Author Topic: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians  (Read 13700 times)

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Offline voo-yo

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #75 on: June 17, 2010, 07:13:34 AM »
CZ, you should have known that this forum is very anti-missionary. Jews cannot accept hypocritical, false, conditional support from christian fundamentalists who hope that Israel will one day convert to their sect. Such expectations are irrational, and wrong.
And if you agree with missionaries, than you can't be a true friend of Israel.
It's all a consequence of poor theology, but that issue can't be discussed here.

Offline ✡ Hindu Zionist ॐ

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #76 on: June 17, 2010, 09:28:54 AM »
Why are you instigating divisions in this forum?  The Torah is more opposed to Hinduism who worship idols than Christianity.

Pat Robertson and any Christian who thinks like him is a human cesspool.  His "support" of Israel is nothing short of being a wolf in sheeps clothing.  G-d willing, When Kahanists take power the days of missionizing in Israel will be over.

So what do you want Pat Robertson and other Christians do?    Do you want them to hate Israel and denounce it?

Regarding your comment about Hindus never persecuted Jews in India -  Indian welcomed all religions.  Do you know Jews and Muslims shared common graveyards at one time in India.  Does that mean Islam is beautiful?  Even Saddam Hussein ordered his soldiers to protect Jewish synagogues in Iraq.  Did that make Saddam Hussein better than Pat Robertson?

Pat Robertson's support of Israel is not needed.  Any Christian who supports Pat Robertson's way of thinking is not needed.  Anyone who wishes to missionize against Jewish souls is an enemy of the Jewish people and should openly be treated as such.  The Pat Robertson's of this world do not "bless" Israel with political support, they "curse" it by wanting Jews to abandon their birthright [which murders a Jewish soul, a death far worse than physical death].  I would pass the task of handling those who missionize against the Jews to the Maccabee family; Happy Chanukah. -- If that's not you, mazel tov.

In addition to this, Robertson is a "santitzed antisemite".;col1
[this is the 4th page, a most relevant page, the whole article is valid]

I never said Hinduism is beautiful.  I said Torah does not promote Christianity, with obvious reasons, any more than it promotes Hinduism.  You attempted to prop your beliefs up with Torah, that was fallacious logic.  But it is true that Hindus have a far less ugly history with Jews than Christians do.

Christians who are honest enough to look at the past and repudiate themselves from the horrors other Christians have put the Jewish people through, and who also repudiate themselves from Christian missionaries who seek to murder Jewish souls, and also seek to "bless" Israel... these are the Christians I am happy to work with.  May G-d bless them as well.  "Blessing" the Jewish people, with no strings attached, is one of the ways a gentile can gain authentic favor in the eyes of HaShem, I am happy to help a person in this way.  However, no where in Torah does it say that Jews are dependent on the blessings of anyone but HaShem, so if help comes with strings I am only too happy to pass.

If Saddam Hussein did not seek to covert Jewish souls, he is a better person than Pat Robertson.

Muslims and Jews sharing grave sites is an abomination.  Jews are to be buried with Jews, and no one else.

Why hindu zionist brought this i do not know, i can show you loads of evil hindu's and what they have done to christians. In fact christians are the most persecuted religion AT THE MOMENT. That is fact. In place slike pakistan and the middleast, its a nightmoare to be christian.

JTF is against Islamists, and equally against missionaries. This topic is to expose missionaries, in the way they operate. There are many Secular Jews who think that Kahanists and religious Jews make unnecessary fuss about Missionaries. So when they view information like this, they come to know that it must be a genuine problem since even Hindus have same complaints about Missionaries. So in a larger picture we can get more people under our JTF umbrella as they accept about viewpoints. As far as i know Most Christian Gentiles here also dont support Missionaries, including CZ. I admire them for doing this. And its not about how evil some Hindus are or how persecuted some Christians are. We are here to spread awareness about things concerning Jews and Israel in general.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 09:35:06 AM by ✡ Hindu Zionist ॐ »

Offline TheCoon

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #77 on: June 17, 2010, 09:40:49 AM »
Let's get a moratorium on slagging each others' religions, please. Christians here don't missionize. I see some Jews here who love to slag Christianity at every turn and I've had enough. We're more than respectful of Judaism as a religion. Have the same stupid decency with our faith.

