Their not "Christian" their a false religion called Christian Idenity, in which they belive the todays modern day Jews are decendant of the devil, and that the Celto-Germanics are the true Israelities, its the same nonesense as the Black Hebrews, but their White, however well the Black Hebrews are harmless, the Christian Idenity ideology is dangerous and racist and anti-Semitic to the core. Christian party are White supermacist origanziation. Here is the Christian Idenity belives in breif:
The Mongoliod and Negriod race are pre-Adamic races created to serve the Aryan race.
The name Adam means to blush in the face, meaning from Odom, in reality Adam means redish-brown skined in Hebrew
The original Israelities were Nordics,Celts, and Germanics, today modern Jews are a breed of Satan and the Khazars. Gentic and skull materials refute this theory,the original Jews were of Orintealid race Arabid, same as todays Arabs.
Their is a constant race war between the race of the Serepent(Jews) and the childern of the women Eve(Aryans)
The White race is God choosen race.
The Negriod they claim was known as Beehima, and the Mongoliod as Enosh. They claim Beehima which means animal was attributed to Blacks, and the original begining of the Mongoliod race is cross of Beehima and Aryans creating Enosh the Mongoliods. Most White Nationalists are into paganism, or atheism, or traditional christianity, Christian Idenity are considered outcast by WN's and often a clut. Christian Idenity was born from the theory of British Israelism, which morphed into a racist and anti-Semitic movement.