Obviously this doesn't apply to the Serbs, Danes, Italians, Irish, and other decent Europeans and I wish all Europeans in JTF. I have decided to make a topic about this because I noticed that there is a "save Europe" section. When I saw this I thought to myself "who cares about Europe" and I'm hoping that I'm not the only one to think this. Jews have made immeasurable contributions to Europe yet they were disrespected, mistreated, robbed, raped, and massacred for thousands of years. The Muslims, who do nothing but destruction, are well-treated.
I only care about America and Canada. I believe G-d is punishing Europe by allowing massive Muslim immigration and reproduction. This is the perfect punishment. The Europeans love their Muslims. They give them welfare, civil rights, freedom of religion, and short jail sentences for violent crimes. We'll see how the Muzzies repay the Europeans when they become a majority. The English deserve the Pakistanis, the French deserve North Africans, the Germans deserve the Turks, and the Russians deserve the Chechnyans. Hell, I may live to see the day when the Muslims conquer Europe.

Most European people live very immoral, pagan way of life.And that's the case in USA and Canada, too.They do not invest in family life, but in dead matter.Europeans don't want to create families.Different forms of idolatry are present in the lives of these nations.Men lack independence, but they are corporate slaves, and more women must also serve and work as a corporate slaves,so there are very little space and possibilities to have a large ,strong and happy families.People are taught not to want children and family, but to please themselves and their immoral desires and bodily pleasures, because the educational system, economy and modern European(and global) culture is based on satanic theory of "evolution" and the theory of "big bang", so by that it is removed the knowledge of the absolute moral authority(the Creator) that would be a reference for everything in their lifes.
Muslims do not live this kind of way of life.I know that Muslims are not welcomed or especially appreciated here, but let us be honest and say that many Muslims live much more moral way of life than Europeans.Muslims do invest in family and children.They learn that people are the greatest value and joy in their life(which is true), and Europeans ,as well as Americans, learn that the greatest values are expensive cars,houses and other dead things.Various forms of drugs, prostitution and all the destructive things govern the European and American societies.And look how Muslims deal with it.They eliminate such things in their societies with death penalty and Europeans are mocking to it and they are "shocked" ,but in the same time they are not shocked when they have vastly spread prostitution and drugs in their societies and then they ask themselves how is it possible that they are disappearing.
When Europeans start to invest in family, to ban all forms of prostitution and drugs,then they won't have problems with the existence.Spiritually sick nation cannot prevail. Europeans are spiritually very sick.Europeans are spiritually dead people.They are depressed, they do not know why they live,what for,why they are here.etc. Europeans use many kind of drugs,and it's not only narcotics. Drug is also pornography, prostitution, alcoholism, smoking and unhealthy food and all forms of bad things that cause the spiritual destruction which later reflects to biological extinction.
European nations are going through a biological extinction.But it is not the most dangerous.Much more dangerous is the spiritual genocide that is happening in Europe because Europeans are used to live in their materialism, idolatry, selfishness, harlotry and corporate slavery which leads to - no families and no kids,aka biological extinction.
So,in my opinion there is no room to blame on Muslims for European nations' disappearance.Muslims are not the cause of those things which I would name as "disinterest for free and healthy way of living".
Just to add...
I do not think that God is punishing Europeans with Muslims.God let every man to reflect his own will,and Europeans' will is resulting with the extinction.That's simple.
When God starts to punish than it's happening like in Indonesia or Haiti.Volcano in Iceland is just a small warning.