No Christian on this board supports missionizing to Jews. No Jew on this board wants to be missionized. If you want to criticize Christians who do want to missionize to Jews, do so with the strength of your own faith, not by attacking Christianity.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 10:02:32 AM by thunderbolt »
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!

Offline Lisa

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #78 on: June 17, 2010, 10:33:54 AM »
OK people, I don't want this thread degenerating into a fight between Judaism and Christianity.  Please let's try and keep this all civil.  True, JTF is adamantly opposed to missionary activity towards Jews (as some Hindus also do in India).  We also have differences in theology, which Chaim discussed in a past Ask JTF show. 

So let's not get to the point where we take potshots at each other's religions.  Remember, we have bigger fish to fry, such as opposing the agenda of Barack Hussein Obama in the US, and the suicidal concessions of Israel to her Arab enemies.  I would really rather not lock this thread.  But if things continue as they have been, I'll so it. 
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 10:41:12 AM by Lisa »

Offline syyuge

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #79 on: June 17, 2010, 10:49:29 AM »
we have bigger fish to fry
 ;D :laugh: :::D :)
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #80 on: June 17, 2010, 10:55:39 AM »
we have bigger fish to fry
 ;D :laugh: :::D :)

Yea Lisa's a funny girl

Offline Ari Ben-Canaan

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #81 on: June 17, 2010, 11:11:39 AM »
Why are you instigating divisions in this forum?  The Torah is more opposed to Hinduism who worship idols than Christianity.

Pat Robertson and any Christian who thinks like him is a human cesspool.  His "support" of Israel is nothing short of being a wolf in sheeps clothing.  G-d willing, When Kahanists take power the days of missionizing in Israel will be over.

So what do you want Pat Robertson and other Christians do?    Do you want them to hate Israel and denounce it?

Regarding your comment about Hindus never persecuted Jews in India -  Indian welcomed all religions.  Do you know Jews and Muslims shared common graveyards at one time in India.  Does that mean Islam is beautiful?  Even Saddam Hussein ordered his soldiers to protect Jewish synagogues in Iraq.  Did that make Saddam Hussein better than Pat Robertson?

Pat Robertson's support of Israel is not needed.  Any Christian who supports Pat Robertson's way of thinking is not needed.  Anyone who wishes to missionize against Jewish souls is an enemy of the Jewish people and should openly be treated as such.  The Pat Robertson's of this world do not "bless" Israel with political support, they "curse" it by wanting Jews to abandon their birthright [which murders a Jewish soul, a death far worse than physical death].  I would pass the task of handling those who missionize against the Jews to the Maccabee family; Happy Chanukah. -- If that's not you, mazel tov.

In addition to this, Robertson is a "santitzed antisemite".;col1
[this is the 4th page, a most relevant page, the whole article is valid]

I never said Hinduism is beautiful.  I said Torah does not promote Christianity, with obvious reasons, any more than it promotes Hinduism.  You attempted to prop your beliefs up with Torah, that was fallacious logic.  But it is true that Hindus have a far less ugly history with Jews than Christians do.

Christians who are honest enough to look at the past and repudiate themselves from the horrors other Christians have put the Jewish people through, and who also repudiate themselves from Christian missionaries who seek to murder Jewish souls, and also seek to "bless" Israel... these are the Christians I am happy to work with.  May G-d bless them as well.  "Blessing" the Jewish people, with no strings attached, is one of the ways a gentile can gain authentic favor in the eyes of HaShem, I am happy to help a person in this way.  However, no where in Torah does it say that Jews are dependent on the blessings of anyone but HaShem, so if help comes with strings I am only too happy to pass.

If Saddam Hussein did not seek to covert Jewish souls, he is a better person than Pat Robertson.

Muslims and Jews sharing grave sites is an abomination.  Jews are to be buried with Jews, and no one else.

you come across as a horrible discusting poster. You are obviouly very anti christian, and i am not one to judge but what you are spewing and preaching here is hate. You already said the cross/crucifix  that people wear is evil. Perhaps you should keep that to yourself. Seriouly i think some of these moedrators need to get their act togather. This flid should be banned for crap like this.

There seems a real anti christian vibe in this forum. i would never bring up the talmud or hinduism.

