Author Topic: Fraudulent New Age movement claiming they are Israelites & Cherokee by deception  (Read 5261 times)

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Offline White Israelite

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I was contacted today by one of these fraudulent new agers that claimed to be of Cherokee ancestry and proclaims that Cherokee are a lost tribe of Israel and that the modern day Jews have no relation to the Israelites.

I want to warn everyone that these people are NOT Cherokee or even Native American but are a fraudulent cult of self hating European Whites that have adopted another culture and tried to tie the Israelites to their demented fantasies. Call it replacement theology or cultural hijacking, but this is exactly what they are doing.

The Black Hebrew Israelites do the same. I will show you responses I received from one of these frauds and proof that they are fakes.

Re-read that link I sent to you and it was not the one I thought I sent. So going through my fav's hunting for the one that speaks about the Thunderbolts more in detail, about their armor glowing, arrows of fire, staffs of fire, etc. But least from that story you see how it mentions the ark and thunderbolt, for what does scripture mentions comes from the ark? But a thunderbolt.

There is also a story that I have yet to confirm that claims the Cherokee brought the Ark over and arrived in California. Then walked across the country and settled in the east. Hence why this land has been blessed by Creator. But I also get stories from the Cherokee and Shawnee that we originally came from an island. And the one story mentions an island east of S.America. Powhatan's also mention something similar about an island and some claim that we are the left overs of Atlantis. But I myself don't buy into that. As I have yet to see Hashem linked to Atlantis and I easily find Hashem items among Shawnee, Cherokee and Powhatan's. Powhatan's are still alive, the few that escaped that slaughter later became the Royal Shawnee. As they are royalty.

This is why it is so confusing for me, as I am linked to all 3. I am from Pocahonta's line and back to her great great grandfather. In turn 'royalty' as the Native see it. I am a Thunderbolt Cherokee, a guard of the Fire of Hashem. And I am Shawnee, and some of them claim I am Tecumseh reincarnated. Which I myself snicker at as I do not believe in reincarnation. But after my last visit with the Shawnee and a all day talk and share session. Several of them emailed me later just stating "welcome home Tecumseh". Oddly, the Seal of Tecumseh, which is the path/map of the Mayan who came north to Ohio. That very seal, is of my english initials surrounded by my Native name symbol. Now that did freak me out and I do plan on going back to the Shawnee to learn more.

Since my journey started with Hashem, I have longed for a staff. I staff that I cannot find but can see it in my mind. So clearly I can draw it in detail and even describe the room it sits in. But no clue where that room is just yet. Did talk to the Shawnee and they said they have a few old staffs among their items that I can look at. Being that He has been showing me "guard" items I assumed it was just part of my outfit so to speak. But once I found the Thunderbolt items, the staff started to make more sense. Another odd item, my Cherokee name is in Cherokee prophecy. Mentions that this person is an man in the woods that walks with a staff and teaches of the stones and the narrow path. Sure sounds like my walk today minus the staff that I am still seeking. But am heading for the woods very soon, as I know more answers await for me there.

Here are more links, this is one from the Cherokee:

A basic war overview but notice the last short paragraph. As I said, its about blood, not title nor tribe.

Another story by Dan:


LetmespeakwithYAH sent me the following

Re: Shalom
Re: Shalom
Where do I start to answer your questions? ...

You state you are Cherokee heritage?

It's in my families written down history, on paper, from one generation to another, amongest us kids in the family. And yes, my Dad's himself and my grandparents looked like first nation's people. Coal black hair and red skin even till death came upon them.
It's Not a question.
It's A fact!

Look into the history and research all you can if you are interested. She, your girlfriend, probably has a truer bloodline than you as far as being a Ysraelite.

The Cherokee people and their language is very "hebrew" like. The DNA is of the 10 tribes..."brothers" that became dispersed throughout the continents. The first nation's people are of the tribe of Gad! Gad is one of the 12 brother's that makes up the 12 tribes of Ysrael.

