Ben, I don't think you're a troll, but if you want to do what's righteous and according to Judaism, and I know you do and mean well, you have a looooooong way to go until you get there. I think race preservation is irrelevant in Judaism.
Rubystars, I remember we had our discussion in the past about this. Again, the proper thing for all people of all denominations to do what's right is to preserve righteous culture.
With that being said, jews should marry Jews and the physical features or ethnicity of that Jew is personal preference.
I think people of various religions it should be the same. If two people of the same religion but different races love eachother and their families get along and their cultures are compatible, who cares?!
Ben, take the time to talk to chaim about your opinions of race. You will see that me and him are very similar in this regard.
Don't listen to Skyee.
And rubystats, you know I hear ya.