I have a cross tattoed on my forearm. I woud love to see you muttering and tuttering to my face how evil i am for having it.

Why hindu zionist brought this i do not know, i can show you loads of evil hindu's and what they have done to christians. In fact christians are the most persecuted religion AT THE MOMENT. That is fact. In place slike pakistan and the middleast, its a nightmoare to be christian.

Not one christian on here is trying to preach the religion so why is this an issue that needs to be raised once again. Perhaps the other christians on here can take this onslaught like lemmings but i dont.

I dont mind them bashing organised christianity, but if i catch anyone bashing jesus on here you will know about it. Because i will slate you for it.

You need to work on your reading comprehension, and your spelling.

I could not care one iota about how you feel about me if you do not excoriate yourself from the Pat Robertsons and Martin Luthers of this world, or those who have put Crusades, and Spanish Inquisitions, et al to my people.

I have made my points crystal clear, and you try and set up strawmen with your delusionality because you seek conflict.

It's OK for Christians to use Torah to bash Hinduism and call it idol worshiping, yet when someone points out Christians wear idols of jesus around their neck [as well as have many giant statues of jesus, and his mother mary] and are in just as much violation  you take offense and attempt to put a word in my mouth, "evil".  That is both dishonest to me, and hypocritical of Hindus. -- Again, attempts were made to prop your religious beliefs up with my people's Torah against other gentile religions, and I called it out, merited criticism was needed.  If someone tries to use our Torah to prop up their religion erroneously I will always call them on it.  If a Hindu used Torah to bash Christianity on the basis of its idolatry I would raise a similar objection.

Do you repudiate yourself from the groups I mentioned earlier, because I was crystal clear in my post, and all I hear in response is testiness.

Do you have a problem that Jews do not want or need help from people if it comes with strings?

If you have a problem with our Talmud perhaps you should excuse yourself from this forum.  The Talmud contains the Oral Law from HaShem, and it is a crucial part of Judaism.

EDIT: C4J did not invoke Rense.  It was CZ.  Earlier I attributed the citation of Rense to the wrong person.  I have since removed it.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 02:15:28 PM by Ariel Shayn »
"You must keep the arab under your boot or he will be at your throat" -Unknown

"When we tell the Arab, ‘Come, I want to help you and see to your needs,’ he doesn’t look at us like gentlemen. He sees weakness and then the wolf shows what he can do.” - Maimonides

 “I am all peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” -Psalms 120:7

"The difference between a Jewish liberal and a Jewish conservative is that when a Jewish liberal walks out of the Holocaust Museum, he feels, "This shows why we need to have more tolerance and multiculturalism." The Jewish conservative feels, "We should have killed a lot more Nazis, and sooner."" - Philip Klein

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #82 on: June 17, 2010, 11:22:02 AM »
Why are you instigating divisions in this forum?  The Torah is more opposed to Hinduism who worship idols than Christianity.

Pat Robertson and any Christian who thinks like him is a human cesspool.  His "support" of Israel is nothing short of being a wolf in sheeps clothing.  G-d willing, When Kahanists take power the days of missionizing in Israel will be over.

So what do you want Pat Robertson and other Christians do?    Do you want them to hate Israel and denounce it?

Regarding your comment about Hindus never persecuted Jews in India -  Indian welcomed all religions.  Do you know Jews and Muslims shared common graveyards at one time in India.  Does that mean Islam is beautiful?  Even Saddam Hussein ordered his soldiers to protect Jewish synagogues in Iraq.  Did that make Saddam Hussein better than Pat Robertson?

Pat Robertson's support of Israel is not needed.  Any Christian who supports Pat Robertson's way of thinking is not needed.  Anyone who wishes to missionize against Jewish souls is an enemy of the Jewish people and should openly be treated as such.  The Pat Robertson's of this world do not "bless" Israel with political support, they "curse" it by wanting Jews to abandon their birthright [which murders a Jewish soul, a death far worse than physical death].  I would pass the task of handling those who missionize against the Jews to the Maccabee family; Happy Chanukah. -- If that's not you, mazel tov.