To ask what band I'm from... ?
Children of the Most High, Hashem. That's me : )

There were thousands upon thousands of Cherokee who were forced to walk away from their lands, Georgia, N. & S. Carolina and so on, they walked to Oaklahoma in 1838. Trail where we cried aka "Trail of tears."
Who knows what band. My Dad's Great, great, grandfather was a full blood Cherokee w/ 6 children in Oaklahoma who in 1865 was forced to take a "christian name" in order to receive pay from the military as a military scout.
The Cherokee went through hell and their children were often taken from them by "new settlers" to be put into boarding schools, had their hair cut, beaten if caught speaking in the native tonge, made to ware the westerners clothing. Shall I go on? Life on the Res! (Reservation) "The first are last" in todays world.

My opinion... most of the state of Israel is full of people who are not of the true bloodline to begin with. Brood of adders!
Moses was NOT white!!!
King David... "Chief among ten thousand. " Who was ruddy and good looking? !!!
Their are two bloodlines on this planet, Cain's seed ( who is his father??? The Fallen! ) and Seth's seedline from our Creator.
8 people went into the ark and replenished the earth. Hence the 12 tribes following shortly after in history.
Ysrael means to strive with El, to overcome with El and to walk with El. It's more a state of mind in this world than a place anymore. Only Hashem can bring peace to His choosen land for His people whom He will gather Himself from all four corners of this planet.

Much love, peace and goodwill to you and yours in these trying times we live in. Yah bless! HalleluYah!

his Youtube

These are cultists and ARE NOT and NEVER WERE Israelites.

They aren't even Native American, look at this mans profile what he claims to be

a Thunderbolt Chickamauga Cherokee
holders/guards of the Fire of Hashem

Note that the Chickamauga were wiped out in the 1760's

There are only 3 federally recognized Cherokee tribes, in Oklahoma and North Carolina

We're not only fighting anti-semites, but now these new age frauds as well.

The Cherokee Of Lawrence County are also a fraudulent organization

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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That's the kind of idiocy that normally just schvartzes pull.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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These 'cults' are proof positive that psychedelic drugs, including marijuana, cause permanent long term damage to the human brain and nervous system.

I am not joking.

There are thousands of maniacs like this running around today, all of them whacked out of their skulls from all the peyote, mescaline, mushrooms, ecstacy, and grass they have used.

Those substances -- each and all of them -- cause personality disintegration, followed by a slow, gradual personality reintegration built upon drug altered perceptions and distortions of reasoning.

In short, your new personality is one stuck between between the realm of reality and hallucination.

That is why these whackjobs are able to 'rationalize' anything, or convince themselves that they are all reincarnations from previous civilizations, or believe that they can "channel" beings from other galaxies...

People in this condition are also those most easily influenced by Nazi or Communist propaganda, because they are unable to distinguish between fact and fantasy.

Drug-induced borderline psychosis on a mass scale!

Remember! -- Only dopes use dope!      :)

Offline Ari Ben-Canaan

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Peyot > Peyote. :dance:
"You must keep the arab under your boot or he will be at your throat" -Unknown

"When we tell the Arab, ‘Come, I want to help you and see to your needs,’ he doesn’t look at us like gentlemen. He sees weakness and then the wolf shows what he can do.” - Maimonides

 “I am all peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” -Psalms 120:7

"The difference between a Jewish liberal and a Jewish conservative is that when a Jewish liberal walks out of the Holocaust Museum, he feels, "This shows why we need to have more tolerance and multiculturalism." The Jewish conservative feels, "We should have killed a lot more Nazis, and sooner."" - Philip Klein

Offline White Israelite

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Peyot > Peyote. :dance:

LOL that stuff is enough to make you run through a cactus field while imagining it's a swimming pool in the desert, not speaking from experience or anything ;)

Offline Rubystars

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Natives didn't have royalty. Cherokees had war chiefs and peace chiefs I think.

Offline White Israelite

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Well here's the proof he's a newage fraud. PM he sent me.

