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--- Quote from: futuramark on December 22, 2009, 06:11:21 PM ---Np Lisa. Regarding Jesus I think jewish people should be less aggresive in his regards if they ever want to unite with christians. As a christian it obviously offends me when I hear jews saying Jesus was a dog yes we killed him we enjoyed it bla bla bla. It doesn't serve any purpose other than divide them more. And I'm not a religious person but one should respect someone else's faith if they want unity between them.

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What is the problem if you are not religious??  The Jewish people and the Christian people get along fine here. This is a JEWISH forum, btw. 
Do you realize WHY Jews may not be very keen on some Christians?? Do you know WHY you just brought that up? I do. You read things from anti-semitic websites.

I will tell you WHY Jews are distrustful;
Portugal-1492-modern day 1920's Forced indoctrinations. Spainish Inquisition, burning them to the ground, the Bolshevik revolt, and how it affected Torah/Jews, they were slaughtered ALONG with Christians, and thrown out of their lands by "Christians" that dont seem to like following their OWN book, that is SUPPOSED to be a book of love.
 Hitlers 1930's, beatings, Burning Rabbis Beards, a most holy thing,  persecutions of the worst sort, thrown into the gas chambers, being though of as nothing more than JUDEN RAT. MURDERED HORRIFICALLY just for being born a JEW.

This was all done in the NAME of "Christianity". YES, we had MANY Christians that came in to bat for the Jewish people, but COME ON.

The Jewish people, once in a BLUE moon get upset, hurt, and feel degraded, and they say a little something wrong about Christians and it is O----MYYYY-----GGGGGGGGGGGGGG--------------DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 
WE ARE NOT THE ONES THAT ARE COMING AGAINST CHRISTIANS - that is the ACLU, the ADL, may they burn forever.

Your real fight is with left wing Jews that are the scum of the earth, imo.

So, dont come here and rant about boo hoo, the Jews SAID this little thing about Christians.

  The people here, on THIS forum that read their book are EXCELLENT, and practice what they preach- they LOVE us, we LOVE them, and will DIE for them if we have to.  I AM SICK AND TIRED OF OUR PEOPLE TAKING A DAMNED BEATING!!! So dont go there, sir.

i dont have any 3 reason . I have one reason.  I am not anti semitic.
Just like jews are cautious with christians...christians are also cautious wth jews. I gave you the reasons given to me by anti semitic people. Yes I happened to talk to anti semitic people, so I'm guilty in that regards . I did not say that I agreed with them. But if you want to shoot the messenger go ahead ban me I've had enough of being accused for nothing. bye

Do you have any cute furry animals?


--- Quote from: futuramark on December 22, 2009, 07:48:40 PM ---i dont have any 3 reason . I have one reason.  I am not anti semitic.
Just like jews are cautious with christians...christians are also cautious wth jews. I gave you the reasons given to me by anti semitic people. Yes I happened to talk to anti semitic people, so I'm guilty in that regards . I did not say that I agreed with them. But if you want to shoot the messenger go ahead ban me I've had enough of being accused for nothing. bye

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Are you kidding?   :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( whahhhhhh bye then, I dont know WHY you are such a baby, you said YOURSELF that you are not even religious for G-d OR Jesus, so stop the crying and BE A MAN.


--- Quote from: pennyjangle on December 22, 2009, 07:55:50 PM ---Lisa,
Do you have any cute furry animals?

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yeah, you have any cute little animals?


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