here's some background on Samhain, which later became All Saints Day, or All Souls Day:
Valentine's day is a Christian holiday of course.
Now does your girlfriend know you're a religious Jew?
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Oh she definitely knows that I'm a religious Jew. I wear a knitted kippah all the time. She's been to my place on numerous occasions. In the hallway leading into my room I've adorned the walls with framed photos of Rabbi Kahane and the Rebbe. My bookshelf is filled with religious material. She's seen all of this.
--- Quote from: Lisa on February 14, 2010, 08:56:56 AM ---How did you meet her?
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Initially at my old job. How we hooked up though is a whole different story and quite interesting in and of itself.
--- Quote from: Lisa on February 14, 2010, 08:56:56 AM ---How long have the two of you been together?
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Well over a year now.
--- Quote from: Lisa on February 14, 2010, 08:56:56 AM ---I take it she's not religious? I'm no expert on relationships, but maybe you should sit her down and explain what Halloween really is.
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Unfortunately, she's more of a "cultural" Jew than a religious one. Both of her parents speak Hebrew fluently and she's also fluent in Hebrew. I'll try to bring up the origins of these holidays to her.
--- Quote from: Lisa on February 14, 2010, 08:56:56 AM ---Do you have plans with her for today or tonight?
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Hopefully we're going to go out to dinner tonight.
--- Quote from: Lisa on February 14, 2010, 08:56:56 AM ---What do you two normally like to do for fun?
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She's a frequent guest at my place. ;D We do a lot of channel surfing together and she's got me into playing video games again. We also enjoy shopping or window shopping and going out to different restaurants.
--- Quote from: Lisa on February 14, 2010, 08:56:56 AM ---Why don't you just make a plan to do something she normally enjoys, so you can avoid the flowers and chocolates?
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I know. I was racking my brain earlier thinking of things and that was my logical conclusion. I'm just sitting here waiting for her to return my text message.
--- Quote from: Lisa on February 14, 2010, 08:56:56 AM ---In terms of Jews in the Galut who celebrate holidays that have pagan origins, I think they need to be educated. It's not enough to say "No don't do it.'' They need to understand why. On the other hand, many secular Jews will not be swayed. They'll say "Well it may have originally been a pagan holiday, but now it's secular. So what's the big deal?" After all, these are the people who voted for Obama.
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Quite true.
Hi Yimach,
It was originally Great Britain that decided that Jordan should bejudenrein. The anti-semitic Jordanians, most of whom consider themselves fakestinians decided to keep that law. Here's a link to check out:
Hi Mishmaat,
Has your girlfriend been dropping hints for you to buy her a Valentine's day gift?
You have to keep your ground. The fact of the matter is, no man can change a woman and vice versa. Your girlfriend has to accept you as you are. In the long run, you'll get more respect for standing your ground.
Why not just buy her a card/gift/flowers? I think that's the easier solution. Or buy her a gift the day after. People like to know they are appreciated and participating in these ridiculous 'holidays' seems to communicate that. I'm for making life easy when it can be. I am sure G-d knows that you are not actively participating in this pseudo 'holiday' for any of the religious reasons which no one knows.
Or if your participation in it is problematic for you, then make your own celebration for her a week prior or a week after, this way she will know that you are thinking of her, and at the same time, you are following what is the letter of the Law. I don't know, what do you think?
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