I do understand what you are saying and if one sticks to scripture and only scripture, then one can easily spot the so called hijackers. Such as the Black Israelites as their fruit is thorns and thistles. And it is not a matter of hijackers, but just liars, tares.

Destroy homelands? If everyone was scattered, how is there a homeland to begin with? You are missing the larger picture brother. You are staring at the stories of man instead of seeing what scripture says. Europeans colonized America? You do grasp that is Gad having a troop over come him from Gen 49 right? And why did that troop over come Gad? They fell from the law and that was their punishment. Why were others killed, why were blacks put into slavery and sold? Same reason, punishment for straying from the law. Same reason why the entire earth is in trouble, cause we have strayed from the law. To see it as "whites invaded the reds" is mans view. In turn causing division, hatred, racism..... which all makes one fail law 2, love thy neighbor as thyself. Soon the Chinese, Russians and others will attack America and give her payment per Hashem for her sins. Does that mean Americans should hate Russians and Chinese? No, it means Americans need to repent and get back to Hashem. If dad spanks you with a belt, do you hate the belt? Do you sit and cuss the belt out as it hangs in the closet? In turn I hold no ill feelings towards "Europeans coming to colonize America". For it wasn't them, but Father guiding them to give my ancestors payment. Just as today, my current family will also get that payment for they refuse to listen to Father. For me to hate the Europeans for coming over would make me fail law 2, would create racism in me, would make me focus on the past instead of today and the future, just as some examples of how wrong that thinking is.

If the genocide had not taken place, I would not be here today. For one to wish something in the past not to have happened, it only removes that one talking from existing. So those who cry and cry over the genocide long ago and will not let it go. Are really saying, take my life, I do not want to live, I am not worthy.

To claim this or that is gone, you under estimate Father too much. He knows who His children are, He knows where His blood is. He has every hair on your head numbered, do you think He does not know where His children are? The tribes my family were in are long gone, but I am not long gone, the blood still lives and is called to awaken.

Preserve? Preserve what? Lies, teachings of man? Show me one thing to "preserve" and I will most likely show you its a lie. Hence why we are told to come out, to depart, to come away from. Doesn't say sit and preserve, it says remove thyself. And don't forget, few.... FEW find the narrow path. This time around a few is more than last time, but consider last time it was just 8 people as the few. If I had to make an estimated guess. Not even 1 million will remain of the 300+ million in the USA. And I am not seeing the rez's making it. The million that will make it, will be the ones Father set on the mountains out of the way of what He is about to do, Ezekiel 7.

This is why I wonder why you are seeking things that are about to be lost, things that are of this world. Titles, tribes, preserve this, that.... thats all of the world. He says He needs nothing to be worshiped with. To do the feasts but fail the commandments is a moot point. To wear tassels and have a menorah yet fail law 2 is a moot point. The only thing to preserve is scripture and the commandments. And from looking over time, I think He has that one pretty well handled.

If you cling to this world, in any fashion, you will feel the gnashing of teeth. If you are into money, stocks, bonds, house insurance and all that. As the times get more rough, you will feel the gnashing of teeth upon that what you desire. If you are into tribes, religion, or what not. Same thing there. Whatever your worldly items are, will become the things that chew on you and cause you stress. This current oil spill, which is scripture. As it gets worse you will see 4, 5 and I am sure 6 if not 7 dollar gas. And those who depend on going to a man made job and collecting paper to live on, will feel the gnashing of the teeth. Your material items will be a witness against you. For one day people will sit and realize that 40k car in the garage cant' feed them or such. Going to be rough for some to lay within an expensive house and to die with no food as they are surrounded with wealth that cannot save them.

"wanting to preserve our kind and peoples", that is a high minded statement, for it states you are better than the next one. Instead of focusing inward and preserving. Focus outward and on teaching.

« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 12:14:55 AM by White Israelite »

Offline muman613

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That was a rant...
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline White Israelite

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That was a rant...