In addition to this, Robertson is a "santitzed antisemite".;col1
[this is the 4th page, a most relevant page, the whole article is valid]

I never said Hinduism is beautiful.  I said Torah does not promote Christianity, with obvious reasons, any more than it promotes Hinduism.  You attempted to prop your beliefs up with Torah, that was fallacious logic.  But it is true that Hindus have a far less ugly history with Jews than Christians do.

Christians who are honest enough to look at the past and repudiate themselves from the horrors other Christians have put the Jewish people through, and who also repudiate themselves from Christian missionaries who seek to murder Jewish souls, and also seek to "bless" Israel... these are the Christians I am happy to work with.  May G-d bless them as well.  "Blessing" the Jewish people, with no strings attached, is one of the ways a gentile can gain authentic favor in the eyes of HaShem, I am happy to help a person in this way.  However, no where in Torah does it say that Jews are dependent on the blessings of anyone but HaShem, so if help comes with strings I am only too happy to pass.

If Saddam Hussein did not seek to covert Jewish souls, he is a better person than Pat Robertson.

Muslims and Jews sharing grave sites is an abomination.  Jews are to be buried with Jews, and no one else.

you come across as a horrible discusting poster. You are obviouly very anti christian, and i am not one to judge but what you are spewing and preaching here is hate. You already said the cross/crucifix  that people wear is evil. Perhaps you should keep that to yourself. Seriouly i think some of these moedrators need to get their act togather. This flid should be banned for crap like this.

There seems a real anti christian vibe in this forum. i would never bring up the talmud or hinduism.

I have a cross tattoed on my forearm. I woud love to see you muttering and tuttering to my face how evil i am for having it.

Why hindu zionist brought this i do not know, i can show you loads of evil hindu's and what they have done to christians. In fact christians are the most persecuted religion AT THE MOMENT. That is fact. In place slike pakistan and the middleast, its a nightmoare to be christian.

Not one christian on here is trying to preach the religion so why is this an issue that needs to be raised once again. Perhaps the other christians on here can take this onslaught like lemmings but i dont.

I dont mind them bashing organised christianity, but if i catch anyone bashing jesus on here you will know about it. Because i will slate you for it.

You need to work on your reading comprehension, and your spelling.

I could not care one iota about how you feel about me if you do not excoriate yourself from the Pat Robertsons and Martin Luthers of this world, or those who have put Crusades, and Spanish Inquisitions, et al to my people.

I have made my points crystal clear, and you try and set up strawmen with your delusionality because you seek conflict.

Do you repudiate yourself from the groups I mentioned earlier, because I was crystal clear in my post, and all I hear in response is testiness.

Do you have a problem that Jews do not want or need help from people if it comes with strings?

If you have a problem with our Talmud perhaps you should excuse yourself from this forum.  The Talmud contains the Oral Law from HaShem, and it is a crucial part of Judaism.

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #83 on: June 17, 2010, 11:39:01 AM »
Ariel Shayn, I don't think C4J posted the links from Rense. 

Offline Ari Ben-Canaan

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #84 on: June 17, 2010, 11:43:12 AM »
Ariel Shayn, I don't think C4J posted the links from Rense. 
For this, I owe an apology.  My error.  It was Christian Zionist.
"You must keep the arab under your boot or he will be at your throat" -Unknown

"When we tell the Arab, ‘Come, I want to help you and see to your needs,’ he doesn’t look at us like gentlemen. He sees weakness and then the wolf shows what he can do.” - Maimonides

 “I am all peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” -Psalms 120:7

"The difference between a Jewish liberal and a Jewish conservative is that when a Jewish liberal walks out of the Holocaust Museum, he feels, "This shows why we need to have more tolerance and multiculturalism." The Jewish conservative feels, "We should have killed a lot more Nazis, and sooner."" - Philip Klein

Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: Christian Bible modified version for marketing to Indians
« Reply #85 on: June 17, 2010, 04:25:37 PM »

JTF is a difficult organization to run. Because we are a movement with members from many different religions. So unfortunately, there are conflicts which flare up every few weeks.

Since we are a Jewish organization, obviously we are vociferously opposed to all missionary activity.

However, we do want to form a broad-based coalition of righteous Jews and righteous Gentiles who will fight to make this a better world.

Arguments like this do not help us create this type of coalition. Therefore I am locking this thread.