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Adam was a prophet?


--- Quote from: ~Hanna~ on December 20, 2009, 03:08:01 AM ---Adam was a prophet?

--- End quote ---
If prophet means someone who communicates with God then he was.

Hi Lisa

Can I ask about 2 personalities. What you think about them. Jesus . Jesus was a jew but then I get it he diverted from judaism maybe and became sort of a renegade? is he hated ? why is he hated ? a self hating jew ? a traitor? how is he seen by the jews.

and the 2nd personailty winston churchill.

Hello Futuramark,

Sorry for the delay in answering your question. 

I don't really think anything about Jesus one way or the other.  I know he was a Sabbath keeping pork abstaining Jew.  As I understand it, (since I never read the New Testament), Jesus's first followers were Jews, and Christianity started as another sect of Judaism.  If I'm wrong, others are free to correct me.  However, the two religions separated long ago, due to differences which we all know about here. 

If you want more details, I suggest you download the previous Ask JTF show where Chaim discusses at length the differences between Judaism and Christianity, and how they view G-d.,40935.msg406598.html#msg406598

As for my personal experiences attending an Orthodox Synagogue as a child, I don't remember Jesus ever being mentioned or discussed.  The only time was once in Hebrew school where the rabbi said that the Romans killed Jesus as opposed to the Jews.  The focus in the Synagogues is just on Jewish prayers, etc. 

As for Winston Churchill, I'm a little rusty on my history. I suppose he was better than that Neville Chamberlain.  He seemed to be a good war time prime minister.  However, I obviously have a problem with the fact that the British blocaded Palestine during the Holocaust, basically ensuring their deaths at the hands of the Nazis.  Also, the British air force did not bomb the rail lines leading to the concentration camps, which they could have done.  On the other hand, the Americans could have done it, but chose not to.  (I actually read a comment on a blog saying that America had an agreement with Saudi Barbaria not to bomb those rail lines in exchange for the free flow of Saudi oil.)

As I understand it, by giving the Jews that tiny bit of land, they assumed and hoped that the Arab scum would make quick work of the Jews, which they fortunately did not do.  I also read of how the Arabs would commit pogroms against the Jewish population, and how the British would disarm (or attempt to disarm) the Jews as a result. 

Anyway, I did a web search and found something about how Churchill wrote about Jews being partially responsible for anti-semitism.

Hope that answers your question.


Yes Lisa that is why I asked becuase Churchill was anti semite also...maybe he was influenced by the anti semite literature all thru the years in britain. He was even more aggressive when it came to who knows maybe he was a war monger and loved to find scapegoats. Surely he was better than the cowardly Chamberlain. I also find it interesting that the british places the jews right next to the muslims and that was a grave mistake in my opinion. I'm not saying Israel should never have happened but maybe it was not the right place, it could have been intentional to clash jews and muslims against each other. Who knows. The root of the problem is Jerusalem. Both religions wat that land muslims and jews and willing to fight for it. At least christians have given up on the land.
Thanks for your answer just wanted to get your perspective.


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