Still, the New Age movement is as much of a threat to us because they claim that all G-ds are the same, they claim Hashem is equal to Allah and they seek to destroy and assimilate us while pretending to be of us.

Offline muman613

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That was a rant...

Still, the New Age movement is as much of a threat to us because they claim that all G-ds are the same, they claim Hashem is equal to Allah and they seek to destroy and assimilate us while pretending to be of us.

Oh no doubt I think their religion is nothing short of apostacy. I believe that Hashem is the ONE G-d of all of creation, there is no other. I don't know about other gods, for to simply think of them is a form of idolatry. There is no good god versus a bad god, no dualism... Hashem is the master of all that is, was, and will be.

But this guy is barking up the wrong tree if he thinks that Judaism, or following Hashems commandments, is simply a spiritual pursuit devoid of physicality. Judaism, as I have learned it, involves the physical just as much as the spiritual. We learned in last weeks Torah portion in the story of the spies that the 10 spies who were wise men, all of them, did not want to go into the Holy Land of Israel because they wanted to remain spiritual in the desert, where Hashem provided food in the form of Manna, and water from Miriams well... These 10 evil spies simply wanted to remain spiritual entities and not have to work the land, in the world of physicality.

I have learned that the key to life is to raise the physical to a higher level, to elevate the physical to serve the spiritual. This is one area of Jewish belief which runs counter to other religions. Some other religions teach that the only way to spirituality is to give up material pleasure. The purpose of the physical pleasure is to be raised up to the level of spirituality, through blessings and other rituals such as tzit-tzits {fringes}, tefillin {ritual phylactaries}, mezuza and Shabbat.

It seems whoever wrote that rant was missing the point of a religious life..

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline White Israelite

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I sent him the verses regarding what Tanakh says about keeping separate and the Israelites were not to intermarry. It's very specific on the tribes keeping separate, problem is that he's picking and choosing through scripture like it's a salad bar. He's simply adjusted them to his beliefs and now I understand why the Cherokee don't even recognize him as one of their own, perhaps because he's simply trying to graft this whole concept of all of humanity being related to one another.

Not even worth the debate, I never knew there were so many cult movements and frauds out there proclaiming to be Israelites. What I find funny is he claims tribal ancestry has nothing to do with anything and that it's materialistic, why is he so concerned about making a claim of the Cherokee being related to the Israelites if that's the case? Better yet, if being an Israelite doesn't matter and it's about devotion to G-d, then that completely invalidates "Children Of Israel" according to him. Wait, why am I still debating with this guy?

Offline Rubystars

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The New Age movement is part of a bigger picture to meld all people into one. They equate Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, etc. and claim they were all great prophets and wise men. They want there to be one world religion, something like Cao Dai.

Offline muman613

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White Israelite,

According to Torah we are all related... Remember the story of Noach... We are all descended from Noach, according to our Torah. All the nations have a direct lineage back to Noach, all 70 of them.

And even further our relations go back to Adom and Chava. So I don't think that saying we are all related is such a bad thing... But the Jew believes that Hashem gave a special mission to the offspring of Abraham through Isaac. It was Abraham who re-discovered Hashem and taught his children kindness and mitzvot. And then the offspring of Jacob, called the Children of Israel became the 12 tribes. These people lived for 210+ years in Egyptian slavery eventually being redeemed by Hashem through the leadership of Moses. This is the core belief of Judaism which sets it apart from the other monotheistic religions. The Jewish people all lived through the Sinai experience where we heard the word of Hashem speaking the Ten Sayings {actually we only actually heard the 1st two, then asked Moses to hear the rest for us}... The Noachides also believe in Hashem and follow the seven Noachide commandments...

Anyway I think that the Cherokees may find something in the teachings of Judaism. I have heard Rabbi Lazer Brody speak about Cherokees who are reading the Breslov book Garden of Emmunah which they publish.

