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ask christian4jews if you dare...

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--- Quote from: Rubystars on December 30, 2009, 04:50:53 PM ---Christian4Jews, do you ever get tired of how some Jews try to make people who want to be their friends into enemies, and then act upset because there are so many anti-Semites in the world?

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--- Quote from: Moshe92 on December 30, 2009, 03:11:16 PM ---looserivet, I doubt Muman knew that he was using a term from the Simpsons. Lets just drop this conversation.

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This is true... I don't watch the simpsons... But I know the characters, but I never heard of a Jebus... That is not my intention... i just attempted to use a name which is not the accepted name... Im sorry if it seems offensive, so I do try to avoid getting in these kinds of discussions.

Once again I apologize and I don't harbor any bad feelings about you, but as this is a forum which tries to attract Jews and foster Jewish religious zionism, I think that discussion of other theologies should take place elsewhere, lest a Jew be lured off the path of Jewish belief, and the Jewish heritage. This is my only goal.

What others believe is their own choice, and Judaism is not a proselytizing belief. I hope that you do not believe that we don't appreciate the zionist beliefs of non-Jews, you should know that we do and are grateful.... But I am, as most here, are ardently fighting against assimilation in America which is ravaging the Jewish communities.

Let me leave this conversation to others...


--- Quote from: Rubystars on December 30, 2009, 04:50:53 PM ---Christian4Jews, do you ever get tired of how some Jews try to make people who want to be their friends into enemies, and then act upset because there are so many anti-Semites in the world?

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i am actually. Luckily chaim, who is the one that really matters is very respectful towards christians. Often praises the christian serbs. praises craig winn, huckabee, srah palin etc. So it is chaim that keeps me on this forum, not the likes of ron and muman, who slate non jewish beliefs. Then if you even debate how its offensive call you a "missionizer".

I thin the likes of ron and muman need to realise that some of the biggest contributers are christians.

IMO its called the jewish task force because, chaim hopefully one day will be prime minister. but im sure there is one interview where he says most of his movement were christians and not jews.

This forum use to be about joining togather, whether it you are indian, jewish or christian against the evils of islam and black culture etc. Now there seems to be a real us and them divide with the gentiles and the jewish members. Which is a shame.

I'm here for one reason only, to help educate myself and others as to the clear and present danger that faces all of us here. I am surprised though that even here people don't seem to have woken up to the horror that we face. I genuinely believe that if America ceases to support Israel or any western nation with Nukes falls to Islam then it will be game over for Israel. and then you will see the second Jewish holocaust in Europe.


--- Quote from: looserivet on December 30, 2009, 06:06:43 PM ---I'm here for one reason only, to help educate myself and others as to the clear and present danger that faces all of us here. I am surprised though that even here people don't seem to have woken up to the horror that we face. I genuinely believe that if America ceases to support Israel or any western nation with Nukes falls to Islam then it will be game over for Israel. and then you will see the second Jewish holocaust in Europe.

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exactly, chaim missionizes on the truth about third world culture  infecting western countries like america, uk and israel. This is what needs to be spread. Chaims message.

That video that chaim did on "i not a [censored]" was so funny...


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