I believe anyone who wants to teach Torah should learn the teachings from a qualified Rabbi instead of taking scripture on themselves. I feel that whoever wrote that piece you posted is rambling from his own experience and not what he has learned.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline muman613

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The New Age movement is part of a bigger picture to meld all people into one. They equate Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, etc. and claim they were all great prophets and wise men. They want there to be one world religion, something like Cao Dai.

Well, Judaism doesn't see it like that. Prophecy ended after the destruction of the 2nd temple. We don't believe in the prophecy of these later 'prophets'...

Also it is the belief of Judaism that during the time of Moshiach the entire world will know that Hashem is the L-rd, creator of everything.. I don't know if that is much different than what they are saying. But I don't buy anything which is not grounded on the original prophecies...

King Solomon said "There is nothing new under the sun."

Ecclesiastes 1
9 That which hath been is that which shall be, and that which hath been done is that which shall be done; and there is nothing new under the sun.
10 Is there a thing whereof it is said: 'See, this is new'?--it hath been already, in the ages which were before us.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 01:53:09 AM by muman613 »
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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The New Age movement is part of a bigger picture to meld all people into one. They equate Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, etc. and claim they were all great prophets and wise men. They want there to be one world religion, something like Cao Dai.
It must be a ZOGist conspiracy!  :laugh: :::D
(And Asatru as a pan-Aryan "religion" isn't a new-world-order?)

Offline muman613

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It sounds to me like a bunch of junk... I don't know why anyone would waste time with 'New Age' religion.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Rubystars

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Muman I think that when they try to meld all the countries together into a one world government they will also try to enforce a one-world religion (and attempt to destroy all the other ones). They will lie and twist everything to say that all religions are compatible with it and that this one world religion includes and supercedes all others. Who are "they" though, that's what we need to find out. There are some NWO plotters that can be tracked down, but it's hard to know how many people are involved.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Peyot > Peyote. :dance:

LOL that stuff is enough to make you run through a cactus field while imagining it's a swimming pool in the desert, not speaking from experience or anything ;)

I'm sure these people are running backwards through corn fields.

Offline Ari Ben-Canaan

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White Israelite,

According to Torah we are all related... Remember the story of Noach... We are all descended from Noach, according to our Torah. All the nations have a direct lineage back to Noach, all 70 of them.

And even further our relations go back to Adom and Chava. So I don't think that saying we are all related is such a bad thing... But the Jew believes that Hashem gave a special mission to the offspring of Abraham through Isaac. It was Abraham who re-discovered Hashem and taught his children kindness and mitzvot. And then the offspring of Jacob, called the Children of Israel became the 12 tribes. These people lived for 210+ years in Egyptian slavery eventually being redeemed by Hashem through the leadership of Moses. This is the core belief of Judaism which sets it apart from the other monotheistic religions. The Jewish people all lived through the Sinai experience where we heard the word of Hashem speaking the Ten Sayings {actually we only actually heard the 1st two, then asked Moses to hear the rest for us}... The Noachides also believe in Hashem and follow the seven Noachide commandments...

Anyway I think that the Cherokees may find something in the teachings of Judaism. I have heard Rabbi Lazer Brody speak about Cherokees who are reading the Breslov book Garden of Emmunah which they publish.

I believe anyone who wants to teach Torah should learn the teachings from a qualified Rabbi instead of taking scripture on themselves. I feel that whoever wrote that piece you posted is rambling from his own experience and not what he has learned.


Rabbi Lazer Brody is a cool Rabbi.  I like his videos. :dance: :dance: :dance:
"You must keep the arab under your boot or he will be at your throat" -Unknown

"When we tell the Arab, ‘Come, I want to help you and see to your needs,’ he doesn’t look at us like gentlemen. He sees weakness and then the wolf shows what he can do.” - Maimonides

 “I am all peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” -Psalms 120:7

"The difference between a Jewish liberal and a Jewish conservative is that when a Jewish liberal walks out of the Holocaust Museum, he feels, "This shows why we need to have more tolerance and multiculturalism." The Jewish conservative feels, "We should have killed a lot more Nazis, and sooner."" - Philip Klein